public ImageId SaveImageHDR(Texture2D texture, EHDRTextureType type, int maxSize = -1, string path = null)
            if (_texture2d2ImageID.ContainsKey(texture))
                return _texture2d2ImageID[texture];

            string format = ".png";
            string[] pathes;
            if (path == null)
                pathes = GetTextureOutPath(texture, format);
                pathes = ExporterUtils.GetAssetOutPath(path, format);
            var exportPath = pathes[0];
            var pathInGlTF = pathes[1];

            var newtex = GLTFTextureUtils.HDR2RGBD(texture);

            if (maxSize > 0 && (newtex.width > maxSize || newtex.height > maxSize))
                TextureScale.Bilinear(newtex, maxSize, maxSize);

            byte[] content = newtex.EncodeToPNG();

            return GenerateImage(content, exportPath, pathInGlTF);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void registerImageFromData(byte[] imageData, int imageID, string imageName = "")
            Texture2D texture = new Texture2D(4, 4);

   = imageName;
            GL.sRGBWrite = true;
            saveTexture(GLTFTextureUtils.flipTexture(texture), imageID);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public Texture2D saveTexture(Texture2D texture, int index = -1, string imageName = "")
            string basename = GLTFUtils.cleanName( + (index >= 0 ? "_" + index.ToString() : "") + ".png"); // Extension will be overridden
            string fullPath = Path.Combine(_importTexturesDirectory, basename);

            // Write texture
            string newAssetPath = GLTFTextureUtils.writeTextureOnDisk(texture, fullPath, true);

            // Reload as asset
            string    projectPath = GLTFUtils.getPathProjectFromAbsolute(newAssetPath);
            Texture2D tex         = (Texture2D)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(projectPath, typeof(Texture2D));

        private Texture2D TextureFlipY(Texture2D texture, Func<Color, Color> convertColor = null, Action<Texture2D> processTexture = null)
            Texture2D newTex;
            TextureImporter im = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(texture)) as TextureImporter;

            if (convertColor == null && (im == null || im.textureType != TextureImporterType.NormalMap))
                // use gpu to speed up
                newTex = GLTFTextureUtils.flipTexture(texture);
                int height = texture.height;
                int width = texture.width;
                Color[] newTextureColors = new Color[height * width];

                ExporterUtils.DoActionForTexture(ref texture, tex =>
                    Color[] textureColors = tex.GetPixels();
                    for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i)
                        for (int j = 0; j < width; ++j)
                            var c = textureColors[(height - i - 1) * width + j];

                            newTextureColors[i * width + j] = convertColor != null ? convertColor(c) : c;

                newTex = new Texture2D(width, height);

            if (processTexture != null)

            return newTex;
        private static Texture2D CreateOcclusionMetallicRoughnessTexture(
            ref Texture2D metallic,
            ref Texture2D roughness,
            ref Texture2D occlusion
            string texName   = + "_orm";
            var    textureM  = metallic;
            var    textureR  = roughness;
            var    textureAO = occlusion;

            string id = "";

            if (metallic)
                id += metallic.GetInstanceID();
            if (roughness)
                id += roughness.GetInstanceID();
            if (occlusion)
                id += occlusion.GetInstanceID();

            if (ExporterEntry.composedTextures.ContainsKey(id))

            var newTex = GLTFTextureUtils.packOcclusionMetalRough(metallic, roughness, occlusion, texName);

            newTex.filterMode = metallic.filterMode;
            newTex.wrapMode   = metallic.wrapMode;

            ExporterEntry.composedTextures.Add(id, newTex);

Exemplo n.º 6
        private static Texture2D SplitRoughnessTexture(Texture2D texture)
            int             width     = texture.width;
            int             height    = texture.height;
            string          assetPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(texture);
            TextureImporter im        = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(assetPath) as TextureImporter;

            im.isReadable = true;
            var iColor = texture.GetPixels();

            im.isReadable = false;

            // Let's consider that the three textures have the same resolution
            Color[] colors = new Color[width * height];
            for (int i = 0; i < colors.Length; i += 1)
                float a = 1 - iColor[i].a;

                colors[i] = new Color(a, a, a);

            var res = new Texture2D(width, height);


            string basename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(assetPath) + "_rg";
            string fullPath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.GetDirectoryName(assetPath)) + "/" + basename + ".png";

            string    newAssetPath = GLTFTextureUtils.writeTextureOnDisk(res, fullPath, true);
            string    projectPath  = GLTFUtils.getPathProjectFromAbsolute(newAssetPath);
            Texture2D tex          = (Texture2D)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(projectPath, typeof(Texture2D));

        public static string buildImageName(Texture2D image)
            string extension = GLTFTextureUtils.useJPGTexture(image) ? ".jpg" : ".png";

            return(image.GetInstanceID().ToString().Replace("-", "") + "_" + + extension);
        public override void Serialize(ExporterEntry entry, Dictionary <string, Extension> extensions, UnityEngine.Object component = null, object options = null)
            var mat           = component as UnityEngine.Material;
            var hasReflection = ExporterSettings.Lighting.reflection && mat.GetInt("envReflection") != (int)SeinPBRShaderGUI.EnvReflection.Off;
            var hasLighting   = RenderSettings.ambientMode == UnityEngine.Rendering.AmbientMode.Skybox || RenderSettings.ambientMode == UnityEngine.Rendering.AmbientMode.Trilight;

            if (!hasReflection && !hasLighting)

            if (entry.root.Extensions == null)
                entry.root.Extensions = new Dictionary <string, Extension>();

