Save() private method

private Save ( string filePath ) : void
filePath string
return void
Exemplo n.º 1
		/// <summary>
		/// Perform one increment migration step.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="domainObjectDtoRepository">Repository of all CmObject DTOs available for one migration step.</param>
		/// <remarks>
		/// The method must add/remove/update the DTOs to the repository,
		/// as it adds/removes objects as part of it work.
		/// Implementors of this interface should ensure the Repository's
		/// starting model version number is correct for the step.
		/// Implementors must also increment the Repository's model version number
		/// at the end of its migration work.
		/// The method also should normally modify the xml string(s)
		/// of relevant DTOs, since that string will be used by the main
		/// data migration calling client (ie. BEP).
		/// </remarks>
		public void PerformMigration(IDomainObjectDTORepository domainObjectDtoRepository)
			DataMigrationServices.CheckVersionNumber(domainObjectDtoRepository, 7000018);

			// collect all writing system info
			var guidToWsInfo = new Dictionary<string, Tuple<string, DomainObjectDTO, XElement>>();
			foreach (DomainObjectDTO wsDto in domainObjectDtoRepository.AllInstancesSansSubclasses("LgWritingSystem").ToArray())
				XElement wsElem = XElement.Parse(wsDto.Xml);
				XElement icuLocaleElem = wsElem.Element("ICULocale");
				var icuLocale = icuLocaleElem.Element("Uni").Value;
				string langTag = Version19LangTagUtils.ToLangTag(icuLocale);
				guidToWsInfo[wsDto.Guid.ToLowerInvariant()] = Tuple.Create(langTag, wsDto, wsElem);

			// remove all CmSortSpec objects
			foreach (DomainObjectDTO sortSpecDto in domainObjectDtoRepository.AllInstancesSansSubclasses("CmSortSpec").ToArray())

			// remove SortSpecs property from LangProject
			DomainObjectDTO lpDto = domainObjectDtoRepository.AllInstancesSansSubclasses("LangProject").First();
			XElement lpElem = XElement.Parse(lpDto.Xml);
			XElement sortSpecsElem = lpElem.Element("SortSpecs");
			bool lpModified = false;
			if (sortSpecsElem != null)
				lpModified = true;

			var referencedWsIds = new HashSet<string>();

			// convert all LangProject writing system references to strings
			if (ConvertRefToString(lpElem.Element("AnalysisWss"), guidToWsInfo, referencedWsIds))
				lpModified = true;
			if (ConvertRefToString(lpElem.Element("VernWss"), guidToWsInfo, referencedWsIds))
				lpModified = true;
			if (ConvertRefToString(lpElem.Element("CurAnalysisWss"), guidToWsInfo, referencedWsIds))
				lpModified = true;
			if (ConvertRefToString(lpElem.Element("CurPronunWss"), guidToWsInfo, referencedWsIds))
				lpModified = true;
			if (ConvertRefToString(lpElem.Element("CurVernWss"), guidToWsInfo, referencedWsIds))
				lpModified = true;
			if (lpModified)
				DataMigrationServices.UpdateDTO(domainObjectDtoRepository, lpDto, lpElem.ToString());

			// convert all ReversalIndex writing system references to strings
			ConvertAllRefsToStrings(domainObjectDtoRepository, "ReversalIndex", guidToWsInfo, referencedWsIds);

			// convert all WordformLookupList writing system references to strings
			ConvertAllRefsToStrings(domainObjectDtoRepository, "WordformLookupList", guidToWsInfo, referencedWsIds);

			// convert all CmPossibilityList writing system references to strings
			ConvertAllRefsToStrings(domainObjectDtoRepository, "CmPossibilityList", guidToWsInfo, referencedWsIds);

			// convert all UserViewField writing system references to strings
			ConvertAllRefsToStrings(domainObjectDtoRepository, "UserViewField", guidToWsInfo, referencedWsIds);

			// convert all CmBaseAnnotation writing system references to strings
			ConvertAllRefsToStrings(domainObjectDtoRepository, "CmBaseAnnotation", guidToWsInfo, referencedWsIds);

			// convert all FsOpenFeature writing system references to strings
			ConvertAllRefsToStrings(domainObjectDtoRepository, "FsOpenFeature", guidToWsInfo, referencedWsIds);

			// convert all ScrMarkerMapping ICU locales to lang tags
			ConvertAllIcuLocalesToLangTags(domainObjectDtoRepository, "ScrMarkerMapping", referencedWsIds);

			// convert all ScrImportSource ICU locales to lang tags
			ConvertAllIcuLocalesToLangTags(domainObjectDtoRepository, "ScrImportSource", referencedWsIds);

			// convert all ICU locales to Language Tags and remove legacy magic font names
			foreach (DomainObjectDTO dto in domainObjectDtoRepository.AllInstances())
				UpdateStringsAndProps(domainObjectDtoRepository, dto, referencedWsIds);

			var localStoreFolder = Path.Combine(domainObjectDtoRepository.ProjectFolder, FdoFileHelper.ksWritingSystemsDir);

			// If any writing systems that project needs don't already exist as LDML files,
			// create them, either by copying relevant data from a shipping LDML file, or by
			// extracting data from the obsolete writing system object's XML.
			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(domainObjectDtoRepository.ProjectFolder))
				foreach (Tuple<string, DomainObjectDTO, XElement> wsInfo in guidToWsInfo.Values)
					if (referencedWsIds.Contains(wsInfo.Item1))
						var ws = new Version19WritingSystemDefn();
						var langTag = wsInfo.Item1;
						ws.LangTag = langTag;
						var ldmlFileName = Path.ChangeExtension(langTag, "ldml");
						string localPath = Path.Combine(localStoreFolder, ldmlFileName);
						if (File.Exists(localPath))
							continue; // already have one.
						string globalPath = Path.Combine(DirectoryFinder.GlobalWritingSystemStoreDirectory, ldmlFileName);
						if (File.Exists(globalPath))
							continue; // already have one.
						// Need to make one.

						// Code similar to this was in the old migrator (prior to 7000043). It does not work
						// because the XML files it is looking for are in the Languages subdirectory of the
						// FieldWorks 6 data directory, and this is looking in the FW 7 one. No one has complained
						// so we decided not to try to fix it for the new implementation of the migration.

						//string langDefPath = Path.Combine(FwDirectoryFinder.GetDataSubDirectory("Languages"),
						//    Path.ChangeExtension(langTag, "xml"));
						//if (File.Exists(langDefPath))
						//    FillWritingSystemFromLangDef(XElement.Load(langDefPath), ws);

						FillWritingSystemFromFDO(domainObjectDtoRepository, wsInfo.Item3, ws);
			foreach (Tuple<string, DomainObjectDTO, XElement> wsInfo in guidToWsInfo.Values)
				// this should also remove all LgCollations as well
				DataMigrationServices.RemoveIncludingOwnedObjects(domainObjectDtoRepository, wsInfo.Item2, false);
