Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Represents a single service, supported on one or more platforms, that we will be
        /// generating documentation for.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assemblyPath">
        /// The full path and filename of the assembly. The .Net platform for the assembly
        /// is assumed to be the name of the folder containing the assembly. The name of the
        /// service will be inferred from the name pattern of the assembly.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="outputFolderRoot">
        /// The root output folder that the artifacts should be placed in. A further subfolder
        /// representing the service (or 'core' if the assembly is the runtime) is added.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="allPlatforms">The set of platform subfolders to use to discover ndoc tables</param>
        /// <param name="options">The user options governing doc generation</param>
        /// <param name="useAppDomain"></param>
        public GenerationManifest(string assemblyPath,
                                  string outputFolderRoot,
                                  IEnumerable<string> allPlatforms,
                                  GeneratorOptions options,
                                  bool useAppDomain)
            AssemblyPath = Path.GetFullPath(assemblyPath);
            var assemblyName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(AssemblyPath);
            ServiceName = assemblyName.StartsWith(AWSAssemblyNamePrefix + ".", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                ? assemblyName.Substring(AWSAssemblyNamePrefix.Length + 1)
                : assemblyName;            
            Options = options;
            AssemblyWrapper = CreateAssemblyWrapper(AssemblyPath, useAppDomain);
            OutputFolder = Path.GetFullPath(outputFolderRoot);

            foreach(var platform in allPlatforms)
                NDocUtilities.LoadDocumentation(assemblyName, ServiceName, platform, options);

            if (Options.Verbose)
                Trace.WriteLine("\tConstructed GenerationManifest:");
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("\t...AssemblyPath: {0}", AssemblyPath));
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("\t...ServiceName: {0}", ServiceName));
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("\t...OutputFolder: {0}", OutputFolder));
Exemplo n.º 2
 public static void LoadDocumentation(string assemblyName, string serviceName, string platform, GeneratorOptions options)
     string docId = null;
     var ndocFilename = assemblyName + ".xml";
     var platformSpecificNdocFile = Path.Combine(options.SDKAssembliesRoot, platform, ndocFilename);
     if (File.Exists(platformSpecificNdocFile))
         docId = GenerateDocId(serviceName, platform);
         _ndocCache.Add(docId, CreateNDocTable(platformSpecificNdocFile, serviceName, options));
Exemplo n.º 3
        private static IDictionary<string, XElement> CreateNDocTable(string filePath, string serviceName, GeneratorOptions options)
            var dict = new Dictionary<string, XElement>();
            var document = LoadAssemblyDocumentationWithSamples(filePath, options.CodeSamplesRootFolder, serviceName);
            PreprocessCodeBlocksToPreTags(options, document);

            foreach (var element in document.XPathSelectElements("//members/member"))
                var xattribute = element.Attributes().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.LocalName == "name");
                if (xattribute == null)

                dict[xattribute.Value] = element;

            return dict;
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Represents a single service, supported on one or more platforms, that we will be
        /// generating documentation for.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assemblyPath">
        /// The full path and filename of the assembly. The .Net platform for the assembly
        /// is assumed to be the name of the folder containing the assembly. The name of the
        /// service will be inferred from the name pattern of the assembly.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="outputFolderRoot">
        /// The root output folder that the artifacts should be placed in. A further subfolder
        /// representing the service (or 'core' if the assembly is the runtime) is added.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="allPlatforms">The set of platform subfolders to use to discover ndoc tables</param>
        /// <param name="options">The user options governing doc generation</param>
        /// <param name="useAppDomain"></param>
        public GenerationManifest(string assemblyPath,
                                  string outputFolderRoot,
                                  IEnumerable<string> allPlatforms,
                                  GeneratorOptions options,
                                  bool useAppDomain)
            AssemblyPath = Path.GetFullPath(assemblyPath);
            Options = options;
            AssemblyWrapper = CreateAssemblyWrapper(AssemblyPath, useAppDomain);

            OutputFolder = Path.GetFullPath(outputFolderRoot);

            var assemblyName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(AssemblyPath);
            ServiceName = assemblyName.StartsWith(AWSAssemblyNamePrefix + ".", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                ? assemblyName.Substring(AWSAssemblyNamePrefix.Length+1) 
                : assemblyName;

