Exemplo n.º 1
        public void CloseConnection(string reason)
            _logger.Info($"Connection {Id} closing. Reason: {reason}, _audioUdpPair.DataPort={_audioUdpPair?._dataPort}, _videoUdpPair.DataPort={_videoUdpPair?._dataPort}");
                Play = false; // stop sending data
                if (_audioUdpPair != null)
                    _audioUdpPair = null;

                if (_videoUdpPair != null)
                    _videoUdpPair = null;

                _logger.Info($"Connection {Id} closed. Reason: {reason}");
                _listener.MessageReceived       -= RTSP_Message_Received;
                _listener.SocketExceptionRaised -= RTSP_SocketException_Raised;
                _listener.Disconnected          -= RTSP_Disconnected;

            catch (Exception ex)
                _logger.Warn($"{Id} error closing connection: {ex}");
                var handler = OnConnectionRemoved;
                handler?.Invoke(Id, _videoSource);
Exemplo n.º 2
        // Process each RTSP message that is received
        private void RTSP_Message_Received(object sender, RtspChunkEventArgs e)
            // Cast the 'sender' and 'e' into the RTSP Listener (the Socket) and the RTSP Message
            Rtsp.RtspListener         listener = sender as Rtsp.RtspListener;
            Rtsp.Messages.RtspMessage message  = e.Message as Rtsp.Messages.RtspMessage;

            Console.WriteLine("RTSP message received " + message);

            // Update the RTSP Keepalive Timeout
            // We could check that the message is GET_PARAMETER or OPTIONS for a keepalive but instead we will update the timer on any message
            lock (rtsp_list)
                foreach (RTSPConnection connection in rtsp_list)
                    if (connection.listener.RemoteAdress.Equals(listener.RemoteAdress))
                        // found the connection
                        connection.time_since_last_rtsp_keepalive = DateTime.UtcNow;

            #region Handle OPTIONS message
            if (message is Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequestOptions)
                // Create the reponse to OPTIONS
                Rtsp.Messages.RtspResponse options_response =
                    (e.Message as Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequestOptions).CreateResponse("DESCRIBE,SETUP,PLAY,TEARDOWN");

            #region Handle DESCRIBE message
            if (message is Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequestDescribe)
                String requested_url = (message as Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequestDescribe).RtspUri.ToString();
                Console.WriteLine("Request for " + requested_url);

                // TODO. Check the requsted_url is valid. In this example we accept any RTSP URL

                // Make the Base64 SPS and PPS
                String sps_str = Convert.ToBase64String(StreamInfo.SPS);
                String pps_str = Convert.ToBase64String(StreamInfo.PPS);

                StringBuilder sdp = new StringBuilder();

                // Generate the SDP
                // The sprop-parameter-sets provide the SPS and PPS for H264 video
                // The packetization-mode defines the H264 over RTP payloads used but is Optional
                sdp.Append("o=user 123 0 IN IP4\n");
                sdp.Append($"s=SysDVR - https://github.com/exelix11/sysdvr - [PID {Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id}]\n");
                if (video_source != null)
                    sdp.Append("m=video 0 RTP/AVP 96\n");
                    sdp.Append("c=IN IP4\n");
                    sdp.Append("a=rtpmap:96 H264/90000\n");
                    sdp.Append("a=fmtp:96 profile-level-id=42A01E; sprop-parameter-sets=" + sps_str + "," + pps_str + ";\n");
                if (audio_source != null)
                    sdp.Append("m=audio 0 RTP/AVP 97\n");
                    sdp.Append("a=rtpmap:97 L16/48000/2\n");

                byte[] sdp_bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(sdp.ToString());

                // Create the reponse to DESCRIBE
                // This must include the Session Description Protocol (SDP)
                Rtsp.Messages.RtspResponse describe_response = (e.Message as Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequestDescribe).CreateResponse();

                describe_response.AddHeader("Content-Base: " + requested_url);
                describe_response.AddHeader("Content-Type: application/sdp");
                describe_response.Data = sdp_bytes;

            #region Handle SETUP message
            if (message is Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequestSetup)
                var setupMessage = message as Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequestSetup;

                // Check the RTSP transport
                // If it is UDP or Multicast, create the sockets
                // If it is RTP over RTSP we send data via the RTSP Listener

