Exemplo n.º 1
        private void cmdSelect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)//Button for user to confirm selection of a service
            byte[] buffer          = new byte[1024];
            string serviceSelected = cboServiceSelect.Text;
            string teamName        = txtTeamName.Text;
            string teamID          = txtTeamID.Text;
            string ipString        = txtRegIP.Text;
            string portString      = txtRegPort.Text;
            string expiration      = txtExpiration.Text;
            string mchInfo         = "";

            frmConnectTeam     frmConnect = new frmConnectTeam();
            frmSelectedService frmService = new frmSelectedService();

            string[] response = null;
            string[] args     = null;
            string[] rsps     = null;
            string   srvInfo  = "";

            string[] srvInfoParsed      = null;
            string[] mchInfoParsed      = null;
            bool     isOK               = false;
            int      regPort            = int.Parse(portString);
            int      numArgs            = 0;
            int      servicePort        = 0;
            int      numResponses       = 0;
            string   serviceIPString    = "";
            string   servicePortString  = "";
            string   serviceTeamName    = "";
            string   serviceName        = "";
            string   numArgsString      = "";
            string   serviceDescription = "";
            string   numResponsesString = "";
            //Build messages and connect sockets for communication
            string    tag       = MessageParser.parseTag(serviceSelected);
            string    message   = MessageBuilder.queryService(teamName, teamID, tag);//Build message to find a service
            IPAddress regIP     = IPAddress.Parse(ipString);
            IPAddress serviceIP = null;
            //Declare sockets for registry and service
            Socket regSock     = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.IP);
            Socket serviceSock = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.IP);

                regSock.Connect(regIP, regPort);//Connect to the registry socket
                Logging.LogLine("Calling SOA-Registry with message :");
                Logging.LogLine("\t" + message);
                TCPHelper.sendMessage(message, regSock);                        //Send query service HL7 /message
                string respMessage = TCPHelper.receiveMessage(buffer, regSock); //Wait for response
                Logging.LogLine("\tResponse from SOA-Registry:");
                Logging.LogLine("\t\t" + respMessage);
                response = MessageParser.parseMessage(respMessage); //parse response into deliminated parts
                isOK     = MessageParser.checkOK(response[1]);      //Check if OK or not
                if (isOK == true)
                    args          = MessageParser.argsParser(MessageParser.parseMessageByEOS(respMessage));        //Get an array of arguments
                    rsps          = MessageParser.respParser(MessageParser.parseMessageByEOS(respMessage));        //get an array of responses
                    srvInfo       = MessageParser.parseSegment(SRV, MessageParser.parseMessageByEOS(respMessage)); //get the SRV segment...
                    srvInfoParsed = MessageParser.parseMessage(srvInfo);                                           //...Parse the SRV segment by | character
                    mchInfo       = MessageParser.parseSegment(MCH, MessageParser.parseMessageByEOS(respMessage)); //Get the MCH Segment...
                    mchInfoParsed = MessageParser.parseMessage(mchInfo);                                           //...parse the mch segment by | character
                    //Service connection info
                    serviceIPString   = mchInfoParsed[1];
                    servicePortString = mchInfoParsed[2];
                    serviceIP         = IPAddress.Parse(serviceIPString);
                    servicePort       = int.Parse(servicePortString);
                    serviceTeamName   = srvInfoParsed[1];
                    serviceName       = srvInfoParsed[2];
                    //Parse arguments and responses
                    numArgsString      = srvInfoParsed[4];
                    numArgs            = int.Parse(numArgsString);
                    numResponsesString = srvInfoParsed[5];
                    numResponses       = int.Parse(numResponsesString);
                    serviceDescription = srvInfoParsed[6];
                    //Build the form programmatically
                    FormBuilder.buildSelectedService(args, rsps, serviceName, serviceTeamName,
                                                     serviceDescription, serviceIPString, servicePortString,
                                                     teamName, teamID, expiration, ipString, portString, frmService);
                else if (isOK == false)
                    MessageBox.Show("ERROR CODE: " + response[2] + "\n" + response[3]);
                    if (response[3].Contains("Team Licence Expired"))
            catch (Exception ex)
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        /// <param name="resps"></param>
        /// <param name="serviceName"></param>
        /// <param name="serviceTeamName"></param>
        /// <param name="serviceDescription"></param>
        /// <param name="serviceIP"></param>
        /// <param name="servicePort"></param>
        /// <param name="teamName"></param>
        /// <param name="teamID"></param>
        /// <param name="expiration"></param>
        /// <param name="regIP"></param>
        /// <param name="regPort"></param>
        /// <param name="frm"></param>
        public static void buildSelectedService(string[] args, string[] resps, string serviceName, string serviceTeamName, string serviceDescription, string serviceIP, string servicePort, string teamName, string teamID, string expiration, string regIP, string regPort, frmSelectedService frm)
            //Fill text boxes with data from previous forms
            frm.txtServiceName.Text     = serviceName;
            frm.txtServiceTeamName.Text = serviceTeamName;
            frm.txtDescription.Text     = serviceDescription;
            frm.txtServiceIP.Text       = serviceIP;
            frm.txtServicePort.Text     = servicePort;
            frm.txtTeamName.Text        = teamName;
            frm.txtTeamID.Text          = teamID;
            frm.txtExpiration.Text      = expiration;
            frm.txtRegistryIP.Text      = regIP;
            frm.txtRegistryPort.Text    = regPort;

            List <Argument> arguments = new List <Argument>(); //List of all arguments service needs
            List <Response> responses = new List <Response>(); //list of all responses service will be sending

            string[] parsedArg  = null;                        //parsing an argument to its deliminited sections
            string[] parsedResp = null;                        // parsing a response to its delimited sections

            foreach (string arg in args)                       //cycle through all args
                parsedArg = MessageParser.parseMessage(arg);   //parse the arg into its parts
                arguments.Add(new Argument());
                arguments.Last().lblArgPosition.Text = parsedArg[1];
                arguments.Last().lblArgName.Text = parsedArg[2];
                arguments.Last().lblArgDataType.Text = parsedArg[3];
                arguments.Last().lblArgMandatory.Text = parsedArg[4];
                arguments.Last().Name = arg;

            foreach (string resp in resps)
                parsedResp = MessageParser.parseMessage(resp);
                responses.Add(new Response());
                responses.Last().lblRespPosition.Text = parsedResp[1];
                responses.Last().lblRespName.Text = parsedResp[2];
                responses.Last().lblDataType.Text = parsedResp[3];
                arguments.Last().Name = resp;