public void TestDataConverter()
            MarkerClass markerClass = new MarkerClass();

            DataConverter dataConverter = new DataConverter();

            DCMapping mapping;
            DCMapping[] mappings = new DCMapping[markerClass.markers.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < markerClass.markers.Length; i++)
                MarkerClass.Marker marker = markerClass.markers[i];

                mapping = new DCMapping();
                mapping.BeginMarker = marker.m_marker;

                // the sample input file is ASCII text, so using ISO-8859-1 (Latin 1)
                // to convert to Unicode is a good choice. By specifiying an empty string
                // as the encoding name, the default Unicode conversion will be used,
                // which is ISO-8859-1 (Latin 1).
                mapping.MarkerEncoding = "";
                mapping.DataEncoding = "";

                mapping.IsInline = marker.m_isInline;
                mapping.EndMarker = marker.m_end;

                mappings[i] = mapping;

            // location of sample sfm files
            string SFMFilePath = Info.TestFileDir;

            //			IECProjectFileInfo fileInfo;
            //			IECProjectFileInfo[] fileInfos = new IECProjectFileInfo[1];
            DCFileInfo fileInfo;
            IDCFileInfo[] fileInfos = new IDCFileInfo[1];

            //			fileInfo = new ECProjectFileInfo();
            fileInfo = new DCFileInfo();
            fileInfo.InputFileName = SFMFilePath + @"input.sfm";
            fileInfo.OutputFileName = SFMFilePath + @"output.sfm";

            // fileInfo.HasBOM is initialized to 0 ... which works for this test.
            fileInfo.FileEncoding = DCFileEncoding.DC_FE_BYTES;

            fileInfos[0] = fileInfo;

            // convert the input files
            dataConverter.ConvertNew(mappings, fileInfos);
        public void TestNewBeginAndEndMarkerCode()
            DCMapping mapping = new DCMapping();

            // Rename a marker and append a space to marker.
            mapping.BeginMarker = @"This* is A Test**";
            mapping.EndMarker = @"\\NoChange*";

            Assert.AreEqual(@"\This+ is A Test+*", mapping.NewBeginMarker);
            Assert.AreEqual(mapping.EndMarker, mapping.NewEndMarker);
        public void TestInlineTokenModify()
            DCMapping mapping = new DCMapping();

            // common settings for both test cases
            mapping.MarkerEncoding = "";
            mapping.DataEncoding = "";
            mapping.IsInline = true;
            mapping.EndMarker = "";

            // Rename a marker and append a space to marker.
            mapping.BeginMarker = @"|fn";
            MarkerSpec imsRenamed = MarkerSpec.CreateMarkerSpec(mapping);
            MarkerToken itRenamed = (MarkerToken)((MarkerSpec)imsRenamed).MakeToken(0, 0);
            itRenamed.Map = "";
            Assert.AreEqual(@"\|fn", itRenamed.Output(true));	// TE-1856 space is no longer inserted after inline markers

            // Don't rename a marker.
            mapping.BeginMarker = @"\fn";
            MarkerSpec imsNoChange = MarkerSpec.CreateMarkerSpec(mapping);
            MarkerToken itNoChange = (MarkerToken)((MarkerSpec)imsNoChange).MakeToken(0, 0);
            itNoChange.Map = "";
            Assert.AreEqual(@"\fn", itNoChange.Output(true));
        public void TestFieldTokenModify()
            DCMapping mapping = new DCMapping();

            // common settings for both test cases
            mapping.MarkerEncoding = "";
            mapping.DataEncoding = "";
            mapping.IsInline = false;
            mapping.EndMarker = "";

            // Rename a marker.
            mapping.BeginMarker = @"|v";
            MarkerSpec fmsRenamed = MarkerSpec.CreateMarkerSpec(mapping);
            MarkerToken ftRenamed = (MarkerToken)((MarkerSpec)fmsRenamed).MakeToken(0, 0);
            ftRenamed.Map = "";
            Assert.AreEqual(@"\|v ", ftRenamed.Output(true));

            // Don't rename a marker.
            mapping.BeginMarker = @"\v";
            MarkerSpec fmsNoChange = MarkerSpec.CreateMarkerSpec(mapping);
            MarkerToken ftNoChange = (MarkerToken)((MarkerSpec)fmsNoChange).MakeToken(0, 0);
            ftNoChange.Map = "";
            Assert.AreEqual(@"\v ", ftNoChange.Output(true));
        public void TestInvalidFileName()
            MarkerClass markerClass = new MarkerClass();

            DataConverter dataConverter = new DataConverter();

            DCMapping mapping;
            DCMapping[] mappings = new DCMapping[markerClass.markers.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < markerClass.markers.Length; i++)
                MarkerClass.Marker marker = markerClass.markers[i];

                mapping = new DCMapping();
                mapping.BeginMarker = marker.m_marker;

                // use an undefined Encoding Repository name
                mapping.MarkerEncoding = "";
                mapping.DataEncoding = "";

                mapping.IsInline = marker.m_isInline;
                mapping.EndMarker = marker.m_end;

                mappings[i] = mapping;

            // location of sample sfm files
            string SFMFilePath = Info.TestFileDir;

            DCFileInfo fileInfo;
            IDCFileInfo[] fileInfos = new IDCFileInfo[1];

            fileInfo = new DCFileInfo();
            fileInfo.InputFileName = SFMFilePath + @"inputxxxxx.sfm";
            fileInfo.OutputFileName = SFMFilePath + @"output.sfm";

            // fileInfo.HasBOM is initialized to 0 ... which works for this test.
            fileInfo.FileEncoding = DCFileEncoding.DC_FE_BYTES;

            fileInfos[0] = fileInfo;

            // convert the input files
                dataConverter.ConvertNew(mappings, fileInfos);
                Assert.Fail("ConvertNew didn't fail with non-existant input file.");
            catch(Exception e)
                Assert.Fail("Unexpected Exception: " + e.Message);