Exemplo n.º 1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Creating Needed Instances
            RequestsHandler httpClient = new RequestsHandler ();
            AppStoreParser  parser     = new AppStoreParser ();

            // Loading Configuration
            LogSetup.InitializeLog ("Apple_Store_Urls_Worker.log", "info");
            _logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger ();

            // Loading Config
            _logger.Info ("Loading Configurations from App.config");
            LoadConfiguration ();

            // Control Variable (Bool - Should the process use proxies? )
            bool shouldUseProxies = false;

            // Checking for the need to use proxies
            if (args != null && args.Length == 1)
                // Setting flag to true
                shouldUseProxies = true;

                // Loading proxies from .txt received as argument
                String fPath = args[0];

                // Sanity Check
                if (!File.Exists (fPath))
                    _logger.Fatal ("Couldnt find proxies on path : " + fPath);
                    System.Environment.Exit (-100);

                // Reading Proxies from File
                string[] fLines = File.ReadAllLines (fPath, Encoding.GetEncoding ("UTF-8"));

                    // Actual Load of Proxies
                    ProxiesLoader.Load (fLines.ToList ());
                catch (Exception ex)
                    _logger.Fatal (ex);
                    System.Environment.Exit (-101);

            // AWS Queue Handler
            _logger.Info ("Initializing Queues");
            AzureSQSHelper appsUrlQueue  = new AzureSQSHelper(_appUrlsQueueName , _maxMessagesPerDequeue, _azureQueueconn);
            AzureSQSHelper appsDataQueue = new AzureSQSHelper(_appsDataQueueName, _maxMessagesPerDequeue, _azureQueueconn);

            // Setting Error Flag to No Error ( 0 )
            System.Environment.ExitCode = 0;

            // Initialiazing Control Variables
            int fallbackWaitTime = 1;

            _logger.Info ("Started Processing Individual Apps Urls");

                    // Dequeueing messages from the Queue
                    if (!appsUrlQueue.DeQueueMessages ())
                        Thread.Sleep (_hiccupTime); // Hiccup

                    // Checking for no message received, and false positives situations
                    if (!appsUrlQueue.AnyMessageReceived ())
                        // If no message was found, increases the wait time
                        int waitTime;
                        if (fallbackWaitTime <= 12)
                            // Exponential increase on the wait time, truncated after 12 retries
                            waitTime = Convert.ToInt32 (Math.Pow (2, fallbackWaitTime) * 1000);
                        else // Reseting Wait after 12 fallbacks
                            waitTime         = 2000;
                            fallbackWaitTime = 0;


                        // Sleeping before next try
                        Console.WriteLine ("Fallback (seconds) => " + waitTime);
                        Thread.Sleep (waitTime);

                    // Reseting fallback time
                    fallbackWaitTime = 1;

                    // Iterating over dequeued Messages
                    foreach (var appUrl in appsUrlQueue.GetDequeuedMessages ())
                        bool processingWorked = true;

                            // Retries Counter
                            int retries = 0;
                            string htmlResponse;

                            // Retrying if necessary
                                // Executing Http Request for the Category Url
                                htmlResponse = httpClient.Get (appUrl.AsString, shouldUseProxies);

                                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (htmlResponse))
                                    // Extending Fallback time
                                    int sleepTime = retries * _hiccupTime <= 30000 ? retries * _hiccupTime : 30000;

                                    _logger.Info ("Retrying Request for App Page [ " + sleepTime / 1000 + " ]");

                                    Thread.Sleep (sleepTime);

                            } while (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (htmlResponse) && retries <= _maxRetries);

                            // Checking if retries failed
                            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (htmlResponse))

                            // Feedback
                            _logger.Info ("Current page " + appUrl.AsString, "Parsing App Data");

                            // Parsing Data out of the Html Page
                            AppleStoreAppModel parsedApp = parser.ParseAppPage (htmlResponse);
                            parsedApp.url                = appUrl.AsString;

                            // Enqueueing App Data
                            appsDataQueue.EnqueueMessage (parsedApp.ToJson ());

