//Modify a DWI format simfile with new step ratings
        public static void SaveSimfileDWI(Simfile simfile)
            Console.WriteLine("Writing DWI " + simfile.Path);
            string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(simfile.Path);

            int chartIndex = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i <= lines.Length - 1; i++)

                if (lines[i].Contains("#SINGLE:") || lines[i].Contains("#DOUBLE:") || lines[i].Contains("#COUPLE:") || lines[i].Contains("#SOLO:"))
                    string[] dwiParams = lines[i].Split(':'); //Split the string at : to get the parameters DWI uses for chart data

                    dwiParams[2] = simfile.StepCharts[chartIndex].Rating.ToString();
                    Console.WriteLine("New chart rating: " + simfile.StepCharts[chartIndex].Rating.ToString());

                    lines[i] = String.Join(":", dwiParams); //CTRL + Z STRING.SPLIT to get the original line back with the new difficulties

                    chartIndex++;                           //Move onto the next chart index for the next chart

            File.WriteAllLines(simfile.Path, lines);
        public static List <Simfile> OpenSimfileDir()
            List <Simfile> simfiles       = new List <Simfile>();
            List <string>  simfileNames   = new List <string>();
            int            duplicateCount = 0;

            CommonOpenFileDialog dialogOpenFolder = new CommonOpenFileDialog
                IsFolderPicker = true,
                Title          = "Select a folder containing Stepmania simfiles...",

            if (dialogOpenFolder.ShowDialog() != CommonFileDialogResult.Ok)
                return(simfiles); //User hit cancel, let's not load any simfiles

            //Get all SM simfiles in the selected directory and parse them
            string[] simfilePaths = Directory.GetFiles(dialogOpenFolder.FileName, "*.sm", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
            foreach (string simfilePath in simfilePaths)
                Simfile simfile = Simfile.ParseSimfileSM(simfilePath);
                if (simfileNames.Contains(simfile.Name))   //If a file with the same name has been loaded before, don't add it to the simfile list
                    Console.WriteLine("Duplicate SM file: " + simfile.Name);
                else     //Otherwise, add the simfile to the list

            //Get all DWI simfiles in the selected directory and parse them
            simfilePaths = Directory.GetFiles(dialogOpenFolder.FileName, "*.dwi", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
            foreach (string simfilePath in simfilePaths)
                Simfile simfile = Simfile.ParseSimfileDWI(simfilePath);
                if (simfileNames.Contains(simfile.Name))   //If a file with the same name has been loaded before, don't add it to the simfile list
                    Console.WriteLine("Duplicate DWI file: " + simfile.Name);
                else     //Otherwise, add the simfile to the list

            if (duplicateCount >= 1)
                MessageBox.Show(duplicateCount + " simfiles with the same name were detected and have not been loaded.\n\nPlease ensure all simfiles have different names, and that each simfile only has *one* supported file type for note data (i.e. either a SM *or* a DWI file)", "Warning - SM Rating Scale Converter", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning);

        //Parse a .DWI simfile for stepcharts
        public static Simfile ParseSimfileDWI(string path)
            Console.WriteLine("Parsing DWI simfile: " + path);
            Simfile simfile = new Simfile();

            simfile.Path = path;

            string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(path);
            for (int i = 0; i <= lines.Length - 1; i++)
                string line = lines[i];


                if (line.Contains("#TITLE:"))
                    simfile.Name = line.Substring(7, line.Length - 8); //Read everything after "#TITLE:" to the end of the line (minus the ;, so len = - 7 - 1)
                    Console.WriteLine("Found name: " + simfile.Name);
                else if (line.Contains("#ARTIST:"))
                    simfile.Artist = line.Substring(8, line.Length - 9);
                else if (line.Contains("#SINGLE:") || line.Contains("#DOUBLE:") || line.Contains("#COUPLE:") || line.Contains("#SOLO:"))
                    Console.WriteLine("Found notes section:");
                    string[] dwiParams      = line.Split(':'); //Split the string at : to get the parameters DWI uses for chart data
                    string   difficultyLine = dwiParams[1];    //Parameter 1 is difficulty (basic, maniac, etc)
                    Console.WriteLine("Difficulty: " + difficultyLine);

                    StepDifficulty difficulty;
                    if (!Enum.TryParse(difficultyLine, true, out difficulty))
                        difficulty = StepDifficulty.Edit; //Try parsing the difficulty line - if there's a valid difficulty there, use it. If not, call it an Edit difficulty.
                    string ratingLine = dwiParams[2];     //Paramter 2 is the rating
                    Console.WriteLine("Rating: " + ratingLine);

                    string styleLine = dwiParams[0];
                    if (styleLine == "#SINGLE")
                        styleLine = "dance-single";
                    else if (styleLine == "#DOUBLE")
                        styleLine = "dance-double";
                        styleLine = "";

                    simfile.StepCharts.Add(new StepChart(difficulty, Int32.Parse(ratingLine), styleLine));

