Exemplo n.º 1
        private RealCoordinate calculateRelativeCanvasPosition(RealCoordinate location)
            double relativeX = location.x + 160;
            double relativeY = location.y;

            return(new RealCoordinate(relativeX, relativeY));
Exemplo n.º 2
        private List <RectangularObstacle> segmentSplineByX(SplineObstacle obstacle, Polynom poly, int obstaclePassDistance)
            RealCoordinate current = new RealCoordinate(obstacle.points[0].x, obstacle.points[0].y - obstaclePassDistance);
            RealCoordinate end     = new RealCoordinate(obstacle.points[obstacle.points.Count - 1].x,
                                                        obstacle.points[obstacle.points.Count - 1].y);
            List <RectangularObstacle> obstacles     = new List <RectangularObstacle>();
            RectangularObstacle        firstObstacle = new RectangularObstacle(2 * obstaclePassDistance, obstaclePassDistance,
                                                                               new RealCoordinate(current.x - obstaclePassDistance, current.y - obstaclePassDistance));

                RectangularObstacle rect = new RectangularObstacle(2 * obstaclePassDistance, 2,
                                                                   new RealCoordinate(current.x, current.y));
                if (current.x + 2 <= end.x)
                    current.x += 2;
                    current.y  = poly.getPolynomValue(current.x) - obstaclePassDistance;
                    current.x = end.x;
                    current.y = end.y;
            } while (RealCoordinate.getDistanceBetweenCoordinates(current, end) != 0);
            RectangularObstacle lastObstacle = new RectangularObstacle(2 * obstaclePassDistance, obstaclePassDistance,
                                                                       new RealCoordinate(current.x, current.y));


Exemplo n.º 3
        private void drawPathSegment(RealCoordinate c1, RealCoordinate c2)
            RealCoordinate relativePredecessorLocation = calculateRelativeCanvasPosition(c1);
            RealCoordinate relativeSuccessorLocation   = calculateRelativeCanvasPosition(c2);

            graphicsObj.DrawLine(pathPen, (float)relativePredecessorLocation.x, (float)relativePredecessorLocation.y,
                                 (float)relativeSuccessorLocation.x, (float)relativeSuccessorLocation.y);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public static double getYDistanceBetweenCoordinates(RealCoordinate c1, RealCoordinate c2)
     return(Math.Abs(c1.y - c2.y));
Exemplo n.º 5
 public static double getDistanceBetweenCoordinates(RealCoordinate c1, RealCoordinate c2)
     return(Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(c1.x - c2.x, 2) + Math.Pow(c1.y - c2.y, 2)));
        private double getBottomRightDistance(Coordinate start, Coordinate end)
            List <RealCoordinate> intersects = new List <RealCoordinate>();
            int sx = end.x - start.x;
            int sy = end.y - start.y;
            // 1. Check if path segment intersects with the left border of the sector
            // Left sector line border equation: x = 2/3 * mapWidth
            // Border points: [2/3*mapWidth,2/3*mapHeight],[2/3*mapWidth,mapHeight]
            double x0 = 2.0 * mapWidth / 3.0;
            double y0 = 2.0 * mapHeight / 3.0;
            double vy = mapHeight / 3.0;
            double t  = (double)(x0 - start.x) / (double)sx;
            double s  = (start.y + sy * t - y0) / vy;

            if (t <= 1 && t >= 0 && s <= 1 && s >= 0)
                double         intersectX = start.x + sx * t;
                double         intersectY = start.y + sy * t;
                RealCoordinate intersect  = new RealCoordinate(intersectX, intersectY);
            // 2. Check if path segment intersects with the top border of the sector
            // Top sector line border equation: y = 2/3 * mapHeight
            // Border points: [2/3*mapWidth,2/3*mapHeight],[mapWidth,2/3*mapHeight]
            x0 = 2.0 / 3.0 * mapWidth;
            y0 = 2.0 / 3.0 * mapHeight;
            double vx = 1.0 / 3.0 * mapWidth;

