Exemplo n.º 1
        public static Promotion GetPromotionalCode(LomsContext db, Booking booking, DateTime pickUpTime, string promoCode, DebugWriter debug)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(promoCode))
                debug.WriteLine("Promotional Code was not set in the booking!");
                return null;

            var promotions = db.Promotions.Where(p => p.Code == promoCode.Trim());
            if (promotions.Count() == 0)
                debug.WriteLine("No Promotional Codes with code {0}!", promoCode);
                return null;

            DateTime pickUpDate = pickUpTime.Date;
            int pickUpTimeOfDayMinutes = (int)pickUpTime.TimeOfDay.TotalMinutes;
            var cityVehicleType = db.CityVehicleTypes.FirstOrDefault(cvt => cvt.CityId == booking.CityId && cvt.VehicleTypeId == booking.VehicleTypeId);
            foreach (Promotion promotion in promotions)
                if (promotion.StartDate < pickUpDate && pickUpDate < promotion.EndDate &&
                    promotion.FromTime < pickUpTimeOfDayMinutes && pickUpTimeOfDayMinutes < promotion.EndTime)
                    var vehicles = db.PromotionVehicles.Where(pv => pv.PromotionId == promotion.Id);
                    foreach (var promotionVehicle in vehicles)
                        if (promotionVehicle.CityVehicleId == cityVehicleType.Id)
                            if (booking.JourneyType == JourneyType.ToAirport && promotionVehicle.ToAirport ||
                                booking.JourneyType == JourneyType.FromAirport && promotionVehicle.FromAirport ||
                                //booking.JourneyType == JourneyType.CityToSuburb && promotionVehicle.FromCity ||
                                //booking.JourneyType == JourneyType.SuburbToCity && promotionVehicle.ToCity ||
                                booking.JourneyType == JourneyType.SuburbToSuburb && promotionVehicle.SuburbToSuburb ||
                                booking.JourneyType == JourneyType.AsDirected && promotionVehicle.AsDirected)
                                debug.WriteLine("Promotional Code - {0} ({1}):", promotion.Name, promotion.Code);
                                debug.Write(" {0}-{1}", promotion.StartDate.ToString("dd/MM/yy"), promotion.EndDate.ToString("dd/MM/yy"));
                                debug.WriteLine(" {0}-{1}:", ToTimeString(promotion.FromTime), ToTimeString(promotion.EndTime));
                                debug.WriteLine(" Margins: {0}, Bonus: {1}", promotion.Margin, promotion.Bonus);

                                return promotion;

            debug.WriteLine("Promotional Codes with name {0} do not match booking details!", promoCode);

            return null;
Exemplo n.º 2
        private static SubDivision GetSubDivision(LomsContext db, Booking booking, BookingEndpoint endpoint, DebugWriter debug, out bool autoPending, out double extras)
            autoPending = false;
            extras = 0;

            int? subId = null;
            switch (endpoint.Type)
                case BookingEndpointType.Suburb:
                        if (endpoint.Suburb != null)
                            Landmark autoPendingLandmark = db.Landmarks.FirstOrDefault(l => l.Address1 == endpoint.Address1 && l.SuburbId == endpoint.SuburbId && l.Autopend);
                            if (autoPendingLandmark != null)
                                autoPending = true;
                                debug.WriteLine("Suburb {0} has autopending landmark {1}!", endpoint.Suburb.FullName, autoPendingLandmark.Name);
                                return null;

                            subId = endpoint.Suburb.SubDivisionId;
                            debug.Write("Suburb: {0}", endpoint.Suburb.FullName);
                            debug.WriteLine("Suburb has been removed from system!");
                            return null;
                case BookingEndpointType.AirportPrivate:
                case BookingEndpointType.AirportOther:
                        if (endpoint.Airport != null)
                            subId = endpoint.Airport.SubDivisionId;
                            debug.Write("Airport: {0}", endpoint.Airport.Name);

