public void EndSacrifice( Mobile from, ChampionSkull skull )
			if ( Deleted )

			if ( m_Skull != null && m_Skull.Deleted )
				Skull = null;

			if ( from.Map != this.Map || !from.InRange( GetWorldLocation(), 3 ) )
				from.SendLocalizedMessage( 500446 ); // That is too far away.
			else if ( !Harrower.CanSpawn )
				from.SendMessage( "The harrower has already been spawned." );
			else if ( skull == null )
				SendLocalizedMessageTo( from, 1049488, "" ); // That is not my champions awakening skull!
			else if ( m_Skull != null )
				SendLocalizedMessageTo( from, 1049487, "" ); // I already have my champions awakening skull!
			else if ( !skull.IsChildOf( from.Backpack ) )
				from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1049486 ); // You can only sacrifice items that are in your backpack!
				if ( skull.Type == this.Type )
					skull.Movable = false;
					skull.MoveToWorld( GetWorldTop(), this.Map );

					this.Skull = skull;
					SendLocalizedMessageTo( from, 1049488, "" ); // That is not my champions awakening skull!