                // FIXME client may send more than one possible transport.
                // very rare
                Rtsp.Messages.RtspTransport transport = setupMessage.GetTransports()[0];

                // Construct the Transport: reply from the Server to the client
                Rtsp.Messages.RtspTransport transport_reply = new Rtsp.Messages.RtspTransport();
                transport_reply.SSrc = global_ssrc.ToString("X8");                 // Convert to Hex, padded to 8 characters

                if (transport.LowerTransport == Rtsp.Messages.RtspTransport.LowerTransportType.TCP)
                    // RTP over RTSP mode
                    transport_reply.LowerTransport = Rtsp.Messages.RtspTransport.LowerTransportType.TCP;
                    transport_reply.Interleaved    = new Rtsp.Messages.PortCouple(transport.Interleaved.First, transport.Interleaved.Second);

                Rtsp.UDPSocket udp_pair = null;
                if (transport.LowerTransport == Rtsp.Messages.RtspTransport.LowerTransportType.UDP &&
                    transport.IsMulticast == false)
                    Boolean udp_supported = true;
                    if (udp_supported)
                        // RTP over UDP mode
                        // Create a pair of UDP sockets - One is for the Video, one is for the RTCP
                        udp_pair = new Rtsp.UDPSocket(50000, 51000);                         // give a range of 500 pairs (1000 addresses) to try incase some address are in use
                        udp_pair.DataReceived += (object local_sender, RtspChunkEventArgs local_e) =>
                            // RTCP data received
                            Console.WriteLine("RTCP data received " + local_sender.ToString() + " " + local_e.ToString());
                        udp_pair.Start();                         // start listening for data on the UDP ports

                        // Pass the Port of the two sockets back in the reply
                        transport_reply.LowerTransport = Rtsp.Messages.RtspTransport.LowerTransportType.UDP;
                        transport_reply.IsMulticast    = false;
                        transport_reply.ClientPort     = new Rtsp.Messages.PortCouple(udp_pair.data_port, udp_pair.control_port);
                        transport_reply = null;

                if (transport.LowerTransport == Rtsp.Messages.RtspTransport.LowerTransportType.UDP &&
                    transport.IsMulticast == true)
                    // RTP over Multicast UDP mode}
                    // Create a pair of UDP sockets in Multicast Mode
                    // Pass the Ports of the two sockets back in the reply
                    transport_reply.LowerTransport = Rtsp.Messages.RtspTransport.LowerTransportType.UDP;
                    transport_reply.IsMulticast    = true;
                    transport_reply.Port           = new Rtsp.Messages.PortCouple(7000, 7001);            // FIX

                    // for now until implemented
                    transport_reply = null;

                if (transport_reply != null)
                    // Update the session with transport information
                    String copy_of_session_id = "";
                    lock (rtsp_list)
                        foreach (RTSPConnection connection in rtsp_list)
                            if (connection.listener.RemoteAdress.Equals(listener.RemoteAdress))
                                var stream = int.Parse(setupMessage.RtspUri.LocalPath.Split('=')[1]);
                                connection.sessions[stream].is_active = true;
                                // found the connection
                                // Add the transports to the connection
                                connection.sessions[stream].client_transport = transport;
                                connection.sessions[stream].transport_reply  = transport_reply;

                                // If we are sending in UDP mode, add the UDP Socket pair and the Client Hostname
                                connection.sessions[stream].udp_pair = udp_pair;

                                connection.sessions[stream].session_id = session_handle.ToString();

                                // Copy the Session ID
                                copy_of_session_id = connection.sessions[stream].session_id;

                    Rtsp.Messages.RtspResponse setup_response = setupMessage.CreateResponse();
                    setup_response.Headers[Rtsp.Messages.RtspHeaderNames.Transport] = transport_reply.ToString();
                    setup_response.Session = copy_of_session_id;
                    Rtsp.Messages.RtspResponse setup_response = setupMessage.CreateResponse();
                    // unsuported transport
                    setup_response.ReturnCode = 461;

