A writer that can write an assortment of atomic SWF types to a stream.
Inheritance: IDisposable
Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Takes a SWF object and turns it into a .swf binary file. It might seem nicer to
        /// write it to a stream, but the stream has a file length at the start which we only
        /// know once we've written it all out to a byte array anyway. Returning it as a
        /// chunk of data is simply more honest; an output stream would promise streaminess behind
        /// the scenes that we cannot deliver.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The .swf data is returned as a byte array.</returns>
        public byte[] ToByteArray()
            /* We start writing things mid-way through the header, at the point
             * where compression comes into effect. Once we've created and perhaps
             * compressed the data, we can write the first part of the header and
             * concatenate the rest. */

            writtenJPEGTable = null;

            /* The file contains tags, which can contain tags, each of which is prefixed with a length.
             * To track all this, we use a stack of writers, each with its own buffer. The first on the
             * stack is the buffer that will contain the file itself. */
            this.writers = new Stack <WriteBuffer>();
            this.swfOut  = new WriteBuffer(Tag.None, "swf");

            this.swfOut.WriteRect(new Rect(0, this.swf.FrameWidth, 0, this.swf.FrameHeight));



            /* Ok, we basically have a SWF now. All we need to do is compress it and
             * stick a header on at the front... */

            byte[] body    = this.swfOut.Data;
            uint   fileLen = (uint)(body.Length + 8); /* Add the 8 bytes of header we haven't done yet. */

            if (this.options.Compressed)
                MemoryStream         zbytes = new MemoryStream();
                DeflaterOutputStream zos    = new DeflaterOutputStream(zbytes);
                zos.Write(body, 0, body.Length);
                body = zbytes.ToArray();

            MemoryStream      final       = new MemoryStream();
            SWFDataTypeWriter finalWriter = new SWFDataTypeWriter(final);

            finalWriter.WriteUI24(this.options.Compressed ? SIG_COMPRESSED : SIG_UNCOMPRESSED);

            /* ISSUE 27: Hard-coded SWF version 10. Technically this should be an option but
             * for now we don't want the headache of version-specific code. */


            finalWriter.Write(body, 0, body.Length);

Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Takes a SWF object and turns it into a .swf binary file. It might seem nicer to
        /// write it to a stream, but the stream has a file length at the start which we only
        /// know once we've written it all out to a byte array anyway. Returning it as a
        /// chunk of data is simply more honest; an output stream would promise streaminess behind
        /// the scenes that we cannot deliver.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The .swf data is returned as a byte array.</returns>
        public byte[] ToByteArray()
            /* We start writing things mid-way through the header, at the point
             * where compression comes into effect. Once we've created and perhaps
             * compressed the data, we can write the first part of the header and
             * concatenate the rest. */

            writtenJPEGTable = null;

            /* The file contains tags, which can contain tags, each of which is prefixed with a length.
             * To track all this, we use a stack of writers, each with its own buffer. The first on the
             * stack is the buffer that will contain the file itself. */
            this.writers = new Stack<WriteBuffer>();
            this.swfOut = new WriteBuffer(Tag.None, "swf");

            this.swfOut.WriteRect(new Rect(0, this.swf.FrameWidth, 0, this.swf.FrameHeight));



            /* Ok, we basically have a SWF now. All we need to do is compress it and
             * stick a header on at the front... */

            byte[] body = this.swfOut.Data;
            uint fileLen = (uint)(body.Length + 8); /* Add the 8 bytes of header we haven't done yet. */

            if (this.options.Compressed)
                MemoryStream zbytes = new MemoryStream();
                DeflaterOutputStream zos = new DeflaterOutputStream(zbytes);
                zos.Write(body, 0, body.Length);
                body = zbytes.ToArray();

            MemoryStream final = new MemoryStream();
            SWFDataTypeWriter finalWriter = new SWFDataTypeWriter(final);

            finalWriter.WriteUI24(this.options.Compressed ? SIG_COMPRESSED : SIG_UNCOMPRESSED);

            /* ISSUE 27: Hard-coded SWF version 10. Technically this should be an option but
             * for now we don't want the headache of version-specific code. */


            finalWriter.Write(body, 0, body.Length);

            return final.ToArray();