Exemplo n.º 1
        // Func Name  : FindInModifyTable
        // Description: judge the word and handle exist in the modified table and its items
        // Parameters : nInnerCode: the inner code of the first CHines char
        //              sWord: the word
        //              nHandle:the handle number
        //              *pFindRet: the node found
        // Returns    : success or fail
        private bool FindInModifyTable(int nInnerCode, string sWord, out WordChain pFindRet)
            WordChain pCur, pPre;

            if (modifyTable != null)
                pCur = modifyTable[nInnerCode].pWordItemHead;
                pPre = null;
                while (pCur != null && (Utility.CCStringCompare(pCur.data.sWord, sWord) < 0))
                    pPre = pCur;
                    pCur = pCur.next;

                pFindRet = pPre;

                if (pCur != null && string.Compare(pCur.data.sWord, sWord, true) == 0)

            pFindRet = null;
Exemplo n.º 2
        // Func Name  : FindInModifyTable
        // Description: judge the word and handle exist in the modified table and its items
        // Parameters : nInnerCode: the inner code of the first CHines char
        //              sWord: the word
        //              nHandle:the handle number
        //              *pFindRet: the node found
        // Returns    : success or fail
        private bool FindInModifyTable(int nInnerCode, string sWord, int nPOS, out WordChain pFindRet)
            WordChain pCur, pPre;

            if (modifyTable != null)
                pCur = modifyTable[nInnerCode].pWordItemHead;
                pPre = null;
                while (pCur != null && (Utility.CCStringCompare(pCur.data.sWord, sWord) < 0 ||
                                        (string.Compare(pCur.data.sWord, sWord, true) == 0 && pCur.data.nPOS < nPOS)))
                //sort the link chain as alphabet
                    pPre = pCur;
                    pCur = pCur.next;

                pFindRet = pPre;

                if (pCur != null && string.Compare(pCur.data.sWord, sWord, true) == 0 && pCur.data.nPOS == nPOS)
                    //The node exists, delete the node and return

            pFindRet = null;
Exemplo n.º 3
        // Func Name  : AddItem
        // Description: Add a word item to the dictionary
        // Parameters : sWord: the word
        //              nHandle:the handle number
        //              nFrequency: the frequency
        // Returns    : success or fail
        public bool AddItem(string sWord, int nPOS, int nFrequency)
            int       nPos, nFoundPos;
            WordChain pRet, pTemp, pNext;
            string    sWordAdd;

            if (!PreProcessing(ref sWord, out nPos, out sWordAdd))

            if (FindInOriginalTable(nPos, sWordAdd, nPOS, out nFoundPos))
                //The word exists in the original table, so add the frequency
                //Operation in the index table and its items
                if (indexTable[nPos].WordItems[nFoundPos].nFrequency == -1)
                    //The word item has been removed
                    indexTable[nPos].WordItems[nFoundPos].nFrequency = nFrequency;

                    if (modifyTable == null)
                        modifyTable = new ModifyTableItem[Predefine.CC_NUM];

                    modifyTable[nPos].nDelete -= 1;
                    indexTable[nPos].WordItems[nFoundPos].nFrequency += nFrequency;

            //The items not exists in the index table.
            //As following, we have to find the item whether exists in the modify data region
            //If exists, change the frequency .or else add a item
            if (modifyTable == null)
                modifyTable = new ModifyTableItem[Predefine.CC_NUM];
                for (int i = 0; i < Predefine.CC_NUM; i++)
                    modifyTable[i] = new ModifyTableItem();

            if (FindInModifyTable(nPos, sWordAdd, nPOS, out pRet))
                if (pRet != null)
                    pRet = pRet.next;
                    pRet = modifyTable[nPos].pWordItemHead;

                pRet.data.nFrequency += nFrequency;

            //find the proper position to add the word to the modify data table and link
            pTemp                 = new WordChain(); //Allocate the word chain node
            pTemp.data            = new WordItem();
            pTemp.data.nPOS       = nPOS;            //store the handle
            pTemp.data.nWordLen   = Utility.GetWordLength(sWordAdd);
            pTemp.data.sWord      = sWordAdd;
            pTemp.data.nFrequency = nFrequency;
            pTemp.next            = null;
            if (pRet != null)
                pNext     = pRet.next; //Get the next item before the current item
                pRet.next = pTemp;     //link the node to the chain
                pNext = modifyTable[nPos].pWordItemHead;
                modifyTable[nPos].pWordItemHead = pTemp; //Set the pAdd as the head node
            pTemp.next = pNext;                          //Very important!!!! or else it will lose some node

