/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the first element in
 /// the collection.
 /// </summary>
 /// <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">The collection was modified
 /// after the enumerator was created. </exception>
 /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 public void Reset()
     m_internalToken = new ScrCheckingToken();
     m_outerText     = null;
     if (m_chapterNum == 0)
         m_currentScrText           = new TokenizableText(m_book.TitleOA, TextType.Other);
         m_currentSection           = null;
         m_iCurrentSection          = -1;
         m_internalToken.m_startRef = m_internalToken.m_endRef =
             new ScrReference(m_book.CanonicalNum, 1, 0, m_scr.Versification);
         m_foundStart = true;
         // Set to the first token for the requested chapter
         CurrentSectionIndex = m_book.FindSectionForChapter(m_chapterNum);
         if (ScrReference.GetChapterFromBcv(m_currentSection.VerseRefStart) != m_chapterNum)
             m_currentScrText = new TokenizableText(m_currentSection.ContentOA, TextType.Verse);
             m_foundStart     = false;
             m_foundStart = true;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Create an annotation in response to an error returned by a check.
        /// The check calls this delegate whenever an error is found.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">Information about the potential inconsistency being reported</param>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public void RecordError(RecordErrorEventArgs args)
            ScrCheckingToken firstToken = args.Tts.FirstToken as ScrCheckingToken;
            ScrCheckingToken lastToken  = args.Tts.LastToken as ScrCheckingToken;

            Debug.Assert(firstToken != null);
            Debug.Assert(lastToken != null);
            Debug.Assert(firstToken.Object == lastToken.Object);
            int    offset       = args.Tts.Offset;
            int    length       = args.Tts.Length;
            Guid   checkId      = args.CheckId;
            string formattedMsg = args.Tts.Message;

            // If the token is for a missing reference, then replace the token's
            // reference range with the missing reference range.
            if (args.Tts.MissingStartRef != null && !args.Tts.MissingStartRef.IsEmpty)
                firstToken.m_startRef = new BCVRef(firstToken.MissingStartRef);
                firstToken.m_endRef   = new BCVRef(firstToken.MissingEndRef != null ?
                                                   firstToken.m_missingEndRef : firstToken.m_startRef);

            int    bookNum   = firstToken.StartRef.Book;
            string citedText = args.Tts.Text;

            IScrBookAnnotations annotations =
                (IScrBookAnnotations)m_scr.BookAnnotationsOS[bookNum - 1];

            // key for the error with the same cited text and message at a particular reference.
            string errorLocKey = firstToken.StartRef.AsString + lastToken.EndRef.AsString +
                                 citedText + formattedMsg;
            // key for an error with the same cited text and message.
            string errorKey = checkId.ToString() + citedText + formattedMsg;

            if (CheckForPreviousInconsistency(firstToken, lastToken, citedText, offset, length, checkId, errorLocKey, errorKey))

            // NOTE: A maxIdenticalErrors value of -1 indicates that there is no maximum set.
            int maxIdenticalErrors = GetMaxIdenticalErrors(checkId);
            int errorCount         = m_errorCounts.GetValue(errorKey);

            // Check the number of times this same error has already been reported.
            // If the maximum allowed number of identical errors already has been reached then
            // we don't want to report the error as usual.
            if (errorCount == maxIdenticalErrors)
                formattedMsg = GetExceededErrorMsg(checkId);
            else if (errorCount > maxIdenticalErrors && maxIdenticalErrors > -1)
                // We have exceeded the maximum allowed for this error, so don't write out an annotation.

            AddErrorAnnotation(citedText, offset, length, checkId, firstToken, lastToken, formattedMsg);
            m_bookChecksFailed[bookNum][checkId] = ScrCheckRunResult.Inconsistencies;
 /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 /// <summary>
 /// Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
 /// </summary>
 /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 protected virtual void Dispose(bool fDisposing)
     System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLineIf(!fDisposing, "****** Missing Dispose() call for " + GetType().Name + ". ****** ");
     if (fDisposing && !IsDisposed)
         // dispose managed and unmanaged objects
     m_book           = null;
     m_currentSection = null;
     m_internalToken  = null;
     m_outerText      = null;
     m_currentScrText = null;
     IsDisposed       = true;
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the error annotation to the database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="citedText">The cited text.</param>
        /// <param name="offset">The offset.</param>
        /// <param name="length">The length.</param>
        /// <param name="checkId">The Scripture error checking id.</param>
        /// <param name="firstToken">The first token.</param>
        /// <param name="lastToken">The last token.</param>
        /// <param name="formattedMsg">The formatted error message.</param>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private void AddErrorAnnotation(string citedText, int offset, int length, Guid checkId,
                                        ScrCheckingToken firstToken, ScrCheckingToken lastToken, string formattedMsg)
            IScrBookAnnotations annotations =
                (IScrBookAnnotations)m_scr.BookAnnotationsOS[firstToken.StartRef.Book - 1];

