Exemplo n.º 1
        public void Transaction_ScopeCommit_Test()
            SessionFactory sf = new SessionFactory("ConnectionString");

            if (sf != null)
                using (ISessionTX ses = sf.OpenSession() as ISessionTX)
                    string str_val = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.ToString();

                    SqlClientCommand sqlCmdPadre= new SqlClientCommand("PadreUpdate", new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@Id", DbType.Int32) { Value = 0 },
                                                                                                           new SqlParameter("@Nombre", DbType.String) { Value = "P0-" + str_val }});

                    List<SqlClientCommand> lst_SqlCmdUpd = new List<SqlClientCommand>(new SqlClientCommand[]
                        new SqlClientCommand("HijoUpdate", new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@Padre", DbType.Int32)    { Value = 0 },
                                                                                new SqlParameter("@Id", DbType.Int32)       { Value = 0 },
                                                                                new SqlParameter("@Nombre", DbType.String)  { Value = "P0.h0-" + str_val }}),
                        new SqlClientCommand("HijoUpdate", new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@Padre", DbType.Int32)    { Value = 0 },
                                                                                new SqlParameter("@Id", DbType.Int32)       { Value = 1 },
                                                                                new SqlParameter("@Nombre", DbType.String)  { Value = "P0.h1-" + str_val }}),
                        new SqlClientCommand("HijoUpdate", new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@Padre", DbType.Int32)    { Value = 0 },
                                                                                new SqlParameter("@Id", DbType.Int32)       { Value = 2 },
                                                                                new SqlParameter("@Nombre", DbType.String)  { Value = "P0.h2-" + str_val }}),
                        new SqlClientCommand("HijoUpdate", new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@Padre", DbType.Int32)    { Value = 0 },
                                                                                new SqlParameter("@Id", DbType.Int32)       { Value = 3 },
                                                                                new SqlParameter("@Nombre", DbType.String)  { Value = "P0.h3-" + str_val }}),
                        new SqlClientCommand("HijoUpdate", new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@Padre", DbType.Int32)    { Value = 0 },
                                                                                new SqlParameter("@Id", DbType.Int32)       { Value = 4 },
                                                                                new SqlParameter("@Nombre", DbType.String)  { Value = "P0.h4-" + str_val }})

                    int idPadre = 0;
                    int idBase  = 5;

                    List<SqlClientCommand> lst_SqlCmdIns = new List<SqlClientCommand>(new SqlClientCommand[]
                        new SqlClientCommand("HijoInsert", new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@Padre", DbType.Int32)    { Value = idPadre },
                                                                                new SqlParameter("@Id", DbType.Int32)       { Value = idBase },
                                                                                new SqlParameter("@Nombre", DbType.String)  { Value = string.Format("P{0}.h{1}-{2}",idPadre, idBase, str_val) }}),
                        new SqlClientCommand("HijoInsert", new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@Padre", DbType.Int32)    { Value = idPadre },
                                                                                new SqlParameter("@Id", DbType.Int32)       { Value = idBase+1 },
                                                                                new SqlParameter("@Nombre", DbType.String)  { Value = string.Format("P{0}.h{1}-{2}",idPadre, idBase+1, str_val) }}),
                        new SqlClientCommand("HijoInsert", new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@Padre", DbType.Int32)    { Value = idPadre },
                                                                                new SqlParameter("@Id", DbType.Int32)       { Value = idBase+2 },
                                                                                new SqlParameter("@Nombre", DbType.String)  { Value = string.Format("P{0}.h{1}-{2}",idPadre, idBase+2, str_val) }})

                    //using(TransactionScope ts = ses.GetTransactScope())
                        SqlClientUtility.ExecuteNonQuery(ses, sqlCmdPadre);
                        SqlClientUtility.ExecuteNonQuery(ses, lst_SqlCmdUpd);
                        SqlClientUtility.ExecuteNonQuery(ses, lst_SqlCmdIns);

                        //ts.Complete();  // Transaction Manager will commit entire scope while disposing... Otherwise, will be RollBacked.
                    catch(SqlException ex)
                        System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("SqlException into Scope: " + ex.ToString());

Exemplo n.º 2
        public static void ExecuteNonQuery(ISessionTX p_sessionTX, SqlClientCommand p_command)
            TraceLog.LogEntry("ExecuteNonQuery(): Command {0} {1}", p_command.CommandText, p_command.ParametersDescr);

            int res = -1;
            bool m_mustCloseSqlCnn = true;
            string m_tx = "Transact NONE";
            IDbConnection m_sqlCnn = null;
            string strInfoExcep = String.Empty;

            long ticks_t0 = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

            if (Transaction.Current == null)
                m_sqlCnn= p_sessionTX.Connection; //p_sessionTX.ConnectionManager.GetConnection() as SqlConnection;     // Root session connection will be used...
                TraceLog.LogEntry("ExecuteNonQuery(): Transaction.Current: LocalId {0}\t - Status {1}", Transaction.Current.TransactionInformation.LocalIdentifier, Transaction.Current.TransactionInformation.Status);
                m_sqlCnn = SqlClientUtility.GetTransactedSqlConnection(p_sessionTX);
                m_mustCloseSqlCnn = false;

            SqlCommand sqlc = SqlClientUtility.CreateCommand(m_sqlCnn as SqlConnection, CommandType.StoredProcedure, p_command.CommandText, p_command.Parameters);

            if (p_sessionTX.IsInActiveTransaction)
                ITransaction tx = (p_sessionTX as SessionExt).Transaction;

                TraceLog.LogEntry("ExecuteNonQuery(): p_sessionTX has an active Transaction (0x{0:X} WasCommitted= {1} WasRolledBack= {2}) Command will be enlisted to...", tx.GetHashCode(), tx.WasCommitted, tx.WasRolledBack);
                m_tx = "Transact 0x" + sqlc.Transaction.GetHashCode().ToString("X");
                m_mustCloseSqlCnn = false;

            res = sqlc.ExecuteNonQuery();

            if (m_mustCloseSqlCnn && sqlc.Connection.State == ConnectionState.Open) sqlc.Connection.Close();

            double mseg = TimeSpan.FromTicks(DateTime.Now.Ticks - ticks_t0).TotalMilliseconds;
            TraceLog.LogEntry("ExecuteNonQuery(): Command Executed, {0} SqlConn 0x{1:X}. Time {2} mseg.", m_tx, sqlc.Connection.GetHashCode(), mseg);