public async Task<int> CreateOrderFromCart(string cartId, Order order, string stripeToken, string stripeSecretKey, CancellationToken cancellationToken = new CancellationToken())
            Serilog.Log.Logger.Debug($"{nameof(this.EmptyCart)} for cart id '{cartId}'");
            using (var unitOfWork = this.unitOfWorkFunc())
                var orderRepository = unitOfWork.Value.Repository<Order>();
                var orderDetailsRepository = unitOfWork.Value.Repository<OrderDetail>();
                var cartItemsRepository = unitOfWork.Value.Repository<CartItem>();
                var albumRepository = unitOfWork.Value.Repository<Album>();

                decimal orderTotal = 0;

                var cartItems =
                        cartItemsRepository.Get(cart => cart.CartId == cartId)
                            .Include(c => c.Album)
                // Iterate over the items in the cart, adding the order details for each
                foreach (var item in cartItems)
                    //var album = _db.Albums.Find(item.AlbumId);
                    var album =
                        await albumRepository.Get().SingleAsync(a => a.AlbumId == item.AlbumId, cancellationToken);

                    var orderDetail = new OrderDetail
                        AlbumId = item.AlbumId,
                        OrderId = order.OrderId,
                        UnitPrice = album.Price,
                        Quantity = item.Count,

                    // Set the order total of the shopping cart
                    orderTotal += item.Count * album.Price;

                // Set the order's total to the orderTotal count
                order.Total = orderTotal;

                order.TransactionId = await ExecuteTransaction(stripeToken, stripeSecretKey, Convert.ToInt32(orderTotal*100));
                // Empty the shopping cart
                var cartItemsToClear = await cartItemsRepository.Get(cart => cart.CartId == cartId).ToArrayAsync(cancellationToken);

                // Save all the changes
                await unitOfWork.Value.SaveChangesAsync(cancellationToken);

                return order.OrderId;
		public async Task<IActionResult> CreateOrderFromCart([FromBody] OrderViewModel order)
			var addedOrder = new Order
				Address = order.Address,
				City = order.City,
				Country = order.Country,
				Email = order.Email,
				FirstName = order.FirstName,
				LastName = order.LastName,
				OrderDate = DateTime.Today,
				Phone = order.Phone,
				PostalCode = order.PostalCode,
				State = order.State ?? "NA",
				Username = GetCartId(),
				Total = 0

		    // Add it to the order
			var viewModel = await _cartCommandService.CreateOrderFromCart(GetCartId(), addedOrder, order.StripeToken, _appSettings.Stripe.SecretKey);

			// Return the order json
			return Json(viewModel);