            modifyTable[nPos].nCount++;                  //the number increase by one
Exemplo n.º 4
      // Func Name  : FindInModifyTable
      // Description: judge the word and handle exist in the modified table and its items
      // Parameters : nInnerCode: the inner code of the first CHines char
      //              sWord: the word
      //              nHandle:the handle number
      //              *pFindRet: the node found
      // Returns    : success or fail
      private bool FindInModifyTable(int nInnerCode, string sWord, int nPOS, out WordChain pFindRet)
         WordChain pCur, pPre;
         if (modifyTable != null)
            pCur = modifyTable[nInnerCode].pWordItemHead;
            pPre = null;
            while (pCur != null && (Utility.CCStringCompare(pCur.data.sWord, sWord) < 0 ||
               (string.Compare(pCur.data.sWord, sWord, true) == 0 && pCur.data.nPOS < nPOS)))
            //sort the link chain as alphabet
               pPre = pCur;
               pCur = pCur.next;

            pFindRet = pPre;

            if (pCur != null && string.Compare(pCur.data.sWord, sWord, true) == 0 && pCur.data.nPOS == nPOS)
               //The node exists, delete the node and return
               return true;
               return false;

         pFindRet = null;
         return false;
Exemplo n.º 5
      // Func Name  : AddItem
      // Description: Add a word item to the dictionary
      // Parameters : sWord: the word
      //              nHandle:the handle number
      //              nFrequency: the frequency
      // Returns    : success or fail
      public bool AddItem(string sWord, int nPOS, int nFrequency)
         int nPos, nFoundPos;
         WordChain pRet, pTemp, pNext;
         string sWordAdd;

         if (!PreProcessing(ref sWord, out nPos, out sWordAdd))
            return false;

         if (FindInOriginalTable(nPos, sWordAdd, nPOS, out nFoundPos))
            //The word exists in the original table, so add the frequency
            //Operation in the index table and its items
            if (indexTable[nPos].WordItems[nFoundPos].nFrequency == -1)
               //The word item has been removed
               indexTable[nPos].WordItems[nFoundPos].nFrequency = nFrequency;

               if (modifyTable == null)
                  modifyTable = new ModifyTableItem[Predefine.CC_NUM];

               modifyTable[nPos].nDelete -= 1;
               indexTable[nPos].WordItems[nFoundPos].nFrequency += nFrequency;
            return true;

         //The items not exists in the index table.
         //As following, we have to find the item whether exists in the modify data region
         //If exists, change the frequency .or else add a item
         if (modifyTable == null)
            modifyTable = new ModifyTableItem[Predefine.CC_NUM];
            for (int i = 0; i < Predefine.CC_NUM; i++)
               modifyTable[i] = new ModifyTableItem();

         if (FindInModifyTable(nPos, sWordAdd, nPOS, out pRet))
            if (pRet != null)
               pRet = pRet.next;
               pRet = modifyTable[nPos].pWordItemHead;

            pRet.data.nFrequency += nFrequency;
            return true;

         //find the proper position to add the word to the modify data table and link
         pTemp = new WordChain(); //Allocate the word chain node
         pTemp.data = new WordItem();
         pTemp.data.nPOS = nPOS; //store the handle
         pTemp.data.nWordLen = Utility.GetWordLength(sWordAdd);
         pTemp.data.sWord = sWordAdd;
         pTemp.data.nFrequency = nFrequency;
         pTemp.next = null;
         if (pRet != null)
            pNext = pRet.next; //Get the next item before the current item
            pRet.next = pTemp; //link the node to the chain
            pNext = modifyTable[nPos].pWordItemHead;
            modifyTable[nPos].pWordItemHead = pTemp; //Set the pAdd as the head node
         pTemp.next = pNext; //Very important!!!! or else it will lose some node

         modifyTable[nPos].nCount++; //the number increase by one
         return true;
Exemplo n.º 6
      // Func Name  : FindInModifyTable
      // Description: judge the word and handle exist in the modified table and its items
      // Parameters : nInnerCode: the inner code of the first CHines char
      //              sWord: the word
      //              nHandle:the handle number
      //              *pFindRet: the node found
      // Returns    : success or fail
      private bool FindInModifyTable(int nInnerCode, string sWord, out WordChain pFindRet)
         WordChain pCur, pPre;
         if (modifyTable != null)
            pCur = modifyTable[nInnerCode].pWordItemHead;
            pPre = null;
            while (pCur != null && (Utility.CCStringCompare(pCur.data.sWord, sWord) < 0))
               pPre = pCur;
               pCur = pCur.next;

            pFindRet = pPre;

            if (pCur != null && string.Compare(pCur.data.sWord, sWord, true) == 0)
               return true;
               return false;

         pFindRet = null;
         return false;