public static void ReleaseConnection(MySqlConnectionString connstr, Connection conn)
     lock (s_queueLock)
         s_connPoolAgent.ReleaseConnection(connstr, conn);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public Query(Connection conn, SqlStringTemplate sql, CommandParams cmdParams)
            //*** query use conn resource such as parser,writer
            //so 1 query 1 connection      
            Query bindingQuery = conn.BindingQuery;
            if (bindingQuery != null)
                //check if binding query can be close 
                if (!bindingQuery.LateClose())
                    //can't use this conn
                    throw new Exception("connection is in used");
            conn.BindingQuery = this;
            if (sql == null)
                throw new Exception("Sql command can not null.");
            this._conn = conn;
            this._cmdParams = cmdParams;

            nestTables = false;
            _sqlParserMx = conn.MySqlParserMx;
            _writer = conn.PacketWriter;
            //_receiveBuffer = null;
            _sqlStrTemplate = sql;
 public void ReleaseConnection(MySqlConnectionString connstr, Connection conn)
     Queue<Connection> found;
     //not found
     if (!s_connQueue.TryGetValue(connstr.ConnSignature, out found))
         found = new Queue<Connection>();
         s_connQueue.Add(connstr.ConnSignature, found);
     conn.IsStoredInConnPool = true;
Exemplo n.º 4
        //we create query for each command and not reuse it

        internal Query(Connection conn, string sql, CommandParams cmdParams)
            : this(conn, new SqlStringTemplate(sql), cmdParams)
        public static void HardKill(this MySqlConnection tobeKillConn)
            //TODO : review here ?
            //we use another connection to kill current th

            Connection internalConn = tobeKillConn.Conn;
            string realSql = "KILL " + internalConn.threadId;
            //sql = "FLUSH QUERY CACHE;";             
            Connection killConn = new Connection(internalConn.config);
            var q = new Query(killConn, realSql, null);
            q.Execute(false); //wait  
 internal void InternalOpen(Action onComplete = null)
     this.FromConnectionPool = false;//reset
     //get connection from pool
     if (UseConnectionPool)
         _conn = ConnectionPool.GetConnection(_connStr);
         if (_conn != null)
             FromConnectionPool = true;
             if (onComplete != null)
             //create new 
             _conn = new Connection(
                 new ConnectionConfig(
                 { port = _connStr.PortNumber });
         //new connection
         _conn = new Connection(
             new ConnectionConfig(
             { port = _connStr.PortNumber });
Exemplo n.º 7
        public static void Test1_OldVersionTest()
            string filename;
            filename = "TestMe.png";//216,362 bytes
            //filename = "Colorful.jpg";//885,264 bytes
            //filename = "TestJpg.jpg";//2,066 bytes
            byte[] buffer;
            buffer = File.ReadAllBytes("D:\\[]Photo\\" + filename);
            //buffer = new byte[500500];
            //Stream stReader = new Stream("D:\\[]Photo\\TestJpg.jpg");
            //BinaryReader binaryReader = new BinaryReader(stReader);

            var ss = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
            string sql;
            string sql2;
            //please note the 
            //field or column binding is extension, must start with ??

            //sql = "INSERT INTO ??t1 (??c1, ??c2) VALUES (?n1 , ?buffer1)";
            sql = "INSERT INTO ??t1 SET ??c2 = ?buffer1";
            //sql = "select * from ??t1 where ??c1 > ?n1 and ?c1 < ?n2";
            //sql = "select * from ??t1 where ??c1 = 4579";

            //sql = "select 1+?n3 as test1";
            //sql = "select concat(?s1,?s2,?s1,?s2,?s1,?s2,?s1,?s2,?s1,?s2) as test1";
            //sql = "select concat(?s1,?s2,?s1,?s2) as test1";
            //sql = "SELECT Orders.OrderID, Customers.CustomerName, Orders.OrderDate"
            //    + " FROM Orders INNER JOIN Customers"
            //    + " ON Orders.CustomerID = Customers.CustomerID;";
            //sql2 = "select * from ?t1 where ?c1 > ?n1 and ?c1 < ?n2";
            //sql = "INSERT INTO ?t1 ( ?c2, ?c3) VALUES ( ?s1, ?s2)";
            //sql = "DELETE FROM ?t1 WHERE ?c1=?n1";
            //sql = "UPDATE ?t1 SET ?c2=?s1 WHERE ?c1=?n1";