            t = (double)(y0 - start.y) / (double)sy;
            s = (start.x + sx * t - x0) / vx;
            if (t <= 1 && t >= 0 && s <= 1 && s >= 0)
                double         intersectX = start.x + sx * t;
                double         intersectY = start.y + sy * t;
                RealCoordinate intersect  = new RealCoordinate(intersectX, intersectY);
            // If 2 intersects were found, distance between them is measured:
            if (intersects.Count == 2)
                return(RealCoordinate.getDistanceBetweenCoordinates(intersects[0], intersects[1]));
            // If 1 intersecting point, there are 2 possibilities:
            // a) starting point is inside the sector
            // b) end point is inside the sector
            if (intersects.Count == 1)
                if (start.x >= 2.0 * mapWidth / 3.0 && start.x <= mapWidth)
                    if (start.y >= 2.0 * mapHeight / 3.0 && start.y <= mapHeight)
                        return(RealCoordinate.getDistanceBetweenCoordinates(intersects[0], new RealCoordinate(start.x, start.y)));
                if (end.x >= 2.0 * mapWidth / 3.0 && end.x <= mapWidth)
                    if (end.y >= 2.0 * mapHeight / 3.0 && end.y <= mapHeight)
                        return(RealCoordinate.getDistanceBetweenCoordinates(intersects[0], new RealCoordinate(end.x, end.y)));
            // If no intersecting points were found, segment can still be fully inside the sector without
            // intersecting its borders
            if (intersects.Count == 0)
                if (start.x >= 2.0 * mapWidth / 3.0 && start.x <= mapWidth && start.y >= 2.0 * mapHeight / 3.0 && start.y <= mapHeight)
                    if (end.x >= 2.0 * mapWidth / 3.0 && end.x <= mapWidth && end.y >= 2.0 * mapHeight / 3.0 && end.y <= mapHeight)
                        return(RealCoordinate.getDistanceBetweenCoordinates(new RealCoordinate(start.x, start.y), new RealCoordinate(end.x, end.y)));
Exemplo n.º 7
        private void prettyPathDrawing(Coordinate c)
            Coordinate predecessor = path[path.IndexOf(c) - 1];
            Coordinate relativePredecessorLocation = calculateRelativeCanvasPosition(predecessor);
            Coordinate relativeSuccessorLocation   = calculateRelativeCanvasPosition(c);
            int        xDistance = Coordinate.getXDistanceBetweenCoordinates(c, predecessor);
            int        yDistance = Coordinate.getYDistanceBetweenCoordinates(c, predecessor);

            if (xDistance != 0 && yDistance == 0)
                int          xChange  = predecessor.x < c.x ? 1 : -1;
                Coordinate[] segments = new Coordinate[xDistance + 1];
                segments[0]             = predecessor;
                segments[xDistance - 1] = c;
                for (int i = 1; i < xDistance; i++)
                    segments[i] = new Coordinate(new int[] { segments[i - 1].x + xChange, segments[i - 1].y });
                    drawPathSegment(segments[i - 1], segments[i]);
                    Thread.Sleep((int)Math.Ceiling((double)(1000 / xDistance)));
            if (yDistance != 0 && xDistance == 0)
                int          yChange  = predecessor.y < c.y ? 1 : -1;
                Coordinate[] segments = new Coordinate[yDistance + 1];
                segments[0]             = predecessor;
                segments[yDistance - 1] = c;
                for (int i = 1; i < yDistance; i++)
                    segments[i] = new Coordinate(new int[] { segments[i - 1].x, segments[i - 1].y + yChange });
                    drawPathSegment(segments[i - 1], segments[i]);
                    Thread.Sleep((int)Math.Ceiling((double)(1000 / yDistance)));
            if (yDistance != 0 && xDistance != 0)
                double k = (double)(c.y - predecessor.y) / (double)(c.x - predecessor.x);
                double q = predecessor.y - k * predecessor.x;
                if (yDistance > xDistance)
                    int yChange = predecessor.y < c.y ? 1 : -1;
                    RealCoordinate[] segments = new RealCoordinate[yDistance + 1];
                    segments[0] = new RealCoordinate(predecessor.x, predecessor.y);
                    for (int i = 1; i < yDistance; i++)
                        float currentY = (float)segments[i - 1].y + yChange;
                        float currentX = (float)((currentY - q) / k);
                        segments[i] = new RealCoordinate(currentX, currentY);
                        drawPathSegment(segments[i - 1], segments[i]);
                        Thread.Sleep((int)Math.Ceiling((double)(1000 / yDistance)));
                if (xDistance > yDistance)
                    int xChange = predecessor.x < c.x ? 1 : -1;
                    RealCoordinate[] segments = new RealCoordinate[xDistance + 1];
                    segments[0] = new RealCoordinate(predecessor.x, predecessor.y);
                    for (int i = 1; i < xDistance; i++)
                        float currentX = (float)segments[i - 1].x + xChange;
                        float currentY = (float)(k * currentX + q);
                        segments[i] = new RealCoordinate(currentX, currentY);
                        drawPathSegment(segments[i - 1], segments[i]);
                        Thread.Sleep((int)Math.Ceiling((double)(1000 / xDistance)));