Exemplo n.º 1
        private ExploreChildNodesResult ExploreChildNodes <TVertex>(
            QuiverWithPotential <TVertex> qp,
            TransformationRuleTreeNode <TVertex> transformationRuleTree,
            AnalysisStateForSingleStartingVertexOld <TVertex> state,
            SearchTreeNodeOld <TVertex> parentNode,
            QPAnalysisSettings settings)
            where TVertex : IEquatable <TVertex>, IComparable <TVertex>
            bool pathHasNonzeroExtension = false; // Path has no nonzero extension until proven otherwise

            // Explore every child node (determine its equivalence class)
            foreach (var nextVertex in qp.Quiver.AdjacencyLists[parentNode.Vertex])
                var result = ExploreChildNode(transformationRuleTree, state, parentNode, nextVertex, settings);
                switch (result)
                case ExploreChildNodeResult.NotZeroEquivalent:
                    pathHasNonzeroExtension = true;

                case ExploreChildNodeResult.NonCancellativityDetected:

                case ExploreChildNodeResult.TooLongPath:

            return(pathHasNonzeroExtension ? ExploreChildNodesResult.PathHasNonzeroExtension : ExploreChildNodesResult.PathHasNoNonzeroExtension);
Exemplo n.º 2
        // After figuring out the use cases (high performance?) for these methods and figuring out
        // whether to change the interface, implement the counterparts of the methods in
        // SemimonomialUnboundQuiverAnalyzer and have the public methods of this class just be a
        // wrapper for said methods in SemimonomialUnboundQuiverAnalyzer (like the Analyze method
        // is right now).
        #region Code to refactor
        public AnalysisResultsForSingleStartingVertexOld <TVertex> AnalyzeWithStartingVertex <TVertex>(
            QuiverWithPotential <TVertex> qp,
            TVertex startingVertex,
            TransformationRuleTreeNode <TVertex> transformationRuleTree,
            QPAnalysisSettings settings)
            where TVertex : IEquatable <TVertex>, IComparable <TVertex>
            // Parameter validation
            if (qp == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(qp));
            if (!qp.Quiver.Vertices.Contains(startingVertex))
                throw new ArgumentException($"The QP does not contain the starting vertex {startingVertex}.");

            // Set up for analysis/graph search
            var  state = new AnalysisStateForSingleStartingVertexOld <TVertex>(startingVertex);
            bool cancellativityFailed   = false;
            bool tooLongPathEncountered = false;

            // Analysis/graph search
            // Keep a stack of "recently explored" nodes
            // In every iteration, pop a recently explored node from the stack and explore (determine
            // the equivalence classes of) its child nodes.
            // It would be cleaner to in every iteration explore the current node (determine its equivalence class)
            // and discover its child nodes (push new equivalence class representatives (which may overlap?) onto
            // the stack for future iterations, but this makes it non-trivial to keep track of the maximal nonzero
            // equivalence classes
            while (state.Stack.Count > 0)
                var node   = state.Stack.Pop();
                var result = ExploreChildNodes(qp, transformationRuleTree, state, node, settings);
                if (result == ExploreChildNodesResult.PathHasNoNonzeroExtension)
                else if (result == ExploreChildNodesResult.NonCancellativityDetected)
                    cancellativityFailed = true;
                else if (result == ExploreChildNodesResult.TooLongPath)
                    tooLongPathEncountered = true;

            // Return results
            var results = new AnalysisResultsForSingleStartingVertexOld <TVertex>(state, cancellativityFailed, tooLongPathEncountered);

Exemplo n.º 3
 internal AnalysisResultsForSingleStartingVertexOld(
     AnalysisStateForSingleStartingVertexOld <TVertex> state,
     bool nonCancellativityDetected,
     bool tooLongPathEncountered)
     ZeroDummyNode = state.ZeroDummyNode;
     SearchTree    = state.SearchTree;
     MaximalPathRepresentatives = state.MaximalPathRepresentatives;
     EquivalenceClasses         = state.EquivalenceClasses;
     NonCancellativityDetected  = nonCancellativityDetected;
     TooLongPathEncountered     = tooLongPathEncountered;
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <returns>A boolean value indicating whether the node was found to be zero-equivalent.
        /// That is, the returned value is <see langword="true"/> <em>only</em> if the node is
        /// zero-equivalent but may be <see langword="false"/> even if the node is zero-equivalent.</returns>
        /// <remarks>A node is found to be zero-equivalent either if its path can be killed or if
        /// the path is equivalent to (up to replacement) to a path that has previously been
        /// determined to be zero-equivalent.</remarks>
        private static bool EquivClassExploreNode <TVertex>(
            TransformationRuleTreeNode <TVertex> transformationRuleTree,
            SearchTreeNodeOld <TVertex> node,
            AnalysisStateForSingleStartingVertexOld <TVertex> state,
            Stack <SearchTreeNodeOld <TVertex> > equivClassStack,
            SearchTreeNodeOld <TVertex> origin)
            where TVertex : IEquatable <TVertex>, IComparable <TVertex>
            node.Explored = true;

            var trailingVertexPath = new List <TVertex>();      // In reversed order

            foreach (var endingNode in node.ReversePathOfNodes) // The last vertex of endingNode is the last vertex in the subpath
                var transformationNode = transformationRuleTree;
                foreach (var startingNode in endingNode.ReversePathOfNodes) // The last vertex of startingNode is the first vertex in the subpath
                    var pathVertex = startingNode.Vertex;
                    if (!transformationNode.Children.TryGetValue(pathVertex, out transformationNode))

                    if (transformationNode.CanBeKilled)
                        state.EquivalenceClasses.Union(node, state.ZeroDummyNode);

