// ###################################################################################################
        // ############################## 접속된 상대방으로부터 데이터 얻기 ##################################
        // ###################################################################################################
        public void Receive()
                // 상대방과 연결되어 있다면

                while (client != null && client.Connected)
                    // 상대방이 보낸 데이터 읽어오기
                    byte[]   data  = this.ReceiveData();
                    string   msg   = Encoding.Default.GetString(data);
                    string[] token = msg.Split('\a');

                    switch (token[0])
                    // 전송할 파일 정보
                    case "CTOC_FILE_TRANS_INFO":
                        FileInfo(token[1], Convert.ToInt64(token[2].Trim()));

                    // 파일 전송 수락
                    case "CTOC_FILE_TRANS_YES":
                        long current_size = Convert.ToInt64(token[1].Trim());
                        this.SendFileData(this.file_info, current_size);

                    // 파일 전송 거부
                    case "CTOC_FILE_TRANS_NO":
                        Console.WriteLine("상대방이 파일 전송을 거부했습니다.");

                    //파일전송을 요청
                    case "CTOC_FILE_DOWN_LOAD":
                        FileInfo send_file = new FileInfo(token[1]);    //token[1] : BASICPATH + filename;
                        Console.WriteLine("상대방이 파일다운로드를 요청하였습니다.");
                        this.Send("CTOC_FILE_TRANS_INFO" + "\a" + send_file.Name + "\a" + send_file.Length.ToString());
                        file_info = send_file;

                    //쿼리문 실행과 파일 전송
                    case "CTOC_SEND_SQL_AND_File_Trans":
                        string strSql = "INSERT INTO dbo.secmem_board_extra_ssm_project VALUES (N'" +
                                        token[1] + "', N'" + token[2] + "', N'" + token[3] + "',N'" +                                                               //name , type, des
                                        token[4] + "',N'" + token[5] + "',N'" + token[6] + "',N'" + token[7] + "',N'" +                                             //sData, eData, status, startIdx
                                        token[8] + "',N'" + token[9] + "',N'" + token[10] + "',N'" + BASICPATH + token[11] + "',N'" + token[12] + "', null, null)"; //endIdx, plat, is_used, path
                        SqlCommand scom = new SqlCommand(strSql, MainServer.scon);
                        scom.Connection = MainServer.scon;
                        // send_file.Name, send_file.Length.ToString()
                        FileInfo(token[13], Convert.ToInt64(token[14].Trim()));

                    case "CTOC_TEXT_EXT_PROC":
                        int returnValue;
                        Console.WriteLine("확장자명확인" + token[2]);
                        String     strSelect  = "SELECT wr_id from dbo.secmem_board_extra_ssm_project WHERE ex_pr_name = '" + token[2] + "';";
                        SqlCommand scomSelect = new SqlCommand(strSelect, MainServer.scon);
                        scomSelect.Connection = MainServer.scon;
                        returnValue           = (int)scomSelect.ExecuteScalar();

                        // 승인 버튼 눌렀을 때 (여기서 ex_is_used 바꾸기)
                        CorePart.ProgramStart(returnValue, token[1]);
                        String     strUpdate  = "UPDATE dbo.secmem_board_extra_ssm_project SET ex_is_used=" + "'진행중'" + " WHERE wr_id=" + returnValue;
                        SqlCommand scomUpdate = new SqlCommand(strUpdate, MainServer.scon);
                        scomUpdate.Connection = MainServer.scon;

                    // token[1] 과제요약문장
                    case "CTOC_HOVER_MSG":
                        String     returnData   = "SELECT wr_id from dbo.secmem_board_extra_ssm_project WHERE ex_pr_name = '" + token[1] + "';";
                        SqlCommand returnSelect = new SqlCommand(returnData, MainServer.scon);
                        returnSelect.Connection = MainServer.scon;
                        returnData = (String)returnSelect.ExecuteScalar();

                    // Client에게 4개의 코사인 유사도 값 보여주기
                    case "CLIENT_TECHNOLOGY":
                        String     clientReturn = "SELECT technology_word, technology_tfidf from dbo.secmem_technology_db_ssm_project where technology_document=" + token[1];
                        SqlCommand returnClient = new SqlCommand(clientReturn, MainServer.scon);
                        returnClient.Connection = MainServer.scon;
                        SqlDataReader readerDoc = returnClient.ExecuteReader();
                        List <Tuple <string, double> > currentTFIDF = new List <Tuple <string, double> >();
                        if (readerDoc.HasRows)
                            while (readerDoc.Read())
                                currentTFIDF.Add(new Tuple <string, double>(readerDoc.GetString(0), readerDoc.GetDouble(1)));