Exemplo n.º 4
        private void rbSetScale_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e, Simfile simfile, RatingScaleChange scaleChange)
            if (saveLocked)
                promptForGroupReload(); return;

            simfile.ScaleChange = scaleChange;
        public static DDRCardDrawDataSong simfileToCardDrawSong(Simfile simfile)
            DDRCardDrawDataSong song = new DDRCardDrawDataSong();

            song.charts = new List <DDRCardDrawDataChart>();
            foreach (StepChart chart in simfile.StepCharts)
                song.charts.Add(new DDRCardDrawDataChart(chart.Rating, chart.Style, chart.ChartDifficulty));
            song.name               = simfile.Name;
            song.artist             = simfile.Artist;
            song.jacket             = simfile.NameTranslit != null ? simfile.NameTranslit + ".png" : simfile.Name + ".png"; // Hard code for jackets already present in the stock app lol
            song.folder             = "";                                                                                   // What is this even used for?
            song.bpm                = simfile.BPM;
            song.name_translation   = simfile.NameTranslit;
            song.artist_translation = simfile.ArtistTranslit;
            song.genre              = ""; // No idea if this is actually used for anything either...

        //Modify a SM format simfile with new step ratings
        public static void SaveSimfileSM(Simfile simfile)
            Console.WriteLine("Writing SM " + simfile.Path);
            string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(simfile.Path);

            int chartIndex = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i <= lines.Length - 1; i++)

                if (lines[i].Contains("#NOTES:"))
                    lines[i + 4] = "     " + simfile.StepCharts[chartIndex].Rating + ":"; //Write the new rating line
                    Console.WriteLine("New chart rating: " + simfile.StepCharts[chartIndex].Rating);

                    chartIndex++; //Move onto the next chart index for the next chart

            File.WriteAllLines(simfile.Path, lines);
        //Apply rating changes to simfiles and save them to file
        public static void ApplyRatingChangesAndSaveSimfiles(List <Simfile> simfiles)
            foreach (Simfile simfile in simfiles)
                switch (simfile.ScaleChange)
                case RatingScaleChange.ToOld:
                    Console.WriteLine("To Old Scale: " + simfile.Name);
                    simfile.StepCharts = ApplyRatingChange(simfile.StepCharts, RatingScaleChange.ToOld);

                case RatingScaleChange.ToX:
                    Console.WriteLine("To X   Scale: " + simfile.Name);
                    simfile.StepCharts = ApplyRatingChange(simfile.StepCharts, RatingScaleChange.ToX);

                    Console.WriteLine("No    Change: " + simfile.Name + ". Skipping.");

                if (simfile.Path.Substring(simfile.Path.Length - 3).Equals(".sm", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                else if (simfile.Path.Substring(simfile.Path.Length - 4).Equals(".dwi", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                    MessageBox.Show("Error: Couldn't save invalid simfile extension \"" + simfile.Path.Substring(simfile.Path.Length - 3) + "\". This shouldn't happen.", "Error - SM Rating Scale Converter", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);

            MessageBox.Show("Processed all simfiles!");
        //Parse a .SM simfile for stepcharts
        public static Simfile ParseSimfileSM(string path)
            Console.WriteLine("Parsing SM simfile: " + path);
            Simfile simfile = new Simfile();

            simfile.Path = path;

            string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(path);
            for (int i = 0; i <= lines.Length - 1; i++)
                string line = lines[i];


                if (line.Contains("#TITLE:"))
                    simfile.Name = line.Substring(7, line.Length - 8); //Read everything after "#TITLE:" to the end of the line (minus the ;, so len = - 7 - 1)
                    Console.WriteLine("Found name: " + simfile.Name);
                else if (line.Contains("#ARTIST:"))
                    simfile.Artist = line.Substring(8, line.Length - 9);
                else if (line.Contains("#TITLETRANSLIT:"))
                    simfile.NameTranslit = line.Substring(15, line.Length - 16);
                else if (line.Contains("#ARTISTTRANSLIT:"))
                    simfile.ArtistTranslit = line.Substring(16, line.Length - 17);
                else if (line.Contains("#BPMS:"))
                    // Parse BPMs from an SM-formatted BPM string: #BPMS:x=y,x=y,...; Position=value,
                    int   bpmPos    = 0;
                    int   bpmEndPos = 0;
                    float bpmLow    = -1;
                    float bpmHigh   = 0;
                    while (true)
                        bpmPos = line.IndexOf('=', bpmPos); // Find the next = in the BPM list for the start of this BPM entry, starting from where the last one was found
                        if (bpmPos < 0)
                        {                                   // If IndexOf returns -1, there's no more BPMs on this line.
                            if (line.IndexOf(';') == -1)    // If an end ; isn't on this line, the BPM segment may continue onto the next line...
                                i++;                        // So start looking on the next line and continue searching.
                                line   = lines[i];
                                bpmPos = 0; bpmEndPos = 0;
                        bpmEndPos = line.IndexOfAny(new char[] { ',', ';' }, bpmPos) - 1; // Find the next , or ; in the BPM list for the end of this BPM
                        if (bpmEndPos < 0)
                            bpmEndPos = line.Length - 1;
                        }                                                   // SM sometimes places ; on a newline, so if we fail to find a ;, it's probably just the last BPM in the chain

