Exemplo n.º 1
        void cmdOpen(TclInterp interp, string[]argv)
            //Create a file open box.
            interp.Eval("set types { {\"Text files\" {.txt .doc}} {\"All files\" {*}} }");
            interp.Eval("set file [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $types]");
            string filename = interp.GetVar("file");
            if(filename != "")
                cur_filename = filename;
                //Clear the text box.
                interp.Eval(".text delete 1.0 end");

                //Open the file and dump it's contents into our text box.
                TextReader file = File.OpenText(filename);
                string command;
                command = ".text insert end {";
                command += file.ReadToEnd();
                command +="}";


                //Update titlebar to reflect filename changes.
                command = "wm title . \"C# Notepad Using TCL - ";
                command += filename;
                command += "\"";
Exemplo n.º 2
        void InitProc(TclInterp interp)

             * Initialize TCL - basically this function runs the init.tcl file which 
             * should be in your path environment variable.
             * Initialize the TK libs - basically loads all of the .tcl files that define
             * the widgets - these should be in the tcl\lib path (which should also be in
             * your path environment variable).

             * Evaluate a script - this creates a button, called .b with a label "Hello, World!".
             * When the button is pressed it writes "Hello, world" to the console.
            //Create the main window.
            interp.Eval("button .b -text {Hello, World!} -command {doIt}; pack .b");
            interp.CreateCommand("doIt", new TclCmdProc(doItProc));
Exemplo n.º 3
 void Run()
     // Create the interpreter - and start the application.
     TclInterp interp = new TclInterp();
     interp.TkMain(new TclAppInitProc(InitProc));
Exemplo n.º 4
        internal TclCmdDeleteProcWrapper(TclInterp interp, TclCmdDeleteProc proc, Object deletee)
            _interp = interp;
            _proc   = proc;
            unsafe { _callback = new Tcl_CmdDeleteProc(this.CallbackProc); }
            _deletee = deletee;

Exemplo n.º 5
        void cmdNew(TclInterp interp, string[]argv)
            interp.Eval("set query [tk_messageBox -icon question -title \"New\" -message \"Are you sure?\" -type yesno]");
            string result = interp.GetVar("query");

                interp.Eval(".text delete 1.0 end");

                //Update the titlebar to reflect filename
                interp.Eval("wm title . \"C# Notepad Using TCL - Untitled\"");
Exemplo n.º 6
 void cmdSave(TclInterp interp, string[]argv)
     //Create a file save box.
     if(cur_filename == null)
         cmdSaveAs(interp, argv);
         //Get text from the text box
         interp.Eval("set data [.text get 1.0 end]");
         string data = interp.GetVar("data");
         //Open the file and dump it's contents into our text box.
         TextWriter file = File.CreateText(cur_filename);
         interp.Eval("set data {}");
Exemplo n.º 7
        void cmdSaveAs(TclInterp interp, string[]argv)
            //Create a file save box.
            interp.Eval("set types { {\"Text files\" {.txt .doc}} {\"All files\" {*}} }");
            interp.Eval("set file [tk_getSaveFile -filetypes $types]");
            string filename = interp.GetVar("file");
            if(filename != "")
                //Get text from the text box
                interp.Eval("set data [.text get 1.0 end]");
                string data = interp.GetVar("data");
                //Open the file and dump it's contents into our text box.
                TextWriter file = File.CreateText(filename);
                interp.Eval("set data {}");

                //Change the titlebar to reflect filename change.
                string command = "wm title . \"C# Notepad Using TCL - ";
                command += filename;
                command += "\"";
Exemplo n.º 8
 void cmdHighlight(TclInterp interp, string[]argv)
Exemplo n.º 9
        void InitProc(TclInterp interp)

             * Initialize TCL - basically this function runs the init.tcl file which 
             * should be in your path environment variable.
             * Initialize the TK libs - basically loads all of the .tcl files that define
             * the widgets - these should be in the tcl\lib path (which should also be in
             * your path environment variable).

             * Evaluate a script - this creates a button, called .b with a label "Hello, World!".
             * When the button is pressed it writes "Hello, world" to the console.
            //Setup the main window.
            interp.Eval("wm title . \"C# Notepad Using TCL - Untitled\"");
            //Create a text editor with a scrollbar - and pack it so that it always fills the 
            //available space in the window.
            interp.Eval("text .text -yscrollcommand \".scroll set\" -setgrid true -font {Courier 10}");
            interp.Eval("scrollbar .scroll -command \".text yview\"");
            interp.Eval("pack .scroll -side right -fill y");
            interp.Eval("pack .text -expand yes -fill both");

            //Setup the initial menus.
            interp.Eval("menu .menu -tearoff 0");
            interp.Eval("menu .menu.file -tearoff 0");
            interp.Eval("menu .menu.search -tearoff 0");

            //Add items to the 'file' menu and add it to the menubar.
            interp.Eval(".menu add cascade -label {File} -menu .menu.file");
            interp.Eval(".menu add cascade -label {Search} -menu .menu.search");

            interp.Eval(".menu.file add command -label {New} -command {cmdNew}");
            interp.Eval(".menu.file add command -label {Open...} -command {cmdOpen}");
            interp.Eval(".menu.file add command -label {Save...} -command {cmdSave}");
            interp.Eval(".menu.file add command -label {Save As...} -command {cmdSaveAs}");
            interp.Eval(".menu.file add separator");
            interp.Eval(".menu.file add command -label {Exit} -command {cmdExit}");
            interp.Eval(".menu.search add command -label {Highlight} -command {cmdHighlight}");

            //Enable menus for the root window.
            interp.Eval(". configure -menu .menu");

            //Setup the menu callbacks.
            interp.CreateCommand("cmdNew", new TclCmdProc(cmdNew));
            interp.CreateCommand("cmdOpen", new TclCmdProc(cmdOpen));
            interp.CreateCommand("cmdSave", new TclCmdProc(cmdSave));
            interp.CreateCommand("cmdSaveAs", new TclCmdProc(cmdSaveAs));
            interp.CreateCommand("cmdExit", new TclCmdProc(cmdExit));
            interp.CreateCommand("cmdHighlight", new TclCmdProc(cmdHighlight));
Exemplo n.º 10
        void cmdExit(TclInterp interp, string[]argv)
            interp.Eval("set query [tk_messageBox -icon question -title \"Quit\" -message \"You may have unsaved changes,\nare you sure?\" -type yesno]");
            string result = interp.GetVar("query");

 internal TclCmdDeleteProcWrapper(TclInterp interp, TclCmdDeleteProc proc, Object deletee) {
     _interp = interp;
     _proc = proc;
     unsafe { _callback = new Tcl_CmdDeleteProc(this.CallbackProc); }
     _deletee = deletee;
 internal TclCmdProcWrapper(TclInterp interp, TclCmdProc proc) {
     _interp = interp;
     _proc = proc;
     unsafe { _callback = new Tcl_CmdProc(this.CallbackProc); }
Exemplo n.º 13
 internal TclCmdProcWrapper(TclInterp interp, TclCmdProc proc)
     _interp = interp;
     _proc   = proc;
     unsafe { _callback = new Tcl_CmdProc(this.CallbackProc); }
Exemplo n.º 14
 void doItProc(TclInterp interp, string[] s)
     System.Console.Write("Hello World!! [{0}] [{1}]\n", s.Length, s[0]);
     interp.Eval(".b configure -bg PeachPuff1");