                            // Little Hiccup
                            Thread.Sleep (_hiccupTime);

                        catch (Exception ex)
                            _logger.Error (ex);

                            // Setting Flag to "False"
                            processingWorked = false;
                             //Deleting the message - Only if the processing worked
                            if (processingWorked)
                                appsUrlQueue.DeleteMessage (appUrl);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    _logger.Error (ex);

            } while (true);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Creating Needed Instances
            RequestsHandler httpClient = new RequestsHandler ();
            AppStoreParser  parser     = new AppStoreParser ();

            // Loading Configuration
            LogSetup.InitializeLog ("Apple_Store_Urls_Worker.log", "info");
            _logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger ();

            // Loading Config
            _logger.Info ("Loading Configurations from App.config");
            LoadConfiguration ();

            // Control Variable (Bool - Should the process use proxies? )
            bool shouldUseProxies = false;

            // Checking for the need to use proxies
            if (args != null && args.Length == 1)
                // Setting flag to true
                shouldUseProxies = true;

                // Loading proxies from .txt received as argument
                String fPath = args[0];

                // Sanity Check
                if (!File.Exists (fPath))
                    _logger.Fatal ("Couldnt find proxies on path : " + fPath);
                    System.Environment.Exit (-100);

                // Reading Proxies from File
                string[] fLines = File.ReadAllLines (fPath, Encoding.GetEncoding ("UTF-8"));

                    // Actual Load of Proxies
                    ProxiesLoader.Load (fLines.ToList ());
                catch (Exception ex)
                    _logger.Fatal (ex);
                    System.Environment.Exit (-101);

            // AWS Queue Handler
            _logger.Info ("Initializing Queues");
            AzureSQSHelper charactersUrlQueue = new AzureSQSHelper (_characterUrlsQueueName, _maxMessagesPerDequeue, _azureQueueconn);
            AzureSQSHelper numericUrlQueue    = new AzureSQSHelper(_numericUrlsQueueName  , _maxMessagesPerDequeue, _azureQueueconn);

            // Setting Error Flag to No Error ( 0 )
            System.Environment.ExitCode = 0;

            // Initialiazing Control Variables
            int fallbackWaitTime = 1;

            _logger.Info ("Started Processing Character Urls");

                    // Dequeueing messages from the Queue
                    if (!charactersUrlQueue.DeQueueMessages())
                        Thread.Sleep (_hiccupTime); // Hiccup

                    // Checking for no message received, and false positives situations
                    if (!charactersUrlQueue.AnyMessageReceived())
                        // If no message was found, increases the wait time
                        int waitTime;
                        if (fallbackWaitTime <= 12)
                            // Exponential increase on the wait time, truncated after 12 retries
                            waitTime = Convert.ToInt32 (Math.Pow (2, fallbackWaitTime) * 1000);
                        else // Reseting Wait after 12 fallbacks
                            waitTime         = 2000;
                            fallbackWaitTime = 0;


                        // Sleeping before next try
                        Console.WriteLine ("Fallback (seconds) => " + waitTime);
                        Thread.Sleep (waitTime);

                    // Reseting fallback time
                    fallbackWaitTime = 1;

                    // Iterating over dequeued Messages
                    foreach (var characterUrl in charactersUrlQueue.GetDequeuedMessages ())
                        // Console Feedback
                        _logger.Info ("Started Parsing Url : " + characterUrl.AsString);

                            // Retries Counter
                            int retries = 0;
                            string htmlResponse;

                            // Retrying if necessary
                                // Executing Http Request for the Category Url
                                htmlResponse = httpClient.Get (characterUrl.AsString, shouldUseProxies);

                                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (htmlResponse))
                                    _logger.Info ("Retrying Request for Character Page");

                                    // Small Hiccup
                                    Thread.Sleep (_hiccupTime);

                            } while (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (htmlResponse) && retries <= _maxRetries);

                            // Checking if retries failed
                            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (htmlResponse))
                                // Deletes Message and moves on
                                charactersUrlQueue.DeleteMessage (characterUrl);