            StTxtParaBldr     quote      = SetCitedText(citedText, firstToken.Ws);
            StTxtParaBldr     discussion = SetErrorMessage(formattedMsg);
            IScrScriptureNote note       = annotations.InsertErrorAnnotation(firstToken.StartRef,
                                                                             lastToken.EndRef, firstToken.Object, lastToken.Object, checkId, quote,

            note.BeginOffset = firstToken.ParaOffset + offset;
            note.EndOffset   = note.BeginOffset + length;
            note.Flid        = firstToken.Flid;
Exemplo n.º 5
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Copies this instance.
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>A copy of this token</returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public ScrCheckingToken Copy()
			ScrCheckingToken newToken = new ScrCheckingToken();
			newToken.m_endRef = new BCVRef(m_endRef);
			newToken.m_flid = m_flid;
			newToken.m_fNoteStart = m_fNoteStart;
			newToken.m_fParagraphStart = m_fParagraphStart;
			newToken.m_icuLocale = m_icuLocale;
			newToken.m_object = m_object;
			newToken.m_startRef = new BCVRef(m_startRef);
			newToken.m_sText = m_sText;
			newToken.m_paraStyleName = m_paraStyleName;
			newToken.m_charStyleName = m_charStyleName;
			newToken.m_textType = m_textType;
			newToken.m_ws = m_ws;
			newToken.m_paraOffset = m_paraOffset;
			newToken.m_scrRefString = m_scrRefString;
			newToken.m_missingStartRef = m_missingStartRef;
			newToken.m_missingEndRef = m_missingEndRef;
			return newToken;
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Copies this instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A copy of this token</returns>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public ScrCheckingToken Copy()
            ScrCheckingToken newToken = new ScrCheckingToken();

            newToken.m_endRef          = new BCVRef(m_endRef);
            newToken.m_flid            = m_flid;
            newToken.m_fNoteStart      = m_fNoteStart;
            newToken.m_fParagraphStart = m_fParagraphStart;
            newToken.m_icuLocale       = m_icuLocale;
            newToken.m_object          = m_object;
            newToken.m_startRef        = new BCVRef(m_startRef);
            newToken.m_sText           = m_sText;
            newToken.m_paraStyleName   = m_paraStyleName;
            newToken.m_charStyleName   = m_charStyleName;
            newToken.m_textType        = m_textType;
            newToken.m_ws              = m_ws;
            newToken.m_paraOffset      = m_paraOffset;
            newToken.m_scrRefString    = m_scrRefString;
            newToken.m_missingStartRef = m_missingStartRef;
            newToken.m_missingEndRef   = m_missingEndRef;
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks whether or not there is a checking error result (i.e. ScrScriptureNote) for
        /// the specified check ID, reference, cited text and error message. If one does exist,
        /// then we must do some updating.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="firstToken">The first token.</param>
        /// <param name="lastToken">The last token.</param>
        /// <param name="citedText">The cited text.</param>
        /// <param name="offset">The character offset of the start of the inconsistency in the
        /// .</param>
        /// <param name="length">The length.</param>
        /// <param name="checkId">The check id.</param>
        /// <param name="errorLocKey">The error location key, that includes both the beginning
        /// and ending reference of the error as well as the cited text and error message.</param>
        /// <param name="errorKey">The error key which includes the check id, the cited text
        /// and the error message.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private bool CheckForPreviousInconsistency(ScrCheckingToken firstToken,
                                                   ScrCheckingToken lastToken, string citedText, int offset, int length, Guid checkId,
                                                   string errorLocKey, string errorKey)
            int bookNum = firstToken.StartRef.Book;

            List <IScrScriptureNote> errors;

            if (m_pendingCheckErrors == null ||
                !m_pendingCheckErrors[bookNum][checkId].TryGetValue(errorLocKey, out errors))
                // We don't have a previous inconsistency, so nothing needs to be updated.