                            //airport extras 
                            extras = RateHelper.GetAirportExtras(db, booking, endpoint.Airport.Id, booking.PickUpEndpointId == endpoint.Id, debug);
                            debug.WriteLine("Airport has been removed from system!");
                            return null;

            if (subId == null)
                debug.WriteLine("Sub Division is not specified!");
                return null;

            var sub = db.SubDivisions.FirstOrDefault(sd => sd.Id == subId);
            if (sub == null)
                debug.WriteLine("Sub Division is not specified!");
                return null;

            return sub;
Exemplo n.º 3
        private static FareTypeName GetFarePromotion(LomsContext db, FareType fareType, Booking booking, DebugWriter debug)
            var timeZone = db.CityCurrentTimeZones.FirstOrDefault(z => z.CityId == booking.CityId);
            if (timeZone == null)
                debug.WriteLine("Cannot get city local time.");
                return null;

            DateTime cityLocalTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(timeZone.UtcOffset);

            var cityVehicleType = db.CityVehicleTypes.FirstOrDefault(cvt => cvt.CityId == booking.CityId && cvt.VehicleTypeId == booking.VehicleTypeId);

            DateTime pickUpDate = booking.PickUpTime.Value.Date;
            int pickUpTimeOfDayMinutes = (int)booking.PickUpTime.Value.TimeOfDay.TotalMinutes;
            var name = (from n in db.FareTypeNames
                        n.CityId == booking.CityId &&
                        n.FareTypeId == (int)fareType &&
                        n.StartDate <= pickUpDate && pickUpDate <= n.EndDate &&
                        n.FromTime <= pickUpTimeOfDayMinutes && pickUpTimeOfDayMinutes <= n.EndTime
                        select n).FirstOrDefault();

            if (name != null)
                var nameVehicle = db.FareTypeNameVehicles.FirstOrDefault(nv => nv.FareTypeNameId == name.Id && nv.CityVehicleId == cityVehicleType.Id);
                if (nameVehicle != null)
                    if (booking.JourneyType == JourneyType.ToAirport && nameVehicle.ToAirport ||
                        booking.JourneyType == JourneyType.FromAirport && nameVehicle.FromAirport ||
                        //booking.JourneyType == JourneyType.CityToSuburb && nameVehicle.FromCity ||
                        //booking.JourneyType == JourneyType.SuburbToCity && nameVehicle.ToCity ||
                        booking.JourneyType == JourneyType.SuburbToSuburb && nameVehicle.SuburbToSuburb ||
                        booking.JourneyType == JourneyType.AsDirected && nameVehicle.AsDirected)
                        if (cityLocalTime.AddDays(nameVehicle.Advance) <= booking.PickUpTime.Value)
                            var d1 = pickUpDate;
                            var d2 = pickUpDate.AddDays(1.0);

                            //not selected fares
                            var query1 = from b in db.Bookings
                                         join bfi in db.BookingFareInfoes on b.Id equals bfi.BookingId
                                         join bfii in db.BookingFareInfoItems on bfi.BookingId equals bfii.BookingId
                                             b.Id != booking.Id &&
                                             b.FarePromotionId == 0 &&
                                             (b.StatusId == (int)BookingStatus.Fare || b.StatusId == (int)BookingStatus.Pending || b.StatusId == (int)BookingStatus.PendingSubmitted) &&
                                             b.VehicleTypeId == booking.VehicleTypeId &&
                                             b.PickUpTime >= d1 && b.PickUpTime <= d2 &&
                                             bfii.PromotionId == name.Id
                                         select b;
                            int used1 = query1.Count();

                            //selected fares
                            int used2 = db.Bookings.Count(b =>
                                b.Id != booking.Id &&
                                b.FarePromotionId == name.Id &&
                                (b.StatusId == (int)BookingStatus.Fare || b.StatusId == (int)BookingStatus.Submitted || b.StatusId == (int)BookingStatus.Confirmed) &&
                                b.VehicleTypeId == booking.VehicleTypeId &&
                                b.PickUpTime >= d1 && b.PickUpTime <= d2);

                            if (used1 + used2 < nameVehicle.Limit)
                                debug.WriteLine("Fare Promotion - {0} ({1}):", name.Name, ((FareType)name.FareTypeId).ToString());
                                debug.Write(" {0}-{1}", name.StartDate.ToString("dd/MM/yy"), name.EndDate.ToString("dd/MM/yy"));
                                debug.WriteLine(" {0}-{1}:", ToTimeString(name.FromTime), ToTimeString(name.EndTime));

