Exemplo n.º 1
        public void ParseSource()
            if (this.Inferred)
            // get description
            this.Name = this.Type.Replace(" ", "_").Replace("-", "_");
            HtmlDocument sourceDoc = new HtmlDocument();

            // <div id="discussion">
            var summaryNode = sourceDoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@id='discussion']");
            if (summaryNode == null)
                throw new Exception("could not find summary node for " + Type);
            Description = summaryNode.InnerText.Trim();
            HtmlNode fieldsList;

            if (this.Name == "response_wrapper")
                // #EDGE CASE

                // fields are now a table. grr....
                //<table class="type-field-list">
                fieldsList = sourceDoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//table[@class='type-field-list']");
                if (fieldsList == null)
                    throw new Exception("could not find fields list for " + Type);

                var rows = fieldsList.SelectNodes("tr");

                FieldInfo fieldInfo = null;

                foreach (var row in rows)
                    HtmlNode td = row.SelectNodes("td")[0];
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(td.InnerHtml.Trim()))
                        // this is additional descriptor for current fields
                        //unchanged in unsafe filters
                        td = row.SelectNodes("td")[1];

                        // td is now the field type descriptor
                        if (td.InnerText.Trim() != "unchanged in unsafe filters")
                            throw new Exception("unexpected field type descriptor:" + td.InnerText.Trim());
                        fieldInfo.UnchangedInUnsafeFilters = true;
                        fieldInfo = new FieldInfo();

                        // this is a new field
                        //<td><span class='included' title='this field is included in the default filter'>&acirc;&oelig;&rdquo;</span> question_id</td>
                        // <td>integer, refers to a <a href="/docs/types/question">question</a></td>
                        bool included = false;
                        var span = td.SelectSingleNode("span");
                        if (span == null)
                            throw new Exception("could not find include/exclude span");
                        var classAttr = span.Attributes["class"];
                        if (classAttr == null || (classAttr.Value != "included" && classAttr.Value != "excluded"))
                            throw new Exception("unexpected class in field row");

                        if (classAttr.Value == "included")
                            included = true;
                        fieldInfo.IncludedInDefaultFilter = included;
                        var fieldName = td.InnerText.Trim();
                        fieldInfo.Name = fieldName;

                        td = row.SelectNodes("td")[1];
                        // td is now the field type descriptor

                        // look for "xxx, refers to a question"

                        string fieldType = null;
                        if (td.InnerText.IndexOf(", refers to") > -1)
                            string description = td.InnerText.Substring(td.InnerText.IndexOf(", refers to") + 1).Trim();
                            fieldInfo.Description = description;

                            fieldType = td.InnerText.Substring(0, td.InnerText.IndexOf(", refers to")).Trim();

                            fieldType = td.InnerText;

                        string tdInnerHtml = td.InnerHtml;
                        if (tdInnerHtml.IndexOf(", refers to") > -1)
                            tdInnerHtml = tdInnerHtml.Substring(0, tdInnerHtml.IndexOf(", refers to")).Trim();

                        if (!tdInnerHtml.Contains("href=\"/docs/types/"))
                            fieldInfo.IsPrimitive = true;

                            var typeLink = td.SelectSingleNode("a");
                            if (!typeLink.Attributes["href"].Value.StartsWith("/docs/types"))
                                throw new Exception("unexpected type");
                            fieldType = typeLink.InnerText;

                        if (td.InnerHtml.Contains("an array of"))
                            fieldInfo.IsArray = true;
                            if (fieldInfo.IsPrimitive)
                                fieldType = fieldType.Replace("an array of", "").Trim();
                                if (fieldType == "strings")
                                    fieldType = "string";

                                    if (fieldInfo.IsPrimitive)
                                        throw new Exception("unexpected field array type: " + fieldType);


                        if (fieldType.Contains("one of"))
                            fieldInfo.IsEnum = true;
                            fieldType = fieldType.Replace(", or ", ", ");
                            fieldType = fieldType.Replace("one of", "");


                        if (fieldInfo.IsEnum)
                            fieldInfo.EnumValues = fieldType;
                            fieldType = Type + " " + fieldName;


                        //// clean up repeated words ?

