Exemplo n.º 1
		protected virtual void m_launcher_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
			if (m_hvoList == (int)SpecialHVOValues.kHvoUninitializedObject)
				return; // Can't show a chooser for a non-existent list!
			// Show a wait cursor (LT-4673)
			using (new WaitCursor(this.Control))
				var list = m_cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<ICmPossibilityListRepository>().GetObject(m_hvoList);
				var persistProvider = new PersistenceProvider(m_mediator.PropertyTable);
				var labels = ObjectLabel.CreateObjectLabels(m_cache, list.PossibilitiesOS,
					m_displayNameProperty, m_displayWs);
				using (var chooser = new ReallySimpleListChooser(persistProvider,
					labels, m_fieldName, m_cache, m_chosenObjs, m_mediator.HelpTopicProvider))
					chooser.Atomic = Atomic;
					chooser.Cache = m_cache;
					chooser.SetObjectAndFlid(0, m_flid);
					if (Convert.ToInt16(Right(m_flid.ToString(), 3)) >= 500 && Convert.ToInt16(Right(m_flid.ToString(),3)) < 600)
						chooser.SetHelpTopic("khtpBulkEdit" + m_fieldName.Replace(" ", ""));
					var res = chooser.ShowDialog((sender as Control).TopLevelControl);
					if (DialogResult.Cancel == res)
					m_chosenObjs = chooser.ChosenObjects.ToList();
					m_fReplace = chooser.ReplaceMode;
					m_fRemove = chooser.RemoveMode;