                        var rankTFIDF = currentTFIDF.OrderByDescending(num => num.Item2);
                        int counting  = 0;

                        // 4개의 결과값 클라이언트에게 전송
                        String clientTechnologyTag = "SERVER_TECHNOLOGY\a";
                        foreach (var item in rankTFIDF)
                            clientTechnologyTag += item.Item1 + "\a";
                            if (counting > 4)

                    // 과제 대기중인지 승인중인지 표시 하기
                    case "SEVER_RELATION":
                        String     returnState = "SELECT ex_is_used from dbo.secmem_board_extra_ssm_project WHERE wr_id=" + token[1];
                        SqlCommand returnStat  = new SqlCommand(returnState, MainServer.scon);
                        returnStat.Connection = MainServer.scon;
                        String stateData = (String)returnStat.ExecuteScalar();

                        // 연관과제 해주기 (token[1]에 현재 과제번호)
                        if (stateData.Equals("진행중"))
                            List <Tuple <string, double> > result_cosin = CosinSimilarity.cosin(System.Convert.ToInt32(token[1]));
                            var rank  = result_cosin.OrderByDescending(num => num.Item2);
                            int count = 0;

                            // 클라이언트에게 과제 이름 보내주기
                            String strName = "CLIENT_RELATION\a";
                            foreach (var val in rank)
                                strName += val.Item1 + "\a";
                                Console.WriteLine("[Relation]  " + val.Item1);
                                if (count > 3)
                            Console.WriteLine("현재count : " + count);

                    // 질의어 검색 모드
                    case "CTOC_QUESTION_MSG":
                        List <string> word = new List <string>();
                        word = FindWord(token[1]);
                        int    cnt = 0;
                        String strWhere;
                        String total;

                        // where 쿼리문 완성
                        strWhere = "where ";
                        foreach (var item in word)
                            if (word.Count == cnt)
                                strWhere += "(technology_word = '" + item + "' or technology_english= '" + item + "')";
                                strWhere += "(technology_word = '" + item + "' or technology_english= '" + item + "') or ";

                        // 질의어 쿼리문
                        total  = "declare @technology_document int declare @technology_tfidf float ";
                        total += "create table temptable (temp_document int, temp_tfidf float) ";
                        total += "declare mycur Cursor local for select technology_document, technology_tfidf from secmem_technology_db_ssm_project " + strWhere;
                        total += "open mycur ";
                        total += "fetch next from mycur into @technology_document, @technology_tfidf ";
                        total += "while(@@FETCH_STATUS=0) ";
                        total += "begin ";
                        total += "if (select count (*) from temptable where temp_document=@technology_document) = 0 ";
                        total += "begin ";
                        total += "insert into temptable (temp_document, temp_tfidf) values (@technology_document, @technology_tfidf) ";
                        total += "end ";
                        total += "else begin ";
                        total += "update temptable set temp_tfidf = @technology_tfidf + temp_tfidf where temp_document=@technology_document ";
                        total += "end ";
                        total += "fetch next from mycur into @technology_document, @technology_tfidf ";
                        total += "end ";
                        total += "close mycur ";
                        total += "select * from temptable order by temp_tfidf desc ";

                        SqlCommand    searchCmd = new SqlCommand(total, MainServer.scon);
                        SqlDataReader reader    = searchCmd.ExecuteReader();
                        Console.WriteLine("결과 출력");

                        // 문서 번호랑 더해진 TFIDF 값 얻어오기
                        List <Tuple <int, double> > orderDocument = new List <Tuple <int, double> >();
                        if (reader.HasRows)
                            while (reader.Read())
                                orderDocument.Add(new Tuple <int, double>(reader.GetInt32(0), reader.GetDouble(1)));

                        // 토탈 TF-IDF 값을 가져와서, 나눈다.
                        foreach (var item in orderDocument)
                            String     returnTF    = "SELECT ex_total_tfidf from dbo.secmem_board_extra_ssm_project WHERE wr_id = " + item.Item1;
                            SqlCommand returnScom  = new SqlCommand(returnTF, MainServer.scon);
                            double     returnTFIDF = (double)returnScom.ExecuteScalar();

