Exemplo n.º 1
        public void Equals_ShouldNotBeEqual()
            var rectA = new BasicRectangle(0, 50, 100, 150);
            var rectB = new BasicRectangle(50, 100, 150, 200);

Exemplo n.º 2
 public void DrawImage(BasicRectangle rectangleDestination, BasicRectangle rectangleSource, IDisposable image)
     // Make sure the source rectangle width isn't out of bounds
     var disposableImage = (DisposableBitmap)image;
     var croppedBitmap = new CroppedBitmap(disposableImage.Bitmap, GenericControlHelper.ToInt32Rect(rectangleSource));
     _context.DrawImage(croppedBitmap, GenericControlHelper.ToRect(rectangleDestination));
Exemplo n.º 3
		public GraphicsContextWrapper(CGContext context, float boundsWidth, float boundsHeight, BasicRectangle dirtyRect)
			Context = context;
			BoundsWidth = boundsWidth;
			BoundsHeight = boundsHeight;
			DirtyRect = dirtyRect;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void Equals_ShouldBeEqual()
            var rectA = new BasicRectangle(0, 50, 100, 150);
            var rectB = new BasicRectangle(0, 50, 100, 150);

Exemplo n.º 5
 public GraphicsContextWrapper(Canvas canvas, float boundsWidth, float boundsHeight, float density, BasicRectangle dirtyRect)
     _canvas = canvas;
     DirtyRect = dirtyRect;
     BoundsWidth = boundsWidth;
     BoundsHeight = boundsHeight;
     Density = density;
Exemplo n.º 6
 public void Merge(BasicRectangle rect)
     var mergedRect = BasicRectangle.Merge(this, rect);
     this.X = mergedRect.X;
     this.Y = mergedRect.Y;
     this.Width = mergedRect.Width;
     this.Height = mergedRect.Height;
Exemplo n.º 7
 public GraphicsContextWrapper(CGContext context, float boundsWidth, float boundsHeight, BasicRectangle dirtyRect)
     Context = context;
     BoundsWidth = boundsWidth;
     BoundsHeight = boundsHeight;
     DirtyRect = dirtyRect;
     Density = GetDisplayScale();
Exemplo n.º 8
 protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext dc)
     // TODO: Fix this, dirty rects in WPF is still a mystery. It was simple in WinForms, why is it hidden in WPF?
     var dirtyRect = new BasicRectangle(0, 0, (float)ActualWidth, (float)ActualHeight); 
     var wrapper = new GraphicsContextWrapper(dc, (float)ActualWidth, (float)ActualHeight, dirtyRect);
Exemplo n.º 9
 public GraphicsContextWrapper(DrawingContext context, float boundsWidth, float boundsHeight, BasicRectangle dirtyRect)
     _context = context;
     BoundsWidth = boundsWidth;
     BoundsHeight = boundsHeight;
     DirtyRect = dirtyRect;
     using (var g = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromHwnd(IntPtr.Zero))
         Density = g.DpiX/96f;
Exemplo n.º 10
 public static BasicRectangle Merge(BasicRectangle rectA, BasicRectangle rectB)
     var mergedRect = new BasicRectangle();
     mergedRect.X = Math.Min(rectA.X, rectB.X);
     mergedRect.Y = Math.Min(rectA.Y, rectB.Y);
     mergedRect.Width = Math.Max(rectA.Right, rectB.Right) - mergedRect.X;
     mergedRect.Height = Math.Max(rectA.Bottom, rectB.Bottom) - mergedRect.Y;
     return mergedRect;
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void DrawImage(BasicRectangle rectangleDestination, BasicRectangle rectangleSource, IDisposable image)
            //Console.WriteLine("GraphicsContextWrapper - DrawImage - rectangleDestination: {0} rectangleSource: {1}", rectangleDestination, rectangleSource);
            var bitmap = image as NSImage;
            if (bitmap == null)

            bitmap.Draw(GenericControlHelper.ToRect(rectangleDestination), GenericControlHelper.ToRect(rectangleSource), NSCompositingOperation.SourceOver, 1, true, new NSDictionary());
Exemplo n.º 12
		public void Center_ShouldBeCentered()
            float size = 200;
            var rect = new BasicRectangle(0, 0, size, size);
            var point = rect.Center();

            Assert.AreEqual(point.X, size / 2f);
            Assert.AreEqual(point.Y, size / 2f);
Exemplo n.º 13
		private void Initialize()
            Frame = new BasicRectangle();