            Sein_imageBasedLightingExtension globalExtension;

            if (!entry.root.Extensions.ContainsKey(ExtensionName))
                globalExtension          = new Sein_imageBasedLightingExtension();
                globalExtension.isGlobal = true;
                AddExtension(entry.root.Extensions, globalExtension);
                globalExtension = (Sein_imageBasedLightingExtension)entry.root.Extensions[ExtensionName];

            var extension = new Sein_imageBasedLightingExtension();

            if (hasLighting && !hasReflection && _onlyLightingId.ContainsKey(entry))
                extension.iblIndex = _onlyLightingId[entry];
                extension.iblType  = 1;
                AddExtension(extensions, extension);

            var light = new Sein_imageBasedLightingExtension.Light {
                specMap = -1

            var coefficients = new float[9][];

            UnityEngine.Rendering.SphericalHarmonicsL2 shs;
            LightProbes.GetInterpolatedProbe(new UnityEngine.Vector3(), null, out shs);
            float diffuseIntensity = 1;

            if (shs != null)
                for (var c = 0; c < 9; c += 1)
                    coefficients[c] = new float[3];
                    for (var b = 0; b < 3; b += 1)
                        coefficients[c][b] = shs[b, c];
                Debug.LogWarning("There is no baked light probe.");


            light.shCoefficients   = coefficients;
            light.diffuseIntensity = diffuseIntensity;

            if (hasLighting && !hasReflection)
                if (!_onlyLightingId.ContainsKey(entry))
                    _onlyLightingId.Add(entry, globalExtension.lights.Count - 1);
                extension.iblIndex = _onlyLightingId[entry];
                extension.iblType  = 1;
                AddExtension(extensions, extension);

            var isCustomCubMap = RenderSettings.defaultReflectionMode == UnityEngine.Rendering.DefaultReflectionMode.Custom;
            float specIntensity = RenderSettings.reflectionIntensity;
            int   textureId     = -1;
            int   cacheId       = 0;

            light.specType = "Cube";
            if (isCustomCubMap)
                var Id = entry.SaveCubeTexture(RenderSettings.customReflection, maxSize: ExporterSettings.Lighting.reflectionSize);
                cacheId   = Id.GetHashCode();
                textureId = Id.Id;
                var skybox = RenderSettings.skybox;

                if (skybox == null)
                    Debug.LogWarning("Use skybox as relfection source, but skybox is not defined, ignore... Check ''");

                if ( == "Skybox/Cubemap")
                    var cubemap = skybox.GetTexture("_Tex") as Cubemap;
                    var Id      = entry.SaveCubeTexture(cubemap, maxSize: ExporterSettings.Lighting.reflectionSize);
                    cacheId   = Id.GetHashCode();
                    textureId = Id.Id;
                else if ( == "Skybox/6 Sided")
                    var texes = new Texture2D[] {
                        skybox.GetTexture("_RightTex") as Texture2D,
                        skybox.GetTexture("_LeftTex") as Texture2D,
                        skybox.GetTexture("_UpTex") as Texture2D,
                        skybox.GetTexture("_DownTex") as Texture2D,
                        skybox.GetTexture("_FrontTex") as Texture2D,
                        skybox.GetTexture("_BackTex") as Texture2D
                    var Id = entry.SaveCubeTexture(texes, maxSize: ExporterSettings.Lighting.reflectionSize);
                    cacheId   = Id.GetHashCode();
                    textureId = Id.Id;
                else if ( == "Skybox/Panoramic")
                    var map = skybox.GetTexture("_MainTex") as Texture2D;
                    var fp  = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(map);
                    fp = fp.Replace(Path.GetExtension(fp), "-mipmaps" + Path.GetExtension(fp));
                    var Id = entry.SaveTexture(GLTFTextureUtils.generateMipmaps(map), false, maxSize: ExporterSettings.Lighting.reflectionSize, flipY: false, path: fp);
                    textureId                = Id.Id;
                    cacheId                  = Id.GetHashCode();
                    light.specType           = "2D";
                    light.specIncludeMipmaps = true;
                    Utils.ThrowExcption("Only support 'Skybox/Cubemap', 'Skybox/6 Side', 'Skybox/Panormic'");

            if (_cache.ContainsKey(entry) && _cache[entry].ContainsKey(cacheId))
                extension.iblIndex = _cache[entry][cacheId];
                AddExtension(extensions, extension);
            light.specIntensity = specIntensity;
            light.specMap       = textureId;
            light.brdfLUT       = entry.SaveTexture(brdfLUT, false).Id;


            if (!_cache.ContainsKey(entry))
                _cache[entry] = new Dictionary <int, int>();

            _cache[entry].Add(cacheId, globalExtension.lights.Count - 1);
            extension.iblIndex = _cache[entry][cacheId];
            extension.iblType  = 2;
            AddExtension(extensions, extension);