public override void OnClick()
     if (m_From.CheckAlive() && m_Book.IsChildOf(m_From.Backpack))
         m_From.Prompt = new NameBookPrompt(m_Book);
            public override void OnResponse(Mobile from, string text)
                if (text.Length > 40)
                    text = text.Substring(0, 40);

                if (from.CheckAlive() && m_Book.IsChildOf(from.Backpack))
                    m_Book.BookName = Utility.FixHtml(text.Trim());

                    from.SendMessage("The power scroll book's name has been changed.");
        public PowerScrollBookGump(PlayerMobile from, PowerScrollBook book, int page, ArrayList list)
            : base(12, 24)

            m_From = from;
            m_Book = book;
            m_Page = page;

            if (list == null)
                list = new ArrayList(book.Entries.Count);

                for (int i = 0; i < book.Entries.Count; ++i)
                    object obj = book.Entries[i];

                    if (CheckFilter(obj))

            m_List = list;

            int index = GetIndexForPage(page);
            int count = GetCountForIndex(index);

            int tableIndex = 0;

            PlayerVendor pv = book.RootParent as PlayerVendor;

            bool canDrop = book.IsChildOf(from.Backpack);
            bool canBuy = (pv != null);
            bool canPrice = (canDrop || canBuy);

            if (canBuy)
                VendorItem vi = pv.GetVendorItem(book);

                canBuy = (vi != null && !vi.IsForSale);

            int width = 600;

            if (!canPrice)
                width = 516;

            X = (624 - width) / 2;


            AddBackground(10, 10, width, 439, 5054);
            AddImageTiled(18, 20, width - 17, 420, 2624);

            if (canPrice)
                AddImageTiled(573, 64, 24, 352, 200);
                AddImageTiled(493, 64, 78, 352, 1416);

            if (canDrop)
                AddImageTiled(24, 64, 32, 352, 1416);

            AddImageTiled(58, 64, 36, 352, 200);
            AddImageTiled(96, 64, 133, 352, 1416);
            AddImageTiled(231, 64, 80, 352, 200);
            AddImageTiled(313, 64, 100, 352, 1416);
            AddImageTiled(415, 64, 76, 352, 200);

            for (int i = index; i < (index + count) && i >= 0 && i < list.Count; ++i)
                object obj = list[i];

                if (!CheckFilter(obj))

                AddImageTiled(24, 94 + (tableIndex * 32), canPrice ? 573 : 489, 2, 2624);

                if (obj is PowerScrollBookEntry)

            AddAlphaRegion(18, 20, width - 17, 420);
            AddImage(5, 5, 10460);
            AddImage(width - 15, 5, 10460);
            AddImage(5, 424, 10460);
            AddImage(width - 15, 424, 10460);

            AddHtmlLocalized(canPrice ? 266 : 224, 32, 200, 32, 1062220, LabelColor, false, false);
            AddLabel(137, 64, 1149, @"Skill Name");
            AddLabel(331, 64, 1149, @"Skill Value");

            AddButton(35, 32, 4005, 4007, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddHtmlLocalized(70, 32, 200, 32, 1062476, LabelColor, false, false);

            PowerScrollFilter f = (book.Filter);

            if (f.IsDefault)
                AddHtmlLocalized(canPrice ? 470 : 386, 32, 120, 32, 1062475, 16927, false, false);
            else if (from.UseOwnFilter)
                AddHtmlLocalized(canPrice ? 470 : 386, 32, 120, 32, 1062451, 16927, false, false);
                AddHtmlLocalized(canPrice ? 470 : 386, 32, 120, 32, 1062230, 16927, false, false);