                    // If replacement is possible, do the replacement on the subpath
                    // and add a search tree node for the entire resulting path
                    if (transformationNode.CanBeReplaced)
                        // Add search tree nodes for replacement path

                        // This doesn't work when pathNode is the root ...
                        // var lastUnreplacedNode = pathNode.Parent;
                        // var curNode = lastUnreplacedNode;

                        // ... so instead do the following (with Skip), which assumes that the replacement
                        // path has the same first vertex (which it does for the QPs under consideration)
                        var firstReplacementNode = startingNode;
                        var curNode = firstReplacementNode;

                        foreach (var vertex in transformationNode.ReplacementPath.Vertices.Skip(1))
                            curNode = state.GetInsertChildNode(curNode, vertex, origin);

                        // Add search tree nodes for the trailing path
                        foreach (var vertex in trailingVertexPath.Reversed())
                            curNode = state.GetInsertChildNode(curNode, vertex, origin);

                        var transformedNode = curNode;
                        if (state.NodeIsZeroEquivalent(transformedNode))
                            state.EquivalenceClasses.Union(node, transformedNode);

                        // transformedNode.Explored may be true and is then a node that we have
                        // already encountered during the equivalence class search.
                        // (It cannot be an explored node of some *other* equivalence class,
                        // because then this current equivalence class search would not have
                        // started in the first place.)
                        //if (!transformedNode.Explored)
                        if (!state.EquivalenceClasses.FindSet(node).Equals(state.EquivalenceClasses.FindSet(transformedNode)))
                            state.EquivalenceClasses.Union(node, transformedNode);


Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <returns>A boolean value indicating whether the path correspondings to the explored
        /// child node is nonzero (up to equivalence).</returns>
        private ExploreChildNodeResult ExploreChildNode <TVertex>(
            TransformationRuleTreeNode <TVertex> transformationRuleTree,
            AnalysisStateForSingleStartingVertexOld <TVertex> state,
            SearchTreeNodeOld <TVertex> parentNode,
            TVertex nextVertex,
            QPAnalysisSettings settings)
            where TVertex : IEquatable <TVertex>, IComparable <TVertex>
            // Either the child node has not already been discovered, or the child node was
            // discovered during an equivalence class search.

            if (parentNode.Children.TryGetValue(nextVertex, out var childNode))
                // The child node has already been discovered.
                // Do a non-cancellativity check (if we are to detect non-cancellativity):
                //     If the child node is zero, everything is fine.
                //     If a different arrow was added to the origin than to the parent to get child node (i.e., origin and parent have different last vertices), things are fine.
                //     Else, make sure that the origin is equivalent to the parent
                // (otherwise, the QP is not cancellative).
                if (
                    settings.DetectCancellativityFailure &&
                    !state.NodeIsZeroEquivalent(childNode) &&
                    parentNode.Vertex.Equals(childNode.Origin.Vertex) &&
                    state.EquivalenceClasses.FindSet(parentNode) != state.EquivalenceClasses.FindSet(childNode.Origin))
                // The child node has not been discovered, so let's discover it by inserting it
                // into the search tree.
                childNode = state.InsertChildNode(parentNode, nextVertex, parentNode);

            if (childNode.Explored)
                return(state.NodeIsZeroEquivalent(childNode) ? ExploreChildNodeResult.ZeroEquivalent : ExploreChildNodeResult.NotZeroEquivalent);

            // Code for equivalence class searching begins here
            // Stack containing all the nodes to explore (by path transformation)
            var equivClassStack = new Stack <SearchTreeNodeOld <TVertex> >(state.EquivalenceClasses.GetSet(childNode));

            // This could happen with the current code, namely when the current childNode was encountered
            // in a previous call to ExploreChildNodes (in EquivClassExploreNode, as transformationNode)
            // and 'node' was found to be zero equivalent (in which case the search is cancelled
            // before transformationNode is explored in EquivClassExploreNode)
            // Thought: Would probably be good to have several Explored properties (or an
            // enum-valued Explored property) containing information about the extent to which the
            // node is explored (explored-as-in-encountered-in-EquivClassExploreNode would be
            // useful here; more easily understood and maintained than this comment methinks)
            if (equivClassStack.Count != 1)

            while (equivClassStack.Count > 0)
                var equivalentNode = equivClassStack.Pop();
                if (equivalentNode.Explored)
                if (settings.UseMaxLength && equivalentNode.PathLengthInVertices > settings.MaxPathLength + 1)
                var exploredNodeWasFoundZeroEquivalent = EquivClassExploreNode(transformationRuleTree, equivalentNode, state, equivClassStack, parentNode);
                if (exploredNodeWasFoundZeroEquivalent)

            // Child node was not zero-equivalent