Exemplo n.º 1
        private void SetCharacter(Data.CharacterInfo c)
            GetComponent <Renderer>().material      = c.material;
            GetComponent <TrailRenderer>().material = c.trail;
            transform.localScale = new Vector3(c.ballSize, c.ballSize, c.ballSize);
            if (c.alternativeMesh != null)
                GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh = c.alternativeMesh;
            //set collision mesh too
            if (c.collisionMesh != null)
                if (c.collisionMesh.vertexCount <= 255)
                    Destroy(GetComponent <Collider>());
                    MeshCollider mc = gameObject.AddComponent <MeshCollider>();
                    mc.sharedMesh = c.collisionMesh;
                    mc.convex     = true;
                    Debug.LogWarning("Vertex count for " + c.name + "'s collision mesh is bigger than 255!");
            BallLocal motion = GetComponent <BallLocal>();

            if (motion != null)
                motion.characterStats = c.stats;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public RacePlayerLocal(BallLocal ball)
            sr = StageReferences.Active;

            lap = 1;

            ball.CanMove           = false;
            ball.CheckpointPassed += Ball_CheckpointPassed;
            ball.RespawnRequested += Ball_RespawnRequested;

            ball.SwitchCamerasEvent += Ball_SwitchCameraRequest;

            currentCheckpointPos = sr.checkpoints[0].transform.position;
            this.ball            = ball;
            ball.CameraCreated  += (sender, e) =>
                ballCamera    = e.CameraCreated2;
                oldBallCamera = e.OldCamera2;

                newBallCamera = e.NewCamera2;


            checkpointTimes = new float[StageReferences.Active.checkpoints.Length];

Exemplo n.º 3
 public void AddBall(BallLocal b)
Exemplo n.º 4
 // Use this for initialization
 private void Start()
     ballControl = GetComponent <BallLocal>();
     pathToFollow = GameObject.FindWithTag("AIPath").GetComponent <Path>();
 private void Start()
     LookDirection = Quaternion.Euler(Vector3.forward);
     ball          = GetComponent <BallLocal>();
Exemplo n.º 6
        private void Update()
            var     targetDirectionOffset = Quaternion.identity;
            Vector2 camVector             = GameInput.CameraVector(CtrlType);
            Vector3 orientedCamVector     = new Vector3(camVector.x, 0, camVector.y);

            if (orientedCamVector != Vector3.zero)
                Quaternion camQuaternion = Quaternion.Slerp(Quaternion.identity, Quaternion.LookRotation(orientedCamVector), orientedCamVector.magnitude);
                targetDirectionOffset = camQuaternion;

            if (Target != null)
                //Rotate the camera towards the velocity of the rigidbody

                //Set the up vector, and make it lerp towards the target's up vector if the target has a Ball
                Vector3 targetUp = Vector3.up;
                Ball    bc       = Target.GetComponent <Ball>();
                if (bc)
                    targetUp = bc.Up;
                BallLocal bcLocal = Target.GetComponent <BallLocal>();
                if (bcLocal)
                    targetUp = bcLocal.Up;

                up = Vector3.Lerp(up, targetUp, Time.deltaTime * 10);

                //Based on how fast the target is moving, create a rotation bending towards its velocity.
                Quaternion  towardsVelocity = (Target.velocity != Vector3.zero) ? Quaternion.LookRotation(Target.velocity, up) : Quaternion.identity;
                const float maxTrans        = 20f;
                Quaternion  finalTargetDir  = Quaternion.Slerp(currentDirection, towardsVelocity, Mathf.Max(0, Mathf.Min(-10 + Target.velocity.magnitude, maxTrans) / maxTrans));

                //Lerp towards the final rotation
                currentDirection = Quaternion.Slerp(currentDirection, finalTargetDir, Time.deltaTime * 2);

                //Look for a BallControlInput and set its look direction
                BallControlInput bci = Target.GetComponent <BallControlInput>();
                if (bci != null)
                    bci.LookDirection = currentDirection;

                BallControlInputLocal bciLocal = Target.GetComponent <BallControlInputLocal>();
                if (bciLocal != null)
                    bciLocal.LookDirection = currentDirection;

                //Set camera FOV to get higher with more velocity
                AttachedCamera.fieldOfView = Mathf.Lerp(AttachedCamera.fieldOfView, Mathf.Min(60f + (Target.velocity.magnitude), 100f), Time.deltaTime * 4);

                currentDirectionWithOffset = Quaternion.Slerp(currentDirectionWithOffset, currentDirection * targetDirectionOffset, Time.deltaTime * 2);
                transform.position         = Target.transform.position + Vector3.up * orbitHeight + currentDirectionWithOffset * (Vector3.back * orbitDistance);
                transform.rotation         = currentDirectionWithOffset;