Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// TODO: update comments
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dto"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ContextCategory GetContextCategory(ContextDto dto)
                var processName = dto.Context.ProgramInUse;
                var windowName  = dto.Context.WindowTitle;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(processName) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(windowName))

                if (windowName != null)
                    windowName = windowName.ToLower();
                if (processName != null)
                    processName = processName.ToLower();

                // all IDLE, will later manually check with more info to find meetings, breaks, etc.
                if (processName != null && processName.Equals(Dict.Idle.ToLower()))
                    return(ContextCategory.None); //TODO: add logic for <2min idle (reading something)
                // check with planning keywords
                if (IsCategory(ContextCategory.Planning, processName, windowName))
                    // this is needed because "task" could be mapped for the "task manager"
                    return(IsCategory(ContextCategory.Other, processName, windowName)
                        ? ContextCategory.Other
                        : ContextCategory.Planning);
                // if not planning, check with email keywords
                if (IsCategory(ContextCategory.Email, processName, windowName))
                // if editor, might be reading/writing OR coding (if common coding file type extension or the window
                // title has not enough information to accurately map by hand, then map to coding category,
                // else: manual mapping later)
                if (IsEditor(processName, windowName))
                        ? ContextCategory.DevCode
                        : ContextCategory.ReadWriteDocument); //ContextCategory.ManualEditor;
                // check with debugging keywords (manual because of manual checking later)
                if (IsCategory(ContextCategory.DevDebug, processName, windowName))
                // check with review keywords (manual because of manual checking later)
                if (IsCategory(ContextCategory.DevReview, processName, windowName))
                // check with version control keywords (manual because of manual checking later)
                if (IsCategory(ContextCategory.DevVc, processName, windowName))
                // check with coding keywords (there might be more from editors, manual mapping)
                if (IsCategory(ContextCategory.DevCode, processName, windowName))
                // check with read/write keywords (there might be more from editors, manual mapping)
                if (IsCategory(ContextCategory.ReadWriteDocument, processName, windowName))

                // NO automated mapping of formal meetings: will look at self-reported tasks & IDLE times
                // NO automated mapping of in-formal meetings: will look at self-reported tasks & IDLE times

                // check if its a browser (did not yet fit into other categories
                // then it's work related / unrelated web browsing which is manually mapped
                if (IsBrowser(processName))
                    // map according to keywords and websites
                    if (IsWebsiteWorkRelated(windowName))
                    if (IsWebsiteWorkUnrelated(windowName))

                    return(ContextCategory.WorkRelatedBrowsing); // default
                // check with instant messaging keywords (subcategory of INFORMAL MEETING)
                if (IsCategory(ContextCategory.InformalMeeting, processName, windowName))
                // check with rdp keywords (subcategory of Other)
                if (IsCategory(ContextCategory.OtherRdp, processName, windowName))
                // check if it's something else (OS related, navigating, etc.)
                if (IsCategory(ContextCategory.Other, processName, windowName))
            catch (Exception e)

            return(ContextCategory.Unknown); // should never happen!
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the timestamp, process name and window title into the database.
        /// In case the user doesn't want the window title to be stored (For privacy reasons),
        /// it is obfuscated.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="window"></param>
        /// <param name="process"></param>
        internal static void InsertSnapshot(string window, string process)
            if (Shared.Settings.AnonymizeSensitiveData)
                var dto = new ContextDto { Context = new ContextInfos { ProgramInUse = process, WindowTitle = window } };
                window = Dict.Anonymized + " " + ContextMapper.GetContextCategory(dto);  // obfuscate window title

            Database.GetInstance().ExecuteDefaultQuery("INSERT INTO " + Settings.DbTable + " (time, window, process) VALUES (strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%f', 'now', 'localtime'), " +
                Database.GetInstance().Q(window) + ", " + Database.GetInstance().Q(process) + ")");