Inheritance: Instrument
        public void ShouldBeAbleToCalculateTaxGivenABuyStackAndSellStackWithMultipleValues()
            Instrument share = new Stock(new Symbol("REL"), new Price(10.00), "Rel*iance Power");
            Transaction buyTransaction1 = new BuyTransaction(new DateTime(2008, 06, 01), share, 20, new Price(10.00), 5.00, 3.00);
            Transaction sellTransaction1 = new SellTransaction(new DateTime(2009, 01, 01), share, 10, new Price(20.00), 5.00, 3.00);
            Transaction buyTransaction2 = new BuyTransaction(new DateTime(2008, 12, 01), share, 10, new Price(10.00), 5.00, 3.00);
            Transaction sellTransaction2 = new SellTransaction(new DateTime(2009, 08, 01), share, 10, new Price(20.00), 5.00, 3.00);

            List<Transaction> listTransaction = new List<Transaction> { buyTransaction1, sellTransaction1, buyTransaction2, sellTransaction2 };

            ShortTermTaxCalculator TaxCalculator = new ShortTermTaxCalculator(listTransaction, new FinYear(2009));

            Stack buyStack = TaxCalculator.CreateBuyTransactionStack();
            Stack sellStack = TaxCalculator.CreateSellTransactionStack();

            Assert.AreEqual(2, buyStack.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, sellStack.Count);

            Price Tax;
            Tax = TaxCalculator.CalculateTaxOverTheBuyAndSellStacks(buyStack, sellStack);

            //            Assert.AreEqual(0, buyStack.Count);
            //            Assert.AreEqual(0, sellStack.Count);

            Assert.AreEqual(20, Tax.Value);
Exemplo n.º 2
 public void ShouldCalculateRealizedProfitsAtInstrumentLevel()
     Portfolio d = new Portfolio();
     TransactionCollection ts = new TransactionCollection();
     Stock relianceShare = new Stock(new Symbol("RIL"), new Price(10.00), "Reliance Industries");
     ts.Add(new BuyTransaction(new DateTime(1999, 3, 20), relianceShare, 10, new Price(1200), 0, 0));
     ts.Add(new SellTransaction(new DateTime(1999, 5, 20), relianceShare, 5, new Price(1300), 0, 0));
     Assert.AreEqual(500, d.CalculateRealizedProfits(ts,relianceShare));
        public void ShouldBeAbleToCalculateShortTermTaxForOneBuyAndSell()
            Instrument share = new Stock(new Symbol("REL"), new Price(10.00), "Reliance Power");
            BuyTransaction buyTransaction = new BuyTransaction(new DateTime(2008, 06, 01), share, 10, new Price(10.00), 5.00, 3.00);
            SellTransaction sellTransaction = new SellTransaction(new DateTime(2008, 12, 01), share, 10, new Price(20.00), 5.00, 3.00);

            Price price = new ShortTermTaxCalculator(null, new FinYear(2009)).CalculateShortTermTaxForAPairOfTransactions(buyTransaction, sellTransaction);
            Assert.AreEqual(20, price.Value);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public void ShouldCalculateRealizedLossesDumbCaseWithoutTaxOrBrokerage()
     Portfolio d = new Portfolio();
     TransactionCollection ts = new TransactionCollection();
     Stock relianceShare = new Stock(new Symbol("RIL"), new Price(10.00), "Reliance Industries");
     Stock suzlonEnergyShare = new Stock(new Symbol("SUZ"), new Price(1000.00), "Suzlon Energy");
     ts.Add(new BuyTransaction(new DateTime(1999, 3, 20), relianceShare, 10, new Price(1300), 0, 0));
     ts.Add(new SellTransaction(new DateTime(1999, 5, 20), relianceShare, 5, new Price(1200), 0, 0));
     Assert.AreEqual(-500, d.CalculateRealizedProfits(ts));
Exemplo n.º 5
 public void ShouldCalculateRealizedProfitsComplexCaseWithDateMismatch()
     Portfolio d = new Portfolio();
     TransactionCollection ts = new TransactionCollection();
     Stock relianceShare = new Stock(new Symbol("RIL"), new Price(10.00), "Reliance Industries");
     ts.Add(new BuyTransaction(new DateTime(1999, 3, 20), relianceShare, 5, new Price(12), 0, 0));
     ts.Add(new BuyTransaction(new DateTime(1999, 2, 20), relianceShare, 5, new Price(10), 0, 0));
     ts.Add(new SellTransaction(new DateTime(1999, 5, 20), relianceShare, 5, new Price(13), 0, 0));
     ts.Add(new SellTransaction(new DateTime(1999, 7, 20), relianceShare, 3, new Price(13), 0, 0));
     Assert.AreEqual(18, d.CalculateRealizedProfits(ts));
Exemplo n.º 6
 public void ShouldCalculateRealizedProfitsAtInstrumentLevelComplexCase()
     Portfolio d = new Portfolio();
     TransactionCollection ts = new TransactionCollection();
     Stock relianceShare = new Stock(new Symbol("RIL"), new Price(10.00), "Reliance Industries");
     Stock infyShare = new Stock(new Symbol("INF"), new Price(100.00), "Infosys");
     ts.Add(new BuyTransaction(new DateTime(1999, 3, 20), relianceShare, 10, new Price(1200), 0, 0));
     ts.Add(new SellTransaction(new DateTime(1999, 5, 20), relianceShare, 5, new Price(1300), 0, 0));
     ts.Add(new BuyTransaction(new DateTime(1999, 8, 20), infyShare, 67, new Price(110), 0, 0));
     ts.Add(new SellTransaction(new DateTime(2000, 9, 20), infyShare, 63, new Price(101), 0, 0));
     Assert.AreEqual(500, d.CalculateRealizedProfits(ts, relianceShare));
     Assert.AreEqual(-567, d.CalculateRealizedProfits(ts, infyShare));
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void ShouldCreateCashDividendTransactionForStock()
            var firstOfJan2008 = new DateTime(2008, 1, 1);
            var selectedStock = new Stock(null, null, null);
            var expectedTransaction = new CashDividendTransaction(selectedStock, new Price(100), firstOfJan2008);