            _timerRefresh = new Timer();
            _timerRefresh.Interval = 50;
            _timerRefresh.Elapsed += HandleTimerRefreshElapsed;

Exemplo n.º 14
 public bool CheckIfTileIsInBounds(int tileSize, float zoom, BasicRectangle bounds)
     float deltaZoom = zoom / Zoom;
     float tileWidth = tileSize*deltaZoom;
     //float offsetX = GetAdjustedContentOffsetForZoom(x, tileSize, zoom);
     //float offsetX = x;
     float offsetX = ContentOffset.X*deltaZoom;
     //Console.WriteLine("WaveFormTile - CheckIfTileIsInBounds - offsetX: {0} tileWidth: {1} tileZoom: {2} bounds: {3} zoom: {4}", offsetX, tileWidth, Zoom, bounds, zoom);
     //return offsetX >= bounds.X && offsetX + tileWidth <= bounds.X + bounds.Width;
     return offsetX <= bounds.X && offsetX + tileWidth >= bounds.X + bounds.Width;
Exemplo n.º 15
        public List<WaveFormTile> GetTiles(WaveFormBitmapRequest request)
            if (request.Zoom != _lastZoom && request.Zoom > 1)
                lock (_lockerCache)
                    // Bug: when requesting the smaller tiles, the zoom changes
                    //Console.WriteLine("WaveFormCacheService - Zoom has changed - lastZoom: {0} zoom: {1}", _lastZoom, request.Zoom);
                    _lastZoom = request.Zoom;

            //float coveredAreaX = 0;
            float zoomThreshold = (float)Math.Floor(request.Zoom);
            var boundsWaveFormAdjusted = new BasicRectangle(0, 0, request.BoundsWaveForm.Width * zoomThreshold, request.BoundsWaveForm.Height);
            var tiles = new List<WaveFormTile>();
            //List<WaveFormTile> previouslyAvailableTiles = new List<WaveFormTile>();
            for (int a = request.StartTile; a < request.EndTile; a++)
                WaveFormTile tile = null;
                float tileX = a * request.TileSize;

                // Add lock for cache
                WaveFormTile cachedTile = null;
                lock (_lockerCache)
                        cachedTile = _tileCacheForScrollBar.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ContentOffset.X == tileX);
                        cachedTile = _tileCacheForZoom.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ContentOffset.X == tileX);
                if (cachedTile != null)
                    //Console.WriteLine(">>>>>>>>>> Taking cached tile!");
                    tile = cachedTile;
                    // This is a hot line, and needs to be avoided as much as possible.
                    // the problem is that tiles vary in time in quality. 
                    // maybe as a first, when a tile at the right zoom is available, cache it locally so it isn't necessary to call the algo again.
                    var availableTiles = GetAvailableTilesForPosition(tileX, request.Zoom);
                    var boundsBitmap = new BasicRectangle(tileX, 0, TileSize, request.BoundsWaveForm.Height);
                    if (availableTiles != null && availableTiles.Count > 0)
                        // TEMP: Add every tile for zoom == 100% (TESTING) -- This fixes the empty areas and proves the coveredAreaX technique doesn't work.
                        var tileLowRes = availableTiles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Zoom == 1);
                        if (tileLowRes != null && !tiles.Contains(tileLowRes))

                        // Get the tile with the zoom that is the closest to the current zoom threshold 
                        tile = GetOptimalTileAtZoom(availableTiles, zoomThreshold);

                        // If we could not find a tile at this zoom level, we need to generate one 
                        if (tile.Zoom != zoomThreshold)
                            //Console.WriteLine("WaveFormCacheService - Requesting a new bitmap (zoom doesn't match) - zoomThreshold: {0} tile.Zoom: {1} boundsBitmap: {2} boundsWaveForm: {3}", zoomThreshold, tile.Zoom, boundsBitmap, request.BoundsWaveForm);
                            AddBitmapRequestToList(boundsBitmap, boundsWaveFormAdjusted, zoomThreshold, request.DisplayType);
                            lock (_lockerCache)
                        // We need to request a new bitmap at this zoom threshold because there are no bitmaps available (usually zoom @ 100%)
                        //Console.WriteLine("WaveFormCacheService - Requesting a new bitmap - zoom: {0} zoomThreshold: {1} boundsWaveForm: {2}", zoomThreshold, boundsBitmap, request.BoundsWaveForm);
                        AddBitmapRequestToList(boundsBitmap, boundsWaveFormAdjusted, zoomThreshold, request.DisplayType);