                            // ( 100 * 더해진 TF-IDF ) / 총 질의어 단어수
                            Console.WriteLine("[질의어]" + cnt);
                            String     updateSql  = "UPDATE dbo.secmem_board_extra_ssm_project SET ex_query_tfidf=" + ((item.Item2 * 100) / word.Count) + " WHERE wr_id=" + item.Item1;
                            SqlCommand updateScom = new SqlCommand(updateSql, MainServer.scon);
                            updateScom.Connection = MainServer.scon;
                        Console.WriteLine("결과 출력 끝");

                        // 임시 테이블 삭제 하기
                        SqlCommand endCmd = new SqlCommand("drop table temptable ", MainServer.scon);
                        Console.WriteLine("테이블 삭제 성공");

                        // 테이블 하나하나 들고 와서 뿌려줘야되는데, 결과 문서 번호가지고 쿼리문에 더하기
                        String strPrintDocument = null;
                        cnt = 0;
                        strPrintDocument = "SELECT wr_id, ex_pr_name, ex_pr_type, ex_description, ex_start_date, ex_end_date, ex_pr_status, ex_start_file_idx, ex_end_file_idx, ex_platform, ex_is_used, ex_path, ex_data, ex_query_tfidf FROM dbo.secmem_board_extra_ssm_project where wr_id IN (";

                        if (orderDocument.Count != 0)
                            foreach (var itemdoc in orderDocument)
                                if (cnt == orderDocument.Count)
                                    strPrintDocument += itemdoc.Item1;
                                    strPrintDocument += itemdoc.Item1 + ", ";

                            // MS SQL 쿼리 응답문 정렬 안하기
                            strPrintDocument += ") order by CHARINDEX(CONVERT(varchar, wr_id), '";
                            cnt = 0;
                            foreach (var itemdoc in orderDocument)
                                if (cnt == orderDocument.Count)
                                    strPrintDocument += itemdoc.Item1 + "')";
                                    strPrintDocument += itemdoc.Item1 + ", ";

                            // 데이터 테이블 클라이언트에게 보내기
                            SqlDataAdapter Selectadapter = new SqlDataAdapter();
                            Selectadapter.SelectCommand = new SqlCommand(strPrintDocument, MainServer.scon);
                            SqlCommandBuilder builder   = new SqlCommandBuilder(Selectadapter);
                            DataTable         dataTable = new DataTable();

                            DataRow rwItem   = dataTable.Rows[0];
                            string  strColum = rwItem["ex_pr_name"].ToString();
                            Console.WriteLine("가져온 값: " + strColum);

                            // 클라이언트에서 이거 받고 나서, 그리드뷰에 나타내주기
                            // DataTable -> DataSet -> Byte 변환해서 보내주기
                            DataSet dummyDs = new DataSet();

                            byte[] start = new byte[1];
                            start[0] = 0x02;
                            if (start[0] == 0x02)
                            byte[] DataSetData = CompressDataSet(dummyDs);
                            byte[] result      = new byte[start.Length + DataSetData.Length];
                            System.Buffer.BlockCopy(start, 0, result, 0, start.Length);
                            System.Buffer.BlockCopy(DataSetData, 0, result, start.Length, DataSetData.Length);
            catch (Exception ex)
Exemplo n.º 2
        // ###########################################################################################
        // ######### 텍스트 추출 ### 형태소 분석 ### 주어 목적어 ### TF-IDF ### 코사인 유사도 ########
        // ###########################################################################################

        public static void ProgramStart(int returnValue, String path)
            // return value는 현재 누른 문서번호
            Dictionary <string, int> wordCountList = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            List <Tuple <string, string, double> > _vocabularyTFIDF = new List <Tuple <string, string, double> >();

            List <Tuple <string, string, int> >[] documents = new List <Tuple <string, string, int> > [100]; // 단어와 빈도수 저장(모든 문서)
            List <string>            AllDocumentName        = new List <string>();                           // 현재 모든 문서들의 이름 다 저장해놓기
            Dictionary <string, int> Subject_Object         = new Dictionary <string, int>();                // 주어 목적어
            List <string>            word = new List <string>();                                             // 형태소 분석 후 빈도수 저장 안된 결과값

            string dirCurrent    = @"c:\SSM_Assignment2\result.current.txt";
            string dirTotal      = @"c:\SSM_Assignment2\result.total.txt";
            string dirDictionary = @"c:\SSM_Assignment2\dictionary";
            string dirSTART      = @"c:\SSM_Assignment2";