            // We have previously created an identical annotation (same error, same reference),
            // so we need to check if there is not already an inconsistency logged for the current
            // book and check...
            if (m_bookChecksFailed[bookNum][checkId] != ScrCheckRunResult.Inconsistencies)
                // If the error is closed, then the book and check are marked as having
                // at least one ignored inconsistency. Otherwise, the book and check are marked
                // as having at least one inconsistency.
                m_bookChecksFailed[bookNum][checkId] =
                    (errors[0].ResolutionStatus == NoteStatus.Closed ?
                     ScrCheckRunResult.IgnoredInconsistencies :

            int maxIdenticalErrors = GetMaxIdenticalErrors(checkId);

            // If the error isn't ignored...
            if (errors[0].ResolutionStatus != NoteStatus.Closed)
                // If the maximum number of identical errors was just exceeded for this
                // Scripture check. Create a new ScrScriptureNote to indicate this.
                if (m_errorCounts.GetValue(errorKey) == maxIdenticalErrors)
                    AddErrorAnnotation(citedText, offset, length, checkId, firstToken, lastToken, GetExceededErrorMsg(checkId));


            // This is a duplicate error message and not beyond the maximum set for this check,
            // so we want to remove the annotation from our list of annotations to delete.
            // We will use this annotation instead of the one that was generated from an editorial
            // check.
            if (m_errorCounts.GetValue(errorKey) <= maxIdenticalErrors || maxIdenticalErrors == -1)
                errors[0].BeginOffset   = firstToken.ParaOffset + offset;
                errors[0].EndOffset     = errors[0].BeginOffset + length;
                errors[0].BeginObjectRA = firstToken.m_object;
                errors[0].EndObjectRA   = firstToken.m_object;
                if (errors.Count == 0)

Exemplo n.º 8
		public void GetTokenSubstrings_ValidatorThatRemovesSomeResults()
			using (var ctrl = new CharContextCtrl())
				ctrl.Initialize(Cache, Cache.ServiceLocator.WritingSystems,
					null, null, null, null);
				ctrl.ListValidator = RemoveFirstAndLastSubString;

				var tokens = new List<ITextToken>();
				ITextToken token = new ScrCheckingToken();
				ReflectionHelper.SetField(token, "m_sText", "Mom. Dad! Brother(Sister)");
				var inventory = new DummyScrInventory
										m_references = new List<TextTokenSubstring>
															new TextTokenSubstring(token, 3, 2),
															new TextTokenSubstring(token, 8, 2),
															new TextTokenSubstring(token, 17, 1),
															new TextTokenSubstring(token, 24, 1)
				var validatedList =
					(List<TextTokenSubstring>)ReflectionHelper.GetResult(ctrl, "GetTokenSubstrings",
					inventory, tokens);
				Assert.AreEqual(2, validatedList.Count);
				Assert.AreEqual("! ", validatedList[0].Text);
				Assert.AreEqual("(", validatedList[1].Text);
Exemplo n.º 9
		public void GetTokenSubstrings_NoValidator()
			using (var ctrl = new CharContextCtrl())
				ctrl.Initialize(Cache, Cache.ServiceLocator.WritingSystems,
					null, null, null, null);

				var tokens = new List<ITextToken>();
				ITextToken token = new ScrCheckingToken();
				ReflectionHelper.SetField(token, "m_sText", "Mom. Dad!");
				var inventory = new DummyScrInventory
														m_references = new List<TextTokenSubstring>
															{ new TextTokenSubstring(token, 3, 2) }
				var validatedList = (List<TextTokenSubstring>)ReflectionHelper.GetResult(ctrl, "GetTokenSubstrings",
					inventory, tokens);
				Assert.AreEqual(1, validatedList.Count);
				Assert.AreEqual(". ", validatedList[0].Text);
Exemplo n.º 10
			internal DummyError(ScrCheckingToken token, int ichStart, int length, string sMessage)
				m_token = token;
				m_ichStart = ichStart;
				m_length = length;
				m_sMessage = sMessage;
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Advances the enumerator to the next element of the collection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; false if the
        /// enumerator has passed the end of the collection.
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">The collection was modified
        /// after the enumerator was created. </exception>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public bool MoveNext()
            if (m_currentScrText == null)

            while (++m_currentScrText.m_iRun < m_currentScrText.m_paraTss.RunCount)
                m_internalToken.m_fParagraphStart = (m_currentScrText.m_iRun == 0);

                ITsTextProps runProps      = m_currentScrText.m_paraTss.get_Properties(m_currentScrText.m_iRun);
                string       charStyleName = runProps.GetStrPropValue((int)FwTextPropType.ktptNamedStyle);
                m_internalToken.m_sText      = m_currentScrText.m_paraTss.get_RunText(m_currentScrText.m_iRun);
                m_internalToken.m_paraOffset = m_currentScrText.m_paraTss.get_MinOfRun(m_currentScrText.m_iRun);
                int var;
                int ws = runProps.GetIntPropValues((int)FwTextPropType.ktptWs, out var);
                m_internalToken.m_icuLocale = GetLocale(ws);
                m_internalToken.Ws          = ws;
                switch (runProps.GetStrPropValue((int)FwTextPropType.ktptNamedStyle))
                case ScrStyleNames.VerseNumber:
                    if (!m_foundStart || string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_internalToken.m_sText))

