Exemplo n.º 1
		public BreedingCancelMenu( Mobile from, PetClaimTicket cancel ) : base( 0091, 5 )
			m_From = from;
			m_Cancel = cancel;
		public override void OnResponse( NetState state, RelayInfo info )
			Mobile from = state.Mobile;

			BaseCreature bc1 = (BaseCreature)m_Pet1;
			BaseCreature bc2 = (BaseCreature)m_Pet2;

			Mobile cm1 = bc1.ControlMaster;
			Mobile cm2 = bc2.ControlMaster;

			if ( from == null )

			//Baby Stat Table
			if ( info.ButtonID == 1 )
				from.CloseGump( typeof( BreedingAcceptGump ) );
				//from.CloseGump( typeof( BabyStatTableGump ) );

				from.SendGump( new BreedingAcceptGump( m_Pet1, m_Pet2 ) );
				//from.SendGump( new BabyStatTableGump( m_Pet1, m_Pet2 ) );

			if ( info.ButtonID == 2 )
				Mobile breeder = new Mobile();

				Mobile owner = new Mobile();

				int ai = 0;

				if ( bc1.AI == AIType.AI_Mage && bc2.AI == AIType.AI_Mage )
					ai = 1;
				if ( bc1.AI == AIType.AI_Melee && bc2.AI == AIType.AI_Melee )
					ai = 2;

				int xstr = bc1.RawStr + bc2.RawStr;
				int xdex = bc1.RawDex + bc2.RawDex;
				int xint = bc1.RawInt + bc2.RawInt;

				int xhits = bc1.HitsMax + bc2.HitsMax;
				int xstam = bc1.StamMax + bc2.StamMax;
				int xmana = bc1.ManaMax + bc2.ManaMax;

				int xphys = bc1.PhysicalResistance + bc2.PhysicalResistance;
				int xfire = bc1.FireResistance + bc2.FireResistance;
				int xcold = bc1.ColdResistance + bc2.ColdResistance;
				int xnrgy = bc1.EnergyResistance + bc2.EnergyResistance;
				int xpois = bc1.PoisonResistance + bc2.PoisonResistance;

				int xdmin = bc1.DamageMin + bc2.DamageMin;
				int xdmax = bc1.DamageMax + bc2.DamageMax;

				int xmlev = bc1.Level + bc2.Level;

				int newStr = xstr / 2;
				int newDex = xdex / 2;
				int newInt = xint / 2;

				int newHits = xhits / 2;
				int newStam = xstam / 2;
				int newMana = xmana / 2;

				int newPhys = xphys / 2;
				int newFire = xfire / 2;
				int newCold = xcold / 2;
				int newNrgy = xnrgy / 2;
				int newPois = xpois / 2;

				int newDmin = xdmin / 2;
				int newDmax = xdmax / 2;

				int newMlev = xmlev / 2;

				int babyStr = newStr + Utility.RandomMinMax( 0, 1 );
				int babyDex = newDex + Utility.RandomMinMax( 0, 1 );
				int babyInt = newInt + Utility.RandomMinMax( 0, 1 );
				int babyHits = newHits + Utility.RandomMinMax( 0, 2 );
				int babyStam = newStam + Utility.RandomMinMax( 0, 2 );
				int babyMana = newMana + Utility.RandomMinMax( 0, 2 );

				int babyPhys = newPhys + Utility.RandomMinMax( 0, 2 );
				int babyFire = newFire + Utility.RandomMinMax( 0, 2 );
				int babyCold = newCold + Utility.RandomMinMax( 0, 2 );
				int babyNrgy = newNrgy + Utility.RandomMinMax( 0, 2 );
				int babyPois = newPois + Utility.RandomMinMax( 0, 2 );

				int babyDmin = newDmin;
				int babyDmax = newDmax;

				int babyMlev = newMlev + Utility.RandomMinMax( 1, 3 );

				int stats = babyStr + babyDex + babyInt + babyHits + babyStam + babyMana + babyPhys + babyFire + babyCold + babyNrgy + babyPois + babyDmin + babyDmax + babyMlev;
				int newPrice = stats * 3;
				int babyPrice = newPrice;
				int chance = stats;

				if ( chance <= 1500 )
					chance = 1500;

				if ( babyStr >= FSATS.NormalSTR )
					babyStr = FSATS.NormalSTR;

				if ( babyDex >= FSATS.NormalDEX )
					babyDex = FSATS.NormalDEX;

				if ( babyInt >= FSATS.NormalINT )
					babyInt = FSATS.NormalINT;

				if ( babyPhys >= FSATS.NormalPhys )
					babyPhys = FSATS.NormalPhys;