            System.IO.DirectoryInfo currentSTART = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(dirSTART);
            System.IO.DirectoryInfo currentDir   = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(dirCurrent);

            TextExtHelper txtExtHelper = new TextExtHelper();
            StreamReader  txtReader;

            int total_word    = new int();          // 문서 Dj에서 모든 단어가 출현한 횟수
            int documentCount = new int();
            int documentTerm  = new int();
            int FileCount     = -1;

            // ############################ DATA BASE OPEN ###############################################

            // ############################ 사전 텍스트 파일 데이터 베이스에 저장 ############################

             * StreamReader readfile = new StreamReader(dirDictionary + @"\" + "dictionary.output.txt");
             * String readLineWord;
             * String englishWord = null;
             * while ((readLineWord = readfile.ReadLine()) != null)
             * {
             *  String[] splitStr = Regex.Split(readLineWord, " ");
             *  for (int i = 1; i < splitStr.Length; i++)
             *  {
             *          englishWord += splitStr[i] + " ";
             *  }
             *  // 쿼리문 날려서 디비에 저장
             *  String strSql = "INSERT INTO dbo.secmem_dictionary VALUES (N'" + splitStr[0] + "', N'" + englishWord + "')";
             *  SqlCommand scom = new SqlCommand(strSql, MainServer.scon);
             *  scom.Connection = MainServer.scon;
             *  scom.ExecuteNonQuery();
             *  englishWord = null;
             * }
             * readfile.Close();

            // ############################ 텍스트 추출 하기 ###############################################
            if (currentSTART.GetFiles().Length != 0)
                Console.WriteLine("[시작] File NAME: " + path);

                IOfficeFile _file         = txtExtHelper.get_file();
                string      fileName      = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path);
                string      fileExtension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(path);
                IWordFile wordfile             = txtExtHelper.getwordFile(); //텍스트 추출 후 나온 word파일 내용을 읽어와야 여기에 저장이 된다.
                string    currentSTARTDocument = wordfile.ParagraphText;
                currentSTARTDocument = currentSTARTDocument.Replace("\r\n", " ");

                // ############################ 형태소분석 ###############################################
                Console.WriteLine("형태소 분석");
                    string textDocument = currentSTARTDocument;
                    LinkedList <Sentence> resultList = FileTransfer.workflow.getResultOfDocument(new Sentence(0, 0, false));

                    foreach (Sentence s in resultList)
                        Eojeol[] eojeolArray = s.Eojeols;
                        for (int i = 0; i < eojeolArray.Length; i++)
                            if (eojeolArray[i].length > 0)
                                // eojeolArray[i] : 개인/ncn, 국한/ncpa 명사형태인 단어 뽑혀나옴
                                // string morphemes[] : 개인, 국한   (태그 제거되고 단어만 나옴)
                                String[] morphemes = eojeolArray[i].Morphemes;
                                // ############################ 형태소 분석 돌린 단어 저장 ##################################
                                for (int j = 0; j < morphemes.Length; j++)
                                    morphemes[j] = morphemes[j].Replace("'", "");
                                // ############################ 주어 목적어 ##################################
                                // jco: 역수를,변형을         jxc: 이것은, TF IDF는       jcs: 단어가

                                 * if (Tags[Tags.Length - 1].CompareTo("jco") == 0 || Tags[Tags.Length - 1].CompareTo("jxc") == 0 || Tags[Tags.Length - 1].CompareTo("jcs") == 0)
                                 * {
                                 *  for (int k = 0; k < Tags.Length - 1; k++)
                                 *  {
                                 *      // 주어 목적어중에서 명사만 저장하기 위해
                                 *      if (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(Tags[k], "nc", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
                                 *      {
                                 *          if (Subject_Object.ContainsKey(morphemes[k]))
                                 *          {
                                 *              Subject_Object[morphemes[k]]++;
                                 *          }
                                 *          else
                                 *          {
                                 *              Subject_Object.Add(morphemes[k], 1);
                                 *          }
                                 *      }
                                 *  }
                                 * }

                    // ##################################### 빈도수 저장 ###############################################
                    Console.WriteLine("빈도수 저장");
                    for (int i = 0; i < word.Count; i++)
                        // 현재 문서 형태소 분석
                        string value = word[i];
                        if (wordCountList.ContainsKey(value))
                            wordCountList.Add(value, 1);

                    foreach (var key in wordCountList.Keys.ToList())
                        if (wordCountList[key] == 1)

