Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        ///   Parses grouping list received from a filter panel</summary>
        /// <param name="groupingJson">
        ///   JSON string with grouping list (an array of strings)</param>
        /// <param name="filterFields">
        ///   FilterFields list to check allowed fields</param>
        /// <returns>
        ///   A list of grouping fields</returns>
        public static List <string> ParseGrouping(string groupingJson, FilterFields filterFields)
            var list = new List <string>();

            groupingJson = groupingJson.TrimToNull();
            if (groupingJson == null)

            var           e       = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <string> >(groupingJson);
            List <string> groupBy = new List <string>();

            if (e != null)
                foreach (var s in e)
                    groupBy.Add(s as string);

            if (groupBy.Count == 0)

            /*IDictionary<string, FilterField> filterFieldDict = null;
             * if (filterFields != null)
             * {
             *  filterFieldDict = new Dictionary<string, FilterField>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
             *  foreach (FilterField f in filterFields)
             *      filterFieldDict[f.GetName()] = f;
             * }*/

            HashSet <string> added = new HashSet <string>();

            foreach (var fieldName in groupBy)
                if (fieldName.IsNullOrEmpty())

                if (filterFields != null && filterFields.ByNameOrTextual(fieldName) == null)


 public BasicFilterStringConverter(IGetExpressionByName query,
                                   Row row = null, Func <BasicFilter, BaseCriteria> processCriteria = null,
                                   FilterFields filterFields = null)
     _query            = query;
     _row              = row;
     _processCriteria  = processCriteria;
     this.filterFields = filterFields;
     if (filterFields == null && row != null)
         filterFields = row.fields.Filters;
Exemplo n.º 3
        protected RowFieldsBase(string tableName = null, string fieldPrefix = "")
            this.tableName      = tableName;
            this.fieldPrefix    = fieldPrefix;
            this.byName         = new Dictionary <string, Field>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
            this.byPropertyName = new Dictionary <string, Field>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
            this.joins          = new Dictionary <string, Join>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
            this.filterFields   = new FilterFields();
            this.initializeLock = new object();

Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        ///   Converts a list of FilterLine objects to a WHERE clause usable in a SQL select query.</summary>
        /// <param name="lines">
        ///   List of FilterLine objects to convert to a WHERE clause.</param>
        /// <param name="filterFields">
        ///   Collection of FilterField objects to determine field types and check filterability of fields.
        ///   This list is usually the filter field options list that is sent to a filter panel object.
        ///   If this list is specified, for a filter to be considered valid, its fieldname must be
        ///   found in the list. If the list is given null, field name is looked up in fieldExpressions,
        ///   query or row and field type is determined by the field object in the row.</param>
        /// <param name="fieldExpressions">
        ///   An optional dictionary of field expressions. If a field's corresponding SQL expression like
        ///   "join.field_name" is not determinable by reading in the query or the row, this list must be specified.
        ///   When specified, this list takes priority over the query and row objects to determine the field
        ///   expression.</param>
        /// <param name="query">
        ///   An optional SqlSelect query to determine field expressions. If a field's expression is not found
        ///   in "fieldExpressions" dictionary, it is looked up in query object.</param>
        /// <param name="row">
        ///   An optional Row object to determine field types and expressions.</param>
        /// <param name="process">
        ///   An optional delegate to preprocess a filter line and return a filter. It should return an empty
        ///   filter if this line should be ignored. Null if this line should be processed as usual.</param>
        /// <returns>
        ///   WHERE clause.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        ///   Invalid filter lines are simply skipped, no error occurs.</remarks>
        public static string ToWhereString(SqlQuery query, IEnumerable <FilterLine> lines, FilterFields filterFields,
                                           IDictionary <string, string> fieldExpressions = null, Row row = null, Func <FilterLine, BaseCriteria> process = null)
            if (lines == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("lines");

            const string AND    = " AND ";
            const string OR     = " OR ";
            const string LPAREN = "(";
            const string RPAREN = ")";
            //const string TRUE = "1=1";

            // build a dictionary of FilterField objects if the list is specified
            // this list is usually the filter field options list that is sent to FilterPanel object.

            /*Dictionary<string, FilterField> filterFieldDict = null;
             * if (filterFields != null)
             * {
             *  filterFieldDict = new Dictionary<string, FilterField>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
             *  foreach (FilterField f in filterFields)
             *  {
             *      filterFieldDict[f.GetName()] = f;
             *      if (f.GetTextual() != null)
             *          filterFieldDict[f.GetTextual()] = f;
             *  }
             * }*/

            bool inParens = false;
            bool hasOr    = false;

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (FilterLine line in lines)
                if (inParens &&
                    (line._rightParen || line._leftParen))
                    inParens = false;

                if (sb.Length > 0)
                    sb.Append(line._or ? OR : AND);
                    if (line._or)
                        hasOr = true;

                if (line._leftParen)
                    inParens = true;

                if (!line.IsValid)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("InvalidFilterLine", line.ToJson());

                if (process != null)
                    var filter = process(line);
                    if (!Object.ReferenceEquals(filter, null))
                        if (filter.IsEmpty)
                            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("EmptyFilterLine", line.ToJson());
                            sb.Append(filter.ToStringIgnoreParams()); // FIX!!!!

                string fieldName = line.Field;

                // if filter fields list is specified, the fieldname must exist in this list, otherwise
                // it may be an hacking attempt, as user tries to filter a field that he is not
                // represented with
                IFilterField filterField = null;
                if (filterFields != null)
                    filterField = filterFields.ByNameOrTextual(fieldName);
                    if (filterField == null)
                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("UnknownFilterField", line.ToJson());

                Field field = null;
                if (row != null)
                    field = row.FindField(fieldName);