                        fieldType = fieldType.Replace("-", " ");
                        fieldType = fieldType.Replace("_", " ");
                        fieldType = fieldType.Trim();

                        Regex doubleWordPattern = new Regex("\\b(?<word>\\w+)\\s+(\\k<word>)\\b");
                        var doubleWordPatternMatch = doubleWordPattern.Match(fieldType);
                        if (doubleWordPatternMatch.Success)
                            string word = doubleWordPatternMatch.Groups["word"].Value;
                            fieldType = doubleWordPattern.Replace(fieldType, word);
                        fieldType = fieldType.Replace(" ", "_").Replace("-", "_");
                        fieldInfo.Type = fieldType;
                        if (fieldInfo.IsEnum)
                            var type = new TypeInfo(Docs);
                            type.Type = fieldType;
                            type.Name = fieldType;
                            type.IsEnum = true;
                            type.Inferred = true;
                            foreach (string item in fieldInfo.EnumValues.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
                                var f = new FieldInfo();
                                f.Type = "string";
                                f.Name = item.Trim();


                        // #EDGE CASE
                        if (fieldType == "the_type_found_in_type")
                            GenericType = fieldType;
                            fieldInfo.IsPrimitive = false;

Exemplo n.º 2
        private void ParseScript()
            Match scriptMatch = Regex.Match(Source, "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\\s*(?<script>var\\s+parameters\\s+=.*?)</script>", RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture | RegexOptions.Singleline);
            if (!scriptMatch.Success)
                throw new Exception("could not find script in method source " + UriTemplate);
            string script = scriptMatch.Groups["script"].Value;
            Script = script;

            var methodNameMatch = Regex.Match(script, "var method = \"(?<uri>/2.0/(?<name>.*?))\";", RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture | RegexOptions.Singleline |

            if (!methodNameMatch.Success)
                throw new Exception("could not find script methodname  " + UriTemplate);

            ScriptMethodUri = methodNameMatch.Groups["uri"].Value;

            UriTemplate = ScriptMethodUri.Substring(  ("/2.0/" + Target).Length);
            ScriptMethodName = methodNameMatch.Groups["name"].Value;

            var filterNameMatch = Regex.Match(script, "var filterName = \"(?<filter>.*?)\";", RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture | RegexOptions.Singleline |

            if (!filterNameMatch.Success)
                throw new Exception("could not find script filterName " + UriTemplate);
            ScriptFilter = filterNameMatch.Groups["filter"].Value;

            var dependantTypesMatch = Regex.Match(script, "var dependentTypes = (?<types>\\[.*?\\]);", RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture | RegexOptions.Singleline |

            if (!dependantTypesMatch.Success)
                throw new Exception("could not find script dependant types " + UriTemplate);

            // JArray scriptDependantTypes = JArray.Parse(dependantTypesMatch.Groups["types"].Value);

            var paramMatch = Regex.Match(script, "var parameters = (?<params>{.*?});",
                                         RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture | RegexOptions.Singleline |

            if (!paramMatch.Success)
                throw new Exception("could not find script params " + UriTemplate);
            string paramJson = paramMatch.Groups["params"].Value;
            var paramsObj = JObject.Parse(paramJson);

            // determine parameter name and type.

            foreach (var prop in paramsObj)
                bool addParam = true;
                var paramName = prop.Key;

                var parameter = new Parameter
                                        Name = paramName,
                                        IsPrimitive = true

                TypeInfo pType = null;
                switch (prop.Value.Type)

                    case JTokenType.Array:
                        // indicates a simple 'enum' type.
                        // these should be same for every method that calls them

                        switch (paramName)
                            case "order":
                                parameter.IsPrimitive = false;
                                parameter.Type = "order";
                                // verify that the shape has not change
                                if (prop.Value.Children().Count() != 2)
                                    throw new Exception("badly formed 'order' enum");