					// Tell the parent control that we may have changed the selected item so it can
					// enable or disable the Apply and Preview buttons based on the selection.
					// We are just checking here if any item was selected by the user in the dialog
					if (ValueChanged != null)
						int hvo = 0;
						if (m_chosenObjs.Count > 0)
							hvo = m_chosenObjs[0].Hvo;
						ValueChanged(sender, new FwObjectSelectionEventArgs(hvo));
		protected override void HandleChooser()
			if (m_flid == LexEntryRefTags.kflidComponentLexemes)
				using (LinkEntryOrSenseDlg dlg = new LinkEntryOrSenseDlg())
					ILexEntry le = null;
					if (m_obj.ClassID == LexEntryTags.kClassId)
						// filter this entry from the list.
						le = m_obj as ILexEntry;
						// assume the owner is the entry (e.g. owner of LexEntryRef)
						le = m_obj.OwnerOfClass<ILexEntry>();
					dlg.SetDlgInfo(m_cache, m_mediator, le);
					String str = ShowHelp.RemoveSpaces(this.Slice.Label);
					dlg.SetHelpTopic("khtpChooseLexicalEntryOrSense-" + str);
					if (dlg.ShowDialog(FindForm()) == DialogResult.OK)
			else if (m_flid == LexEntryRefTags.kflidPrimaryLexemes)
				string displayWs = "analysis vernacular";
				if (m_configurationNode != null)
					XmlNode node = m_configurationNode.SelectSingleNode("deParams");
					if (node != null)
						displayWs = XmlUtils.GetAttributeValue(node, "ws", "analysis vernacular").ToLower();
				ILexEntryRef ler = m_obj as ILexEntryRef;
				Debug.Assert(ler != null);
				var labels = ObjectLabel.CreateObjectLabels(m_cache, ler.ComponentLexemesRS.Cast<ICmObject>(),
					m_displayNameProperty, displayWs);
				using (ReallySimpleListChooser chooser = new ReallySimpleListChooser(null,
					labels, "PrimaryLexemes", m_cache, ler.PrimaryLexemesRS.Cast<ICmObject>(),
					false, m_mediator.HelpTopicProvider))
					chooser.SetObjectAndFlid(m_obj.Hvo, m_flid);	// may set TextParamHvo
					chooser.Text = LexEdStrings.ksChooseWhereToShowSubentry;
					chooser.InitializeExtras(null, Mediator);
					chooser.AddLink(LexEdStrings.ksAddAComponent, ReallySimpleListChooser.LinkType.kDialogLink,
						new AddPrimaryLexemeChooserCommand(m_cache, false, null, m_mediator, m_obj, FindForm()));
					DialogResult res = chooser.ShowDialog();
					if (DialogResult.Cancel == res)
					if (chooser.ChosenObjects != null)
				string fieldName = m_obj.Cache.MetaDataCacheAccessor.GetFieldName(m_flid);
				Debug.Assert(m_obj is ILexEntry || m_obj is ILexSense);
					case "ComplexFormEntries":
						using (var dlg = new EntryGoDlg())
							dlg.StartingEntry = m_obj as ILexEntry ?? (m_obj as ILexSense).Entry;
							dlg.SetDlgInfo(m_cache, null, m_mediator);
							String str = ShowHelp.RemoveSpaces(Slice.Label);
							dlg.SetHelpTopic("khtpChooseComplexFormEntryOrSense-" + str);
							if (dlg.ShowDialog(FindForm()) == DialogResult.OK)
									UndoableUnitOfWorkHelper.Do(LexEdStrings.ksUndoAddComplexForm, LexEdStrings.ksRedoAddComplexForm,
										() => ((ILexEntry)dlg.SelectedObject).AddComponent(m_obj));
								catch (ArgumentException)
									MessageBoxes.ReportLexEntryCircularReference((ILexEntry) dlg.SelectedObject, m_obj, false);
					case "VisibleComplexFormEntries": // obsolete?
					case "Subentries":
						HandleChooserForBackRefs(fieldName, false);
					case "VisibleComplexFormBackRefs":
						HandleChooserForBackRefs(fieldName, true);
						Debug.Fail("EntrySequenceReferenceLauncher should only be used for variants, components, or complex forms");
		/// <summary>
		/// Override method to handle launching of a chooser for selecting lexical entries or senses.
		/// </summary>
		protected override void HandleChooser()
			Debug.Assert(m_flid == (int)LexEntryRef.LexEntryRefTags.kflidComponentLexemes ||
				m_flid == (int)LexEntryRef.LexEntryRefTags.kflidPrimaryLexemes);
			if (m_flid == (int)LexEntryRef.LexEntryRefTags.kflidComponentLexemes)
				using (LinkEntryOrSenseDlg dlg = new LinkEntryOrSenseDlg())
					ILexEntry le = null;
					if (m_obj.ClassID == LexEntry.kclsidLexEntry)
						// filter this entry from the list.
						le = m_obj as ILexEntry;
						// assume the owner is the entry (e.g. owner of LexEntryRef)
						int hvoEntry = m_cache.GetOwnerOfObjectOfClass(m_obj.Hvo, LexEntry.kclsidLexEntry);
						if (hvoEntry != 0)
							le = LexEntry.CreateFromDBObject(m_cache, hvoEntry);
					dlg.SetDlgInfo(m_cache, m_mediator, le);
					String str = ShowHelp.RemoveSpaces(this.Slice.Label);
					dlg.SetHelpTopic("khtpChooseLexicalEntryOrSense-" + str);
					if (dlg.ShowDialog(FindForm()) == DialogResult.OK)
			else if (m_flid == (int)LexEntryRef.LexEntryRefTags.kflidPrimaryLexemes)
				string displayWs = "analysis vernacular";
				if (m_configurationNode != null)
					XmlNode node = m_configurationNode.SelectSingleNode("deParams");
					if (node != null)
						displayWs = XmlUtils.GetAttributeValue(node, "ws", "analysis vernacular").ToLower();
				ILexEntryRef ler = m_obj as ILexEntryRef;
				Debug.Assert(ler != null);
				List<int> candidates = new List<int>();
				ObjectLabelCollection labels = new ObjectLabelCollection(m_cache, candidates,
					m_displayNameProperty, displayWs);
				using (ReallySimpleListChooser chooser = new ReallySimpleListChooser(null,
					labels, "PrimaryLexemes", m_cache, ler.PrimaryLexemesRS.HvoArray, false))

					chooser.SetObjectAndFlid(m_obj.Hvo, m_flid);	// may set TextParamHvo

					chooser.Text = "Choose where to show subentry";

					//chooser.ReplaceTreeView(Mediator, "WordformsBrowseView");

					chooser.AddLink("Add a Component...", ReallySimpleListChooser.LinkType.kDialogLink,
						new AddComponentChooserCommand(m_cache, false, null, m_mediator, m_obj, FindForm()));
					DialogResult res = chooser.ShowDialog();
					if (DialogResult.Cancel == res)
					if (chooser.ChosenHvos != null)
		private void HandleChooserForBackRefs(string fieldName, bool fPropContainsEntryRefs)
			string displayWs = "analysis vernacular";
			IEnumerable<ICmObject> options;
			if (m_obj is ILexEntry)
				options = ((ILexEntry) m_obj).ComplexFormEntries.Cast<ICmObject>();
				options = ((ILexSense)m_obj).ComplexFormEntries.Cast<ICmObject>();
			var oldValue = from hvo in ((ISilDataAccessManaged) m_cache.DomainDataByFlid).VecProp(m_obj.Hvo, m_flid)
				select m_cache.ServiceLocator.GetObject(hvo);
			// We want a collection of LexEntries as the current values. If we're displaying lex entry refs we want their owners.
			if (fPropContainsEntryRefs)
				oldValue = from obj in oldValue select obj.Owner;

