Exemplo n.º 1
        public async Task HandleMessage(SocketMessage message)
            if (!(message.Author.IsBot || message.Author.IsWebhook))
                string content = message.Content.Trim();

                if (content.StartsWith(CommandPrefix))
                        string[] splitMsg = content.Split(null);
                        string   command  = splitMsg[0].Substring(CommandPrefix.Length).ToLower();
                        Log.Enter($"Received command '{command}'!");

                        Commands.CommandInformation cmdinfo = new Commands.CommandInformation
                            SocketMessage = message,
                            messages      = new Messaging((ITextChannel)message.Channel),
                            arguments     = Util.SubArray(splitMsg, 1),
                            ServerEntry   = Database.Fetch(((SocketGuildChannel)message.Channel).Guild.Id)

                        cmdinfo.AuthorEntry = cmdinfo.ServerEntry[message.Author.Id];

                        Commands.CommandRegistry.Run(command, cmdinfo);
                    catch (Exceptions.SaftException saftEx)
                    {   // A saftbot-internal exception technically shouldn't end up here, but it isn't a big enough deal to warn the user
                        Log.Enter($"Saftbot-internal Exception caught while trying to execute command:\n\t{message.Content}\n" +
                    catch (Exception ex)
                    {   // On the other hand, any other kind of exception indicates a fatal flaw in whatever command the user was calling
                        await new Messaging((ITextChannel)message.Channel).Send($"The command you tried caused an error!\n" +
                                                                                $"If this has happend before, please report it at {Exceptions.SaftException.repoLink}\n");

                        Log.Enter($"Exception caught while trying to execute command:\n\t{message.Content}");