            #region Handle PLAY message
            // Must have a Session ID
            if (message is Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequestPlay)
                lock (rtsp_list)
                    // Search for the Session in the Sessions List. Change the state to "PLAY"
                    bool session_found = false;
                    foreach (RTSPConnection connection in rtsp_list)
                        if (message.Session == connection.video.session_id || message.Session == connection.audio.session_id)
                            // found the session
                            session_found   = true;
                            connection.play = true;                                                                                                   // ACTUALLY YOU COULD PAUSE JUST THE VIDEO (or JUST THE AUDIO)

                            string range    = "npt=0-";                                                                                               // Playing the 'video' from 0 seconds until the end
                            string rtp_info = "url=" + ((Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequestPlay)message).RtspUri + ";seq=" + connection.video.sequence_number; // TODO Add rtptime  +";rtptime="+session.rtp_initial_timestamp;

                            // Send the reply
                            Rtsp.Messages.RtspResponse play_response = (e.Message as Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequestPlay).CreateResponse();
                            play_response.AddHeader("Range: " + range);
                            play_response.AddHeader("RTP-Info: " + rtp_info);


                    if (session_found == false)
                        // Session ID was not found in the list of Sessions. Send a 454 error
                        Rtsp.Messages.RtspResponse play_failed_response = (e.Message as Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequestPlay).CreateResponse();
                        play_failed_response.ReturnCode = 454;                         // Session Not Found

            #region Handle TEARDOWN
            // Must have a Session ID
            if (message is Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequestTeardown)
                lock (rtsp_list)
                    // Search for the Session in the Sessions List.
                    foreach (RTSPConnection connection in rtsp_list.ToArray())                     // Convert to ToArray so we can delete from the rtp_list
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void RTSP_ProcessSetupRequest(RtspRequestSetup message, RtspListener listener)
            var setupMessage = message;

            // Check the RTSP transport
            // If it is UDP or Multicast, create the sockets
            // If it is RTP over RTSP we send data via the RTSP Listener

            // FIXME client may send more than one possible transport.
            // very rare
            RtspTransport transport = setupMessage.GetTransports()[0];

            // Construct the Transport: reply from the Server to the client
            Rtsp.UDPSocket udp_pair;
            RtspTransport  transport_reply   = RTSP_ConstructReplyTransport(transport, out udp_pair);
            bool           mediaTransportSet = false;

            if (transport_reply != null)
                // Update the session with transport information
                String copy_of_session_id = "";

                // ToDo - Check the Track ID to determine if this is a SETUP for the Video Stream
                // or a SETUP for an Audio Stream.
                // In the SDP the H264 video track is TrackID 0

                // Add the transports to the connection

                if (contentBase != null)
                    string controlTrack = setupMessage.RtspUri.AbsoluteUri.Replace(contentBase, string.Empty);
                    var    requestMedia = _sdpFile.Medias.FirstOrDefault(media =>
                                                                         media.Attributs.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Key == "control" &&
                                                                                                        (a.Value == controlTrack || "/" + a.Value == controlTrack)) != null);

                    if (requestMedia != null)
                        if (requestMedia.MediaType == Media.MediaTypes.video)
                            _videoClientTransport = transport;
                            _videoTransportReply  = transport_reply;

                            // If we are sending in UDP mode, add the UDP Socket pair and the Client Hostname
                            if (_videoUdpPair != null)
                            _videoUdpPair     = udp_pair;
                            mediaTransportSet = true;

                            if (setupMessage.Session == null)
                                _videoSessionId = _sessionHandle.ToString();
                                _videoSessionId = setupMessage.Session;

                            // Copy the Session ID
                            copy_of_session_id = _videoSessionId;

                        if (requestMedia.MediaType == Media.MediaTypes.audio)
                            _audioClientTransport = transport;
                            _audioTransportReply  = transport_reply;

                            // If we are sending in UDP mode, add the UDP Socket pair and the Client Hostname
                            if (_audioUdpPair != null)
                            _audioUdpPair     = udp_pair;
                            mediaTransportSet = true;

                            if (setupMessage.Session == null)
                                _audioSessionId = _sessionHandle.ToString();
                                _audioSessionId = setupMessage.Session;

