Dialog Intro10a(Con prev)
            string t =
                @"""You sound uncertain there.
Do you truly intend to do that?""";

            return(new(prev, t, new() {
                new('I', @"I intend to reach the Galactic Core.", Intro9a),
            }) { background = heroImage });
    public Con GetScene(Con prev, PlayerShip playerShip, IDockable d)
        var t = (d as Station)?.type;

        if (t?.codename != "station_daughters_outpost")
        var heroImage = t.heroImage;


        Dialog Intro()
            var t =
                @"Docking at the front entrance of the abbey, the great
magenta tower seems to reach into the oblivion above
your head. It looks much more massive from the view of
the platform that juts out the side of the docking ring
The rows of stained glass windows glow warmly with
orange light. Nevertheless, you can't help but think...

You are a complete stranger here.";
            var sc = new Dialog(prev, t, new() {
                new("Continue", Intro2),
                new("Leave", Intro2b, NavFlags.ESC)
                background = heroImage


        Dialog Intro2(Con from)
            var t =
                @"Walking into the main hall, You see a great monolith of
sparkling crystals and glowing symbols. A low hum reflectes
throughout the room. If you stand still, you can hear
some indistinct whispering from your side.

A stout guard stands for reception duty next to a gate.

""Ah, hello! A gathering is currently in session.
You must be new here - We are currently listening
for the Galactic Song, a magical harmony unlike
any other. We may also receive a message from
The Orator!"" the guard says.";
            var sc = new Dialog(prev, t, new() {
                new(@"""Ummm, yeah, The Orator?""", Intro3)
                background = heroImage


        Dialog Intro2b(Con from)
            var t =
                @"You decide to step away from the station,
much to the possible chagrin of some mysterious
entity and several possibly preferred timelines.".Replace("\r", null);

            return(new (prev, t, new() {
            }) { background = heroImage });

        Dialog Intro3(Con from)
            var t =
                @"""Ummm, yeah, The Orator?""

The guard replies:

""From Pericles to Ston, yes, it is The Orator we hear!
The Orator tells us truth and truth only, and grants us
the power to break silences. But interestingly, to hear
The Orator also requires holding silence. So, to be a
good Listener means knowing the right time to speak!""";
            var sc = new Dialog(prev, t, new() {
                new(@"""Well, The Orator told me...""", Intro4)
                background = heroImage


        Dialog Intro4(Con from)
            string t =
                @"""Well, The Orator told me...
that there is something terribly wrong
happening to us. All of us. Humanity.

Forces of conflict are emanating from the Celestial Center
and causing extremely deadly wars throughout our civilization.
A voice known as The Dictator seeks to control us in horrible ways.

I asked The Orator about what The Dictator's intentions were, and then
I heard a droning voice begin to speak loudly over The Orator, slowly
raising itself into a dreadful yell. My senses began falling apart.
One voice shouted ""SILENCE"" at the other Voice and both went quiet,
then The Orator spoke a final message.

The Orator told me, that They had an answer. And that
if I went to Them, taking a journey to the Celestial Center,
and I listened to Their words, and I wielded Their powers,
then They would bring forth an ultimate peace.


Wait, how are you saying all of this- Your mind blanks out.

""...And I... I witnessed all of this in a strange dream I had.""";
            var sc = new Dialog(prev, t, new() {
                new("Continue", Intro5)
                background = heroImage


        Dialog Intro5(Con from)
            string t =
                @"The guard replies:

""...I see. So you're one of those who were called to
leave Human Space. I remember having one dream that
was just like that.""

""In that dream, I could see everything - horrible battles,
ships pulverized by plasma, stations destroyed by missiles,
in distant star systems I could never even fathom visiting.
But I was terribly fearful of the Dictator - so fearful that
I vowed to see the Celestial Center and personally destroy
everything that I could find of The Dictator myself.""

""But then I figured that it was just a dream, not a destiny.
Now I know of older followers who understand that leaving
for the Celestial Center is not the only answer.""

""The old survivors built this place to provide a shelter
for those who seek a different kind of answer - one that
values peace from within. Our bond with The Orator grants
us safety from The Dictator. As a disciple of the
Daughters of the Orator, I welcome you to reside here.""

""Unless, your answer rests..."" he points to a distant star
shining through the window, ""...far out there.""

""Does it?""";
            var sc = new Dialog(prev, t, new() {
                new(@"""It does.""", Intro6, NavFlags.ESC)
                background = heroImage


        Dialog Intro6(Con from)
            string t =
After a long pause, you respond.

""It does.""

The guard thinks for a minute.

""I figured. You have your own starship, fit for
leaving this system and exploring the stars beyond.
We don't really see modern builds like yours
around here... Not since the last war ended.

You really intend to see what's out there.""";

            return(new(prev, t, new() {
                new(@"""That is correct.""", Intro7, NavFlags.ESC)
            }) { background = heroImage });;

        Dialog Intro7(Con from)
            string t =
                @"He looks at you with doubt.

""So you understand that... this? This is not
the first time that The Orator has spoken,
and told someone to just pack up, leave,
and look for Them somewhere out there?

I don't care how ready you think you are
to go wherever you think you're going.

Are you prepared to die?""";

            return(new(prev, t, new() {
                new(@"""Huh?!?!?!""", Intro8)
            }) { background = heroImage });

        Dialog Intro8(Con from)
            string t =
                @"He looks somewhat tense.

""The Orator definitely calls to people. We know that this
happens occasionally but predictably. We see a new person
come in for their first time, and ask us about The Orator,
and, and,

It's only a matter of days until they leave this place
for the last time...

...And we never see that person again.

Until they show up in a news report in which
someone identifies them as an unwitting traveler
who got blown up in the middle of a war zone...

You'd have better chances of surviving if you joined
the Constellation Fleet. Not much better, mind you.
At least I got out when they were about to send us
through the gateway... before they'd shut the door
and lock it behind us.

So, tell me, what is it that you intend to do?""";

            return(new Dialog(prev, t, new() {
                new(@"""I intend to reach the Celestial Center.""", Intro9a),
                new("...", Intro9b)
                background = heroImage

        Dialog Intro9a(Con from)
            string t =
                @"The man sighs and stares at the ground for a second.

""So you do. Okay. I won't try to change your mind.
Just remember...""";

            return(new(prev, t, new() {
                new("Continue", Intro11)
            }) { background = heroImage });

        Dialog Intro9b(Con from)
            string t =
                @"You pause for a moment.";

            t = t.Replace("\r", null);
            return(new(prev, t, new() {
                new('I', @"""I intend to reach the Celestial Center.""", Intro10a),
            }) { background = heroImage });;