Exemplo n.º 1
 public static v8 <Force> operator *(Txfm6x8 <T> lhs, v8 <Force> rhs)
     // Spatial transform for force vectors:
     //' a2b = [E 0] * [1 -rx] = [E -E*rx]
     //'       [0 E]   [0  1 ]   [0  E   ]
     //' (E = rotation matrix 3x3)
     // So:
     //  a2b * v = [E -E*rx] * [v.ang] = [E*v.ang - E*rx*v.lin]
     //            [0  E   ]   [v.lin]   [E*v.lin             ]
     return(new v8 <Force>(
                lhs.a2b.rot * rhs.ang - lhs.a2b.rot * Math_.Cross(lhs.a2b.pos, rhs.lin),
                lhs.a2b.rot * rhs.lin));
Exemplo n.º 2
 // Operators
 public static v8 <Motion> operator *(Txfm6x8 <T> lhs, v8 <Motion> rhs)
     // Spatial transform for motion vectors:
     //' a2b = [E 0] * [ 1  0] = [ E    0]
     //'       [0 E]   [-rx 1]   [-E*rx E]
     //' (E = rotation matrix 3x3)
     // So:
     //  a2b * v = [ E    0] * [v.ang] = [E*v.ang             ]
     //            [-E*rx E]   [v.lin]   [E*v.lin - E*rx*v.ang]
     return(new v8 <Motion>(
                lhs.a2b.rot * rhs.ang,
                lhs.a2b.rot * rhs.lin - lhs.a2b.rot * Math_.Cross(lhs.a2b.pos, rhs.ang)));
Exemplo n.º 3
        // Orientation matrix to "look" at a point
        public static m4x4 LookAt(v4 eye, v4 at, v4 up)
            Debug.Assert(eye.w == 1.0f && at.w == 1.0f && up.w == 0.0f, "Invalid position/direction vectors passed to LookAt");
            Debug.Assert(eye - at != v4.Zero, "LookAt 'eye' and 'at' positions are coincident");
            Debug.Assert(!Math_.Parallel(eye - at, up), "LookAt 'forward' and 'up' axes are aligned");
            var mat = new m4x4 {

            mat.z   = Math_.Normalise(eye - at);
            mat.x   = Math_.Normalise(Math_.Cross(up, mat.z));
            mat.y   = Math_.Cross(mat.z, mat.x);
            mat.pos = eye;
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>Construct a quaternion representing a rotation from 'from' to 'to'</summary>
        public quat(v4 from, v4 to)
            : this()
            var d    = Math_.Dot(from.xyz, to.xyz);
            var s    = (float)Math.Sqrt(from.xyz.LengthSq * to.xyz.LengthSq) + d;
            var axis = Math_.Cross(from, to);

            // vectors are 180 degrees apart
            if (Math_.FEql(s, 0))
                axis = Math_.Perpendicular(to);
                s    = 0.0f;

            xyzw = Math_.Normalise(new v4(axis.x, axis.y, axis.z, s));
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>Create a transform representing the rotation from one vector to another. 'from' and 'to' do not have to be normalised</summary>
        public static m3x4 Rotation(v4 from, v4 to)
            Debug.Assert(!Math_.FEql(from.Length, 0));
            Debug.Assert(!Math_.FEql(to.Length, 0));
            var len = from.Length * to.Length;

            // Find the cosine of the angle between the vectors
            var cos_angle = Math_.Dot(from, to) / len;

            if (cos_angle >= 1f - Math_.TinyF)
            if (cos_angle <= Math_.TinyF - 1f)
                return(Rotation(Math_.Normalise(Math_.Perpendicular(from - to)), (float)Math_.TauBy2));

            // Axis multiplied by sine of the angle
            var axis_sine_angle = Math_.Cross(from, to) / len;
            var axis_norm       = Math_.Normalise(axis_sine_angle);

            return(Rotation(axis_norm, axis_sine_angle, cos_angle));