            CashDividendTransaction actualTransaction =
                selectedStock.CreateDividendTransaction(new Price(100),
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedTransaction.Date, actualTransaction.Date);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedTransaction.Instrument, actualTransaction.Instrument);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedTransaction.Date, actualTransaction.Date);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void ShouldBeAbleToCreateSaveAStock()
            Price stockUnitPrice = new Price(10.00);

            Instrument relianceStock = new Stock(new Symbol("REL"), stockUnitPrice, "Reliance Power Stock");

            var savedStock = repository.Lookup<Instrument>(relianceStock.Id);

Exemplo n.º 9
        public void ShouldUpdateStockPrice()
            var fourThousand = new Price(4000);

            Instrument instrument = new Stock(new Symbol("SUN"), fourThousand, "Sun MF");

            var lookedUpObject = repository.Lookup<Instrument>(instrument.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual(new Price(4000), lookedUpObject.CurrentPrice);

            var newPrice = new Price(2500);

            lookedUpObject = repository.Lookup<Instrument>(instrument.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual(new Price(2500), lookedUpObject.CurrentPrice);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void ShouldIncludeDividendInRealizedProfit()
            Portfolio d = new Portfolio();
            TransactionCollection ts = new TransactionCollection();
            Stock relianceShare = new Stock(new Symbol("RIL"), new Price(10.00), "Reliance Industries");
            int buyUnitPrice = 1200;
            int buyBrokerage = 100;
            int sellBrokerage = 100;
            int buyQuantity = 10;
            int sellQuantity = 5;
            int sellUnitPrice = 1300;

            ts.Add(new BuyTransaction(new DateTime(1999, 3, 20), relianceShare, buyQuantity, new Price(buyUnitPrice), buyBrokerage, 0));
            ts.Add(new SellTransaction(new DateTime(1999, 5, 20), relianceShare, sellQuantity, new Price(sellUnitPrice), 0, sellBrokerage));
            int dividend = 50;
            ts.Add(new CashDividendTransaction(relianceShare,new Price(dividend),new DateTime(1999, 5, 20)));

            Assert.AreEqual((sellUnitPrice-buyUnitPrice) * sellQuantity - sellBrokerage -buyBrokerage + dividend, d.CalculateRealizedProfits(ts));
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void ShouldGetSTCGForTheListOfValidTransactions()
            Instrument share = new Stock(new Symbol("REL"), new Price(10.00), "Rel*iance Power");

            Transaction buyTransaction1 = new BuyTransaction(new DateTime(2005, 06, 01), share, 20, new Price(10.00), 5.00, 3.00);
            Transaction sellTransaction1 = new SellTransaction(new DateTime(2006, 01, 01), share, 10, new Price(20.00), 5.00, 3.00);
            Transaction buyTransaction2 = new BuyTransaction(new DateTime(2006, 12, 01), share, 10, new Price(30.00), 5.00, 3.00);
            Transaction sellTransaction2 = new SellTransaction(new DateTime(2007, 08, 01), share, 10, new Price(50.00), 5.00, 3.00);