                                if (prop.Value.Children().Where(c => c.Value<string>() == "asc").Count() != 1)
                                    throw new Exception("badly formed 'order' enum");
                                if (prop.Value.Children().Where(c => c.Value<string>() == "desc").Count() != 1)
                                    throw new Exception("badly formed 'order' enum");

                                pType = Docs.Types.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Type == "order");
                                if (pType == null)
                                    pType = new TypeInfo(Docs);
                                    pType.Type = "order";
                                    pType.IsEnum = true;
                                    pType.Inferred = true;
                                    pType.Name = pType.Type.Replace(" ", "_").Replace("-", "_").Trim();
                                    foreach (JToken item in prop.Value.Children())
                                        var field = new FieldInfo();
                                        field.Type = "string";
                                        field.Name = item.Value<string>();

                            case "period":
                                parameter.IsPrimitive = false;
                                parameter.Type = "period";
                                // verify that the shape has not change
                                if (prop.Value.Children().Count() != 2)
                                    throw new Exception("badly formed 'period' enum");

                                if (prop.Value.Children().Where(c => c.Value<string>() == "all_time").Count() != 1)
                                    throw new Exception("badly formed 'period' enum");
                                if (prop.Value.Children().Where(c => c.Value<string>() == "month").Count() != 1)
                                    throw new Exception("badly formed 'period' enum");
                                pType = Docs.Types.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Type == "period");
                                if (pType == null)
                                    pType = new TypeInfo(Docs);
                                    pType.Type = "period";
                                    pType.IsEnum = true;
                                    pType.Inferred = true;
                                    string typeType = pType.Type;
                                    pType.Name = typeType.Replace(" ", "_").Replace("-", "_").Trim();
                                    foreach (JToken item in prop.Value.Children())
                                        var field = new FieldInfo();
                                        field.Type = "string";
                                        field.Name = item.Value<string>();
                            case "unsafe":
                                parameter.Type = "boolean";
                                // verify that the shape has not change
                                if (prop.Value.Children().Count() != 2)
                                    throw new Exception("badly formed 'unsafe' enum");

                                if (prop.Value.Children().Where(c => c.Value<string>() == "false").Count() != 1)
                                    throw new Exception("badly formed 'unsafe' enum");
                                if (prop.Value.Children().Where(c => c.Value<string>() == "true").Count() != 1)
                                    throw new Exception("badly formed 'unsafe' enum");
                                throw new Exception("unexpected array: " + paramName);

                    case JTokenType.Object:
                        switch (paramName)

                            case "sort":
                                parameter.IsPrimitive = false;
                                parameter.Type = "sort_" + this.Name;

                                // this is an enum type with added meta to help inform use of min/max.

                                // this enum can and will be different for every method so we can either try to identify
                                // like instances and provide a name for it or simply name it after the method, e.g. AnswersSort
                                // i like this but some of the longer method names will result in unwieldy type names but oh well.
                                // e.g. GetUsersByIdAssociatedSort. Maybe reverse the composition to SortGetUsersByIdAssociated.
                                // this will make autocomplete and intellisense work better as well as grouping the sort enums.

                                // this will also help us determine what type of values are
                                // appropriate for min/max);
                                pType = this.Docs.Types.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Type == parameter.Type);
                                if (pType == null)
                                    pType = new TypeInfo(Docs);
                                    pType.Type = parameter.Type;
                                    pType.Name = parameter.Type;
                                    pType.IsEnum = true;
                                    pType.Inferred = true;

                                    foreach (JProperty item in prop.Value.Children())
                                        var field = new FieldInfo();
                                        field.Type = "string";
                                        field.Name = item.Name;
                                        field.Description = "min/max are " + ((JValue)item.Value).Value;
                                throw new Exception("unexpected object: " + paramName);
                    case JTokenType.String:
                        // simple

                        string propType = prop.Value.Value<string>();
                        switch (propType)
                            case "access_token":
                                RequiresAuthentication = true;
                                addParam = false;
                            case "read_inbox":
                                // this is part of access token scope
                                addParam = false;
                            case "depends":
                                parameter.Type = "string";
                                parameter.Format = "sort-dependant";
                            case "date":