                            // Copy the Session ID
                            copy_of_session_id = _audioSessionId;

                if (false == mediaTransportSet)
                    Rtsp.Messages.RtspResponse setup_response = setupMessage.CreateResponse(_logger);
                    // unsuported mediatime
                    setup_response.ReturnCode = 415;
                    Rtsp.Messages.RtspResponse setup_response = setupMessage.CreateResponse(_logger);
                    setup_response.Headers[Rtsp.Messages.RtspHeaderNames.Transport] = transport_reply.ToString();
                    setup_response.Session = copy_of_session_id;
                    setup_response.Timeout = timeout_in_seconds;
                Rtsp.Messages.RtspResponse setup_response = setupMessage.CreateResponse(_logger);
                // unsuported transport
                setup_response.ReturnCode = 461;

            if (false == mediaTransportSet)
                if (udp_pair != null)
                    udp_pair = null;
Exemplo n.º 4
        private RtspTransport RTSP_ConstructReplyTransport(RtspTransport transport, out UDPSocket udp_pair)
            udp_pair = null;

            RtspTransport transport_reply = new RtspTransport();

            transport_reply.SSrc = GLOBAL_SSRC.ToString("X8"); // Convert to Hex, padded to 8 characters

            if (transport.LowerTransport == Rtsp.Messages.RtspTransport.LowerTransportType.TCP)
                // RTP over RTSP mode}
                transport_reply.LowerTransport = Rtsp.Messages.RtspTransport.LowerTransportType.TCP;
                transport_reply.Interleaved    = new Rtsp.Messages.PortCouple(transport.Interleaved.First, transport.Interleaved.Second);

            if (transport.LowerTransport == Rtsp.Messages.RtspTransport.LowerTransportType.UDP &&
                transport.IsMulticast == false)
                Boolean udp_supported = true;
                if (udp_supported)
                    // RTP over UDP mode
                    // Create a pair of UDP sockets - One is for the Video, one is for the RTCP
                        _logger.Trace($"{Id} Start creating UDPSocket");
                        udp_pair = new Rtsp.UDPSocket(_ipAddress, 50000, 51000); // give a range of 500 pairs (1000 addresses) to try incase some address are in use
                        udp_pair.DataReceived    += UdpPair_DataReceived;
                        udp_pair.ControlReceived += UdpPair_ControlReceived;
                        udp_pair.Start(); // start listening for data on the UDP ports
                        _logger.Trace($"{Id} End creating UDPSocket");
                        if (udp_pair != null)

                    // Pass the Port of the two sockets back in the reply
                    transport_reply.LowerTransport = Rtsp.Messages.RtspTransport.LowerTransportType.UDP;
                    transport_reply.IsMulticast    = false;
                    transport_reply.ClientPort     = new Rtsp.Messages.PortCouple(udp_pair._dataPort, udp_pair._controlPort);
                    transport_reply = null;

            if (transport.LowerTransport == Rtsp.Messages.RtspTransport.LowerTransportType.UDP &&
                transport.IsMulticast == true)
                // RTP over Multicast UDP mode}
                // Create a pair of UDP sockets in Multicast Mode
                // Pass the Ports of the two sockets back in the reply
                transport_reply.LowerTransport = Rtsp.Messages.RtspTransport.LowerTransportType.UDP;
                transport_reply.IsMulticast    = true;
                transport_reply.Port           = new Rtsp.Messages.PortCouple(7000, 7001); // FIX

                // for now until implemented
                transport_reply = null;

Exemplo n.º 5
    // Process each RTSP message that is received
    private void RTSP_Message_Received(object sender, RtspChunkEventArgs e)
        // Cast the 'sender' and 'e' into the RTSP Listener (the Socket) and the RTSP Message
        Rtsp.RtspListener         listener = sender as Rtsp.RtspListener;
        Rtsp.Messages.RtspMessage message  = e.Message as Rtsp.Messages.RtspMessage;

        Console.WriteLine("RTSP message received " + message);

        // Check if the RTSP Message has valid authentication (validating against username,password,realm and nonce)
        if (auth != null)
            bool authorized = false;
            if (message.Headers.ContainsKey("Authorization") == true)
                // Check the message has the correct Authorization
                authorized = auth.IsValid(message);
            if ((message.Headers.ContainsKey("Authorization") == false) ||
                authorized == false)
                // Send a 401 Authentication Required reply
                Rtsp.Messages.RtspResponse authorization_response = (e.Message as Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequest).CreateResponse();
                authorization_response.AddHeader("WWW-Authenticate: " + auth.GetHeader());
                authorization_response.ReturnCode = 401;