                //Console.WriteLine("WaveFormCacheService - GetTiles - tile {0} x: {1} Zoom: {2} // tileFound: {3} tile.X: {4} tile.Zoom: {5}", a, tileX, zoom, tile == null, tile != null ? tile.ContentOffset.X : -1, tile != null ? tile.Zoom : -1);
                if (tile != null)
                    // Calculate the new covered area (adjusted with the zoom delta)
                    //float currentTileDeltaZoom = request.Zoom/tile.Zoom;
                    //float currentTileX = tile.ContentOffset.X*currentTileDeltaZoom;
                    //float currentTileWidth = request.TileSize*currentTileDeltaZoom;

                    //// Check if the new tile leaves an empty area behind
                    //if (coveredAreaX < tile.ContentOffset.X)
                    //    //Console.WriteLine("[...] WaveFormCacheService - GetTiles - An empty area has been found - coveredAreaX: {0} tile.ContentOffset.X: {1}", coveredAreaX, currentTileX);
                    //    //var tilesToFillEmptyArea = GetAvailableTilesToFillBounds(tileX, zoom, new BasicRectangle(coveredAreaX, 0, tile.ContentOffset.X - coveredAreaX, boundsWaveForm.Height));
                    //    var tilesToFillEmptyArea = GetAvailableTilesToFillBounds(zoom, new BasicRectangle(coveredAreaX, 0, tile.ContentOffset.X - coveredAreaX, boundsWaveForm.Height));
                    //    //Console.WriteLine("[...] $$$$$$$$$$$$ WaveFormCacheService - GetTiles - tilesToFillEmptyArea.Count: {0}", tilesToFillEmptyArea.Count);
                    //    //foreach (var daTile in tilesToFillEmptyArea)
                    //    //    Console.WriteLine("        .....>>>>>> tile.ContentOffset.X: {0} tile.Zoom: {1}", daTile.ContentOffset.X, daTile.Zoom);    

                    //    // Go through previously available tiles to find a tile to cover the empty area.
                    //    // This should return at least one tile (there should always be one around at zoom=100% except for the initial loading)
                    //    WaveFormTile tileToCoverEmptyArea = null;
                    //    //foreach (var previouslyAvailableTile in previouslyAvailableTiles)
                    //    //{
                    //    //    float previousTileDeltaZoom = zoom/previouslyAvailableTile.Zoom;
                    //    //    float previousTileX = previouslyAvailableTile.ContentOffset.X * previousTileDeltaZoom;
                    //    //    float previousTileWidth = tileSize * previousTileDeltaZoom;
                    //    //    if (previousTileX < coveredAreaX &&
                    //    //        previousTileX + previousTileWidth >= currentTileX)
                    //    //    {
                    //    //        tileToCoverEmptyArea = previouslyAvailableTile;
                    //    //        Console.WriteLine("[...] !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WaveFormCacheService - GetTiles - ==> A tile has been found to cover the empty area - tileToCover.ContentOffset.X: {0} tileWidth: {1} tile.Zoom: {2}", previousTileX, previousTileWidth, tileToCoverEmptyArea.Zoom);
                    //    //        break;
                    //    //    }
                    //    //}

                    //    //tileToCoverEmptyArea = tilesToFillEmptyArea.OrderByDescending(x => x.Zoom).FirstOrDefault();
                    //    tileToCoverEmptyArea = tilesToFillEmptyArea.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Zoom == 1);

                    //    // We found a tile to cover the area. If not, this should be only when refreshing the wave form for the first time @ 100%
                    //    if (tileToCoverEmptyArea != null)
                    //    {
                    //        Console.WriteLine("---> Adding tile to fill empty - tile.X: {0} tile.Zoom: {1} -- {2}", tileToCoverEmptyArea.ContentOffset.X, tileToCoverEmptyArea.Zoom, DateTime.Now);
                    //        tiles.Add(tileToCoverEmptyArea);
                    //    }
                    //    else
                    //    {
                    //        // The problem is that there are sometimes a tile could not be found the previous list... is that really a good source of info?
                    //        // maybe try the previous list and if not, fall back to the 100% zoom.
                    //        // or actually make a linq query similar to the one with adjusted content offset x.
                    //        Console.WriteLine("[!!!] WARNING: WaveFormCacheService - GetTiles - An empty area could not be filled by a tile!");
                    //    }

                    // Update the covered area position after trying to fill any empty areas left behind
                    // Note: There are still empty areas, this might not be the best way to make sure areas are all filled... 
                    //coveredAreaX = currentTileX + currentTileWidth;