            NDocTables = new Dictionary<string, IDictionary<string, XElement>>();

            var ndocFilename = assemblyName + ".xml";
            foreach (var p in allPlatforms)
                var platformSpecificNdocFile = Path.Combine(Options.SDKAssembliesRoot, p, ndocFilename);
                if (File.Exists(platformSpecificNdocFile))
                    var platformNDoc = CreateNDocTable(platformSpecificNdocFile);
                    NDocTables.Add(p, platformNDoc);

            if (Options.Verbose)
                Trace.WriteLine("\tConstructed GenerationManifest:");
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("\t...AssemblyPath: {0}", AssemblyPath));
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("\t...ServiceName: {0}", ServiceName));
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("\t...OutputFolder: {0}", OutputFolder));
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static void PreprocessCodeBlocksToPreTags(GeneratorOptions options, XDocument doc)
            var nodesToRemove = new List<XElement>();
            var codeNodes = doc.XPathSelectElements("//code");
            foreach (var codeNode in codeNodes)
                string processedCodeSample = null;
                var xattribute = codeNode.Attributes().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.LocalName == "source");
                if (xattribute != null)
                    var sourceRelativePath = xattribute.Value;

                    xattribute = codeNode.Attributes().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.LocalName == "region");
                    if (xattribute == null)
                    var regionName = xattribute.Value;

                    var samplePath = FindSampleCodePath(options.CodeSamplesRootFolder, sourceRelativePath);
                    if (samplePath == null)
                        Console.Error.WriteLine("Error finding sample path for {0}", sourceRelativePath);

                    var content = File.ReadAllText(samplePath);

                    var startPos = content.IndexOf("#region " + regionName);
                    if (startPos == -1)
                        Console.Error.WriteLine("Error finding region for {0}", regionName);
                    startPos = content.IndexOf('\n', startPos);
                    var endPos = content.IndexOf("#endregion", startPos);

                    processedCodeSample = content.Substring(startPos, endPos - startPos);
                    processedCodeSample = codeNode.Value;

                if (processedCodeSample != null && processedCodeSample.IndexOf('\n') > -1)

                    processedCodeSample = LeftJustifyCodeBlocks(processedCodeSample);
                    var preElement = new XElement("pre", processedCodeSample);
                    preElement.SetAttributeValue("class", "brush: csharp");


                    string title = null;
                    xattribute = codeNode.Attributes().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.LocalName == "title");
                    if (xattribute != null)
                        title = xattribute.Value;

                    if (title != null)
                        var titleElement = new XElement("h4", title);
                        titleElement.SetAttributeValue("class", "csharp-code-sample-title");

            nodesToRemove.ForEach(x => x.Remove());
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the doc generator to produce or update a consistent documentation
        /// set for the SDK.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="options"></param>
        /// <returns>0 on successful completion</returns>
        public int Execute(GeneratorOptions options)
            // this is just to record the run duration, so we can monitor and optimize 
            // build-time perf
            _startTimeTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

            Options = options;

            Trace.Listeners.Add(new ConditionalConsoleTraceListener(Options.Verbose));

            if (Options.TestMode)

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Options.SDKAssembliesRoot))
                Info("ERROR: SDKAssembliesRoot option not set");
                return -1;

            if (Options.Verbose)
                Info("Starting generation with options:");
                Info("...TestMode: {0}", Options.TestMode);
                Info("...Clean: {0}", Options.Clean);
                Info("...WriteStaticContent: {0}", Options.WriteStaticContent);
                Info("...WaitOnExit: {0}", Options.WaitOnExit);
                Info("...SDKAssembliesRoot: {0}", Options.SDKAssembliesRoot);
                Info("...OutputFolder: {0}", Options.OutputFolder);
                Info("...Platform: {0}", Options.Platform);
                Info("...Services: {0}", string.Join(",", Options.Services));
                Info("...CodeSamplesRootFolder: {0}", Options.CodeSamplesRootFolder);

            if (options.Clean)
                FileUtilties.CleanFolder(options.OutputFolder, true);

            if (!Directory.Exists(options.OutputFolder))

            // use the sdk root and primary platform to determine the set of
            // service manifests to process
            var manifests = ConstructGenerationManifests();

            // and process them to produce the doc set
            Info("Processing manifests...");
            foreach (var m in manifests)

            // finish up by outputting/updating the TOC and emitting the static doc framework content if requested
            // we try and generate the toc based on the .Net 4.5 platform by preference, falling back as necessary


            if (options.WriteStaticContent)
                Info("Generating/copying static content:");
                Info("...creating landing page");
                var lpWriter = new LandingPageWriter(options);

                Info("...copying static resources");
                var sourceLocation = Directory.GetParent(typeof(SdkDocGenerator).Assembly.Location).FullName;
                FileUtilties.FolderCopy(Path.Combine(sourceLocation, "output-files"), options.OutputFolder, true);

            return 0;
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the doc generator to produce or update a consistent documentation
        /// set for the SDK.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="options"></param>
        /// <returns>0 on successful completion</returns>
        public int Execute(GeneratorOptions options)
            // this is just to record the run duration, so we can monitor and optimize 
            // build-time perf
            _startTimeTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