                    // 정렬하기
                    var           rank = wordCountList.OrderByDescending(num => num.Value);
                    StringBuilder sb   = new StringBuilder();
                    foreach (var val in rank)
                        sb.AppendLine(" " + val.Key + " " + val.Value);
                    File.WriteAllText(dirCurrent + @"\" + fileName + ".txt", sb.ToString());
                catch (Exception ie)
                File.Delete(dirSTART + @"\" + fileName);

            // ################################### TF-IDF ########################################################
            // 현재 문서 고치고, 현재 문서 있을 때 모든 문서에 가중치 결과 값 업데이트까지 고려 해줘야 한다


            documentCount = 0;
            if (currentDir.GetFiles().Length != 0)
                // ############################ TF 모든문서 들고오기 ###############################################
                System.IO.DirectoryInfo totalDir = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(dirTotal);
                foreach (var item in totalDir.GetFiles())
                    documents[FileCount] = new List <Tuple <string, string, int> >();

                    Console.WriteLine(dirTotal + @"\" + item.Name);
                    txtReader = new StreamReader(dirTotal + @"\" + item.Name);

                    string line;
                    String Korean  = null;
                    String English = null;
                    while ((line = txtReader.ReadLine()) != null)
                        if (line == null)
                        string[] words = line.Split(' ');

                        // words[0] 공백       words[1] 단어         words[2] 빈도수
                        String     strSql = "SELECT dic_korean, dic_english FROM dbo.secmem_dictionary where dic_korean='" + words[1] + "' or dic_english='" + words[1] + "'";
                        SqlCommand scom   = new SqlCommand(strSql, MainServer.scon);
                        scom.Connection = MainServer.scon;
                        SqlDataReader reader = scom.ExecuteReader();
                        while (reader.Read())
                            Korean  = reader.GetString(0);
                            English = reader.GetString(1);
                            if (Korean != null && English != null)

                        if (Korean != null && English != null)
                            documents[FileCount].Add(new Tuple <string, string, int>(Korean, English, System.Convert.ToInt32(words[2])));

                        Korean  = null;
                        English = null;
                } // 다른 문서 없으면 FileCount = -1

                // ############################ TF 현재 문서 들고오기 ###############################################
                // 들고 올때, 블루투스 <-> bluetooth 같은거니깐 빈도수 같이 더하기
                Console.WriteLine("TF 현재 문서 들고오기");
                foreach (var item in currentDir.GetFiles())
                    documents[FileCount] = new List <Tuple <string, string, int> >();

                    txtReader = new StreamReader(dirCurrent + @"\" + item.Name);
                    string line;
                    String Korean  = null;
                    String English = null;
                    while ((line = txtReader.ReadLine()) != null)
                        if (line == null)
                        string[] words = line.Split(' ');
                        // words[0] 공백       words[1] 단어         words[2] 빈도수
                        // 사전 쿼리
                        String     strSql = "SELECT dic_korean, dic_english FROM dbo.secmem_dictionary where dic_korean='" + words[1] + "' or dic_english='" + words[1] + "'";
                        SqlCommand scom   = new SqlCommand(strSql, MainServer.scon);
                        scom.Connection = MainServer.scon;
                        SqlDataReader reader = scom.ExecuteReader();
                        while (reader.Read())
                            Korean  = reader.GetString(0);
                            English = reader.GetString(1);
                            if (Korean != null && English != null)

                        if (Korean != null && English != null)
                            // 한국어인지 영어인지 구분해서 item1, item2 선택하기 -> 아직 안함
                            // 값을 꺼내고, 지우고, 그다음에 더한다음에 다시 삽입시키는 방법밖에 없는것 같다.
                            if (documents[FileCount].Any(t => t.Item1 == Korean || t.Item1 == English))
                                int    edit  = documents[FileCount].Find(t => t.Item1 == Korean || t.Item1 == English).Item3;
                                String temp1 = documents[FileCount].Find(t => t.Item1 == Korean || t.Item1 == English).Item1;
                                String temp2 = documents[FileCount].Find(t => t.Item1 == Korean || t.Item1 == English).Item2;
                                documents[FileCount].RemoveAll(it => it.Item1 == temp1 && it.Item2 == temp2);
                                documents[FileCount].Add(new Tuple <string, string, int>(temp1, temp2, System.Convert.ToInt32(words[2]) + edit));
                                documents[FileCount].Add(new Tuple <string, string, int>(Korean, English, System.Convert.ToInt32(words[2])));
                        Korean  = null;
                        English = null;
                    System.IO.File.Move(dirCurrent + @"\" + item.Name, dirTotal + @"\" + item.Name);
                    // 무조건 문서 한개만 들고오기