                    // Keep the available tiles from the last index so we can search through this list to cover an empty area if needed
                    //previouslyAvailableTiles = availableTiles;

                    // Add tile to list of tiles to draw (TO DO: Check for existing tiles with the same zoom + offset

            // Order tiles by zoom and then by content offset x; this makes sure that the tiles with the nearest zoom level get drawn on top of farther zoom levels
            // maybe replace this linq query by inserting the tiles in the list in the right order (at tiles.Add(tile) just up from here)
            // Also use Distinct to prevent drawing the same tile multiple times
            // B U G: This might crash if a tile is removed from the list....
            var tilesOrdered = tiles.OrderBy(obj => obj.Zoom).ThenBy(obj => obj.ContentOffset.X).ToList();
            return tilesOrdered;
Exemplo n.º 16
        public void Render(IGraphicsContext context)
            // Value range is the size between max and min track bar value.
            // Ex: Min = 50, Max = 150. Value range = 100 + 1 (because we include 50 and 100)
            _valueRange = (Maximum - Minimum) + 1;

            // Get track bar value relative to value range (value - minimum value).
            // Ex: Min = 50, Max = 150, Value = 100. Value relative to value range = 50.
            _valueRelativeToValueRange = Value - Minimum;

            // Draw background
            context.DrawRectangle(new BasicRectangle(0, 0, context.BoundsWidth, context.BoundsHeight), _brushBackground, _penTransparent);

            // Return if value range is zero
            if (_valueRange == 0)

            // Draw fader track
            float trackX = context.BoundsWidth / 2;
            float trackY = Margin;
            float trackY2 = context.BoundsHeight - Margin;

            // Draw shadow track
            context.DrawLine(new BasicPoint(trackX + 1, trackY + 1), new BasicPoint(trackX + 1, trackY2 + 1), new BasicPen(new BasicBrush(_centerLineShadowColor), 1));

            // Draw track
            context.DrawLine(new BasicPoint(trackX, trackY), new BasicPoint(trackX, trackY2), new BasicPen(new BasicBrush(_centerLineColor), 1));

            // Get the track height (remove margin from top and bottom)            
            _trackHeight = context.BoundsHeight - (Margin * 2);

            // Get tick width
            float tickHeight = _trackHeight / _valueRange;

            // Get the percentage of the value relative to value range (needed to draw the fader).
            // We need to divide the value relative to value range to the value range to get the ratio.
            // Ex: Min = 50, Max = 150, Value = 100. Value relative to value range = 50. Value range = 100. Value ratio = 0.5
            _valueRatio = (_valueRelativeToValueRange / _valueRange);

            // Calculate fader position
            // We need to invert the values (i.e. max is on top, min is bottom)
            //float valueY = (valueRatio * trackHeight) + Margin;            
            float valueY = _trackHeight - (_valueRatio * _trackHeight) + Margin;
            float faderY = valueY + ((tickHeight - FaderHeight) / 2);
            float tickCenterY = valueY + (tickHeight / 2);

            // Create fader rectangle            
            _rectFader = new BasicRectangle((context.BoundsWidth / 2) - (FaderWidth / 2), faderY, FaderWidth, FaderHeight);

            //    // Draw tick zone (for debug)
            //    //RectangleF rectTickZone = new RectangleF(valueX, 0, tickWidth, Height);
            //    //g.FillRectangle(Brushes.DarkGray, rectTickZone);            

            var rectFaderShadowTop = new BasicRectangle((context.BoundsWidth / 2) - (FaderWidth / 2) + 1, faderY + 1, FaderWidth, 8);
            var rectFaderShadowBottom = new BasicRectangle((context.BoundsWidth / 2) - (FaderWidth / 2) + 1, faderY + FaderHeight - 8 + 1, FaderWidth, 8);
            var rectFaderShadowCenter = new BasicRectangle((context.BoundsWidth / 2) - (FaderWidth / 2) + 1, faderY + 4 + 1, FaderWidth, FaderHeight - 8);

            context.DrawEllipsis(rectFaderShadowTop, _brushFaderShadowColor, _penTransparent);
            context.DrawEllipsis(rectFaderShadowBottom, _brushFaderShadowColor, _penTransparent);
            context.DrawRectangle(rectFaderShadowCenter, _brushFaderShadowColor, _penTransparent);