			var labels = ObjectLabel.CreateObjectLabels(m_cache, options,
				m_displayNameProperty, displayWs);
			using (ReallySimpleListChooser chooser = new ReallySimpleListChooser(null,
				labels, fieldName, m_cache, oldValue,
				false, m_mediator.HelpTopicProvider))
				chooser.SetObjectAndFlid(m_obj.Hvo, m_flid);	// may set TextParamHvo
				chooser.Text = fieldName == "Subentries" ? LexEdStrings.ksChooseSubentries : LexEdStrings.ksChooseVisibleComplexForms;
				chooser.SetHelpTopic(Slice.GetChooserHelpTopicID() + "-CFChooser");
				chooser.InitializeExtras(null, Mediator);
				// Step 3 of LT-11155:
				chooser.AddLink(LexEdStrings.ksAddAComplexForm, ReallySimpleListChooser.LinkType.kDialogLink,
					new AddComplexFormChooserCommand(m_cache, false, null, m_mediator, m_obj, FindForm()));
				DialogResult res = chooser.ShowDialog();
				if (DialogResult.Cancel == res)
				var chosenObjects = chooser.ChosenObjects;
				if (chosenObjects != null)
					if (fPropContainsEntryRefs)
						chosenObjects = from ILexEntry le in chosenObjects
							from ler in le.EntryRefsOS
							where ler.RefType == LexEntryRefTags.krtComplexForm
							select (ICmObject) ler;
Exemplo n.º 5
		void m_launcher_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
			// Show a wait cursor (LT-4673)
			using (new SIL.FieldWorks.Common.Utils.WaitCursor(this.Control))
				ICmPossibilityList list = CmPossibilityList.CreateFromDBObject(m_cache, m_hvoList);
				List<int> candidates = new List<int>(list.PossibilitiesOS.HvoArray);
				XCore.PersistenceProvider persistProvider =
					new PersistenceProvider(m_mediator.PropertyTable);
				ObjectLabelCollection labels = new ObjectLabelCollection(m_cache, candidates,
					m_displayNameProperty, m_displayWs);
				//m_cache.MetaDataCacheAccessor.GetFieldName((uint)m_flid, out fieldName);
				using (ReallySimpleListChooser chooser = new ReallySimpleListChooser(persistProvider,
					labels, m_fieldName, m_cache, m_chosenHvos))
					chooser.Cache = m_cache;
					chooser.SetObjectAndFlid(0, m_flid);
					chooser.SetHelpTopic("khtpBulkEdit" + m_fieldName.Replace(" ", ""));
					System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult res = chooser.ShowDialog((sender as Control).TopLevelControl);
					if (System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel == res)
					m_chosenHvos = chooser.ChosenHvos.ToArray();
					m_fReplace = chooser.ReplaceMode;
					m_fRemove = chooser.RemoveMode;

					// Tell the parent control that we may have changed the selected item so it can
					// enable or disable the Apply and Preview buttons based on the selection.
					// We are just checking here if any item was selected by the user in the dialog
					if (ValueChanged != null)
						int itemCount = m_chosenHvos.Length;
						int hvo = 0;
						if (itemCount > 0)
							hvo = m_chosenHvos[0];
						ValueChanged(sender, new FwObjectSelectionEventArgs(hvo));
Exemplo n.º 6
		/// <summary>
		/// Show a dialog to allow the user to select/unselect multiple writing systems
		/// at a time, whether or not to display them (if they don't have data)
		/// If they do have data, we show the fields anyhow.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="args"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public bool OnDataTreeWritingSystemsConfigureDlg(object args)

			Set<int> wsSet = new Set<int>(HvosFromWss(WritingSystemOptionsForDisplay));
			ObjectLabelCollection labels = new ObjectLabelCollection(m_cache, wsSet);
			List<int> wssToDisplay = HvosFromWss(WritingSystemsSelectedForDisplay);
			using (ReallySimpleListChooser chooser = new ReallySimpleListChooser(null, labels, "DataTreeWritingSystems", m_cache, wssToDisplay.ToArray(), false))
				chooser.ForbidNoItemChecked = true;
				IVwStylesheet stylesheet = (Control as LabeledMultiStringView).StyleSheet;
				chooser.SetFontForDialog(new int[] { Cache.DefaultVernWs, Cache.DefaultAnalWs }, stylesheet, Cache.LanguageWritingSystemFactoryAccessor);
				chooser.InitializeExtras(ConfigurationNode, Mediator);
				chooser.Text = String.Format(DetailControlsStrings.ksSliceConfigureWssDlgTitle, this.Label);
				chooser.InstructionalText = DetailControlsStrings.ksSliceConfigureWssDlgInstructionalText;
				if (chooser.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
			return true;
Exemplo n.º 7
		internal IRnGenericRec ChooseNewOwner(IRnGenericRec[] records, string sTitle)

