Exemplo n.º 1
        private static void DuplicateMethodSpecial(CsInterface interfaceType, CsMethod csMethod, CsTypeBase intPtrType)
            bool hasComArrayLike = false;
            foreach(var csParameter in csMethod.Parameters)
                    hasComArrayLike = true;

            // Look for at least one parameter ComArray candidate
            if (hasComArrayLike)
                // Create a new method and transforms all array of ComObject to ComArray<ComObject>
                var newMethod = (CsMethod)csMethod.Clone();
                foreach (var csSubParameter in newMethod.Parameters)
                    if (csSubParameter.IsInComArrayLike)
                        csSubParameter.PublicType = new CsComArray((CsInterface)csSubParameter.PublicType);

            if(hasComArrayLike || csMethod.RequestRawPtr)
                // Create private method with raw pointers for arrays, with all arrays as pure IntPtr
                // In order to be able to generate method taking single element
                var rawMethod = (CsMethod)csMethod.Clone();
                rawMethod.Visibility = Visibility.Private;
                foreach(var csSubParameter in rawMethod.Parameters)
                    if(csSubParameter.IsArray || csSubParameter.IsComObject || csSubParameter.HasPointer)
                        csSubParameter.PublicType = intPtrType;
                        csSubParameter.IsArray = false;
                        csSubParameter.Attribute = CsParameterAttribute.In;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the specified interface type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="interfaceType">Type of the interface.</param>
        public void Process(CsInterface interfaceType )
            if (interfaceType.IsFullyMapped)

            // Set IsFullyMapped to avoid recursive mapping
            interfaceType.IsFullyMapped = true;

            // var cppInterface = interfaceType.CppElement as CppInterface;
            var cppInterface = (CppInterface)interfaceType.CppElement;

            // Associate Parent
            var parentType = Manager.FindBindType(cppInterface.ParentName);
            if (parentType != null)
                interfaceType.Base = parentType;

                // Process base if it's not mapped already
                if (!parentType.IsFullyMapped)
                if (!interfaceType.IsCallback)
                    interfaceType.Base = DefaultInterfaceCppObject;

            // Warning, if Guid is null we need to recover it from a declared GUID
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cppInterface.Guid))
                // Go up to the root base interface
                var rootBase = parentType;
                while (rootBase != null && rootBase is CsInterface && ((CsInterface)rootBase).Base != null)
                    rootBase = ((CsInterface) rootBase).Base;

                // look for GUID only for ComObjects
                var cppGuid = cppInterface.ParentInclude.Find<CppGuid>("^IID_" + cppInterface.Name + "$").FirstOrDefault();
                if (cppGuid == null)
                    // If Guid == null && BaseRoot != null && BaseRoot is a ComObject
                    // then we probably missed a guid
                    if (rootBase != null && rootBase.QualifiedName == Global.Name + ".ComObject")
                        Logger.Warning("cannot find GUID");
                    interfaceType.Guid = cppGuid.Guid.ToString();

            // Handle Methods
            var generatedMethods = new List<CsMethod>();
            var intPtrType = Manager.ImportType(typeof(IntPtr));
            foreach (var cppMethod in cppInterface.Methods)
                var cSharpMethod = (CsMethod)MethodTranform.Prepare(cppMethod);


                // Add specialized method for ComArray
                DuplicateMethodSpecial(interfaceType, cSharpMethod, intPtrType);


				// Allow overloads by changing the name to <name>#
				string origCppName = cppInterface.Name + "::" + cppMethod.Name;
				string chosenCppName = origCppName;
				for (int i = 0; Manager.FindBindType(chosenCppName) != null; i++)
					chosenCppName = origCppName + i.ToString();
                Manager.BindType(chosenCppName, cSharpMethod);

            // Dispatch method to inner interface if any
            var mapInnerInterface = new Dictionary<string, CsInterface>();

            // Make a copy of the methods
            var methods = interfaceType.Methods.ToList();
            foreach (var csMethod in methods)
                string cppName = interfaceType.CppElementName + "::" + csMethod.CppElement.Name;
                foreach (var keyValuePair in _mapMoveMethodToInnerInterface)
                    if (keyValuePair.Key.Match(cppName).Success)
                        string innerInterfaceName = keyValuePair.Value.InnerInterface;
                        string parentInterfaceName = keyValuePair.Value.InheritedInterfaceName;