                            // Hashset of urls processed (to avoid duplicates)
                            HashSet<String> urlsQueued = new HashSet<String> ();

                            // Executing Request and Queueing Urls until there's no other Url to be queued
                                // Flag to check whether any url was added after the last iteration (avoids endless loop)
                                bool anyNewUrl = false;

                                // If the request worked, parses the Urls out of the page
                                foreach (string numericUrls in parser.ParseNumericUrls (htmlResponse).Select (t => HttpUtility.HtmlDecode (t)))
                                    // Checking if this url was previously queued
                                    if (!urlsQueued.Contains (numericUrls))
                                        // Enqueueing Urls
                                        numericUrlQueue.EnqueueMessage (HttpUtility.HtmlDecode (numericUrls));

                                        // Adding url to the local hashset
                                        urlsQueued.Add (numericUrls);
                                        anyNewUrl = true;

                                // Checking for the need to perform another http request for the next page
                                if (parser.IsLastPage (htmlResponse) || !anyNewUrl)
                                    break; // Breaks "While" Loop

                                // Feedback
                                _logger.Info ("Urls Queued For This Page : " + urlsQueued.Count, "\n\tProcessing Feedback");

                                // If it got to this point, it means that there are more pages to be processed
                                // Parsing URL of the "Last" page (the last that's visible)
                                string lastPageUrl = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode (parser.ParseLastPageUrl (htmlResponse));

                                // Executing Http Request for this Url (with retries)
                                retries = 0;
                                    // HTTP Get for the Page
                                    htmlResponse = httpClient.Get (lastPageUrl, shouldUseProxies);

                                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (htmlResponse))
                                        _logger.Error ("Retrying Request for Last Page");

                                        // Small Hiccup
                                        Thread.Sleep (_hiccupTime);

                                } while (String.IsNullOrEmpty (htmlResponse) && retries <= _maxRetries);

                            } while (true);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            _logger.Error (ex);
                            charactersUrlQueue.DeleteMessage (characterUrl);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    _logger.Error (ex);

            } while (true);
Exemplo n.º 3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Creating Needed Instances
            RequestsHandler httpClient = new RequestsHandler ();
            AppStoreParser  parser     = new AppStoreParser ();

            // Setting Up Log
            LogSetup.InitializeLog ("Apple_Store_Crawler.log", "info");
            _logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger ();

            // Starting Flow
            _logger.Info ("Worker Started");

            // Loading Configuration
            _logger.Info ("Reading Configuration");
            LoadConfiguration ();

            // Control Variable (Bool - Should the process use proxies? )
            bool shouldUseProxies = false;

            // Checking for the need to use proxies
            if (args != null && args.Length == 1)
                // Setting flag to true
                shouldUseProxies = true;

                // Loading proxies from .txt received as argument
                String fPath = args[0];

                // Sanity Check
                if (!File.Exists (fPath))
                    _logger.Fatal ("Couldnt find proxies on path : " + fPath);
                    System.Environment.Exit (-100);

                // Reading Proxies from File
                string[] fLines = File.ReadAllLines (fPath, Encoding.GetEncoding ("UTF-8"));

                    // Actual Load of Proxies
                    ProxiesLoader.Load (fLines.ToList ());
                catch (Exception ex)
                    _logger.Fatal (ex);
                    System.Environment.Exit (-101);

            // AWS Queue Handler
            _logger.Info ("Initializing Queues");
            AzureSQSHelper sqsWrapper = new AzureSQSHelper (_categoriesQueueName, 10, _azureQueueconn);

            // Step 1 - Trying to obtain the root page html (source of all the apps)
            var rootPageResponse = httpClient.GetRootPage (shouldUseProxies);

            // Sanity Check
            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (rootPageResponse))
                _logger.Info ("Error obtaining Root Page HTMl - Aborting", "Timeout Error");

            // Step 2 - Extracting Category Urls from the Root Page and queueing their Urls
            foreach (var categoryUrl in parser.ParseCategoryUrls (rootPageResponse))
                // Logging Feedback
                _logger.Info ("Queueing Category : " + categoryUrl);