            // Draw fader outline (with 8px border)            
            var rectFaderTop = new BasicRectangle((context.BoundsWidth / 2) - (FaderWidth / 2), faderY, FaderWidth, 8);
            var rectFaderBottom = new BasicRectangle((context.BoundsWidth / 2) - (FaderWidth / 2), faderY + FaderHeight - 8, FaderWidth, 8);
            var rectFaderBottomCenter = new BasicRectangle((context.BoundsWidth / 2) - (FaderWidth / 2), faderY + FaderHeight - 10, FaderWidth, 6);
            var rectFaderCenter = new BasicRectangle((context.BoundsWidth / 2) - (FaderWidth / 2), faderY + 4, FaderWidth, FaderHeight - 8);

            context.DrawEllipsis(rectFaderTop, _brushFaderGradient, _penTransparent);
            context.DrawEllipsis(rectFaderBottom, _brushFaderShadowColor1, _penTransparent);
            context.DrawRectangle(rectFaderCenter, _brushFaderColor2, _penTransparent);
            context.DrawRectangle(rectFaderBottomCenter, _brushFaderShadowColor1, _penTransparent);

            // Draw fader inside (with 4px border)
            var rectFaderInsideBottom = new BasicRectangle((context.BoundsWidth / 2) - (FaderWidth / 2) + 1, faderY + FaderHeight - 8, FaderWidth - 2, 4);
            var rectFaderInsideBottomCenter = new BasicRectangle((context.BoundsWidth / 2) - (FaderWidth / 2) + 1, faderY + FaderHeight - 12, FaderWidth - 2, FaderHeight - 24);
            var rectFaderInsideTop = new BasicRectangle((context.BoundsWidth / 2) - (FaderWidth / 2) + 1, faderY + 4, FaderWidth - 2, 8);
            var rectFaderInsideTopCenter = new BasicRectangle((context.BoundsWidth / 2) - (FaderWidth / 2) + 1, faderY + 8, FaderWidth - 2, FaderHeight - 24);

            context.DrawEllipsis(rectFaderInsideTop, _brushFaderShadowColor1, _penTransparent);
            context.DrawEllipsis(rectFaderInsideTopCenter, _brushFaderShadowGradient, _penTransparent);
            context.DrawEllipsis(rectFaderInsideBottom, _brushFaderColor2, _penTransparent);
            context.DrawRectangle(rectFaderInsideBottomCenter, _brushFaderColor2, _penTransparent);
            context.DrawLine(new BasicPoint((context.BoundsWidth / 2) - (FaderWidth / 2), tickCenterY), new BasicPoint((context.BoundsWidth / 2) - (FaderWidth / 2) + FaderWidth, tickCenterY), _penMiddleLineColor);
Exemplo n.º 17
		public static RectangleF ToRect(BasicRectangle rectangle)
			return new RectangleF(rectangle.X, rectangle.Y, rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height);
Exemplo n.º 18
 public BasicRectangle MeasureText(string text, BasicRectangle rectangle, string fontFace, float fontSize)
     return new BasicRectangle(0, 0, 30, 20);
Exemplo n.º 19
        public void Render(IGraphicsContext context)
            // Value range is the size between max and min track bar value.
            // Ex: Min = 50, Max = 150. Value range = 100 + 1 (because we include 50 and 100)
            _valueRange = (Maximum - Minimum) + 1;

            // Get track bar value relative to value range (value - minimum value).
            // Ex: Min = 50, Max = 150, Value = 100. Value relative to value range = 50.            
            _valueRelativeToValueRange = Value - Minimum;

            // Draw background
            context.DrawRectangle(new BasicRectangle(0, 0, context.BoundsWidth, context.BoundsHeight), _brushBackground, _penTransparent);

            // Return if value range is zero
            if (_valueRange == 0)

            // Draw fader track
            float trackX = Margin; // add margin from left
            float trackX2 = context.BoundsWidth - Margin; // add margin from right
            float trackY = context.BoundsHeight / 2; // right in the center

            context.DrawLine(new BasicPoint(trackX + 1, trackY + 1), new BasicPoint(trackX2 + 1, trackY + 1), _penCenterLineShadow);
            context.DrawLine(new BasicPoint(trackX, trackY), new BasicPoint(trackX2, trackY), _penCenterLine);

            // Get the track width (remove margin from left and right)
            _trackWidth = context.BoundsWidth - (Margin * 2);

            // Get tick width
            float tickWidth = _trackWidth / _valueRange;

            // Get the percentage of the value relative to value range (needed to draw the fader).
            // We need to divide the value relative to value range to the value range to get the ratio.
            // Ex: Min = 50, Max = 150, Value = 100. Value relative to value range = 50. Value range = 100. Value ratio = 0.5
            _valueRatio = (_valueRelativeToValueRange / _valueRange);