                    m_internalToken.m_textType = TextType.VerseNumber;
                    int verse = ScrReference.VerseToIntStart(m_internalToken.m_sText);
                    if (verse != 0)
                        m_internalToken.m_startRef.Verse = verse;
                    verse = ScrReference.VerseToIntEnd(m_internalToken.m_sText);
                    if (verse != 0)
                        m_internalToken.m_endRef.Verse = verse;


                case ScrStyleNames.ChapterNumber:
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_internalToken.m_sText))
                    int chapter = 0;
                        chapter = ScrReference.ChapterToInt(m_internalToken.m_sText);
                        // Ignore exceptions. We'll flag them later as errors.
                    if (!m_foundStart)
                        if (m_chapterNum != chapter)
                        m_foundStart = true;
                    else if (m_chapterNum > 0 && m_chapterNum != chapter)
                        // Stop if we're only getting tokens for a single chapter (unless
                        // this is an (erroneous) second occurrence of the same chapter)
                    m_internalToken.m_textType         = TextType.ChapterNumber;
                    m_internalToken.m_startRef.Chapter = m_internalToken.m_endRef.Chapter = chapter;
                    m_internalToken.m_startRef.Verse   = m_internalToken.m_endRef.Verse = 1;

                    if (!m_foundStart)
                    // Deal with footnotes and picture captions
                    Guid guidObj = TsStringUtils.GetGuidFromRun(m_currentScrText.m_paraTss, m_currentScrText.m_iRun, runProps);
                    if (guidObj == Guid.Empty)
                        m_internalToken.m_textType = m_currentScrText.DefaultTextType;
                    else if (m_outerText != null)
                        // It was possible through copy/paste to put ORCs into footnotes or pictures, but that is no
                        // longer allowed. This tokenizing code won't handle the nesting correctly, so just ignore
                        // the nested ORC. See TE-8609.
                        m_fOrcWasStartOfPara = m_internalToken.m_fParagraphStart;

                        ICmObject obj;
                        m_book.Cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance <ICmObjectRepository>().TryGetObject(guidObj, out obj);
                        if (obj is IStFootnote)
                            m_outerText = m_currentScrText;
                            // footnotes are StTexts
                            m_currentScrText = new TokenizableText((IStText)obj, TextType.Note);
                        if (obj is ICmPicture)
                            m_outerText = m_currentScrText;
                            ICmPicture pict = (ICmPicture)obj;
                            m_currentScrText = new TokenizableText(
                                ScrStyleNames.Figure, TextType.PictureCaption, pict,
                m_internalToken.m_fNoteStart = (m_internalToken.m_textType == TextType.Note &&
                                                m_internalToken.m_fParagraphStart && m_currentScrText.m_iPara == 0);
                m_internalToken.m_paraStyleName = m_currentScrText.ParaStyleName;
                m_internalToken.m_charStyleName = charStyleName != null ? charStyleName : string.Empty;
                m_internalToken.m_object        = m_currentScrText.m_obj;
                m_internalToken.m_flid          = m_currentScrText.m_flid;

                // We need the current token to be a copy of our internal token so we don't change the
                // internal variables of whatever was returned from the enumerator.
                m_currentToken = m_internalToken.Copy();
            // Finished that paragraph and didn't find any more runs; try next para in this text,
            // if any.
            if (!m_currentScrText.NextParagraph())
                if (!m_foundStart)
                    Debug.Fail("We should have found the desired chapter wtihin the section we were searching.");
                // Finished that text and didn't find any more paragraphs.
                // If we have been processing an inner text (footnote or picture caption), pop back
                // out to the "outer" one.
                if (m_outerText != null)
                    m_currentScrText = m_outerText;
                    m_outerText      = null;
                    bool result = MoveNext();
                    if (result)
                        m_currentToken.m_fParagraphStart |= m_fOrcWasStartOfPara;
                        m_fOrcWasStartOfPara              = false;

                // Otherwise, try next text, if any.
                if (m_currentScrText.m_text.OwningFlid == ScrBookTags.kflidTitle)
                    // Get first section head text.
                    CurrentSectionIndex = 0;
                else if (m_currentScrText.m_text.OwningFlid == ScrSectionTags.kflidHeading)
                    m_currentScrText = new TokenizableText(m_currentSection.ContentOA,
                                                           m_currentSection.IsIntro ? TextType.Other : TextType.Verse);
                    Debug.Assert(m_currentScrText.m_text.OwningFlid == ScrSectionTags.kflidContent);
                    if (m_iCurrentSection + 1 >= m_book.SectionsOS.Count)
                    if (m_chapterNum > 0 && ScrReference.GetChapterFromBcv(m_currentSection.VerseRefStart) != m_chapterNum)