                // Queueing Category Urls
                sqsWrapper.EnqueueMessage (categoryUrl);

            _logger.Info ("End of Bootstrapping phase");

        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Creating Needed Instances
            RequestsHandler httpClient = new RequestsHandler ();
            AppStoreParser  parser     = new AppStoreParser ();

            // Loading Configuration
            LogSetup.InitializeLog ("Apple_Store_Categories_Worker.log", "info");
            _logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger ();

            // Loading Config
            _logger.Info ("Loading Configurations from App.config");
            LoadConfiguration ();

            // Control Variable (Bool - Should the process use proxies? )
            bool shouldUseProxies = false;

            // Checking for the need to use proxies
            if (args != null && args.Length == 1)
                // Setting flag to true
                shouldUseProxies = true;

                // Loading proxies from .txt received as argument
                String fPath = args[0];

                // Sanity Check
                if (!File.Exists (fPath))
                    _logger.Fatal ("Couldnt find proxies on path : " + fPath);
                    System.Environment.Exit (-100);

                // Reading Proxies from File
                string[] fLines = File.ReadAllLines (fPath, Encoding.GetEncoding ("UTF-8"));

                    // Actual Load of Proxies
                    ProxiesLoader.Load (fLines.ToList ());
                catch (Exception ex)
                    _logger.Fatal (ex);
                    System.Environment.Exit (-101);

            // AWS Queue Handler
            _logger.Info ("Initializing Queues");
            AzureSQSHelper categoriesUrlQueue = new AzureSQSHelper (_categoriesQueueName   , _maxMessagesPerDequeue, _azureQueueconn);
            AzureSQSHelper charactersUrlQueue = new AzureSQSHelper (_characterUrlsQueueName, _maxMessagesPerDequeue, _azureQueueconn);

            // Setting Error Flag to No Error ( 0 )
            System.Environment.ExitCode = 0;

            // Initialiazing Control Variables
            int fallbackWaitTime = 1;

            _logger.Info ("Started Processing Category Urls");

                    // Dequeueing messages from the Queue
                    if (!categoriesUrlQueue.DeQueueMessages())
                        Thread.Sleep (_hiccupTime); // Hiccup

                    // Checking for no message received, and false positives situations
                    if (!categoriesUrlQueue.AnyMessageReceived())
                        // If no message was found, increases the wait time
                        int waitTime;
                        if (fallbackWaitTime <= 12)
                            // Exponential increase on the wait time, truncated after 12 retries
                            waitTime = Convert.ToInt32 (Math.Pow (2, fallbackWaitTime) * 1000);
                        else // Reseting Wait after 12 fallbacks
                            waitTime         = 2000;
                            fallbackWaitTime = 0;


                        // Sleeping before next try
                        _logger.Info ("Fallback (seconds) => " + waitTime);
                        Thread.Sleep (waitTime);

                    // Reseting fallback time
                    fallbackWaitTime = 1;

                    // Iterating over dequeued Messages
                    foreach (var categoryUrl in categoriesUrlQueue.GetDequeuedMessages())
                        // Console Feedback
                        _logger.Info ("Started Parsing Category : " + categoryUrl.AsString);

                            // Retries Counter
                            int retries = 0;
                            string htmlResponse;

                            // Retrying if necessary
                                // Executing Http Request for the Category Url
                                htmlResponse = httpClient.Get (categoryUrl.AsString, shouldUseProxies);

                                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (htmlResponse))
                                    _logger.Error ("Retrying Request for Category Page");

                            } while (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (htmlResponse) && retries <= _maxRetries);

                            // Checking if retries failed
                            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (htmlResponse))
                                // Deletes Message and moves on
                                categoriesUrlQueue.DeleteMessage (categoryUrl);

