public static async Task CheckForTimedUnlocksAsync(
            PuzzleServerContext context,
            Event eventObj,
            Team team)
            DateTime expiry;

            lock (TimedUnlockExpiryCache)
                // throttle this by an expiry interval before we do anything even remotely expensive
                if (TimedUnlockExpiryCache.TryGetValue(team.ID, out expiry) && expiry >= DateTime.UtcNow)

            DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow;
            var      puzzlesToSolveByTime = await PuzzleStateHelper.GetSparseQuery(context, eventObj, null, team)
                                            .Where(state => state.SolvedTime == null && state.UnlockedTime != null && state.Puzzle.MinutesToAutomaticallySolve != null && state.UnlockedTime.Value + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(state.Puzzle.MinutesToAutomaticallySolve.Value) <= now)
                                            .Select(state => state.Puzzle)

            foreach (Puzzle puzzle in puzzlesToSolveByTime)
                await PuzzleStateHelper.SetSolveStateAsync(context, eventObj, puzzle, team, DateTime.UtcNow);

            lock (TimedUnlockExpiryCache)
                // effectively, expiry = Math.Max(DateTime.UtcNow, LastGlobalExpiry) + ClosestExpirySpacing - if you could use Math.Max on DateTime
                expiry = DateTime.UtcNow;
                if (expiry < LastGlobalExpiry)
                    expiry = LastGlobalExpiry;
                expiry += ClosestExpirySpacing;

                TimedUnlockExpiryCache[team.ID] = expiry;
                LastGlobalExpiry = expiry;
        /// <summary>
        /// Unlock any puzzles that need to be unlocked due to the recent solve of a prerequisite.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The puzzle DB context</param>
        /// <param name="eventObj">The event we are working in</param>
        /// <param name="puzzleJustSolved">The puzzle just solved; if null, all the puzzles in the event (which will make more sense once we add per author filtering)</param>
        /// <param name="team">The team that just solved; if null, all the teams in the event.</param>
        /// <param name="unlockTime">The time that the puzzle should be marked as unlocked.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static async Task UnlockAnyPuzzlesThatThisSolveUnlockedAsync(PuzzleServerContext context, Event eventObj, Puzzle puzzleJustSolved, Team team, DateTime unlockTime)
            // a simple query for all puzzle IDs in the event - will be used at least once below
            IQueryable <int> allPuzzleIDsQ = context.Puzzles.Where(p => p.Event == eventObj).Select(p => p.ID);

            // if we solved a group of puzzles, every puzzle needs an update.
            // if we solved a single puzzle, only update the puzzles that have that one as a prerequisite.
            IQueryable <int> needsUpdatePuzzleIDsQ =
                puzzleJustSolved == null ?
                allPuzzleIDsQ :
                context.Prerequisites.Where(pre => pre.Prerequisite == puzzleJustSolved).Select(pre => pre.PuzzleID).Distinct();

            // get the prerequisites for all puzzles that need an update
            // information we get per puzzle: { id, min count, prerequisite IDs }
            var prerequisiteDataForNeedsUpdatePuzzles = await context.Prerequisites
                                                        .Where(pre => needsUpdatePuzzleIDsQ.Contains(pre.PuzzleID))
                                                        .GroupBy(pre => pre.Puzzle)
                                                        .Select(g => new {
                PuzzleID = g.Key.ID,
                PrerequisiteIDs = g.Select(pre => pre.PrerequisiteID)

            // Are we updating one team or all teams?
            List <Team> teamsToUpdate = team == null ? await context.Teams.Where(t => t.Event == eventObj).ToListAsync() : new List <Team>()

            // Update teams one at a time
            foreach (Team t in teamsToUpdate)
                // Collect the IDs of all solved/unlocked puzzles for this team
                // sparse lookup is fine since if the state is missing it isn't unlocked or solved!
                var puzzleStateForTeamT = await PuzzleStateHelper.GetSparseQuery(context, eventObj, null, t)
                                          .Select(state => new { state.PuzzleID, state.UnlockedTime, state.SolvedTime })

                // Make a hash set out of them for easy lookup in case we have several prerequisites to chase
                HashSet <int> unlockedPuzzleIDsForTeamT = new HashSet <int>();
                HashSet <int> solvedPuzzleIDsForTeamT   = new HashSet <int>();

                foreach (var puzzleState in puzzleStateForTeamT)
                    if (puzzleState.UnlockedTime != null)

                    if (puzzleState.SolvedTime != null)

                // now loop through all puzzles and count up who needs to be unlocked
                foreach (var puzzleToUpdate in prerequisiteDataForNeedsUpdatePuzzles)
                    // already unlocked? skip
                    if (unlockedPuzzleIDsForTeamT.Contains(puzzleToUpdate.PuzzleID))

