protected void Button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // have to put in the using block so you can use the variables for the database tables
            // this block of code adds a new message to the database, meaning it "sends" it to the specified user
            using (messageDB)
                MessageTable message = new MessageTable();
                message.To   = TextBox1.Text;
                message.From = Session["userName"].ToString();
                message.Body = TextArea1.InnerText;


            // resets the fields to blank and binds the new data to the gridview, thus refreshing the page
            TextArea1.InnerText = "";
            TextBox1.Text       = "";
        protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // this deletes the selected message from the database and the grid
            using (messageDB)
                if (GridView1.SelectedDataKey.Value != null)
                    // need to use the message ID value to ensure the correct message is deleted from the database.
                    // if you dont use the using() block then you cant search for the value(the unique message id) of the selected data key
                    int item = Convert.ToInt32(GridView1.SelectedDataKey.Value.ToString());

                    MessageTable message = (from x in messageDB.MessageTables
                                            where x.Id == item
                                            select x).First();