            // The balance at end of this should be a Buy with 10 shares left.
            // These transactions below will not be considered.
            //            Transaction buyTransaction8 = new BuyTransaction(new DateTime(2008, 06, 01), share, 10, new Price(10.00), 5.00, 3.00);
            Transaction buyTransaction3 = new BuyTransaction(new DateTime(2008, 06, 01), share, 20, new Price(10.00), 5.00, 3.00);
            Transaction sellTransaction3 = new SellTransaction(new DateTime(2009, 01, 01), share, 10, new Price(20.00), 5.00, 3.00);
            Transaction buyTransaction4 = new BuyTransaction(new DateTime(2008, 12, 01), share, 10, new Price(10.00), 5.00, 3.00);
            Transaction sellTransaction4 = new SellTransaction(new DateTime(2009, 08, 01), share, 10, new Price(20.00), 5.00, 3.00);

            List<Transaction> listTransaction = new List<Transaction> { buyTransaction1, sellTransaction1, buyTransaction2, sellTransaction2,buyTransaction3, sellTransaction3, buyTransaction4, sellTransaction4 };

            ShortTermTaxCalculator TaxCalculator = new ShortTermTaxCalculator(listTransaction, new FinYear(2009));

            Price Tax = TaxCalculator.CalculateShortTermTax();

            Assert.AreEqual(20, Tax.Value);
Exemplo n.º 12
        public void ShouldCreateStackOfSellTransactionsGivenAListOfTransactions()
            Instrument share = new Stock(new Symbol("REL"), new Price(10.00), "Reliance Power");
            Transaction buyTransaction1 = new BuyTransaction(new DateTime(2008, 06, 01), share, 10, new Price(10.00), 5.00, 3.00);
            Transaction sellTransaction1 = new SellTransaction(new DateTime(2008, 12, 01), share, 2, new Price(20.00), 5.00, 3.00);
            Transaction buyTransaction2 = new BuyTransaction(new DateTime(2009, 06, 01), share, 12, new Price(50.00), 5.00, 3.00);
            Transaction sellTransaction2 = new SellTransaction(new DateTime(2009, 12, 01), share, 20, new Price(100.00), 5.00, 3.00);

            List<Transaction> listTransaction = new List<Transaction> { buyTransaction1, sellTransaction1, buyTransaction2, sellTransaction2 };

            Stack sellStack = new ShortTermTaxCalculator(listTransaction, new FinYear(2009)).CreateSellTransactionStack();
            Assert.AreEqual(2, sellStack.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(sellTransaction1, sellStack.Pop());
            Assert.AreEqual(sellTransaction2, sellStack.Pop());
Exemplo n.º 13
        public void ShouldBeAbleToCreateATransactionShowingRemainingQuantityOfInstrumentForAllBuyAndSellBeforeOneYearPriorToTaxCalculationYear()
            Instrument share = new Stock(new Symbol("REL"), new Price(10.00), "Rel*iance Power");

            Transaction buyTransaction1 = new BuyTransaction(new DateTime(2005, 06, 01), share, 20, new Price(10.00), 5.00, 3.00);
            Transaction sellTransaction1 = new SellTransaction(new DateTime(2006, 01, 01), share, 10, new Price(20.00), 5.00, 3.00);
            Transaction buyTransaction2 = new BuyTransaction(new DateTime(2006, 12, 01), share, 10, new Price(30.00), 5.00, 3.00);
            Transaction sellTransaction2 = new SellTransaction(new DateTime(2007, 08, 01), share, 10, new Price(50.00), 5.00, 3.00);

            // The balance at end of this should be a Buy with 10 shares left.
            // These transactions below will not be considered.

            Transaction buyTransaction3 = new BuyTransaction(new DateTime(2008, 06, 01), share, 20, new Price(10.00), 5.00, 3.00);
            Transaction sellTransaction3 = new SellTransaction(new DateTime(2009, 01, 01), share, 10, new Price(20.00), 5.00, 3.00);
            Transaction buyTransaction4 = new BuyTransaction(new DateTime(2008, 12, 01), share, 10, new Price(10.00), 5.00, 3.00);
            Transaction sellTransaction4 = new SellTransaction(new DateTime(2009, 08, 01), share, 10, new Price(20.00), 5.00, 3.00);

            List<Transaction> listTransaction = new List<Transaction> { buyTransaction1, sellTransaction1, buyTransaction2, sellTransaction2, buyTransaction3, sellTransaction3, buyTransaction4, sellTransaction4 };

            ShortTermTaxCalculator TaxCalculator = new ShortTermTaxCalculator(listTransaction, new FinYear(2009));

            List<Transaction> listOfValidTransactionsForSTCG = TaxCalculator.GetTransactionBalance();