            // Get the value X coordinate by multiplying the value ratio to the track bar width (removed 3 pixels from left
            // and right). Add margin from left.
            float valueX = (_valueRatio * _trackWidth) + Margin; // this gives the LEFT x for our zone
            float faderX = valueX + ((tickWidth - FaderWidth) / 2);
            float tickCenterX = valueX + (tickWidth / 2);

            // Create fader rectangle
            _rectFader = new BasicRectangle(faderX, (context.BoundsHeight / 2) - (FaderHeight / 2), FaderWidth, FaderHeight);

            //// Draw tick zone (for debug)
            ////RectangleF rectTickZone = new RectangleF(valueX, 0, tickWidth, Height);
            ////g.FillRectangle(Brushes.DarkGray, rectTickZone);            

            // Draw fader outline (with 8px border)
            //var rectFaderLeft = new BasicRectangle(faderX, (context.BoundsHeight / 2) - (FaderHeight / 2), 8, FaderHeight);
            //var rectFaderRight = new BasicRectangle(faderX + FaderWidth - 8, (context.BoundsHeight / 2) - (FaderHeight / 2), 8, FaderHeight);
            var rectFaderCenter = new BasicRectangle(faderX + 4, (context.BoundsHeight / 2) - (FaderHeight / 2), FaderWidth - 8, FaderHeight);

            //context.DrawEllipsis(rectFaderLeft, new BasicGradientBrush(_faderColor1, _faderColor, 90), new BasicPen());
            //context.DrawEllipsis(rectFaderLeft, new BasicGradientBrush(new BasicColor(255, 0, 0), new BasicColor(0, 0, 255), 90), new BasicPen());
            //context.DrawEllipsis(rectFaderRight, new BasicGradientBrush(_faderColor1, _faderColor, 90), new BasicPen());
            //context.DrawEllipsis(rectFaderRight, new BasicGradientBrush(new BasicColor(0, 255, 0), new BasicColor(255, 0, 255), 90), new BasicPen());
            context.DrawEllipsis(rectFaderCenter, _brushFaderColor2, _penShadowColor1);
            //context.DrawEllipsis(rectFaderCenter, new BasicBrush(_faderColor), new BasicPen());

            // Draw fader inside (with 4px border)
            //var rectFaderInsideLeft = new BasicRectangle(faderX + 2, (context.BoundsHeight / 2) - (FaderHeight / 2) + 2, 4, FaderHeight - 4);
            //var rectFaderInsideRight = new BasicRectangle(faderX + FaderWidth - 6, (context.BoundsHeight / 2) - (FaderHeight / 2) + 2, 4, FaderHeight - 4);
            //context.DrawEllipsis(rectFaderInsideLeft, new BasicGradientBrush(_faderShadowColor, _faderShadowColor, 90), new BasicPen());
            //context.DrawEllipsis(rectFaderInsideRight, new BasicGradientBrush(_faderShadowColor, _faderShadowColor, 90), new BasicPen());
            context.DrawLine(new BasicPoint(tickCenterX, (context.BoundsHeight / 2) - (FaderHeight / 2)), new BasicPoint(tickCenterX, (context.BoundsHeight / 2) - (FaderHeight / 2) + FaderHeight), _penShadowColor1);
Exemplo n.º 20
 public void DrawRectangle(BasicRectangle rectangle, BasicBrush brush, BasicPen pen)
     _context.SetSourceRGB(brush.Color.R / 255f, brush.Color.G / 255f, brush.Color.B / 255f);
Exemplo n.º 21
 public void DrawText(string text, BasicRectangle rectangle, BasicColor color, string fontFace, float fontSize)
Exemplo n.º 22
		public void DrawImage(BasicRectangle rectangleDestination, BasicRectangle rectangleSource, IDisposable image)
Exemplo n.º 23
 public void DrawEllipsis(BasicRectangle rectangle, BasicBrush brush, BasicPen pen)
Exemplo n.º 24
		public void DrawImage(BasicRectangle rectangle, IDisposable image)
Exemplo n.º 25
        private void AddBitmapRequestToList(BasicRectangle boundsBitmap, BasicRectangle boundsWaveForm, float zoom, WaveFormDisplayType displayType)
            // Make sure we don't slow down GetTile() by creating a task and running LINQ queries on another thread
            Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                    var request = new WaveFormBitmapRequest()
                        DisplayType = displayType,
                        BoundsBitmap = boundsBitmap,
                        BoundsWaveForm = boundsWaveForm,
                        Zoom = zoom