                // ####################### 현재 문서에 대해서 IDF 계산하기 ########################################
                double IDFcalculate     = new double();
                double TF_IDFcalculate  = new double();
                int    currentFileCount = FileCount;
                double TOTAL_TF_IDF     = new double();

                total_word = 0;
                foreach (var item in documents[currentFileCount])
                    total_word  += item.Item3;
                    documentTerm = 0;

                    // 다른문서만 비교랑 내꺼 비교
                    for (int current = 0; current < currentFileCount; current++)
                        if (documents[current].Any(t => t.Item1 == item.Item1 || t.Item1 == item.Item2))

                    // 각 단어당 문서 개수 찾기 완료 IDF 계산하기 =: documentTerm이 0개 나오면 무한대 되기 때문에 documentTerm에 +1을 해야된다. 그래야 log1은 0됨
                    if (currentFileCount == 0) // 다른문서 하나도 없다.
                        _vocabularyTFIDF.Add(new Tuple <string, string, double>(item.Item1, item.Item2, 0));
                        TOTAL_TF_IDF = 0;
                        IDFcalculate = Math.Log10((double)(currentFileCount + 1) / (1 + documentTerm));
                        //TF_IDFcalculate = ((double)(item.Item3) / total_word) * IDFcalculate;
                        TF_IDFcalculate = (0.5 + 0.5 * ((double)(item.Item3) / total_word)) * IDFcalculate;
                        _vocabularyTFIDF.Add(new Tuple <string, string, double>(item.Item1, item.Item2, TF_IDFcalculate));
                        TOTAL_TF_IDF += TF_IDFcalculate;
                    TF_IDFcalculate = 0;
                    IDFcalculate    = 0;
                } // _vocabularyTFIDF(단어, TF-IDF)
                Console.WriteLine("현재문서 가중치 다 계산함");

                String     updateSql  = "UPDATE dbo.secmem_board_extra_ssm_project SET ex_total_tfidf=" + TOTAL_TF_IDF + " WHERE wr_id=" + returnValue;
                SqlCommand updateScom = new SqlCommand(updateSql, MainServer.scon);
                updateScom.Connection = MainServer.scon;
                TOTAL_TF_IDF = 0;

                // ############################# 주어목적어 같이 추가 해주기 ########################################

                 * var rank_desc = _vocabularyTFIDF.OrderByDescending(num => num.Item3);
                 * foreach (var item in rank_desc)
                 * {
                 *  if (Subject_Object.ContainsKey(item.Item1) || Subject_Object.ContainsKey(item.Item2))
                 *  {
                 *      int val = documents[FileCount].Find(t => t.Item1 == item.Item1).Item3;
                 *      if (val > 0)
                 *      {
                 *          String strSql = "INSERT INTO dbo.secmem_technology_db_ssm_project VALUES (N'" + item.Item1 + "', N'" + item.Item2 + "', N'" + returnValue + "', N'" + item.Item3 + "', N'" + 1 + "', N'" + val + "')";
                 *          SqlCommand scom = new SqlCommand(strSql, MainServer.scon);
                 *          scom.Connection = MainServer.scon;
                 *          scom.ExecuteNonQuery();
                 *      }
                 *      else
                 *      {
                 *          val = documents[FileCount].Find(t => t.Item2 == item.Item1).Item3;
                 *          String strSql = "INSERT INTO dbo.secmem_technology_db_ssm_project VALUES (N'" + item.Item2 + "', N'" + item.Item1 + "', N'" + returnValue + "', N'" + item.Item3 + "', N'" + 1 + "', N'" + val + "')";
                 *          SqlCommand scom = new SqlCommand(strSql, MainServer.scon);
                 *          scom.Connection = MainServer.scon;
                 *          scom.ExecuteNonQuery();
                 *      }
                 *  }
                 *  else
                 *  {
                 *      int val = documents[FileCount].Find(t => t.Item1 == item.Item1).Item3;
                 *      if (val > 0)
                 *      {
                 *          String strSql = "INSERT INTO dbo.secmem_technology_db_ssm_project VALUES (N'" + item.Item1 + "', N'" + item.Item2 + "', N'" + returnValue + "', N'" + item.Item3 + "', N'" + 0 + "', N'" + val + "')";
                 *          SqlCommand scom = new SqlCommand(strSql, MainServer.scon);
                 *          scom.Connection = MainServer.scon;
                 *          scom.ExecuteNonQuery();
                 *      }
                 *      else
                 *      {
                 *          val = documents[FileCount].Find(t => t.Item2 == item.Item1).Item3;
                 *          String strSql = "INSERT INTO dbo.secmem_technology_db_ssm_project VALUES (N'" + item.Item2 + "', N'" + item.Item1 + "', N'" + returnValue + "', N'" + item.Item3 + "', N'" + 0 + "', N'" + val + "')";
                 *          SqlCommand scom = new SqlCommand(strSql, MainServer.scon);
                 *          scom.Connection = MainServer.scon;
                 *          scom.ExecuteNonQuery();
                 *      }
                 *  }
                 * }