                        // Parse the BPM out of the string, if it's outside our found max/min values, record it
                        float bpm;
                            Console.WriteLine(line.Substring(bpmPos + 1, bpmEndPos - bpmPos));
                            bpm = (float)Double.Parse(line.Substring(bpmPos + 1, bpmEndPos - bpmPos));
                        } catch (FormatException e) { Console.WriteLine("BPM formatting error!"); break; }

                        if (bpmLow == -1 || bpm < bpmLow)
                            bpmLow = bpm;
                        if (bpm > bpmHigh)
                            bpmHigh = bpm;

                        bpmPos = bpmEndPos; // Start looking for the next BPM after the end of this one
                    if (bpmLow == bpmHigh)
                        simfile.BPM = bpmLow.ToString();
                        simfile.BPM = bpmLow.ToString() + "-" + bpmHigh.ToString();
                else if (line.Contains("#DISPLAYBPM:"))
                    simfile.BPM = line.Substring(12, line.Length - 13);
                else if (line.Contains("#NOTES:"))
                    Console.WriteLine("Found notes section:");
                    string styleLine = lines[i + 1].Trim().TrimEnd(':');
                    Console.WriteLine("Style: " + styleLine);
                    string difficultyLine = lines[i + 3].Trim().TrimEnd(':'); //Trim off leading spaces and trailing colons
                    Console.WriteLine("Difficulty: " + difficultyLine);

                    StepDifficulty difficulty;
                    if (!Enum.TryParse(difficultyLine, true, out difficulty))
                        difficulty = StepDifficulty.Edit;                 //Try parsing the difficulty line - if there's a valid difficulty there, use it. If not, call it an Edit difficulty.
                    string ratingLine = lines[i + 4].Trim().TrimEnd(':'); //Trim off leading spaces and trailing colons here too
                    Console.WriteLine("Rating: " + ratingLine);

                    simfile.StepCharts.Add(new StepChart(difficulty, Int32.Parse(ratingLine), styleLine));
Exemplo n.º 9
        private void addSimfileToGrid(Simfile simfile, bool useDarkLine)
            gridSimfiles.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition { //Add a new row to the grid for this simfile
                Height = GridLength.Auto

            Label labelTitle = new Label { //Then add the label for the file's title
                Content    = simfile.Name,
                Background = Simfile.GetBGColor(useDarkLine),

            Grid.SetColumn(labelTitle, 0);
            Grid.SetRow(labelTitle, simfiles.IndexOf(simfile) + 1);

            foreach (StepChart chart in simfile.StepCharts)   //Iterate through charts to add to the grid
                if (simfile.StepCharts.IndexOf(chart) + 1 > 5)
                    continue;                     //Only display up to 5 charts in the grid
                Label labelDifficulty = new Label //Add the difficulty rating/color to the grid
                    Content = chart.Rating,
                    HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center,
                    HorizontalAlignment        = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch,
                    Foreground = Simfile.GetDifficultyColor(chart.ChartDifficulty),
                    Background = Simfile.GetBGColor(useDarkLine),
                Grid.SetColumn(labelDifficulty, simfile.StepCharts.IndexOf(chart) + 1);
                Grid.SetRow(labelDifficulty, simfiles.IndexOf(simfile) + 1);

            //Now add the radio buttons for what scale to set a chart to
            RadioButton setScaleOld = new RadioButton
                Content             = "To Old",
                GroupName           = simfile.Name,
                HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center,
                VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Center,
                Background          = Simfile.GetBGColor(useDarkLine),

            setScaleOld.Click += (sender, EventArgs) => { rbSetScale_Click(sender, EventArgs, simfile, RatingScaleChange.ToOld); };
            Grid.SetColumn(setScaleOld, 6);
            Grid.SetRow(setScaleOld, simfiles.IndexOf(simfile) + 1);

            RadioButton setScaleKeep = new RadioButton
                Content             = "Keep",
                GroupName           = simfile.Name,
                HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center,
                VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Center,
                Background          = Simfile.GetBGColor(useDarkLine),

            setScaleKeep.Click += (sender, EventArgs) => { rbSetScale_Click(sender, EventArgs, simfile, RatingScaleChange.NoChange); };
            Grid.SetColumn(setScaleKeep, 7);
            Grid.SetRow(setScaleKeep, simfiles.IndexOf(simfile) + 1);

            RadioButton setScaleX = new RadioButton
                Content             = "To X",
                GroupName           = simfile.Name,
                HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center,
                VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Center,
                Background          = Simfile.GetBGColor(useDarkLine),

            setScaleX.Click += (sender, EventArgs) => { rbSetScale_Click(sender, EventArgs, simfile, RatingScaleChange.ToX); };
            Grid.SetColumn(setScaleX, 8);
            Grid.SetRow(setScaleX, simfiles.IndexOf(simfile) + 1);

            setScaleKeep.IsChecked = true; //Set the current row's "keep" button as checked