Exemplo n.º 1
 public static DataTable AllMyFavsDTP()
     commonfunctions cf = new commonfunctions();
     return cf.AllmyFavoritesDT();
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static string getMyFavIcons(string contentId, string ResourceContentType, string title, string collection = "0", string Url = "", string Date = "", string Author = "")
            commonfunctions cf = new commonfunctions();
            DataTable AllMyFavsDT = cf.AllmyFavoritesDT();

            string ouptput = "";
            string notFav = string.Empty;
            string myFav = string.Empty;
            title = new string(title.Where(c => !char.IsPunctuation(c)).ToArray()); // ; title.Replace("'", "").Replace(".", "");
            DataRow[] foundRows;

            // Use the Select method to find all rows matching the filter.
            // foundRows = resourcesDt.Select(filter);
            string filter = " FavoriteURL='" + contentId + "' and ResourceContentType = '" + ResourceContentType + "' ";
            foundRows = AllMyFavsDT.Select(filter);
            string coo = AllMyFavsDT.Rows.Count.ToString();
            if (foundRows.Length > 0)

                notFav = " style=\"display:none\"";


                myFav = " style=\"display:none\"";

            string ResourceContentTypeU = "\"" + ResourceContentType + "\"";
            collection = "\"" + collection + "\"";
            ouptput += " <span id='removeFavDiv" + contentId + "'  " + myFav + "   > ";
            string acontentId = "\"" + contentId + "\""; // @""" + contentId + """;
            ouptput += @" <a style='cursor:pointer'  title='Remove " + title + " from My Resources' href='#'  onclick='javascript:deleteFavorite(" + acontentId + "," + ResourceContentTypeU + "," + collection + ");return false;' onkeypress='javascript:deleteFavoriteKP(event," + acontentId + "," + ResourceContentTypeU + "," + collection + ");return false;' class='favorite favorite_on'   > Remove  ";
            ouptput += "<span class='favorite-id-title'>" + title + "</span> to My Resources</a></span>";

            string Url1 = "\"" + Url + "\"";
            string Date1 = "\"" + Date + "\"";
            string Author1 = "\"" + Author + "\"";
            string title1 = "\"" + title + "\"";

            ouptput += "<span id='addFavDiv" + contentId + "'    " + notFav + " >";
            ouptput += @" <a style='cursor:pointer'  href='#' onclick='javascript:addToFavorite(" + acontentId + "," + ResourceContentTypeU + "," + collection + " , " + title1 + " , " + Url1 + " , " + Date1 + " , " + Author1 + ");return false;' onkeypress='javascript:addToFavoriteKP(event," + acontentId + "," + ResourceContentTypeU + "," + collection + " , " + title1 + " , " + Url1 + " , " + Date1 + " , " + Author1 + ");return false;' class='favorite' title='Add " + title + " to My Resources'> Add ";
            ouptput += " <span class='favorite-id-title'>" + title + "</span> to My Resources</a>";
            ouptput += "  </span>";

            return ouptput;