        // Update the RTSP Keepalive Timeout
        // We could check that the message is GET_PARAMETER or OPTIONS for a keepalive but instead we will update the timer on any message
        lock (rtsp_list)
            foreach (RTSPConnection connection in rtsp_list)
                if (connection.listener.RemoteAdress.Equals(listener.RemoteAdress))
                    // found the connection
                    connection.time_since_last_rtsp_keepalive = DateTime.UtcNow;

        // Handle OPTIONS message
        if (message is Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequestOptions)
            // Create the reponse to OPTIONS
            Rtsp.Messages.RtspResponse options_response = (e.Message as Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequestOptions).CreateResponse();

        // Handle DESCRIBE message
        if (message is Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequestDescribe)
            String requested_url = (message as Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequestDescribe).RtspUri.ToString();
            Console.WriteLine("Request for " + requested_url);

            // TODO. Check the requsted_url is valid. In this example we accept any RTSP URL

            // Make the Base64 SPS and PPS
            byte[] raw_sps = h264_encoder.GetRawSPS(); // no 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01 or 32 bit size header
            byte[] raw_pps = h264_encoder.GetRawPPS(); // no 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01 or 32 bit size header
            String sps_str = Convert.ToBase64String(raw_sps);
            String pps_str = Convert.ToBase64String(raw_pps);

            StringBuilder sdp = new StringBuilder();

            // Generate the SDP
            // The sprop-parameter-sets provide the SPS and PPS for H264 video
            // The packetization-mode defines the H264 over RTP payloads used but is Optional
            sdp.Append("o=user 123 0 IN IP4\n");
            sdp.Append("s=SharpRTSP Test Camera\n");
            sdp.Append("m=video 0 RTP/AVP 96\n");
            sdp.Append("c=IN IP4\n");
            sdp.Append("a=rtpmap:96 H264/90000\n");
            sdp.Append("a=fmtp:96 profile-level-id=42A01E; sprop-parameter-sets=" + sps_str + "," + pps_str + ";\n");

            byte[] sdp_bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(sdp.ToString());

            // Create the reponse to DESCRIBE
            // This must include the Session Description Protocol (SDP)
            Rtsp.Messages.RtspResponse describe_response = (e.Message as Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequestDescribe).CreateResponse();

            describe_response.AddHeader("Content-Base: " + requested_url);
            describe_response.AddHeader("Content-Type: application/sdp");
            describe_response.Data = sdp_bytes;

        // Handle SETUP message
        if (message is Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequestSetup)
            var setupMessage = message as Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequestSetup;

            // Check the RTSP transport
            // If it is UDP or Multicast, create the sockets
            // If it is RTP over RTSP we send data via the RTSP Listener

            // FIXME client may send more than one possible transport.
            // very rare
            Rtsp.Messages.RtspTransport transport = setupMessage.GetTransports()[0];

            // Construct the Transport: reply from the Server to the client
            Rtsp.Messages.RtspTransport transport_reply = new Rtsp.Messages.RtspTransport();
            transport_reply.SSrc = global_ssrc.ToString("X8"); // Convert to Hex, padded to 8 characters

            if (transport.LowerTransport == Rtsp.Messages.RtspTransport.LowerTransportType.TCP)
                // RTP over RTSP mode}
                transport_reply.LowerTransport = Rtsp.Messages.RtspTransport.LowerTransportType.TCP;
                transport_reply.Interleaved    = new Rtsp.Messages.PortCouple(transport.Interleaved.First, transport.Interleaved.Second);

            Rtsp.UDPSocket udp_pair = null;
            if (transport.LowerTransport == Rtsp.Messages.RtspTransport.LowerTransportType.UDP &&
                transport.IsMulticast == false)
                Boolean udp_supported = true;
                if (udp_supported)
                    // RTP over UDP mode
                    // Create a pair of UDP sockets - One is for the Video, one is for the RTCP
                    udp_pair = new Rtsp.UDPSocket(50000, 51000); // give a range of 500 pairs (1000 addresses) to try incase some address are in use
                    udp_pair.DataReceived += (object local_sender, RtspChunkEventArgs local_e) => {
                        // RTCP data received
                        Console.WriteLine("RTCP data received " + local_sender.ToString() + " " + local_e.ToString());
                    udp_pair.Start(); // start listening for data on the UDP ports

