Exemplo n.º 1
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Make sure to clean up after a view is closed.
        /// </summary>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        void m_viewsForm_FormClosed(object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e)
            _viewsForm.FormClosing -= m_viewsForm_FormClosing;
            _viewsForm.FormClosed  -= m_viewsForm_FormClosed;
            _viewsForm.Activated   -= m_viewsForm_Activated;

            if (View != null)

            _viewsForm = null;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Moves the view's control from its form to the tab.
        /// </summary>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public void UnDockView()
            if (s_undockingInProgress || !_viewDocked)

            App.MsgMediator.SendMessage("BeginViewUnDocking", View);
            _undockingInProgress  = true;
            s_undockingInProgress = true;

            if (OwningTabGroup.Controls.Contains(View))

            // Prepare the undocked view's form to host the view and be displayed.
            _viewsForm              = new UndockedViewWnd(View);
            _viewsForm.FormClosing += m_viewsForm_FormClosing;
            _viewsForm.FormClosed  += m_viewsForm_FormClosed;
            _viewsForm.Activated   += m_viewsForm_Activated;

            if (TabImage != null)
                _viewsForm.Icon = Icon.FromHandle(((Bitmap)TabImage).GetHicon());

            // Strip out accelerator key prefixes but keep ampersands that should be kept.
            var prjName = ((ITabView)View).Project.Name;
            var caption = Utils.RemoveAcceleratorPrefix(Text);
            var fmt     = LocalizationManager.GetString("Views.UndockedViewCaptionFormat", "{0} ({1}) - {2}",
                                                        "Parameter one is the project name; parameter 2 is the view name; parameter 3 is the application name.");

            _viewsForm.Text = string.Format(fmt, prjName, caption, Application.ProductName);

            Visible = false;

            // Inform the tab group that one of it's views has been undocked.
            _ignoreTabSelection = true;
            _ignoreTabSelection   = false;
            s_undockingInProgress = false;
            _viewDocked           = false;
            _undockingInProgress  = false;

            App.MsgMediator.SendMessage("ViewUndocked", View);