Exemplo n.º 1
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Constructor.
		/// </summary>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public MigrateProjects(ImportFrom6_0 importer, string version, List<string> projects,
			bool fAutoClose)
			: this()
			m_importer = importer;
			m_projects = projects;
			m_fAutoClose = fAutoClose;
			if (m_fAutoClose)
				m_btnClose.Text = Properties.Resources.ksSkip;
			this.Text = String.Format(this.Text, version);
			foreach (string proj in m_projects)
				if (proj == ImportFrom6_0.TempDatabaseName)
					m_fTempMigrationDbExists = true;
					if (proj != "Sena 2" && proj != "Sena 3" && proj != "Lela-Teli 2" && proj != "Lela-Teli 3")
						m_clbProjects.Items.Add(new ProjectItem(proj));
			m_btnConvert.Enabled = false;	// disable until the user picks a project
Exemplo n.º 2
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// The restore process has failed for Import from version 6.0, so delete anything it created that will just get in
		/// the way later.
		/// </summary>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private void CleanupFrom6_0FailedRestore(ImportFrom6_0 importer)
			if (importer != null)
				if (Directory.Exists(m_restoreSettings.ProjectPath))
					Directory.Delete(m_restoreSettings.ProjectPath, true);
				using (ZipInputStream zipIn = OpenFWBackupZipfile())
					ZipEntry entry;
					while ((entry = zipIn.GetNextEntry()) != null)
						var fileName = Path.GetFileName(entry.Name);
						if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName))
							string filePath = Path.Combine(m_restoreSettings.ProjectsRootFolder, fileName);
							if (FileUtils.TrySimilarFileExists(filePath, out filePath))
Exemplo n.º 3
		private void ImportFrom6_0Backup(BackupFileSettings fileSettings, IThreadedProgress progressDlg)
			var importer = new ImportFrom6_0(progressDlg, m_converterConsolePath, m_dbPath);
			bool importSuccessful;
				string projFile;
				importSuccessful = importer.Import(fileSettings.File, m_restoreSettings.ProjectName, m_restoreSettings.ProjectsRootFolder, out projFile);
			catch (CannotConvertException e)
			if (!importSuccessful)

				if (!importer.HaveOldFieldWorks || !importer.HaveFwSqlServer)
					throw new MissingOldFwException("Error restoring from FieldWorks 6.0 (or earlier) backup",
						importer.HaveFwSqlServer, importer.HaveOldFieldWorks);
				throw new FailedFwRestoreException("Error restoring from FieldWorks 6.0 (or earlier) backup");
Exemplo n.º 4
		private void FailedImportCleanUp(ImportFrom6_0 importer)
			ExceptionHelper.LogAndIgnoreErrors(() => CleanupFrom6_0FailedRestore(importer));
			ExceptionHelper.LogAndIgnoreErrors(() => CleanupAfterRestore(false));
Exemplo n.º 5
		static int Main(string[] rgArgs)
			for (int i = 0; i < rgArgs.Length; ++i)
				if (rgArgs[i] == "-debug")
					s_fDebug = true;
				else if (rgArgs[i] == "-autoclose")
					s_fAutoClose = true;
				else if (rgArgs[i] == "-chars")
					s_fMigrateChars = true;
			RegistryHelper.ProductName = "FieldWorks";	// needed to access proper registry values

			if (s_fMigrateChars && s_fDebug)
				MessageBox.Show("Warning: MigrateSqlDbs called with no-longer valid argument, '-chars'. Run 'UnicodeCharEditor -i' instead.");

			// TE-9422. If we had an older version of FW7 installed, ldml files are < verion 2, so will cause
			// a crash if we don't migrate the files to version 2 before opening a project with the current version.
			string globalWsFolder = DirectoryFinder.GlobalWritingSystemStoreDirectory;
			var globalMigrator = new LdmlInFolderWritingSystemRepositoryMigrator(globalWsFolder, NoteMigration);

			using (var threadHelper = new ThreadHelper())
			using (var progressDlg = new ProgressDialogWithTask(threadHelper))
				ImportFrom6_0 importer = new ImportFrom6_0(progressDlg, FwDirectoryFinder.ConverterConsoleExe, FwDirectoryFinder.DbExe, s_fDebug);
				if (!importer.IsFwSqlServerInstalled())
					return -1;
				string version;
				if (!importer.IsValidOldFwInstalled(out version))
					if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(version) && version.CompareTo("5.4") < 0)
						string launchesFlex = "0";
						string launchesTE = "0";
						if (RegistryHelper.KeyExists(FwRegistryHelper.FieldWorksRegistryKey, "Language Explorer"))
							using (RegistryKey keyFlex = FwRegistryHelper.FieldWorksRegistryKey.CreateSubKey("Language Explorer"))
								launchesFlex = keyFlex.GetValue("launches", "0") as string;
						if (RegistryHelper.KeyExists(FwRegistryHelper.FieldWorksRegistryKey, FwSubKey.TE))
							using (RegistryKey keyTE = FwRegistryHelper.FieldWorksRegistryKey.CreateSubKey(FwSubKey.TE))
								launchesTE = keyTE.GetValue("launches", "0") as string;
						if (launchesFlex == "0" && launchesTE == "0")
							FwRegistryHelper.FieldWorksRegistryKey.SetValue("MigrationTo7Needed", "true");
						using (var dlg = new FWVersionTooOld(version))
					return -1;
				List<string> projects = GetProjectList();
				if (projects.Count > 0)
					using (var migrateProjects = new MigrateProjects(importer, version, projects, s_fAutoClose))
				else if (s_fDebug)
					MessageBox.Show("No FieldWorks (SQL) projects were detected.", "DEBUG!");
			return s_ReturnValue;