                    // Enough puzzles unlocked by count? Let's unlock it
                    if (puzzleToUpdate.PrerequisiteIDs.Where(id => solvedPuzzleIDsForTeamT.Contains(id)).Count() >= puzzleToUpdate.MinPrerequisiteCount)
                        PuzzleStatePerTeam state = await context.PuzzleStatePerTeam.Where(s => s.PuzzleID == puzzleToUpdate.PuzzleID && s.Team == t).FirstOrDefaultAsync();

                        if (state == null)
                            context.PuzzleStatePerTeam.Add(new DataModel.PuzzleStatePerTeam()
                                PuzzleID = puzzleToUpdate.PuzzleID, Team = t, UnlockedTime = unlockTime
                            state.UnlockedTime = unlockTime;

            // after looping through all teams, send one update with all changes made
            await context.SaveChangesAsync();
        /// <summary>
        /// Unlock any puzzles that need to be unlocked due to the recent solve of a prerequisite.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The puzzle DB context</param>
        /// <param name="eventObj">The event we are working in</param>
        /// <param name="puzzleJustSolved">The puzzle just solved</param>
        /// <param name="team">The team that just solved; if null, all the teams in the event.</param>
        /// <param name="unlockTime">The time that the puzzle should be marked as unlocked.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static async Task UnlockAnyPuzzlesThatThisSolveUnlockedAsync(PuzzleServerContext context, Event eventObj, Puzzle puzzleJustSolved, Team team, DateTime unlockTime)
            // a simple query for all puzzle IDs in the event - will be used at least once below
            IQueryable <int> allPuzzleIDsQ = context.Puzzles.Where(p => p.Event == eventObj).Select(p => p.ID);

            // get the prerequisites for all puzzles that need an update
            // information we get per puzzle: { id, min count, number of solved prereqs including this one }
            var prerequisiteDataForNeedsUpdatePuzzles = (from possibleUnlock in context.Prerequisites
                                                         join unlockedBy in context.Prerequisites on possibleUnlock.PuzzleID equals unlockedBy.PuzzleID
                                                         join pspt in context.PuzzleStatePerTeam on unlockedBy.PrerequisiteID equals pspt.PuzzleID
                                                         join puz in context.Puzzles on unlockedBy.PrerequisiteID equals puz.ID
                                                         where possibleUnlock.Prerequisite == puzzleJustSolved && (team == null || pspt.TeamID == team.ID) && pspt.SolvedTime != null
                                                         group puz by new { unlockedBy.PuzzleID, unlockedBy.Puzzle.MinPrerequisiteCount, pspt.TeamID } into g
                                                         select new
                PuzzleID = g.Key.PuzzleID,
                TeamID = g.Key.TeamID,
                TotalPrerequisiteCount = g.Sum(p => (p.PrerequisiteWeight ?? 1))

            // Are we updating one team or all teams?
            List <Team> teamsToUpdate = team == null ? await context.Teams.Where(t => t.Event == eventObj).ToListAsync() : new List <Team>()

            // Update teams one at a time
            foreach (Team t in teamsToUpdate)
                // Collect the IDs of all solved/unlocked puzzles for this team
                // sparse lookup is fine since if the state is missing it isn't unlocked or solved!
                var puzzleStateForTeamT = await PuzzleStateHelper.GetSparseQuery(context, eventObj, null, t)
                                          .Select(state => new { state.PuzzleID, state.UnlockedTime, state.SolvedTime })

                // Make a hash set out of them for easy lookup in case we have several prerequisites to chase
                HashSet <int> unlockedPuzzleIDsForTeamT = new HashSet <int>();
                HashSet <int> solvedPuzzleIDsForTeamT   = new HashSet <int>();

                foreach (var puzzleState in puzzleStateForTeamT)
                    if (puzzleState.UnlockedTime != null)

                    if (puzzleState.SolvedTime != null)

                // now loop through all puzzles and count up who needs to be unlocked
                foreach (var puzzleToUpdate in prerequisiteDataForNeedsUpdatePuzzles)
                    // already unlocked? skip
                    if (unlockedPuzzleIDsForTeamT.Contains(puzzleToUpdate.PuzzleID))

                    // Enough puzzles unlocked by count? Let's unlock it
                    if (puzzleToUpdate.TeamID == t.ID && puzzleToUpdate.TotalPrerequisiteCount >= puzzleToUpdate.MinPrerequisiteCount)
                        PuzzleStatePerTeam state = await context.PuzzleStatePerTeam.Where(s => s.PuzzleID == puzzleToUpdate.PuzzleID && s.Team == t).FirstAsync();

                        state.UnlockedTime = unlockTime;

            // after looping through all teams, send one update with all changes made
            await context.SaveChangesAsync();