            AddButton(375, 416, 4017, 4018, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddHtmlLocalized(410, 416, 120, 20, 1011441, LabelColor, false, false);

            if (canDrop)
                AddHtmlLocalized(26, 64, 50, 32, 1062212, LabelColor, false, false);

            if (canPrice)
                AddHtmlLocalized(516, 64, 200, 32, 1062218, LabelColor, false, false);

                if (canBuy)
                    AddHtmlLocalized(576, 64, 200, 32, 1062219, LabelColor, false, false);
                    AddHtmlLocalized(576, 64, 200, 32, 1062227, LabelColor, false, false);

            tableIndex = 0;

            if (page > 0)
                AddButton(75, 416, 4014, 4016, 2, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                AddHtmlLocalized(110, 416, 150, 20, 1011067, LabelColor, false, false);

            if (GetIndexForPage(page + 1) < list.Count)
                AddButton(225, 416, 4005, 4007, 3, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                AddHtmlLocalized(260, 416, 150, 20, 1011066, LabelColor, false, false);

            for (int i = index; i < (index + count) && i >= 0 && i < list.Count; ++i)
                object obj = list[i];

                if (!CheckFilter(obj))

                if (obj is PowerScrollBookEntry)
                    PowerScrollBookEntry e = (PowerScrollBookEntry)obj;

                    int y = 96 + (tableIndex++ * 32);

                    if (canDrop)
                        AddButton(35, y + 2, 5602, 5606, 4 + (i * 2), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

                    if (canDrop || (canBuy && e.Price > 0))
                        AddButton(579, y + 2, 2117, 2118, 5 + (i * 2), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                        AddLabel(495, y, 1152, e.Price.ToString("N0"));


                    AddLabel(103, y, 1149, from.Skills[e.Skill].Name);

                    AddLabel(350, y, 1152, e.SkillValue.ToString());
        public PowerScrollBookGump(PlayerMobile from, PowerScrollBook book, int page, ArrayList list)
            : base(12, 24)

            m_From = from;
            m_Book = book;
            m_Page = page;

            if (list == null)
                list = new ArrayList(book.Entries.Count);

                for (int i = 0; i < book.Entries.Count; ++i)
                    object obj = book.Entries[i];

                    if (CheckFilter(obj))

            m_List = list;

            int index = GetIndexForPage(page);
            int count = GetCountForIndex(index);

            int tableIndex = 0;

            PlayerVendor pv = book.RootParent as PlayerVendor;

            bool canDrop  = book.IsChildOf(from.Backpack);
            bool canBuy   = (pv != null);
            bool canPrice = (canDrop || canBuy);

            if (canBuy)
                VendorItem vi = pv.GetVendorItem(book);

                canBuy = (vi != null && !vi.IsForSale);

            int width = 600;

            if (!canPrice)
                width = 516;

            X = (624 - width) / 2;


            AddBackground(10, 10, width, 439, 5054);
            AddImageTiled(18, 20, width - 17, 420, 2624);

            if (canPrice)
                AddImageTiled(573, 64, 24, 352, 200);
                AddImageTiled(493, 64, 78, 352, 1416);

            if (canDrop)
                AddImageTiled(24, 64, 32, 352, 1416);

            AddImageTiled(58, 64, 36, 352, 200);
            AddImageTiled(96, 64, 133, 352, 1416);
            AddImageTiled(231, 64, 80, 352, 200);
            AddImageTiled(313, 64, 100, 352, 1416);
            AddImageTiled(415, 64, 76, 352, 200);

            for (int i = index; i < (index + count) && i >= 0 && i < list.Count; ++i)
                object obj = list[i];

                if (!CheckFilter(obj))

                AddImageTiled(24, 94 + (tableIndex * 32), canPrice ? 573 : 489, 2, 2624);

                if (obj is PowerScrollBookEntry)

            AddAlphaRegion(18, 20, width - 17, 420);
            AddImage(5, 5, 10460);
            AddImage(width - 15, 5, 10460);
            AddImage(5, 424, 10460);
            AddImage(width - 15, 424, 10460);

            AddHtmlLocalized(canPrice ? 266 : 224, 32, 200, 32, 1062220, LabelColor, false, false);

            AddLabel(137, 64, 1149, @"Skill Name");

            AddLabel(331, 64, 1149, @"Skill Value");

            AddButton(35, 32, 4005, 4007, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddHtmlLocalized(70, 32, 200, 32, 1062476, LabelColor, false, false);

            PowerScrollFilter f = (book.Filter);

            if (f.IsDefault)
                AddHtmlLocalized(canPrice ? 470 : 386, 32, 120, 32, 1062475, 16927, false, false);
            else if (from.UseOwnFilter)
                AddHtmlLocalized(canPrice ? 470 : 386, 32, 120, 32, 1062451, 16927, false, false);
                AddHtmlLocalized(canPrice ? 470 : 386, 32, 120, 32, 1062230, 16927, false, false);