            Options = options;

            Trace.Listeners.Add(new ConditionalConsoleTraceListener(Options.Verbose));

            if (Options.TestMode)

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Options.SDKAssembliesRoot))
                Info("ERROR: SDKAssembliesRoot option not set");
                return -1;

            if (Options.Verbose)
                Info("Starting generation with options:");
                Info("...TestMode: {0}", Options.TestMode);
                Info("...Clean: {0}", Options.Clean);
                Info("...WriteStaticContent: {0}", Options.WriteStaticContent);
                Info("...WaitOnExit: {0}", Options.WaitOnExit);
                Info("...SDKAssembliesRoot: {0}", Options.SDKAssembliesRoot);
                Info("...OutputFolder: {0}", Options.OutputFolder);
                Info("...Platform: {0}", Options.Platform);
                Info("...Services: {0}", string.Join(",", Options.Services));
                Info("...CodeSamplesRootFolder: {0}", Options.CodeSamplesRootFolder);

            if (options.Clean)
                FileUtilties.CleanFolder(options.OutputFolder, true);

            if (!Directory.Exists(options.OutputFolder))

            // use the sdk root and primary platform to determine the set of
            // service manifests to process
            var manifests = ConstructGenerationManifests();

            // We want to aggregate all types(such as AmazonS3Config) under Amazon namespace before generating docs for Core.
            // Currently, the doc generator will stomp over files with conflicting namespaces across dll.  If we encounter manifest
            // for Core, stash all its types and process it last.
            List<string> namespacesToIgnore = 
                new List<string> {
            GenerationManifest coreManifest = null;
            PartialTypeProvider additionalTypeProvider = new PartialTypeProvider(null);
            foreach (var m in manifests)
                if (m.ServiceName.Equals("Core", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    coreManifest = m;


                foreach(var namespaceName in namespacesToIgnore)

            // finish up by outputting/updating the TOC and emitting the static doc framework content if requested
            // we try and generate the toc based on the .Net 4.5 platform by preference, falling back as necessary


            if (options.WriteStaticContent)
                Info("Generating/copying static content:");
                Info("...creating landing page");
                var lpWriter = new LandingPageWriter(options);

                Info("...copying static resources");
                var sourceLocation = Directory.GetParent(typeof(SdkDocGenerator).Assembly.Location).FullName;
                FileUtilties.FolderCopy(Path.Combine(sourceLocation, "output-files"), options.OutputFolder, true);

            return 0;
Exemplo n.º 8
        private static IDictionary <string, XElement> CreateNDocTable(string filePath, string serviceName, GeneratorOptions options)
            var dict     = new Dictionary <string, XElement>();
            var document = LoadAssemblyDocumentationWithSamples(filePath, options.CodeSamplesRootFolder, serviceName);

            PreprocessCodeBlocksToPreTags(options, document);

            foreach (var element in document.XPathSelectElements("//members/member"))
                var xattribute = element.Attributes().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.LocalName == "name");
                if (xattribute == null)

                dict[xattribute.Value] = element;

Exemplo n.º 9
        public static void PreprocessCodeBlocksToPreTags(GeneratorOptions options, XDocument doc)
            var nodesToRemove = new List <XElement>();
            var codeNodes     = doc.XPathSelectElements("//code");

            foreach (var codeNode in codeNodes)
                string processedCodeSample = null;
                var    xattribute          = codeNode.Attributes().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.LocalName == "source");
                if (xattribute != null)
                    var sourceRelativePath = xattribute.Value;

                    xattribute = codeNode.Attributes().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.LocalName == "region");
                    if (xattribute == null)
                    var regionName = xattribute.Value;

                    var samplePath = FindSampleCodePath(options.CodeSamplesRootFolder, sourceRelativePath);
                    if (samplePath == null)
                        Console.Error.WriteLine("Error finding sample path for {0}", sourceRelativePath);

                    var content = File.ReadAllText(samplePath);

                    var startPos = content.IndexOf("#region " + regionName);
                    if (startPos == -1)
                        Console.Error.WriteLine("Error finding region for {0}", regionName);
                    startPos = content.IndexOf('\n', startPos);
                    var endPos = content.IndexOf("#endregion", startPos);

                    var sampleCode = content.Substring(startPos, endPos - startPos);
                    processedCodeSample = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(sampleCode);
                    processedCodeSample = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(codeNode.Value);