                    // Pass the Port of the two sockets back in the reply
                    transport_reply.LowerTransport = Rtsp.Messages.RtspTransport.LowerTransportType.UDP;
                    transport_reply.IsMulticast    = false;
                    transport_reply.ClientPort     = new Rtsp.Messages.PortCouple(udp_pair.data_port, udp_pair.control_port);
                    transport_reply = null;

            if (transport.LowerTransport == Rtsp.Messages.RtspTransport.LowerTransportType.UDP &&
                transport.IsMulticast == true)
                // RTP over Multicast UDP mode}
                // Create a pair of UDP sockets in Multicast Mode
                // Pass the Ports of the two sockets back in the reply
                transport_reply.LowerTransport = Rtsp.Messages.RtspTransport.LowerTransportType.UDP;
                transport_reply.IsMulticast    = true;
                transport_reply.Port           = new Rtsp.Messages.PortCouple(7000, 7001); // FIX

                // for now until implemented
                transport_reply = null;

            if (transport_reply != null)
                // Update the session with transport information
                String copy_of_session_id = "";
                lock (rtsp_list)
                    foreach (RTSPConnection connection in rtsp_list)
                        if (connection.listener.RemoteAdress.Equals(listener.RemoteAdress))
                            // ToDo - Check the Track ID to determine if this is a SETUP for the Video Stream
                            // or a SETUP for an Audio Stream.
                            // In the SDP the H264 video track is TrackID 0

                            // found the connection
                            // Add the transports to the connection
                            connection.video_client_transport = transport;
                            connection.video_transport_reply  = transport_reply;

                            // If we are sending in UDP mode, add the UDP Socket pair and the Client Hostname
                            connection.video_udp_pair = udp_pair;

                            connection.video_session_id = session_handle.ToString();

                            // Copy the Session ID
                            copy_of_session_id = connection.video_session_id;

                Rtsp.Messages.RtspResponse setup_response = setupMessage.CreateResponse();
                setup_response.Headers[Rtsp.Messages.RtspHeaderNames.Transport] = transport_reply.ToString();
                setup_response.Session = copy_of_session_id;
                Rtsp.Messages.RtspResponse setup_response = setupMessage.CreateResponse();
                // unsuported transport
                setup_response.ReturnCode = 461;

        // Handle PLAY message (Sent with a Session ID)
        if (message is Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequestPlay)
            lock (rtsp_list)
                // Search for the Session in the Sessions List. Change the state to "PLAY"
                bool session_found = false;
                foreach (RTSPConnection connection in rtsp_list)
                    if (message.Session == connection.video_session_id) /* OR AUDIO_SESSION_ID */
                        // found the session
                        session_found   = true;
                        connection.play = true;                                                                                                   // ACTUALLY YOU COULD PAUSE JUST THE VIDEO (or JUST THE AUDIO)

                        string range    = "npt=0-";                                                                                               // Playing the 'video' from 0 seconds until the end
                        string rtp_info = "url=" + ((Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequestPlay)message).RtspUri + ";seq=" + connection.video_sequence_number; // TODO Add rtptime  +";rtptime="+session.rtp_initial_timestamp;

                        // Send the reply
                        Rtsp.Messages.RtspResponse play_response = (e.Message as Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequestPlay).CreateResponse();
                        play_response.AddHeader("Range: " + range);
                        play_response.AddHeader("RTP-Info: " + rtp_info);


                if (session_found == false)
                    // Session ID was not found in the list of Sessions. Send a 454 error
                    Rtsp.Messages.RtspResponse play_failed_response = (e.Message as Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequestPlay).CreateResponse();
                    play_failed_response.ReturnCode = 454; // Session Not Found

        // Handle PAUSE message (Sent with a Session ID)
        if (message is Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequestPause)
            lock (rtsp_list)
                // Search for the Session in the Sessions List. Change the state of "PLAY"
                foreach (RTSPConnection connection in rtsp_list)
                    if (message.Session == connection.video_session_id /* OR AUDIO SESSION ID */)
                        // found the session
                        connection.play = false; // COULD HAVE PLAY/PAUSE FOR VIDEO AND AUDIO