				if ( babyFire >= FSATS.NormalFire )
					babyFire = FSATS.NormalFire;

				if ( babyCold >= FSATS.NormalCold )
					babyCold = FSATS.NormalCold;

				if ( babyNrgy >= FSATS.NormalEnergy )
					babyNrgy = FSATS.NormalEnergy;

				if ( babyPois >= FSATS.NormalPoison )
					babyPois = FSATS.NormalPoison;

				if ( babyDmin >= FSATS.NormalMinDam )
					babyDmin = FSATS.NormalMinDam;
				if ( babyDmax >= FSATS.NormalMaxDam )
					babyDmax = FSATS.NormalMaxDam;

				if ( babyMlev >= 60 )
					babyMlev = 60;

				foreach ( Mobile m in from.GetMobilesInRange( 5 ) )
					if ( m is AnimalBreeder )
						breeder = m;

					if ( m == cm1 )
						owner = m;

				if ( breeder == null )
					from.SendMessage( "You must be near an animal breeder in order to breed your pet." );

					if ( cm1 != null )
						cm1.SendMessage( "The owner of the other pet is too far away from the animal breeder." );
				else if ( owner == null )
					from.SendMessage( "The owner of the other pet is not near by." );

					if ( cm1 != null )
						cm1.SendMessage( "You are to far away from the other pet owner." );
				else if ( Utility.Random( chance ) < 1500 )
					if ( cm1 != null ) //Generate Claim Ticket One
						PetClaimTicket pct = new PetClaimTicket();
						pct.AI = ai;
						pct.Owner = cm1;
						pct.Pet = m_Pet1;
						pct.Str = babyStr;
						pct.Dex = babyDex;
						pct.Int = babyInt;
						pct.Hits = babyHits;
						pct.Stam = babyStam;
						pct.Mana = babyMana;
						pct.Phys = babyPhys;
						pct.Fire = babyFire;
						pct.Cold = babyCold;
						pct.Nrgy = babyNrgy;
						pct.Pois = babyPois;
						pct.Dmin = babyDmin;
						pct.Dmax = babyDmax;
						pct.Mlev = babyMlev;
						pct.Gen = bc1.Generation;
						pct.Price = babyPrice;
						cm1.AddToBackpack( pct );

						breeder.SayTo( cm1, "Ill hold onto your pet for you while its mating." );
						breeder.SayTo( cm1, "Return here in three days and show me the claim ticket I gave to you." );
						cm1.SendMessage( "They have accepted your offer." );

						bc1.ControlTarget = null;
						bc1.ControlOrder = OrderType.Stay;

						bc1.SetControlMaster( null );

					if ( cm2 != null ) //Generate Claim Ticket One
						PetClaimTicket pct = new PetClaimTicket();
						pct.AI = ai;
						pct.Owner = cm2;
						pct.Pet = m_Pet2;
						pct.Str = babyStr;
						pct.Dex = babyDex;
						pct.Int = babyInt;
						pct.Hits = babyHits;
						pct.Stam = babyStam;
						pct.Mana = babyMana;
						pct.Phys = babyPhys;
						pct.Fire = babyFire;
						pct.Cold = babyCold;
						pct.Nrgy = babyNrgy;
						pct.Pois = babyPois;
						pct.Dmin = babyDmin;
						pct.Dmax = babyDmax;
						pct.Mlev = babyMlev;
						pct.Gen = bc2.Generation;
						pct.Price = babyPrice;
						cm2.AddToBackpack( pct );

						breeder.SayTo( cm2, "Ill hold onto your pet for you while its mating." );
						breeder.SayTo( cm2, "Return here in three days and the show me that claim ticket i gave to you." );
						cm2.SendMessage( "You accept their offer." );

						bc2.ControlTarget = null;
						bc2.ControlOrder = OrderType.Stay;

						bc2.SetControlMaster( null );

					if ( bc1 != null || bc2 != null )
						bc1.MatingDelay = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromHours( 144.0 );
						bc2.MatingDelay = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromHours( 144.0 );
					if ( cm1 != null && cm2 != null )
						cm1.SendMessage( "Breeding Failed: It is hard to successfully mate two strong pets together, You will have to wait 6 hours to try again." );
						cm2.SendMessage( "Breeding Failed: It is hard to successfully mate two strong pets together, You will have to wait 6 hours to try again." );
						bc1.MatingDelay = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromHours( 6.0 );
						bc2.MatingDelay = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromHours( 6.0 );

			if ( info.ButtonID == 3 )
				from.SendMessage( "You have declined their offer." );

				if ( cm1 != null )
					cm1.SendMessage( "They have declined your offer" );