                    // Check if a tile already exists
                    WaveFormTile existingTile = null;
                    lock (_lockerTiles)
                        existingTile = _tiles.FirstOrDefault(obj => obj.ContentOffset.X == boundsBitmap.X && obj.Zoom == zoom);

                    lock (_lockerRequests)
                        // Check if bitmap has already been requested in queue
                        var existingRequest = _requests.FirstOrDefault(obj =>
                            obj.BoundsBitmap.Equals(request.BoundsBitmap) &&
                            obj.BoundsWaveForm.Equals(request.BoundsWaveForm) &&
                            obj.Zoom == request.Zoom);

                        // Request a new bitmap only if necessary
                        if (existingRequest == null && existingTile == null)
                            //Console.WriteLine("WaveFormCacheService - Adding bitmap request to queue - zoom: {0} boundsBitmap: {1} boundsWaveForm: {2}", zoom, boundsBitmap, boundsWaveForm);

                            // Remove the oldest request from the list if we hit the maximum 
                            if(_requests.Count > MaxNumberOfRequests)

                            //Console.WriteLine("............. PULSING");
Exemplo n.º 26
        private List<WaveFormTile> GetAvailableTilesToFillBounds(float zoom, BasicRectangle bounds)
            var tiles = new List<WaveFormTile>();
            float zoomThreshold = (float)Math.Floor(zoom);
            lock (_lockerTiles)
                tiles = _tiles.Where(obj => obj.CheckIfTileIsInBounds(TileSize, zoomThreshold, bounds)).ToList();

            return tiles;
Exemplo n.º 27
 public static Rect ToRect(BasicRectangle rectangle)
     return new Rect((int) rectangle.X, (int) rectangle.Y, (int) (rectangle.X + rectangle.Width), (int) (rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height));
Exemplo n.º 28
        public WaveFormScaleControl()
            : base()
            OnInvalidateVisual += () => { };
            OnInvalidateVisualInRect += (rect) => { };
            Frame = new BasicRectangle();
			FontFace = "Roboto";
			FontSize = 10;
Exemplo n.º 29
        public void Render(IGraphicsContext context)
            lock (_locker)
                if (_brushBackground == null)
                    _brushBackground = new BasicBrush(_backgroundColor);
                    _penTransparent = new BasicPen();
                    _penBorder = new BasicPen(new BasicBrush(_borderColor), 1);
                    _rectText = context.MeasureText("12345:678.90", new BasicRectangle(0, 0, Frame.Width, Frame.Height), "HelveticaNeue", 10);

            _density = context.Density;
            Frame = new BasicRectangle(0, 0, context.BoundsWidth, context.BoundsHeight);
            context.DrawRectangle(new BasicRectangle(0, 0, context.BoundsWidth, context.BoundsHeight), _brushBackground, _penTransparent);
            if (_audioFile == null || _audioFileLength == 0)

            // Check if scale type needs to be updated
            if (_lastWidth != ContentSize.Width)
                _lastWidth = ContentSize.Width;

            // Draw scale borders
            //Console.WriteLine("WaveFormScaleView - scaleType: {0} totalMinutes: {1} totalSeconds: {2} totalMinutesScaled: {3} totalSecondsScaled: {4}", scaleType.ToString(), totalMinutes, totalSeconds, totalMinutesScaled, totalSecondsScaled);
            context.StrokeLine(new BasicPoint(0, ContentSize.Height - 1), new BasicPoint(ContentSize.Width, ContentSize.Height - 1));

            int firstVisibleIndex = (int)Math.Floor(ContentOffset.X / _tickWidth);
            int lastVisibleIndex = firstVisibleIndex + (int)Math.Floor(context.BoundsWidth / _tickWidth);
            float tickX = -ContentOffset.X + (firstVisibleIndex * _tickWidth);
            int majorTickIndex = (int)Math.Ceiling(firstVisibleIndex / 10f);
            //for (int a = firstVisibleIndex; a < _tickCount; a++)
            for (int a = firstVisibleIndex; a < lastVisibleIndex; a++)
                // Ignore ticks out of bounds
                bool isMajorTick = ((a % 10) == 0);
                if (tickX >= 0 && tickX <= Frame.Width)
                    //Console.WriteLine("####> WaveFormView - Scale - tick {0} x: {1} isMajorTick: {2} tickCount: {3}", a, tickX, isMajorTick, tickCount);