                                return name;

            debug.WriteLine("No Fare Promotions for {0}", fareType);

            return null;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static bool GetPickUpTime(LomsContext db, Booking booking, DateTime dropOffTime, DebugWriter debug, out DateTime pickUpTime)
            pickUpTime = DateTime.MinValue;

            if (booking.JourneyType == JourneyType.ToAirport && (booking.DropOffEndpoint.Type == BookingEndpointType.AirportOther || booking.DropOffEndpoint.Type == BookingEndpointType.AirportPrivate))
                dropOffTime = dropOffTime.AddMinutes((-1.0) * booking.DropOffEndpoint.Airport.CheckInWaitingTime.Value);
                debug.WriteLine("Airport Check In Waiting Time - " + booking.DropOffEndpoint.Airport.CheckInWaitingTime.ToString() + "minutes");

            debug.Write("Pick-Up ");
            Suburb subFrom = GetSuburb(db, booking.PickUpEndpoint, debug);
            if (subFrom == null)
                return false;

            debug.Write("Drop-Off ");
            Suburb subTo = GetSuburb(db, booking.DropOffEndpoint, debug);
            if (subTo == null)
                return false;

            var info = db.TripInfoes.FirstOrDefault(i => i.FromId == subFrom.Id && i.ToId == subTo.Id);
            if (info == null)
                debug.WriteLine("No Trip Info for this suburbs!");
                return false;

            debug.WriteLine("Trip Info:");
            debug.WriteLine(" Distance - " + info.Distance.ToString() + "km");
            debug.WriteLine(" Time - " + ToTimeString(info.Time));
            debug.Write(" Buffer Time (7:00-19:00) - ");
            debug.WriteLine(info.Time1 != 0 ? ToTimeString(info.Time1) : "<not set>");

            debug.Write(" Buffer Time (19:01 - 06:59) - ");
            debug.WriteLine(info.Time2 != 0 ? ToTimeString(info.Time2) : "<not set>");

            int minutes = dropOffTime.Hour * 60 + dropOffTime.Minute;
            debug.WriteLine("Drop-off time is " + dropOffTime.ToString("dd/MM/yy HH:mm"));
            if (7 * 60 <= minutes && minutes <= 19 * 60 && info.Time1 != 0)
                pickUpTime = dropOffTime.AddMinutes((info.Time + info.Time1) * (-1));
            else if (minutes < 7 * 60 && 19 * 60 < minutes && info.Time2 != 0)
                pickUpTime = dropOffTime.AddMinutes((info.Time + info.Time2) * (-1));
                debug.WriteLine("Using City Buffer Times");
                City city = booking.City;
                if (city == null)
                    return false;

                int bufferTime = 0;
                if (7 * 60 <= minutes && minutes <= 19 * 60)
                    if (info.Distance <= 40)
                        bufferTime = city.DayBufferTime40.Value;
                    else if (info.Distance <= 80)
                        bufferTime = city.DayBufferTime80.Value;
                    else if (info.Distance <= 140)
                        bufferTime = city.DayBufferTime140.Value;
                    else if (info.Distance <= 200)
                        bufferTime = city.DayBufferTime200.Value;
                        bufferTime = city.DayBufferTimeMore.Value;
                else if (minutes < 7 * 60 && 19 * 60 < minutes)
                    if (info.Distance <= 40)
                        bufferTime = city.NightBufferTime40.Value;
                    else if (info.Distance <= 80)
                        bufferTime = city.NightBufferTime80.Value;
                    else if (info.Distance <= 140)
                        bufferTime = city.NightBufferTime140.Value;
                    else if (info.Distance <= 200)
                        bufferTime = city.NightBufferTime200.Value;
                        bufferTime = city.NightBufferTimeMore.Value;
                pickUpTime = dropOffTime.AddMinutes((info.Time + bufferTime) * (-1));
            debug.WriteLine("Pick-up time is " + pickUpTime.ToString("dd/MM/yy HH:mm"));

            return true;