         * Method: deleteFavourite()
         * Summary: Deletes the currently highlighted favourite from the list
         * Parameter: sender - The control that the action is for, in this case the delete button
         * Parameter: e - The key event arguments
        private void deleteFavourite(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Iterate over the users favourites
            foreach (string rec in Properties.Settings.Default.favouriteRecordings.ToArray())
                if(rec != "")
                    // Instantiate the RecordingManager variable
                    recording = new RecordingManager(rec);

                    // If the highlighted recording matches one of the favourites
                    if (Convert.ToString(recording.Title) == recordingsList.SelectedItem.ToString())
                        // Delete the recording
                        BigMessageBox.Show("Removed from favourites");

                        // Refresh the the list and save the settings
         * Method: getRecordings()
         * Summary: Retrives the list of recordings stored on the server
         * Returns: A list of objects of type RecordingManager, used to populate the main list within the application
        public static List<RecordingManager> getRecordings()
            // Prepare the GET HTTP request to the "recordings" endpoint
            prepareRequest(recordingUrl, "", "GET");

            // Initialise the list to be returned by the function
            List<RecordingManager> dirContents = new List<RecordingManager>();

                // Send the request and store the response in the response variable
                response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                    responseStr = reader.ReadToEnd();

                // Declare the recording variable
                RecordingManager recording;

                // Trim the unnecessary characters from the response string
                string responseStripped = string.Join("", responseStr.Split('"', '[', ']', ' ', '\n'));
                // Split the remaining contents at each "," and store the results as an array
                string[] responseSplit = responseStripped.Split(',');

                // Loop through the array elements and instantiate a recording variable for each element, add
                // them to the dirContents variable, assuming the element is not "." or "..", which are the
                // current and parent directory identifiers on the server
                foreach (string recname in responseSplit)
                    if (recname != "." && recname != "..")
                        string tempRec = getRecInfo(recname);
                        recording = new RecordingManager(tempRec);


            // If there is an error, set the value of the dirContents variable to null
            catch (WebException we)
                dirContents = null;

            return dirContents;
         * Method: validateJson()
         * Summary: Validates whether or not a string in in the valid JSON format
         * Parameter: recJson - The string to be validated
         * Return: True or false depending on whether or not the recording is in the valid format
        public static bool validateJson(string recJson)
                // Instantate the recording
                RecordingManager recording = new RecordingManager(recJson);

                // If the title or description are empty or non-existent
                if (recording.Title == null || recording.Title == "" ||
                    recording.Description == null || recording.Description == "")
                    return false;

                // Store the inputJson string into a dynamic object
                dynamic jsonKeys = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(recJson);

                // Iterate over the outer layer of the JSON string, in this instance it is the time keys of the JSON string
                foreach (dynamic key in jsonKeys)
                    // If the key is one of the information keys
                    if (Convert.ToString(key.Name) == "Name" || Convert.ToString(key.Name) == "Desc" ||
                    Convert.ToString(key.Name) == "recId" || Convert.ToString(key.Name) == "userName" ||
                    Convert.ToString(key.Name) == "AuthorFirstname" || Convert.ToString(key.Name) == "AuthorSurname" ||
                    Convert.ToString(key.Name) == "UserId")
                        Console.WriteLine("Not time val");

                            // Try and convert the key to a long
                            long time = Convert.ToInt64(key.Name);

                        // If the key cannot be converted to a long
                        catch (Exception e)
                            return false;

                return true;

            // If the instantiation fails
            catch (Exception e)
                return false;
 * Method: getRecId()
 * Summary: Extracts the ID from a recording
 * Parameter: recJson - The recording to retrive the ID of
 * Returns: A string containing the recording ID
 public static string getRecId(string recJson)
     RecordingManager rec = new RecordingManager(recJson);
     return rec.Id;
 private void gotoPlayRec(object sender, TextEventArgs e)
     if (e.json != "")
         RecordingManager recording = new RecordingManager(e.json);
         tutorialPlayRec.recJson = e.json;
         tutorialPlayRec.currentRecTitle.Text = recording.Title;
         tutorialPlayRec.recTitle = e.name;
     ClientSize = new Size(1000, 697);
         * Method: updateInfo()
         * Summary: Updates the recording information displayed
        private void updateInfo()
            if (recJson != null && recJson != "")
                // Instantiate a recording manager variable and extract the title, description and author
                recording = new RecordingManager(recJson);
                string title = recording.Title;
                string description = recording.Description;
                string author = recording.Author;

                if (recording.Title == "" || recording.Title == null)
                    title = "Unavailable";

                if (recording.Description == "" || recording.Description == null)
                    description = "Unavailable";

                recTitleLabel.Text = title;
                recDescLabel.Text = description;
                recAuthorLabel.Text = author;
  * Summary: Updates the recording info with the currently selected one
 private void updateInfo(RecordingManager rec)
     if (rec != null)
         recTitleLabel.Text = rec.Title;
         recDescLabel.Text = rec.Description;
         recAuthorLabel.Text = rec.Author;
         * Method: updateInfo()
         * Summary: Updates the recording information panel with the information on the currently selected recording
         * Parameter: sender - The control that the action is for
         * Parameter: e - Any arguments the method uses
        private void updateInfo(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Get the title of the active recording
            string activeRecTitle = recordingsList.SelectedItem.ToString();
            // Find the recording in the recording list
            foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in recList)
                if(kvp.Key == activeRecTitle)
                    recJson = kvp.Value;

            string title = "";
            string description = "";

            if (recJson != "")
                // Instantiate the RecordingManager variable
                recording = new RecordingManager(recJson);

                // If the recording title is null or empty
                if (recording.Title == "" || recording.Title == null)
                    title = "Unavailable";

                    title = recording.Title;

                // If the recording description is null or empty
                if (recording.Description == "" || recording.Description == null)
                    description = "Unavailable";

                    description = recording.Description;

            // Set the labels to the recording title and information
            recTitleLabel.Text = title;
            recDescLabel.Text = description;
         * Method: prepareList()
         * Summary: Prepares the list of favourites
        private void prepareList()
            // Initialise the list
            recList = new Dictionary<string, string>();

            // Iterate over the stored local recordings
            foreach (string rec in Properties.Settings.Default.favouriteRecordings.ToArray())
                if (rec != "")
                    // Instantiate each recording in the favourites and add it to the recordings list
                    recording = new RecordingManager(rec);
                    if (!recList.ContainsKey(recording.Title))
                        recList.Add(recording.Title, rec);



            // If there are on favourites
            if(recList.Count == 0)
                recList.Add("No favourites", "");
                recTitleLabel.Text = "Unavailable";
                recDescLabel.Text = "Unavailable";

            // Update the list with the keys in the dictionary
            recordingsList.DataSource = (from keys in recList.Keys select keys).ToList();
            ActiveControl = recordingsList;
            object x = new object();
            EventArgs y = new EventArgs();
            updateInfo(x, y);
         * Method: deleteRec()
         * Summary: Deletes a recording from the server
        private void deleteRec(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            // If the user is not logged in
            if (Properties.Settings.Default.currentUser != "")
                // Attempt to delete the recording
                if (ConnectionManager.deleteRecording(recJson))
                    // Instantiate a RecordingManager class
                    RecordingManager rec = new RecordingManager(recJson);

                    // Iterate over the recordings and remove the one just deleted
                    foreach (RecordingManager recording in recObjectList.ToArray())
                        if (rec.Id == recording.Id)

                    BigMessageBox.Show("You cannot delete recordings you did not create");
                BigMessageBox.Show("You must be logged in to delete recordings");

            Cursor.Current = Cursors.Arrow;