            AddButton(375, 416, 4017, 4018, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddHtmlLocalized(410, 416, 120, 20, 1011441, LabelColor, false, false);

            if (canDrop)
                AddHtmlLocalized(26, 64, 50, 32, 1062212, LabelColor, false, false);

            if (canPrice)
                AddHtmlLocalized(516, 64, 200, 32, 1062218, LabelColor, false, false);

                if (canBuy)
                    AddHtmlLocalized(576, 64, 200, 32, 1062219, LabelColor, false, false);
                    AddHtmlLocalized(576, 64, 200, 32, 1062227, LabelColor, false, false);

            tableIndex = 0;

            if (page > 0)
                AddButton(75, 416, 4014, 4016, 2, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                AddHtmlLocalized(110, 416, 150, 20, 1011067, LabelColor, false, false);

            if (GetIndexForPage(page + 1) < list.Count)
                AddButton(225, 416, 4005, 4007, 3, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                AddHtmlLocalized(260, 416, 150, 20, 1011066, LabelColor, false, false);

            for (int i = index; i < (index + count) && i >= 0 && i < list.Count; ++i)
                object obj = list[i];

                if (!CheckFilter(obj))

                if (obj is PowerScrollBookEntry)
                    PowerScrollBookEntry e = (PowerScrollBookEntry)obj;

                    int y = 96 + (tableIndex++ *32);

                    if (canDrop)
                        AddButton(35, y + 2, 5602, 5606, 4 + (i * 2), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

                    if (canDrop || (canBuy && e.Price > 0))
                        AddButton(579, y + 2, 2117, 2118, 5 + (i * 2), GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                        AddLabel(495, y, 1152, e.Price.ToString("N0"));

                    AddLabel(103, y, 1149, from.Skills[e.Skill].Name);

                    AddLabel(350, y, 1152, e.SkillValue.ToString());
        public override void OnResponse(Server.Network.NetState sender, RelayInfo info)
            int index = info.ButtonID;

            switch (index)
            case 0:

            case 1:
                m_From.SendGump(new PowerScrollFilterGump(m_From, m_Book));

            case 2:
                if (m_Page > 0)
                    m_From.SendGump(new PowerScrollBookGump(m_From, m_Book, m_Page - 1, m_List));


            case 3:
                if (GetIndexForPage(m_Page + 1) < m_List.Count)
                    m_From.SendGump(new PowerScrollBookGump(m_From, m_Book, m_Page + 1, m_List));


                bool canDrop  = m_Book.IsChildOf(m_From.Backpack);
                bool canPrice = canDrop || (m_Book.RootParent is PlayerVendor);

                index -= 4;

                int type = index % 2;
                index /= 2;

                if (index < 0 || index >= m_List.Count)

                object obj = m_List[index];

                if (!m_Book.Entries.Contains(obj))

                if (type == 0)
                    if (m_Book.IsChildOf(m_From.Backpack))
                        Item item = Reconstruct(obj);

                        if (item != null)
                            m_From.SendMessage("The power scroll has been placed in your backpack.");


                            if (m_Book.Entries.Count > 0)
                                m_From.SendGump(new PowerScrollBookGump(m_From, m_Book, 0, null));
                            m_From.SendMessage("Internal error. The power scroll could not be reconstructed.");
                    if (m_Book.IsChildOf(m_From.Backpack))
                        m_From.Prompt = new SetPricePrompt(m_Book, obj, m_Page, m_List);
                        m_From.SendMessage("Type in a price for the power scroll:");
                    else if (m_Book.RootParent is PlayerVendor)
                        PlayerVendor pv = (PlayerVendor)m_Book.RootParent;

                        VendorItem vi = pv.GetVendorItem(m_Book);

                        int price = 0;

                        if (vi != null && !vi.IsForSale)
                            if (obj is PowerScrollBookEntry)
                                price = ((PowerScrollBookEntry)obj).Price;

                        if (price == 0)
                            m_From.SendGump(new PowerScrollBuyGump(m_From, m_Book, obj, price));
