/// <summary>
        /// Lazily convert the reliable state enumerable into a queryable <see cref="Entity{TKey, TValue}"/> enumerable.
        /// /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">Reliable state enumerable.</param>
        /// <param name="partitionId">Partition id.</param>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken">Cancellation token.</param>
        /// <returns>The</returns>
        private static IAsyncEnumerable <Entity <TKey, TValue> > AsEntity <TKey, TValue>(this IAsyncEnumerable <KeyValuePair <TKey, TValue> > source, Guid partitionId, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            return(source.SelectAsync(kvp => new Entity <TKey, TValue>
                PartitionId = partitionId,
                Key = kvp.Key,
                Value = kvp.Value,

                // TODO: only set the ETag if the query selects this object.
                Etag = CRC64.ToCRC64(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(kvp.Value)).ToString(),
        private static async Task <HttpStatusCode> ExecuteUpdateAsync(ITransaction tx, IReliableState dictionary, EntityOperation <JToken, JToken> operation)
            // Get type information.
            Type keyType        = dictionary.GetKeyType();
            Type valueType      = dictionary.GetValueType();
            var  key            = operation.Key.ToObject(keyType);
            var  value          = operation.Value.ToObject(valueType);
            Type dictionaryType = typeof(IReliableDictionary <,>).MakeGenericType(keyType, valueType);

            // Read the existing value.
            MethodInfo tryGetMethod = dictionaryType.GetMethod("TryGetValueAsync", new[] { typeof(ITransaction), keyType, typeof(LockMode) });
            var        tryGetTask   = (Task)tryGetMethod.Invoke(dictionary, new[] { tx, key, LockMode.Update });
            await tryGetTask.ConfigureAwait(false);

            var tryGetResult = tryGetTask.GetPropertyValue <object>("Result");

            // Only update the value if it exists.
            if (!tryGetResult.GetPropertyValue <bool>("HasValue"))
                throw new QueryException(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "Key not found.");

            // Validate the ETag.
            var currentValue = tryGetResult.GetPropertyValue <object>("Value");
            var currentEtag  = CRC64.ToCRC64(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(currentValue)).ToString();

            if (currentEtag != operation.Etag)
                throw new QueryException(HttpStatusCode.PreconditionFailed, "The value has changed on the server.");

            // Update in reliable dictionary.
            MethodInfo setMethod = dictionaryType.GetMethod("SetAsync", new[] { typeof(ITransaction), keyType, valueType });

            await((Task)setMethod.Invoke(dictionary, new[] { tx, key, value })).ConfigureAwait(false);