                        CsInterface innerCsInterface;
                        CsInterface parentCsInterface = null;

                        if (parentInterfaceName != null)
                            if (!mapInnerInterface.TryGetValue(parentInterfaceName, out parentCsInterface))
                                parentCsInterface = new CsInterface(null) { Name = parentInterfaceName };
                                mapInnerInterface.Add(parentInterfaceName, parentCsInterface);

                        if (!mapInnerInterface.TryGetValue(innerInterfaceName, out innerCsInterface))
                            // TODO custom cppInterface?
                            innerCsInterface = new CsInterface(cppInterface)
                                { Name = innerInterfaceName, PropertyAccesName = keyValuePair.Value.PropertyAccessName, Base = parentCsInterface ?? DefaultInterfaceCppObject };

                            // Add inner interface to root interface

                            // Move method to inner interface
                            mapInnerInterface.Add(innerInterfaceName, innerCsInterface);


            // Remove dispatched methods from outer interface
            //foreach (var innerInterface in mapInnerInterface)
            //    foreach (var method in innerInterface.Value.Methods)
            //        cppInterface.Remove(method.CppElement);

            // If interfaceType is DualCallback, then need to generate a default implem
            if (interfaceType.IsDualCallback)
                var tagForInterface = cppInterface.GetTagOrDefault<MappingRule>();
                var nativeCallback = new CsInterface(interfaceType.CppElement as CppInterface)
                                             Name = interfaceType.Name + "Native",
                                             Visibility = Visibility.Internal

                // Update nativeCallback from tag
                if (tagForInterface != null)
                    if (tagForInterface.NativeCallbackVisibility.HasValue)
                        nativeCallback.Visibility = tagForInterface.NativeCallbackVisibility.Value;
                    if (tagForInterface.NativeCallbackName != null)
                        nativeCallback.Name = tagForInterface.NativeCallbackName;

                nativeCallback.Base = interfaceType.Base;

                if (nativeCallback.IsBaseComObject)
                    nativeCallback.Base = DefaultComObjectCallback;

                // If Parent is a DualInterface, then inherit from Default Callback
                if (interfaceType.Base is CsInterface)
                    var parentInterface = interfaceType.Base as CsInterface;
                    if (parentInterface.IsDualCallback)
                        nativeCallback.Base = parentInterface.NativeImplem;

                nativeCallback.IBase = interfaceType;
                interfaceType.NativeImplem = nativeCallback;

                foreach (var innerElement in interfaceType.Items)
                    if (innerElement is CsMethod)
                        var method = (CsMethod)innerElement;
                        var newCsMethod = (CsMethod)method.Clone();
                        var tagForMethod = method.CppElement.GetTagOrDefault<MappingRule>();
                        bool keepMethodPublic = tagForMethod.IsKeepImplementPublic.HasValue && tagForMethod.IsKeepImplementPublic.Value;
                        if (!keepMethodPublic)
                            newCsMethod.Visibility = Visibility.Internal;
                            newCsMethod.Name = newCsMethod.Name + "_";
                        Logger.Warning("Unhandled innerElement {0} for DualCallbackInterface {1}", innerElement, interfaceType.Name);
                nativeCallback.IsCallback = false;
                nativeCallback.IsDualCallback = true;
                // If interface is a callback and parent is ComObject, then remove it
                var parentInterface = interfaceType.Base as CsInterface;
                if (parentInterface != null && parentInterface.IsDualCallback)
                    interfaceType.Base = parentInterface.NativeImplem;
                    // Refactor Properties

            // If interface is a callback and parent is ComObject, then remove it
            if (interfaceType.IsCallback )
                if (interfaceType.IsBaseComObject)
                    interfaceType.Base = null;
                if (interfaceType.Base == null)
                    interfaceType.Base = DefaultCallbackable;
Exemplo n.º 3
 private static void CreateMethodsForComArrayMethod(CsInterface interfaceType, CsMethod csMethod)
     foreach (var csParameter in csMethod.Parameters)
         // Look for at least one parameter ComArray candidate
         if (csParameter.IsInComArrayLike)
             // Create a new method and transforms all array of ComObject to ComArray<ComObject>
             var newMethod = (CsMethod)csMethod.Clone();
             foreach (var csSubParameter in newMethod.Parameters)
                 if (csSubParameter.IsInComArrayLike)
                     csSubParameter.PublicType = new CsComArray((CsInterface)csSubParameter.PublicType);