                // ####################################################################################################
                // ################################# 현재 등록된 문서 업데이트 해주기 #################################
                // ####################################################################################################
                if (FileCount == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("업데이트 필요 없음");
                    int currentValue;
                    // 모든 문서에서 하나씩 읽어와서 TF 구하기 (현재문서)
                    for (int i = 0; i < FileCount; i++)
                        // 현재문서에 관한 과제번호 값 알아오기
                        String     returnID   = "SELECT wr_id from dbo.secmem_board_extra_ssm_project WHERE ex_pr_name = '" + System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(AllDocumentName[i]) + "'";
                        SqlCommand returnScom = new SqlCommand(returnID, MainServer.scon);
                        returnScom.Connection = MainServer.scon;
                        currentValue          = (int)returnScom.ExecuteScalar();
                        Console.WriteLine(System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(AllDocumentName[i]) + ", " + currentValue);

                        documentTerm = 0;
                        double IDFtemp;
                        double TF_IDFtemp;
                        total_word = 0;

                        // documents[i]는 현재문서
                        foreach (var currentitem in documents[i])
                            total_word += currentitem.Item3;
                            for (int index = 0; index <= FileCount; index++)
                                if (i == index)
                                if (documents[index].Any(t => t.Item1 == currentitem.Item1 || t.Item1 == currentitem.Item2))
                                    int val = documents[index].Find(t => t.Item1 == currentitem.Item1 || t.Item1 == currentitem.Item2).Item3;

                            // 현재 문서 안에 있는 단어 중에서, 한 단어당 모든문서 찾아서 TF IDF 값 계산하기
                            IDFtemp    = Math.Log10((double)(FileCount + 1) / (documentTerm + 1));
                            TF_IDFtemp = (0.5 + 0.5 * ((double)(currentitem.Item3) / total_word)) * IDFtemp;

                            _vocabularyTFIDF.Add(new Tuple <string, string, double>(currentitem.Item1, currentitem.Item2, TF_IDFtemp));
                            TOTAL_TF_IDF += TF_IDFtemp;
                            documentTerm  = 0;

                        // 각 문서 가중치값 업데이트, currentValue 현재 문서 번호 이다.
                        foreach (var temptemp in _vocabularyTFIDF)
                            // update 고치기, 여기서 단어값이 얼마나 해당되는지 한글인지 영어 인지 고치기!!!!
                            updateSql = "UPDATE dbo.secmem_technology_db_ssm_project SET technology_TFIDF=" + temptemp.Item3 + " WHERE technology_word=" + "'" + temptemp.Item1 + "'" + " and technology_english=" + "'" + temptemp.Item2 + "'" + " and technology_document=" + currentValue;
                            SqlCommand scom = new SqlCommand(updateSql, MainServer.scon);
                            scom.Connection = MainServer.scon;

                        updateSql = "UPDATE dbo.secmem_board_extra_ssm_project SET ex_total_tfidf=" + TOTAL_TF_IDF + " WHERE wr_id=" + currentValue;
                        SqlCommand updateS = new SqlCommand(updateSql, MainServer.scon);
                        updateS.Connection = MainServer.scon;
                        TOTAL_TF_IDF = 0;
                    } // for문 (i)
            }         // #### Current File 조건문 ###
                Console.WriteLine("현재 업데이트 된 새로운 텍스트 파일이 없습니다.");