                /*// by default, suppose fields are string typed
                 * FilterFieldType type = FilterFieldType.String;
                 * // if given, determine field type by looking up in the filter field options
                 * if (filterField != null)
                 *  type = filterField.GetType();
                 * // otherwise, determine field type by the class of field object
                 * else if (field != null)
                 *  type = FilterField.ToFilterFieldType(field);*/

                // to determine field expression, first look it up in fieldExpressions dictionary
                string fieldExpr;
                if (fieldExpressions == null ||
                    !fieldExpressions.TryGetValue(fieldName, out fieldExpr))
                    fieldExpr = null;

                if (fieldExpr == null)
                    if (field != null)
                        fieldExpr = field.Expression;
                    else if (query != null)
                        fieldExpr = query.GetExpression(fieldName);

                if (fieldExpr == null)
                    // field is not found anywhere, don't allow unknown fields as it may cause a script injection
                    // attack or other types of security threats!
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("UnknownFilterField", line.ToJson());

                bool isNumeric =
                    (filterField != null && (filterField.Handler == "Integer" || filterField.Handler == "Decimal")) ||
                    (filterField == null && field != null &&
                     (field is Int16Field || field is Int32Field || field is Int64Field || field is DoubleField || field is DecimalField));

                // determine expression for this filter by operator type
                FilterOp op    = line.Op;
                string   sqlOp = SqlConditionOperators[(int)(op)];

                if (op == FilterOp.IN)
                    StringBuilder vs = new StringBuilder();

                    var values = line.Values;
                    if (line.Values != null)
                        foreach (var s in line.Values)
                            if (isNumeric)
                            {   // parse invariant decimal value for integer and float fields
                                decimal d;
                                if (Decimal.TryParse(s, NumberStyles.Float, Invariants.NumberFormat, out d))
                                    if (vs.Length > 0)
                                if (vs.Length > 0)

                    if (vs.Length == 0)
                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("InvalidFilterLine", line.ToJson());
                        sb.AppendFormat(sqlOp, fieldExpr, vs.ToString());


                // operator needs value if not one of "true", "false", "is null", "is not null"
                if (op.IsNeedsValue())
                    // starts with and contains operators requires special care, as their sql expressions
                    // already contains single quotes, so .ToSql() cannot be used
                    if (op.IsLike())
                        if (line.Value != null)
                                            fieldExpr, line.Value.Replace("'", "''"));

                    // parse value1 and value2
                    string value1 = "";
                    string value2 = "";

                    // simple loop to parse value1 and value2 in one turn
                    for (int phase = 0; phase <= 1; phase++)
                        string valueText;

                        if (phase == 0)
                            valueText = line.Value;
                            valueText = line.Value2;

                        valueText = valueText.TrimToNull();

                        // value must be entered
                        if (valueText == null)
                            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("InvalidFilterLine", line.ToJson());

                        bool isDateTime =
                            (filterField != null && (filterField.Handler == "Date")) ||
                            (filterField == null && field != null &&
                             (field is DateTimeField));

                        if (isNumeric)
                        {   // parse invariant decimal value for integer and float fields
                            decimal d;
                            if (!Decimal.TryParse(valueText, NumberStyles.Float, Invariants.NumberFormat, out d))
                                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("InvalidFilterLine", line.ToJson());

                            valueText = d.ToInvariant();
                        else if (isDateTime)
                        {   // parse iso date-time string
                            DateTime d;
                            if (!DateHelper.TryParseISO8601DateTime(valueText, out d))
                                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("InvalidFilterLine", line.ToJson());

                            DateTimeKind kind = DateTimeKind.Unspecified;
                            object       dateKindObj;
                            if (filterField != null && filterField.Params != null && filterField.Params.TryGetValue("DateKind", out dateKindObj))
                                var dateKind = ((DateFilterKind)Convert.ToInt32(dateKindObj));
                                kind = dateKind == DateFilterKind.DateTimeLocal ? DateTimeKind.Local : (dateKind == DateFilterKind.DateTimeUTC ? DateTimeKind.Utc : DateTimeKind.Unspecified);
                            else if (field != null && field is DateTimeField)
                                kind = ((DateTimeField)field).DateTimeKind;

                            d = DateTimeField.ToDateTimeKind(d, kind);

                            if (op == FilterOp.BW)
                                if (phase == 1)
                                    sqlOp = "{0} >= {1} AND {0} < {2}";
                                    d     = d.AddDays(1);
                            else if (phase == 0)
                                if (op == FilterOp.NE || op == FilterOp.EQ)
                                    value1 = d.ToSql();
                                    value2 = d.AddDays(1).ToSql();
                                    if (op == FilterOp.NE)
                                        sqlOp = "NOT ({0} >= {1} AND {0} < {2})";
                                        sqlOp = "{0} >= {1} AND {0} < {2}";
                                    op = FilterOp.BW;
                                    if (op == FilterOp.GT)
                                        op = FilterOp.GE;
                                        d  = d.AddDays(1);
                                    else if (op == FilterOp.LE)
                                        op = FilterOp.LT;
                                        d  = d.AddDays(1);

                            valueText = d.ToSql();
                        else // convert simple string value to sql string (duplicate quotes)
                            valueText = valueText.ToSql();

                        if (phase == 0)
                            value1 = valueText;
                            value2 = valueText;

                        // use second phase to parse value2 if operator is BW
                        if (op != FilterOp.BW)

                    // format sql operator text with values
                    if (op == FilterOp.BW)
                        sb.AppendFormat(sqlOp, fieldExpr, value1, value2);
                        sb.AppendFormat(sqlOp, fieldExpr, value1);
                    sb.AppendFormat(sqlOp, fieldExpr);

            if (inParens)

            if (hasOr)
                sb.Insert(0, LPAREN);