			var helpTopic = "khtpDataNotebook-ChooseOwnerOfDemotedRecord";
			XCore.PersistenceProvider persistProvider =
				new PersistenceProvider(m_mediator.PropertyTable);
			var labels = ObjectLabel.CreateObjectLabels(m_cache, records.Cast<ICmObject>(),
					"ShortName", m_cache.WritingSystemFactory.GetStrFromWs(m_cache.DefaultAnalWs));
			using (var dlg = new ReallySimpleListChooser(persistProvider, labels,
				String.Empty, m_mediator.HelpTopicProvider))
				dlg.Text = sTitle;
				if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
					return dlg.SelectedObject as IRnGenericRec;
			return null;
Exemplo n.º 8
		/// <summary>
		/// Bring up a chooser for selecting a natural class, and insert it into the string
		/// representation stored in the rootbox.  This static method is used by
		/// SIL.FieldWorks.Common.Framework.DetailControls.PhoneEnvReferenceSlice and
		/// SIL.FieldWorks.XWorks.MorphologyEditor.PhEnvStrRepresentationSlice.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="rootb"></param>
		/// <param name="cache"></param>
		/// <param name="persistenceProvider"></param>
		/// <param name="mediator"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public static bool ChooseNaturalClass(IVwRootBox rootb, FdoCache cache,
			IPersistenceProvider persistenceProvider, XCore.Mediator mediator)
			List<int> candidates = null;
			int hvoPhonData = cache.LangProject.PhonologicalDataOA.Hvo;
			int flidNatClasses = (int)PhPhonData.PhPhonDataTags.kflidNaturalClasses;
			int[] targetHvos = cache.GetVectorProperty(hvoPhonData, flidNatClasses, false);
			if (targetHvos.Length > 0)
				candidates = new List<int>(targetHvos);
				candidates = new List<int>(0);
			ObjectLabelCollection labels = new ObjectLabelCollection(cache, candidates,

			using (ReallySimpleListChooser chooser = new ReallySimpleListChooser(persistenceProvider,
				labels, "NaturalClass"))
				string sTitle = null;
				string sDescription = null;
				string sJumpLabel = null;
				if (mediator != null && mediator.HasStringTable)
					sTitle = mediator.StringTbl.GetString("kstidChooseNaturalClass",
					sDescription = mediator.StringTbl.GetString("kstidNaturalClassListing",
					sJumpLabel = mediator.StringTbl.GetString("kstidGotoNaturalClassList",
				if (sTitle == null || sTitle.Length == 0 || sTitle == "kstidChooseNaturalClass")
					sTitle = XMLViewsStrings.ksChooseNaturalClass;
				if (sDescription == null || sDescription.Length == 0 || sDescription == "kstidNaturalClassListing")
					sDescription = XMLViewsStrings.ksNaturalClassDesc;
				if (sJumpLabel == null || sJumpLabel.Length == 0 || sJumpLabel == "kstidGotoNaturalClassList")
					sJumpLabel = XMLViewsStrings.ksEditNaturalClasses;
				chooser.Cache = cache;
				chooser.SetObjectAndFlid(0, 0);
				chooser.InitializeRaw(mediator, sTitle, sDescription, sJumpLabel,
					"naturalClassedit", "analysis vernacular");

				System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult res = chooser.ShowDialog();
				if (System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel == res)
					return true;
				if (chooser.HandleAnyJump())
					return true;
				if (chooser.ChosenOne != null)
					int hvo = chooser.ChosenOne.Hvo;
					IPhNaturalClass pnc = PhNaturalClass.CreateFromDBObject(cache, hvo);
					ITsString tss = pnc.Abbreviation.BestAnalysisVernacularAlternative;
					string sName = tss.Text;
					string sIns = String.Format("[{0}]", sName);
					int wsPending = cache.DefaultVernWs;
					IVwRootSite site = rootb.Site;
					IVwGraphics vg = null;
					if (site != null)
						vg = site.get_ScreenGraphics(rootb);
					rootb.OnTyping(vg, sIns, 0, 0, '[', ref wsPending);
			return true;