Exemplo n.º 1
 static extern int InitializeSecurityContext(
     ref SECURITY_HANDLE phCredential,                                       //PCredHandle
     ref SECURITY_HANDLE phContext,                                          //PCtxtHandle
     string pszTargetName,
     int fContextReq,
     int Reserved1,
     int TargetDataRep,
     ref SecBufferDesc SecBufferDesc,                                        //PSecBufferDesc SecBufferDesc
     int Reserved2,
     out SECURITY_HANDLE phNewContext,                                       //PCtxtHandle
     out SecBufferDesc pOutput,                                              //PSecBufferDesc SecBufferDesc
     out uint pfContextAttr,                                                 //managed ulong == 64 bits!!!
     out SECURITY_INTEGER ptsExpiry);                                        //PTimeStamp
Exemplo n.º 2
        // This is what we use for all the token stuff.
        public void InitializeServer(byte[] clientToken, out byte[] serverToken, out bool bContinueProcessing)
            serverToken         = null;
            bContinueProcessing = true;
            SECURITY_INTEGER NewLifeTime = new SECURITY_INTEGER(0);

            if (!_bGotServerCredentials)
                if (AcquireCredentialsHandle(
                        ref _hInboundCred,
                        ref NewLifeTime) != SEC_E_OK)

                    throw new Exception("Couldn't acquire server credentials handle!!!");
                Console.WriteLine("AcquireCredentialsHandle DONE");
                _bGotServerCredentials = true;
            SecBufferDesc ServerToken = new SecBufferDesc(MAX_TOKEN_SIZE);
            SecBufferDesc ClientToken = new SecBufferDesc(clientToken);

                int  ss = -1;
                uint uNewContextAttr = 0;

                if (!_bGotServerContext)                                    // check if we have the context yet
                    ss = AcceptSecurityContext(ref _hInboundCred,           // [in] handle to the credentials
                                               IntPtr.Zero,                 // [in/out] handle partially formed context. NULL the first time
                                               ref ClientToken,             // [in] pointer to the input buffers
                                               STANDARD_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTES, // [in] required context attributes
                                               SECURITY_NATIVE_DREP,        // [in] data representation on the target
                                               out _hServerContext,         // [in/out] receives the new context handle
                                               out ServerToken,             // [in/out] pointer to the output buffers
                                               out uNewContextAttr,         // [out] receives the context attributes
                                               out NewLifeTime);            // [out] receives the life span of the security context
                    Console.WriteLine("AcceptSecurityContext__1 DONE");
                    ss = AcceptSecurityContext(ref _hInboundCred,           // [in] handle to the credentials
                                               ref _hServerContext,         // [in/out] handle of partially formed context. NULL the first time
                                               ref ClientToken,             //NOT a token[InBuffDesc]       // [in] pointer to the input buffers
                                               STANDARD_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTES, // [in] required context attributes
                                               SECURITY_NATIVE_DREP,        // [in] data representation on the target
                                               out _hServerContext,         // [in/out] receives the new context handle
                                               out ServerToken,             // [in/out] pointer to the output buffers
                                               out uNewContextAttr,         // [out] receives the context attributes
                                               out NewLifeTime);            // [out] receives the life span of the security context
                    Console.WriteLine("AcceptSecurityContext__2 DONE");

                if (ss != SEC_E_OK && ss != SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED)
                    Console.WriteLine("AcceptSecurityContext() failed!!!");
                    Console.WriteLine(new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()));

                if (!_bGotServerContext)
                    _bGotServerContext = true;

                serverToken = ServerToken.GetSecBufferByteArray();

                bContinueProcessing = ss != SEC_E_OK;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void InitializeClient(out byte[] clientToken, byte[] serverToken, out bool bContinueProcessing)
            clientToken         = null;
            bContinueProcessing = true;
            SECURITY_INTEGER ClientLifeTime = new SECURITY_INTEGER(0);

            if (!_bGotClientCredentials) // check if we already have a cred handle, if not call it.
                if (AcquireCredentialsHandle(
                        _sAccountName,                   // NULL // or _sAccountName = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name;
                        "Negotiate",                     // lpPackageName = "Negotiate"
                        SECPKG_CRED_OUTBOUND,            // SECPKG_CRED_OUTBOUND
                        IntPtr.Zero,                     // NULL
                        IntPtr.Zero,                     // NULL
                        0,                               // NULL
                        IntPtr.Zero,                     // NULL
                        ref _hOutboundCred,              // &hCred
                        ref ClientLifeTime) != SEC_E_OK) //&Lifetime
                    throw new Exception("Couldn't acquire server credentials handle!!!");
                _bGotClientCredentials = true;

            int           ss          = -1;
            SecBufferDesc ClientToken = new SecBufferDesc(MAX_TOKEN_SIZE);

                uint ContextAttributes = 0;
                if (serverToken == null)
                    ss = InitializeSecurityContext(ref _hOutboundCred,          // hCred
                                                   IntPtr.Zero,                 // NULL first time
                                                   _sAccountName,               // name of target "self",
                                                   STANDARD_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTES, // ISC_REQ_CONFIDENTIALITY // "null/sess options in flags!!!"
                                                   0,                           // 0   // Reserved1,
                                                   SECURITY_NATIVE_DREP,        // SECURITY_NATIVE_DREP
                                                   IntPtr.Zero,                 // NULL // only first time
                                                   0,                           // 0 Reserved2,
                                                   out _hClientContext,         // pHandle CtxtHandle = SecHandle
                                                   out ClientToken,             // ref SecBufferDesc // output "Hash"
                                                   out ContextAttributes,       // ref int pfContextAttr, // out attributes [int]
                                                   out ClientLifeTime);         //ref IntPtr ptsExpiry ); //PTimeStamp
                    SecBufferDesc ServerToken = new SecBufferDesc(serverToken);
                        ss = InitializeSecurityContext(ref _hOutboundCred,
                                                       ref _hClientContext,
                                                       _sAccountName,         // null string pszTargetName,
                                                       0,                     //int Reserved1,
                                                       SECURITY_NATIVE_DREP,  //int TargetDataRep
                                                       ref ServerToken,       //Always zero first time around...
                                                       0,                     //int Reserved2,
                                                       out _hClientContext,   //pHandle CtxtHandle = SecHandle
                                                       out ClientToken,       //ref SecBufferDesc pOutput, //PSecBufferDesc
                                                       out ContextAttributes, //ref int pfContextAttr,
                                                       out ClientLifeTime);   //ref IntPtr ptsExpiry ); //PTimeStamp
                if (ss != SEC_E_OK && ss != SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED)
                    Console.WriteLine("InitializeSecurityContext() failed!!!");
                    Console.WriteLine(new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()));
                clientToken = ClientToken.GetSecBufferByteArray();

            bContinueProcessing = ss != SEC_E_OK;