                            // If the request worked, parses the urls out of the page
                            foreach (string characterUrls in parser.ParseCharacterUrls (htmlResponse))
                                // Enqueueing Urls
                                charactersUrlQueue.EnqueueMessage (HttpUtility.HtmlDecode (characterUrls));
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            _logger.Error (ex);
                            // Deleting the message
                catch (Exception ex)
                    _logger.Error (ex);

            } while (true);
Exemplo n.º 5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Loading Configuration
            LogSetup.InitializeLog ("Apple_Store_Recorder.log", "info");
            _logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger ();

            // Loading Config
            _logger.Info ("Loading Configurations from App.config");
            LoadConfiguration ();

            // Initializing Queue
            _logger.Info ("Initializing Queue");
            AzureSQSHelper appsDataQueue = new AzureSQSHelper (_appsDataQueueName, _maxMessagesPerDequeue, _azureQueueconn);

            // Creating MongoDB Instance
            _logger.Info ("Loading MongoDB / Creating Instances");

            MongoDBWrapper mongoDB = new MongoDBWrapper ();
            string serverAddr      = String.Join (":", Consts.MONGO_SERVER, Consts.MONGO_PORT);
            mongoDB.ConfigureDatabase (Consts.MONGO_USER, Consts.MONGO_PASS, Consts.MONGO_AUTH_DB, serverAddr, 10000, Consts.MONGO_DATABASE, Consts.MONGO_COLLECTION);

            // Setting Error Flag to No Error ( 0 )
            System.Environment.ExitCode = 0;

            // Initialiazing Control Variables
            int fallbackWaitTime = 1;

            // Buffer of Messages to be recorder
            List<AppleStoreAppModel> recordsBuffer  = new List<AppleStoreAppModel> ();
            List<CloudQueueMessage>            messagesBuffer = new List<CloudQueueMessage> ();

            // Insert Batch Size
            int batchSize = 1000;

            _logger.Info ("Started Recording App Data");

                    // Dequeueing messages from the Queue
                    if (!appsDataQueue.DeQueueMessages ())
                        Thread.Sleep (_hiccupTime); // Hiccup

                    // Checking for no message received, and false positives situations
                    if (!appsDataQueue.AnyMessageReceived ())
                        // If no message was found, increases the wait time
                        int waitTime;
                        if (fallbackWaitTime <= 12)
                            // Exponential increase on the wait time, truncated after 12 retries
                            waitTime = Convert.ToInt32 (Math.Pow (2, fallbackWaitTime) * 1000);
                        else // Reseting Wait after 12 fallbacks
                            waitTime         = 2000;
                            fallbackWaitTime = 0;


                        // Sleeping before next try
                        Console.WriteLine ("Fallback (seconds) => " + waitTime);
                        Thread.Sleep (waitTime);

                    // Reseting fallback time
                    fallbackWaitTime = 1;

                    // Iterating over dequeued Messages
                    foreach (var appDataMessage in appsDataQueue.GetDequeuedMessages ())
                            // Deserializing message
                            var appData = AppleStoreAppModel.FromJson (appDataMessage.AsString);

                            // Dumping "Url" to "_id"
                            appData._id = appData.url;

                            // Adding it to the buffer of records to be recorded
                            recordsBuffer.Add (appData);

                            // Adding message to the buffer of messages to be deleted
                            messagesBuffer.Add (appDataMessage);

                            // Is it time to batch insert ?
                            if ((recordsBuffer.Count % batchSize) == 0)
                                // Batch Insertion
                                mongoDB.BatchInsert<AppleStoreAppModel> (recordsBuffer);

                                // Logging Feedback
                                _logger.Info ("\tApps Recorded : " + recordsBuffer.Count);

                                // Deleting Messages
                                messagesBuffer.ForEach ( (msg) => appsDataQueue.DeleteMessage (msg));

                                _logger.Info ("\tMessages Deleted: " + messagesBuffer.Count);

                                // Clearing Buffers
                                recordsBuffer.Clear ();
                                messagesBuffer.Clear ();
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            _logger.Error (ex);
                            // Deleting the message
                            appsDataQueue.DeleteMessage (appDataMessage);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    _logger.Error (ex);

            } while (true);