Exemplo n.º 1
		/// <summary>
		/// Abort resetting if the user types anything, anywhere.
		/// Also sets the flag (if it returns true) to indicate the search WAS aborted.
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns></returns>
		private bool ShouldAbort()
			Win32.MSG msg = new Win32.MSG();
			if (Win32.PeekMessage(ref msg, IntPtr.Zero, (uint)Win32.WinMsgs.WM_KEYDOWN, (uint)Win32.WinMsgs.WM_KEYDOWN,
				m_fResetSearchAborted = true;
				if (m_resetTimer == null)
					m_resetTimer = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer();
					m_resetTimer.Interval = 100; // try again in 1/10 second.
					m_resetTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(m_resetTimer_Tick);
				return true;
			return false;
Exemplo n.º 2
		/// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Collect whatever keyboard input is available--whatever the user has typed ahead.
		/// Includes backspaces and delete forwards, but not any more special keys like arrow keys.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="chsFirst">the first character the user typed, which started the whole
		/// process.</param>
		/// <param name="stuBuffer">buffer in which to put data characters.</param>
		/// <param name="cchBackspace">number of backspaces the user typed, in addition to any that
		/// just cancel stuff from the input buffer.</param>
		/// <param name="cchDelForward">any del forward keys the user typed</param>
		/// <remarks>
		/// <para>REVIEW JohnT: probably we should not accumulate both typed characters and
		/// sequences of extra Dels and Bs's, as it leads to ambiguity in character properties.</para>
		/// </remarks>
		/// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		protected void CollectTypedInput(char chsFirst, out string stuBuffer,
			out int cchBackspace, out int cchDelForward)
			cchBackspace = 0;
			cchDelForward = 0;
			StringBuilder stuTmpBuffer = new StringBuilder();
			// The first character goes into the buffer, unless it is a backspace or delete,
			// in which case it affects the counts.
			switch ((int)chsFirst)
				case (int)VwSpecialChars.kscBackspace:
				case (int)VwSpecialChars.kscDelForward:

			// Collect any characters that are currently in the message queue
			// Note: When/if porting to MONO, the following block of code can be removed
			// and still work. However, make sure the final line in the method still remains
			// (i.e. the line where stuBuffer is being set).
			Win32.MSG msg = new Win32.MSG();
			while (true)
				if (Win32.PeekMessage(ref msg, this.Handle, (uint)Win32.WinMsgs.WM_KEYDOWN,
					(uint)Win32.WinMsgs.WM_KEYUP, (uint)Win32.PeekFlags.PM_REMOVE))
					Win32.TranslateMessage(ref msg);
				else if (Win32.PeekMessage(ref msg, this.Handle, (uint)Win32.WinMsgs.WM_CHAR,
					(uint)Win32.WinMsgs.WM_CHAR, (uint)Win32.PeekFlags.PM_REMOVE))
					char nextChar = (char)msg.wParam;
					switch ((int)nextChar)
						case (int)VwSpecialChars.kscBackspace:
							// handle backspace characters.  If there are are characters in
							// the buffer then remove the last one.  If not, then count
							// the backspace so it will be processed later.
							if (stuTmpBuffer.Length > 0)
								stuTmpBuffer.Remove(stuTmpBuffer.Length - 1, 1);

						case (int)VwSpecialChars.kscDelForward:
							// let DEL keys be handled later by the views framework

							// regular characters get added to the buffer
			stuBuffer = stuTmpBuffer.ToString();

			// Shows that the buffering is working
			//			if (stuBuffer.Length > 1)
			//				Debug.WriteLine("typeahead : >" + stuBuffer + "< len = " + stuBuffer.Length);
Exemplo n.º 3
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Peeks at the pending messages and if it finds any message in the given range, that
		/// message is removed from the stack and passed back to be handled immediately.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="min">The minumum message to handle.</param>
		/// <param name="max">The maximum message to handle.</param>
		/// <param name="msg">The message found, if any.</param>
		/// <returns><c>true</c> if a matching message is found; <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private bool PeekMessage(Win32.WinMsgs min, Win32.WinMsgs max, out Win32.MSG msg)
			msg = new Win32.MSG();
			return Win32.PeekMessage(ref msg, m_ownerControl.Handle, (uint)min, (uint)max,
Exemplo n.º 4
		internal void ConsumerThreadStart()

				// REVIEW JohnH(RandyR): Is it legal to use MTA, now that ParseFiler isn't COM?
				//JH says: I don't know... the cache still is COM
				//	I notice that w/ STA, it crashes silently, but w/ MTA, it "HRESULTS" in the cache code.
//-				Thread.CurrentThread.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA);
				Debug.Assert( Thread.CurrentThread.GetApartmentState() == ApartmentState.STA, "Could not set the apartment state to STA");

				// first time through, show thread ID in debug output
				Trace.WriteLineIf(tracingSwitch.TraceInfo, "=======>Scheduler Thread: " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId.ToString());
				Trace.WriteLineIf(tracingSwitch.TraceInfo, "ConsumerThreadStart(): CurrentThreadId = " + Win32.GetCurrentThreadId().ToString());

				// Create the list of wait events, order is important here.  Highest priority first.
				WaitHandle[] waitEvents = new WaitHandle[3];
				waitEvents[0] = m_StopEvent;		// Stop Event for this thread
				waitEvents[1] = m_TryAWordEvent;	// Trace word event
				waitEvents[2] = m_QueueEvent;		// hvo has been put in the Queue

				// Create the XAmpleWrapper on the consumer thread so that the XAmple code will
				// run on the consumer thread!  See LT-3546 for what happens if it runs on the
				// UI thread!  Also ensure that this thread can receive messages as per MSDN.
				Win32.MSG msg = new Win32.MSG();
				Win32.PeekMessage(ref msg, (IntPtr)null, (uint)Win32.WinMsgs.WM_USER,
					(uint)Win32.WinMsgs.WM_USER, (uint)Win32.PeekFlags.PM_NOREMOVE);

				bool bIdle = false;
				// main thread loop
				MainLoop(waitEvents, bIdle);
				// The process of loading the Lexicon and Grammar can be a long process,
				// if the user tries to stop the parser while doing this - the only quick
				// way to end the thread is to 'Interupt' it.
			catch (System.Threading.ThreadInterruptedException error)
				m_caughtException = error;
			catch (System.Threading.ThreadAbortException error)
				m_caughtException = error;
			catch (Exception error)
				// The sky is *not* falling,
				// so don't scare up any more snakes than you can kill.
				// Try and be nice and give them a benign warning,
				// but all you get is a zillion JIRA issues.
				// Cf. LTB-4, LT-5590, LT-6627, LT-6675, LT-6766, LT-7236, LTB-45, LT-6185, and LT-7414.
				// Let's throw in the two omnibus JIRA issues, as well: LT-6759 and  LT-5659.
				// NO: SIL.Utils.ErrorReporter.ReportException(error,null, false);//non-fatal to the whole app...
				m_caughtException = error;	//but this thread is hosed