                if (processedCodeSample != null && processedCodeSample.IndexOf('\n') > -1)
                    processedCodeSample = LeftJustifyCodeBlocks(processedCodeSample);
                    var preElement = new XElement("pre", processedCodeSample);
                    preElement.SetAttributeValue("class", "brush: csharp");


                    string title = null;
                    xattribute = codeNode.Attributes().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.LocalName == "title");
                    if (xattribute != null)
                        title = xattribute.Value;

                    if (title != null)
                        var titleElement = new XElement("h4", title);
                        titleElement.SetAttributeValue("class", "csharp-code-sample-title");

            nodesToRemove.ForEach(x => x.Remove());
Exemplo n.º 10
        public static void LoadDocumentation(string assemblyName, string serviceName, string platform, GeneratorOptions options)
            var ndocFilename             = assemblyName + ".xml";
            var platformSpecificNdocFile = Path.Combine(options.SDKAssembliesRoot, platform, ndocFilename);

            if (File.Exists(platformSpecificNdocFile))
                var docId = GenerateDocId(serviceName, platform);
                _ndocCache.Add(docId, CreateNDocTable(platformSpecificNdocFile, serviceName, options));
Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the doc generator to produce or update a consistent documentation
        /// set for the SDK.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="options"></param>
        /// <returns>0 on successful completion</returns>
        public int Execute(GeneratorOptions options)
            // this is just to record the run duration, so we can monitor and optimize
            // build-time perf
            _startTimeTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

            Options = options;

            Trace.Listeners.Add(new ConditionalConsoleTraceListener(Options.Verbose));

            if (Options.TestMode)

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Options.SDKAssembliesRoot))
                Info("ERROR: SDKAssembliesRoot option not set");

            if (Options.Verbose)
                Info("Starting generation with options:");
                Info("...TestMode: {0}", Options.TestMode);
                Info("...Clean: {0}", Options.Clean);
                Info("...WriteStaticContent: {0}", Options.WriteStaticContent);
                Info("...WaitOnExit: {0}", Options.WaitOnExit);
                Info("...SDKAssembliesRoot: {0}", Options.SDKAssembliesRoot);
                Info("...OutputFolder: {0}", Options.OutputFolder);
                Info("...Platform: {0}", Options.Platform);
                Info("...Services: {0}", string.Join(",", Options.Services));
                Info("...CodeSamplesRootFolder: {0}", Options.CodeSamplesRootFolder);

            if (options.Clean)
                FileUtilties.CleanFolder(options.OutputFolder, true);

            if (!Directory.Exists(options.OutputFolder))

            // use the sdk root and primary platform to determine the set of
            // service manifests to process
            var manifests = ConstructGenerationManifests();

            TOCWriter = new TOCWriter(options);

            GenerationManifest    coreManifest  = null;
            DeferredTypesProvider deferredTypes = new DeferredTypesProvider(null);

            foreach (var m in manifests)
                if (m.ServiceName.Equals("Core", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    coreManifest = m;

                m.Generate(deferredTypes, TOCWriter);

            // now all service assemblies are processed, handle core plus any types in those assemblies that
            // we elected to defer until we processed core.
            coreManifest.ManifestAssemblyContext.SdkAssembly.DeferredTypesProvider = deferredTypes;
            coreManifest.Generate(null, TOCWriter);

            Info("Generating table of contents entries...");


            if (options.WriteStaticContent)
                Info("Generating/copying static content:");
                Info("...creating landing page");
                var lpWriter = new LandingPageWriter(options);

                Info("...copying static resources");
                var sourceLocation = Directory.GetParent(typeof(SdkDocGenerator).Assembly.Location).FullName;
                FileUtilties.FolderCopy(Path.Combine(sourceLocation, "output-files"), options.OutputFolder, true);

            // Write out all the redirect rules for doc cross-linking.
            using (Stream stream = File.Open(Path.Combine(options.OutputFolder, SDKDocRedirectWriter.RedirectFileName), FileMode.Create))

Exemplo n.º 12
 private CommandArguments()
     ParsedOptions = new GeneratorOptions();
Exemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the doc generator to produce or update a consistent documentation
        /// set for the SDK.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="options"></param>
        /// <returns>0 on successful completion</returns>
        public int Execute(GeneratorOptions options)
            // this is just to record the run duration, so we can monitor and optimize
            // build-time perf
            _startTimeTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

            Options = options;

            Trace.Listeners.Add(new ConditionalConsoleTraceListener(Options.Verbose));

            if (Options.TestMode)