                        //    //context.DrawLine(new BasicPoint(tickX, context.BoundsHeight - (context.BoundsHeight / 1.25f)), new BasicPoint(tickX, context.BoundsHeight), _penMajorTick);
                        context.StrokeLine(new BasicPoint(tickX, 0), new BasicPoint(tickX, ContentSize.Height - 1));
                        context.StrokeLine(new BasicPoint(tickX, ContentSize.Height - (ContentSize.Height / 6) - 1), new BasicPoint(tickX, ContentSize.Height - 1));

                    if (isMajorTick)
                        // Draw dashed traversal line for major ticks
                        context.StrokeLine(new BasicPoint(tickX, ContentSize.Height - 1), new BasicPoint(tickX, ContentSize.Height - 1));

                        // Determine major scale text
                        int minutes = 0;
                        int seconds = 0;
                        switch (_scaleType)
                            case WaveFormScaleType._10minutes:
                                minutes = majorTickIndex * 10;
                                seconds = 0;
                            case WaveFormScaleType._5minutes:
                                minutes = majorTickIndex * 5;
                                seconds = 0;
                            case WaveFormScaleType._2minutes:
                                minutes = majorTickIndex * 2;
                                seconds = 0;
                            case WaveFormScaleType._1minute:
                                minutes = majorTickIndex;
                                seconds = 0;
                            case WaveFormScaleType._30seconds:
                                minutes = (int)Math.Floor(majorTickIndex / _scaleMultiplier);
                                seconds = (majorTickIndex % _scaleMultiplier == 0) ? 0 : 30;
                            case WaveFormScaleType._10seconds:
                                minutes = (int)Math.Floor(majorTickIndex / _scaleMultiplier);
                                seconds = ((int)Math.Floor(majorTickIndex % _scaleMultiplier)) * 10;
                            case WaveFormScaleType._5seconds:
                                minutes = (int)Math.Floor(majorTickIndex / _scaleMultiplier);
                                seconds = ((int)Math.Floor(majorTickIndex % _scaleMultiplier)) * 5;
                            case WaveFormScaleType._1second:
                                minutes = (int)Math.Floor(majorTickIndex / _scaleMultiplier);
                                seconds = (int)Math.Floor(majorTickIndex % _scaleMultiplier);

                        // Draw text at every major tick (minute count)
                        string scaleMajorTitle = string.Format("{0}:{1:00}", minutes, seconds);                    
                        //float y = ContentSize.Height - (ContentSize.Height/12f) - _rectText.Height - (0.5f * context.Density);                    
                        float y = 3 * context.Density;//ContentSize.Height - _rectText.Height - (10 * context.Density); 
						context.DrawText(scaleMajorTitle, new BasicPoint(tickX + (4 * context.Density), y), _textColor, FontFace, FontSize);

                tickX += _tickWidth;
Exemplo n.º 30
        public WaveFormTile GetTile(float x, float height, float waveFormWidth, float zoom)
            //var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
            WaveFormTile tile = null;
            float zoomThreshold = (float) Math.Floor(zoom);
            var boundsBitmap = new BasicRectangle(x, 0, TileSize, height);
            var boundsWaveForm = new BasicRectangle(0, 0, waveFormWidth * zoomThreshold, height);

            var tiles = GetAvailableTilesForPosition(x, zoom);
            if (tiles != null && tiles.Count > 0)
                // Get the tile with the zoom that is the closest to the current zoom threshold 
                tile = GetOptimalTileAtZoom(tiles, zoomThreshold);

                // If we could not find a tile at this zoom level, we need to generate one 
                if (tile.Zoom != zoomThreshold)
                    //Console.WriteLine("WaveFormCacheService - Requesting a new bitmap (zoom doesn't match) - zoom: {0} tile.Zoom: {1} boundsBitmap: {2} boundsWaveForm: {3}", zoom, tile.Zoom, boundsBitmap, boundsWaveForm);
                    AddBitmapRequestToList(boundsBitmap, boundsWaveForm, zoomThreshold, WaveFormDisplayType.Stereo);

                return tile;
                // We need to request a new bitmap at this zoom threshold because there are no bitmaps available (usually zoom @ 100%)
                //Console.WriteLine("WaveFormCacheService - Requesting a new bitmap - zoom: {0} boundsBitmap: {1} boundsWaveForm: {2}", zoomThreshold, boundsBitmap, boundsWaveForm);
                AddBitmapRequestToList(boundsBitmap, boundsWaveForm, zoomThreshold, WaveFormDisplayType.Stereo);

            //Console.WriteLine("WaveFormCacheService - GetTile - stopwatch: {0} ms", stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
            return tile;