                                parameter.Type = "number";
                                parameter.Format = "utc-millisec";

                            case "guid list":
                                parameter.Type = "string";
                                parameter.Format = "guid-list";
                            case "number":
                                parameter.Type = "number";
                            case "number list":
                                parameter.Type = "string";
                                parameter.Format = "number-list";
                            case "string":
                                parameter.Type = "string";
                            case "string list":
                                parameter.Type = "string";
                                parameter.Format = "string-list";
                                throw new Exception("unexpected property type");

                        throw new Exception("unexpected property type");
                if (addParam)

Exemplo n.º 3
        private void ParseOldStyle(HtmlDocument sourceDoc)
            HtmlNode fieldsList;
            fieldsList = sourceDoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@id='discussion']/ul");
            if (fieldsList == null)
                throw new Exception("could not find fields list for " + Type);

            var fields = fieldsList.SelectNodes("li");
            if (fields == null || fields.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("error reading fields list for " + Type);
            foreach (HtmlNode field in fields)
                var typeList = field.SelectNodes("ul");
                if (typeList == null || typeList.Count != 1)
                    throw new Exception("error reading fields list for " + Type + ".[TODO field name]");

                HtmlNode typeNode = typeList[0];
                HtmlNode filterNode = field.SelectSingleNode("span");

                // #TODO: set default filter flag

                var fieldInfo = new FieldInfo();
                string fieldName = field.InnerText.Trim();
                fieldInfo.Name = fieldName;
                var typeDescriptors = typeNode.SelectNodes("li");
                if (typeDescriptors == null)
                    throw new Exception("error reading type descriptors list for " + Type + ".[TODO field name]");
                if (typeDescriptors.Count != 1)

                    if (typeDescriptors.Count == 2)
                        if (!typeDescriptors[1].InnerText.Contains("unchanged in unsafe filters"))
                            throw new Exception("expected unsafe filters");
                        fieldInfo.UnchangedInUnsafeFilters = true;


                if (!typeDescriptors[0].InnerHtml.Contains("href=\"/docs/types/"))
                    fieldInfo.IsPrimitive = true;

                string fieldType = typeDescriptors[0].InnerText;

                if (fieldType.Contains("an array of"))
                    fieldInfo.IsArray = true;
                    fieldType = fieldType.Replace("an array of", "");
                if (fieldType.Contains("one of"))
                    fieldInfo.IsEnum = true;
                    fieldType = fieldType.Replace(", or ", ", ");
                    fieldType = fieldType.Replace("one of", "");


                if (fieldInfo.IsEnum)
                    fieldInfo.EnumValues = fieldType;
                    fieldType = Type + " " + fieldName;


                //// clean up repeated words ?

                fieldType = fieldType.Replace("-", " ");
                fieldType = fieldType.Replace("_", " ");
                fieldType = fieldType.Trim();

                Regex doubleWordPattern = new Regex("\\b(?<word>\\w+)\\s+(\\k<word>)\\b");
                var doubleWordPatternMatch = doubleWordPattern.Match(fieldType);
                if (doubleWordPatternMatch.Success)
                    string word = doubleWordPatternMatch.Groups["word"].Value;
                    fieldType = doubleWordPattern.Replace(fieldType, word);
                fieldType = fieldType.Replace(" ", "_").Replace("-", "_");
                fieldInfo.Type = fieldType;
                if (fieldInfo.IsEnum)
                    var type = new TypeInfo(Docs);
                    type.Type = fieldType;
                    type.Name = fieldType;
                    type.IsEnum = true;
                    type.Inferred = true;
                    foreach (string item in fieldInfo.EnumValues.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
                        var f = new FieldInfo();
                        f.Type = "string";
                        f.Name = item.Trim();


                // #EDGE CASE
                if (fieldType == "the_type_found_in_type")
                    GenericType = fieldType;
                    fieldInfo.IsPrimitive = false;
