Exemplo n.º 1
        private SnAccessControlEntry CreateEntry(int principalId, bool propagates)
            var entry = SnAccessControlEntry.CreateEmpty(principalId, propagates); //TODO: CreateEmpty(principal);
            var list  = acl.Entries.ToList();

            acl.Entries = list;
Exemplo n.º 2
        internal void AddEntry(SnAccessControlEntry entry)
            var  newEntry = CreateEntry(entry.Identity.NodeId, entry.Propagates);
            uint allowBits, denyBits;

            entry.GetPermissionBits(out allowBits, out denyBits);
            PermissionBits.SetBits(ref allowBits, ref denyBits);
            newEntry.SetPermissionsBits(allowBits, denyBits);
            var list = acl.Entries.ToList();

            acl.Entries = list.ToArray();
Exemplo n.º 3
        internal SnAccessControlList BuildAcl(SnAccessControlList acl)
            //var principals = GetEffectedPrincipals();
            var aces = new Dictionary <int, SnAccessControlEntry>();

            for (var permInfo = this; permInfo != null; permInfo = permInfo.Inherits ? permInfo.Parent : null)
                foreach (var permSet in permInfo.PermissionSets)
                    // get ace by princ
                    var princ = permSet.PrincipalId;
                    SnAccessControlEntry ace;
                    if (!aces.TryGetValue(princ, out ace))
                        ace = SnAccessControlEntry.CreateEmpty(princ, permSet.Propagates);
                        aces.Add(princ, ace);

                    // get permissions and paths
                    int mask = 1;
                    for (int i = 0; i < ActiveSchema.PermissionTypes.Count; i++)
                        var permission = ace.Permissions.ElementAt(i);
                        if (!permission.Deny)
                            if ((permSet.DenyBits & mask) != 0)
                                permission.Deny     = true;
                                permission.DenyFrom = SearchFirstPath(acl.Path, permInfo, permSet, mask, true);
                        if (!permission.Allow)
                            var allow = (permSet.AllowBits & mask) != 0;
                            if ((permSet.AllowBits & mask) != 0)
                                permission.Allow     = true;
                                permission.AllowFrom = SearchFirstPath(acl.Path, permInfo, permSet, mask, false);
                        mask = mask << 1;

            acl.Inherits = acl.Path == this.Path ? this.Inherits : true;
            acl.Entries  = aces.Values.ToArray();
Exemplo n.º 4
        //======================================================================= Event handlers

        protected void ListViewAcl_ItemDataBound(object sender, ListViewItemEventArgs e)
            var dataItem = e.Item as ListViewDataItem;
            if (dataItem == null)

            var ace = dataItem.DataItem as SnAccessControlEntry;
            if (ace == null)

            //Pin the current entry. It is used by the 
            //permission list databinding method.
            _currentAce = ace;

            var lblName = GetIdentityControl(dataItem);
            if (lblName != null)
                var identity = Node.Load<GenericContent>(ace.Identity.Path);
                var name = identity is User ? ((User) identity).Username : identity.Name;
                if (!identity.Path.StartsWith(Repository.ImsFolderPath))
                    name = name + " " + HttpContext.GetGlobalResourceObject("Portal", "PermissionLocalGroup");
                    name = identity.Path.Substring(Repository.ImsFolderPath.Length + 1);
                lblName.Text = string.Format("{0} ({1})", identity.DisplayName, name);

            var lblIcon = GetIdentityIconControl(dataItem);
            if (lblIcon != null)
                    lblIcon.CssClass += " snIconBig_" + ContentType.GetByName(Enum.GetName(typeof(SnIdentityKind), ace.Identity.Kind)).Icon;
                catch (Exception ex)

            var lvAce = GetPermissionListViewControl(dataItem);
            if (lvAce != null)
                lvAce.ItemDataBound += ListViewAce_ItemDataBound;
                lvAce.DataSource = ace.Permissions;

            var lblHidden = GetHiddenAceLabel(dataItem);
            if (lblHidden != null)
                lblHidden.Text = this.EntryIds[ace];

Exemplo n.º 5
 private void RemoveEntry(SnAccessControlEntry entry)
     acl.Entries = acl.Entries.Except(new SnAccessControlEntry[] { entry }).ToList();
Exemplo n.º 6
 private SnPermission GetSnPerm(SnAccessControlEntry entry, PermissionType permType)
     return(entry.Permissions.Where(p => p.Name == permType.Name).First());
Exemplo n.º 7
 private SnPermission GetSnPerm(SnAccessControlEntry entry, PermissionType permType)
     return entry.Permissions.Where(p => p.Name == permType.Name).First();
Exemplo n.º 8
 internal void AddEntry(SnAccessControlEntry entry)
     var newEntry = CreateEntry(entry.Identity.NodeId, entry.Propagates);
     int allowBits, denyBits;
     entry.GetPermissionBits(out allowBits, out denyBits);
     SecurityHandler.SetBits(ref allowBits, ref denyBits);
     newEntry.SetPermissionsBits(allowBits, denyBits);
     var list = acl.Entries.ToList();
     acl.Entries = list.ToArray();
Exemplo n.º 9
 private void RemoveEntry(SnAccessControlEntry entry)
     acl.Entries = acl.Entries.Except(new SnAccessControlEntry[] { entry }).ToList();
Exemplo n.º 10
        private string SetAclTest(int operationNumber, string initial, string readOnlyMask, string set, string expected)
            if (readOnlyMask == null)
                readOnlyMask = initial.Replace("+", "r").Replace("-", "r");

            //Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("@> TEST #{0}: {1} | {2} | {3} | {4}", operationNumber, initial, readOnlyMask, set, expected));

            var node = TestRoot;
            var visitor = User.Visitor;
            var ident = new SnIdentity { Kind = SnIdentityKind.User, Name = "Visitor", NodeId = visitor.Id, Path = visitor.Path };

            var permsEd = GetPermsFromString(initial, readOnlyMask);
            var entryEd = new SnAccessControlEntry { Identity = ident, Propagates = true, Permissions = permsEd };
            var aclEd = new SnAccessControlList { NodeId = 9999, Creator = ident, Inherits = true, LastModifier = ident, Path = "asdf", Entries = new[] { entryEd } };

            var perms0 = GetPermsFromString(initial, readOnlyMask);
            var entry0 = new SnAccessControlEntry { Identity = ident, Propagates = true, Permissions = perms0 };
            var acl0 = new SnAccessControlList { NodeId = 9999, Creator = ident, Inherits = true, LastModifier = ident, Path = "asdf", Entries = new[] { entry0 } };

            var perms1 = GetPermsFromString(set, readOnlyMask);
            var entry1 = new SnAccessControlEntry { Identity = ident, Propagates = true, Permissions = perms1 };
            var acl1 = new SnAccessControlList { NodeId = 9999, Creator = ident, Inherits = true, LastModifier = ident, Path = "asdf", Entries = new[] { entry1 } };

            var ed = node.Security.GetAclEditor();
            ed.Acl = aclEd; // clone of acl0
            var edAcc = new AclEditorAccessor(ed);
            var secAcc = new SecurityHandlerAccessor(node.Security);
            var entries = secAcc.GetEntriesFromAcl(ed, acl0, acl1);

            var resultEntry = SearchEntry(entries, User.Visitor, true);
            var result = resultEntry.ValuesToString();
            if (result == expected)
                return null;

            return String.Concat("State is '", result, "', expected '", expected, "' at operation ", operationNumber);