Exemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Delete the specified reservation.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="reservation">The reservation to be deleted.</param>
 /// <returns>Number of affected rows.</returns>
 public static int Delete(Reservation reservation)
     using (SqlConnection connection = SamenSterkerDB.GetConnection())
         return connection.Execute(deleteQuery, reservation);
Exemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Show the specified reservation in the edit form.
 /// </summary>
 public void ShowReservation(Reservation reservation)
     Reservation = reservation;
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the contract to which the specified reservation belongs.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reservation">The reservation of which the contract 
        /// is requested</param>
        /// <returns>The contract of the specified reservation</returns>
        internal static Contract GetContractForReservation(Reservation reservation)
            string selectContractExists =
                selectAllQuery +
                @"WHERE ct.CompanyId = @CompanyId
                    AND @StartDate BETWEEN ct.StartDate AND ct.EndDate
                    AND @EndDate BETWEEN ct.StartDate And ct.EndDate";

            using (SqlConnection connection = SamenSterkerDB.GetConnection())
                return connection.Query<Contract, Company, ContractFormula, Contract>(
                   selectContractExists, Mapper, reservation
        private void CreateAddCommand()
            AddCommand = new DelegateCommand(execute: (obj) =>
                Reservation reservation = new Reservation();
                reservation.StartDate = SelectedDate.Value.AddHours(8);
                reservation.EndDate = SelectedDate.Value.AddHours(9);

                canExecute: (obj) => SelectedDate.HasValue
Exemplo n.º 5
 private static Reservation ReservationMapper(
     Reservation reservation, Location location, Company company)
     reservation.Location = location;
     reservation.Company = company;
     return reservation;
Exemplo n.º 6
 private static bool isNew(Reservation reservation)
     return reservation.Id == 0;
Exemplo n.º 7
 private static bool IsLocationFree(Reservation reservation, SqlConnection connection)
     const string selectLocationIsFree =
         @"SELECT CAsT(
             CASE WHEN ( EXISTS(
               SELECT r.* FROM Reservation r
               WHERE r.LocationId = @LocationId
                 AND (@StartDate BETWEEN r.StartDate AND r.EndDate
                     OR @EndDate BETWEEN r.StartDate AND r.EndDate)
                 AND r.Id != @Id
             )) THEN 0 ELSE 1 END
           AS BIT)";
     return connection.Query<bool>(
         selectLocationIsFree, reservation
Exemplo n.º 8
 /// <summary>
 /// Save the specified reservation.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="reservation">The reservation to be saved.</param>
 /// <returns>Number of affected rows.</returns>
 public static int Save(Reservation reservation)
     using (SqlConnection connection = SamenSterkerDB.GetConnection())
         int rowsAffected = connection.Execute(
             sql: isNew(reservation) ? insertCommand : updateCommand,
             param: reservation
         //SetIdentity<int>(connection, id => subCategory.Id = id);
         return rowsAffected;
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Is the specified reservation valid ?
        ///  - Does a contract exists for the selected time ?
        ///  - Is the selected location free at the selected time ?
        ///  - Is the limit of the contract not exceeded ?
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reservation">The reservation to be checked</param>
        /// <returns>If the reservation is valid</returns>
        public static bool IsReservationPossible(Reservation reservation)
            // a contract exists for the time of the reservation
            Contract contract = ContractDB.GetContractForReservation(reservation);
            if (contract == null)
                throw new InvalidReservationException(
                    "Uw bedrijf heeft op dat moment geen geldig contract"

            using (SqlConnection connection = SamenSterkerDB.GetConnection())
                // the selected location is free for the selected time
                if (! IsLocationFree(reservation, connection))
                    throw new LocationOccupiedException(
                        "De gekozen locatie is niet vrij tijdens de gekozen periode"

                // is the limit of the contract formula not exceeded
                int limit = contract.Formula.MaxUsageHoursPerPeriod;
                if (limit > 0)
                    TimeSpan timeUsed = new TimeSpan(0, GetMinutesUsedOfContract(contract, connection), 0);
                    TimeSpan timeLeft = new TimeSpan(limit, 0, 0).Subtract(timeUsed);
                    TimeSpan timeReservation = reservation.EndDate.Subtract(reservation.StartDate);
                    if (timeReservation > timeLeft)
                        throw new InvalidReservationException(
                            String.Format("De reservatie past niet meer binnen de limiet van uw contract.\n" +
                                          "U hebt {0} uren en {1} minuten over.", timeLeft.Hours, timeLeft.Minutes)


            return true;