            //CommandParameters cmdValues = new CommandParameters();
            //sql = "select ?n1+?n2 as test1";

            int testN1 = 4520;
            int testN2 = 4530;
            sql = "select * from ??t1 where ??c1 > ?n1 and ??c1 < ?n2";
            //sql = "select * from ?t1 where ?c1 = ?n2";
            //sql = "select ?n1+?n2 as test1";
            CommandParams cmd2Values = new CommandParams();
            cmd2Values.SetSqlPart("??t1", "saveimage");
            cmd2Values.SetSqlPart("??c1", "idsaveImage");
            //cmd2Values.AddField("c2", "saveImagecol");

            cmd2Values.AddWithValue("?n1", testN1);
            cmd2Values.AddWithValue("?n2", testN2);
            //cmd2Values.AddValue("n3", 29.5);

            //cmd2Values.AddValue("s1", "foo");
            //cmd2Values.AddValue("s2", "bar");
            //cmd2Values.AddValue("buffer1", buffer);

            ConnectionConfig config = new ConnectionConfig("root", "root");
            config.database = "test";
            //MySqlConnection sqlConn = new MySqlConnection(, config.user, config.password, config.database);
            //sqlConn.UseConnectionPool = true;
            //MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(sql, sqlConn);
            //command.Parameters.AddTable("t1", "saveimage");
            //command.Parameters.AddField("c1", "idsaveImage");
            //command.Parameters.AddValue("n1", testN1);
            //command.Parameters.AddValue("n2", testN2);

            //var reader = command.ExecuteReader();
            //Connection connection = sqlConn.Conn;/*ConnectionPool.GetConnection(new MySqlConnectionString(, config.user, config.password, config.database));*/
            Connection connection = new Connection(config);
            if (connection == null)
                connection = new Connection(config);
                connection.IsStoredInConnPool = false;

            int count = 3;

            int fCase = 1;
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                int j = 0;
                //query = connection.CreateQuery(sql, cmdValues);
                //query = connection.CreateQuery(cmd2Values);
                var query = new Query(connection, sql, cmd2Values);
                query.SetResultListener(tableResult =>
                    if (query.LoadError != null)
                        Console.WriteLine("Error : " + query.LoadError.message);
                    else if (query.OkPacket != null)
                        Console.WriteLine("i : " + i + ", OkPacket : [affectedRow] >> " + query.OkPacket.affectedRows);
                        Console.WriteLine("i : " + i + ", OkPacket : [insertId] >> " + query.OkPacket.insertId);
                        var thead = tableResult.tableHeader;

                        int col_idsaveImage = thead.GetFieldIndex("idsaveImage");
                        int col_saveImageCol = thead.GetFieldIndex("saveImagecol");
                        int col_test = thead.GetFieldIndex("test1");
                        //if (col_idsaveImage < 0 || col_saveImageCol < 0)
                        //    throw new Exception();
                        Console.WriteLine("Result : ");
                        //while (query.ReadRow())
                        //    if (col_test == 0)
                        //    {
                        //        Console.WriteLine("Result of " + "test1 : >> " + query.Cells[col_test] + " <<");
                        //    }
                        //    else
                        //    {
                        //        Console.WriteLine("Id : " + query.Cells[col_idsaveImage]);
                        //        Console.WriteLine("Buffer size : " + query.Cells[col_saveImageCol].myBuffer.Length);
                        //    }
                        //    //Console.WriteLine(query.GetFieldData("myusercol1"));
                        //    if (++j > 3)
                        //    {
                        //        break;
                        //    }
                testN1 += 10;
                testN2 += 10;
                cmd2Values.AddWithValue("?n1", testN1);
                cmd2Values.AddWithValue("?n2", testN2);
                query.Execute(true); //*** 
                connection = new Connection(config);
                //j = 0;
                //query = connection.CreateQuery(sql2, prepare);
                //if (query.loadError != null)
                //    Console.WriteLine("Error : " + query.loadError.message);
                //    while (query.ReadRow() && j < 3)
                //    {
                //        Console.WriteLine(query.GetFieldData("idsaveImage"));
                //        Console.WriteLine(query.GetFieldData("saveImagecol"));
                //        //Console.WriteLine(query.GetFieldData("myusercol1"));
                //        j++;
                //    }

            long avg = ss.ElapsedMilliseconds / count;
            Console.WriteLine("Counting : " + count + " rounds. \r\nAverage Time : " + avg + " ms");