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Options.SDKAssembliesRoot))
                Info("ERROR: SDKAssembliesRoot option not set");

            if (Options.Verbose)
                Info("Starting generation with options:");
                Info("...TestMode: {0}", Options.TestMode);
                Info("...Clean: {0}", Options.Clean);
                Info("...WriteStaticContent: {0}", Options.WriteStaticContent);
                Info("...WaitOnExit: {0}", Options.WaitOnExit);
                Info("...SDKAssembliesRoot: {0}", Options.SDKAssembliesRoot);
                Info("...OutputFolder: {0}", Options.OutputFolder);
                Info("...Platform: {0}", Options.Platform);
                Info("...Services: {0}", string.Join(",", Options.Services));
                Info("...CodeSamplesRootFolder: {0}", Options.CodeSamplesRootFolder);

            if (options.Clean)
                FileUtilties.CleanFolder(options.OutputFolder, true);

            if (!Directory.Exists(options.OutputFolder))

            // use the sdk root and primary platform to determine the set of
            // service manifests to process
            var manifests = ConstructGenerationManifests();

            // We want to aggregate all types(such as AmazonS3Config) under Amazon namespace before generating docs for Core.
            // Currently, the doc generator will stomp over files with conflicting namespaces across dll.  If we encounter manifest
            // for Core, stash all its types and process it last.
            List <string> namespacesToIgnore =
                new List <string> {
            GenerationManifest  coreManifest           = null;
            PartialTypeProvider additionalTypeProvider = new PartialTypeProvider(null);

            foreach (var m in manifests)
                if (m.ServiceName.Equals("Core", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    coreManifest = m;


                foreach (var namespaceName in namespacesToIgnore)

            // finish up by outputting/updating the TOC and emitting the static doc framework content if requested
            // we try and generate the toc based on the .Net 4.5 platform by preference, falling back as necessary


            if (options.WriteStaticContent)
                Info("Generating/copying static content:");
                Info("...creating landing page");
                var lpWriter = new LandingPageWriter(options);

                Info("...copying static resources");
                var sourceLocation = Directory.GetParent(typeof(SdkDocGenerator).Assembly.Location).FullName;
                FileUtilties.FolderCopy(Path.Combine(sourceLocation, "output-files"), options.OutputFolder, true);

            // Write out all the redirect rules for doc cross-linking.
            using (Stream stream = File.Open(Path.Combine(options.OutputFolder, SDKDocRedirectWriter.RedirectFileName), FileMode.Create))

Exemplo n.º 14
 private CommandArguments()
     ParsedOptions = new GeneratorOptions();
Exemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the doc generator to produce or update a consistent documentation
        /// set for the SDK.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="options"></param>
        /// <returns>0 on successful completion</returns>
        public int Execute(GeneratorOptions options)
            // this is just to record the run duration, so we can monitor and optimize
            // build-time perf
            _startTimeTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

            Options = options;

            Trace.Listeners.Add(new ConditionalConsoleTraceListener(Options.Verbose));

            if (Options.TestMode)

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Options.SDKAssembliesRoot))
                Info("ERROR: SDKAssembliesRoot option not set");

            if (Options.Verbose)
                Info("Starting generation with options:");
                Info("...TestMode: {0}", Options.TestMode);
                Info("...Clean: {0}", Options.Clean);
                Info("...WriteStaticContent: {0}", Options.WriteStaticContent);
                Info("...WaitOnExit: {0}", Options.WaitOnExit);
                Info("...SDKAssembliesRoot: {0}", Options.SDKAssembliesRoot);
                Info("...OutputFolder: {0}", Options.OutputFolder);
                Info("...Platform: {0}", Options.Platform);
                Info("...Services: {0}", string.Join(",", Options.Services));
                Info("...CodeSamplesRootFolder: {0}", Options.CodeSamplesRootFolder);

            if (options.Clean)
                FileUtilties.CleanFolder(options.OutputFolder, true);

            if (!Directory.Exists(options.OutputFolder))

            // use the sdk root and primary platform to determine the set of
            // service manifests to process
            var manifests = ConstructGenerationManifests();

            // and process them to produce the doc set
            Info("Processing manifests...");
            foreach (var m in manifests)

            // finish up by outputting/updating the TOC and emitting the static doc framework content if requested
            // we try and generate the toc based on the .Net 4.5 platform by preference, falling back as necessary


            if (options.WriteStaticContent)
                Info("Generating/copying static content:");
                Info("...creating landing page");
                var lpWriter = new LandingPageWriter(options);

                Info("...copying static resources");
                var sourceLocation = Directory.GetParent(typeof(SdkDocGenerator).Assembly.Location).FullName;
                FileUtilties.FolderCopy(Path.Combine(sourceLocation, "output-files"), options.OutputFolder, true);
