/// <summary>
        /// append the text string \a text to the RenderedString \a rs.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rs"></param>
        /// <param name="text"></param>
        private void AppendRenderedText(RenderedString rs, string text)
            var cpos = 0;

            // split the given string into lines based upon the newline character
            while (text.Length > cpos)
                // find next newline
                var nlpos = text.IndexOf("\n", cpos);
                // calculate length of this substring
                var len = ((nlpos != -1) ? nlpos : text.Length) - cpos;

                // construct new text component and append it.
                var rtc = new RenderedStringTextComponent(text.Substring(cpos, len), d_fontName);
                rtc.SetColours(new ColourRect(d_colours));

                // break line if needed
                if (nlpos != -1)

                // advance current position.  +1 to skip the \n char
                cpos += len + 1;
        public override RenderedStringComponent Split(Window refWnd, float splitPoint, bool firstComponent)
            var fnt = GetEffectiveFont(refWnd);

            // This is checked, but should never fail, since if we had no font our
            // extent would be 0 and we would never cause a split to be needed here.
            if (fnt == null)
                throw new InvalidRequestException("unable to split with no font set.");

            // create 'left' side of split and clone our basic configuration
            var lhs = new RenderedStringTextComponent();

            lhs.d_padding            = d_padding;
            lhs.d_verticalFormatting = d_verticalFormatting;
            lhs.d_font    = d_font;
            lhs.d_colours = d_colours;

            // calculate the 'best' place to split the text
            var leftLen    = 0;
            var leftExtent = 0.0f;

            while (leftLen < d_text.Length)
                var tokenLen = GetNextTokenLength(d_text, leftLen);
                // exit loop if no more valid tokens.
                if (tokenLen == 0)

                var tokenExtent = fnt.GetTextExtent(d_text.CEGuiSubstring(leftLen, tokenLen));

                // does the next token extend past the split point?
                if (leftExtent + tokenExtent > splitPoint)
                    // if it was the first token, split the token itself
                    if (firstComponent && leftLen == 0)
                        leftLen =
                                     fnt.GetCharAtPixel(d_text.CEGuiSubstring(0, tokenLen), splitPoint));

                    // left_len is now the character index at which to split the line

                // add this token to the left side
                leftLen    += tokenLen;
                leftExtent += tokenExtent;

            // perform the split.
            lhs.d_text = d_text.CEGuiSubstring(0, leftLen);

            // here we're trimming leading delimiters from the substring range
            var rhsStart = d_text.IndexNotOf(TextUtils.DefaultWrapDelimiters, leftLen);

            if (rhsStart == -1)
                rhsStart = leftLen;

            // split the selection
            if (d_selectionLength != 0)
                var selEnd = d_selectionStart + d_selectionLength - 1;
                lhs.d_selectionStart  = d_selectionStart;
                lhs.d_selectionLength = selEnd < leftLen ? d_selectionLength : leftLen - d_selectionStart;

                if (selEnd >= leftLen)
                    d_selectionStart   = 0;
                    d_selectionLength -= rhsStart;
                    SetSelection(refWnd, 0, 0);

            d_text = d_text.Substring(rhsStart);