            // ToDo - only send back the OK response if the Session in the RTSP message was found
            Rtsp.Messages.RtspResponse pause_response = (e.Message as Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequestPause).CreateResponse();

        // Handle GET_PARAMETER message, often used as a Keep Alive
        if (message is Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequestGetParameter)
            // Create the reponse to GET_PARAMETER
            Rtsp.Messages.RtspResponse getparameter_response = (e.Message as Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequestGetParameter).CreateResponse();

        // Handle TEARDOWN (sent with a Session ID)
        if (message is Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequestTeardown)
            lock (rtsp_list)
                // Search for the Session in the Sessions List.
                foreach (RTSPConnection connection in rtsp_list.ToArray()) // Convert to ToArray so we can delete from the rtp_list
                    if (message.Session == connection.video_session_id)    // SHOULD HAVE AN AUDIO TEARDOWN AS WELL
                        // If this is UDP, close the transport
                        // For TCP there is no transport to close (as RTP packets were interleaved into the RTSP connection)
                        if (connection.video_udp_pair != null)
                            connection.video_udp_pair = null;


                        // Close the RTSP socket
Exemplo n.º 6
    // Process each RTSP message that is received
    private async System.Threading.Tasks.Task RTSP_Message_ReceivedAsync(object sender, RtspChunkEventArgs e)
        // Cast the 'sender' and 'e' into the RTSP Listener (the Socket) and the RTSP Message
        Rtsp.RtspListener         listener = sender as Rtsp.RtspListener;
        Rtsp.Messages.RtspMessage message  = e.Message as Rtsp.Messages.RtspMessage;

        Console.WriteLine("RTSP message received " + message);
        var deviceId      = "";
        var streamId      = "";
        var unixTimestamp = 0;
        var startTime     = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1);

        if (message is RtspRequest)
            var rtspParameters = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(((RtspRequest)message).RtspUri.Query);
            deviceId = rtspParameters["deviceId"];
            streamId = rtspParameters["streamId"];

            int.TryParse(rtspParameters["unixTimestamp"], out unixTimestamp);
            startTime = startTime.AddSeconds(unixTimestamp);
            Console.WriteLine($"{rtspParameters["deviceId"]}, {rtspParameters["streamId"]},{rtspParameters["unixTimestamp"]}");
        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceId))
            _logger.Error("No deviceId");
        List <RTSPConnection> rtsp_list = new List <RTSPConnection>();

        rtsp_list = _rtspList.GetOrAdd(deviceId, rtsp_list);
        // Check if the RTSP Message has valid authentication (validating against username,password,realm and nonce)
        bool           authorized = false;
        Authentication authInfo   = null;

        if (message.Headers.ContainsKey("Authorization") == true)
            // The Header contained Authorization
            // Check the message has the correct Authorization
            // If it does not have the correct Authorization then close the RTSP connection
            authInfo = Authentication.GetAuthenticationInfo(message);
            URLCommand nvrCmd        = new URLCommand(_nvrIp, uint.Parse(_nvrPort), authInfo.Username, authInfo.Password);
            string     loginResponse = null;
            authorized = nvrCmd.Login(ref loginResponse);

            if (authorized == false)
                // Send a 401 Authentication Failed reply, then close the RTSP Socket
                Rtsp.Messages.RtspResponse authorization_response = (e.Message as Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequest).CreateResponse();
                authorization_response.AddHeader("WWW-Authenticate: " + auth.GetHeader());
                authorization_response.ReturnCode = 401;

                lock (rtsp_list)
                    foreach (RTSPConnection connection in rtsp_list.ToArray())
                        if (connection.listener == listener)
                lock (rtsp_list)
                    if (!rtsp_list.Any(rtsp => rtsp.listener.RemoteAdress == listener.RemoteAdress))
                        RTSPConnection new_connection = new RTSPConnection();
                        new_connection.listener        = listener;
                        new_connection.client_hostname = listener.RemoteAdress.Split(':')[0];
                        new_connection.ssrc            = global_ssrc;
                        new_connection.time_since_last_rtsp_keepalive       = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        new_connection.video_time_since_last_rtcp_keepalive = DateTime.UtcNow;

                _logger.Info($"Login NVR success:{loginResponse}");
            Rtsp.Messages.RtspResponse authorization_response = (e.Message as Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequest).CreateResponse();
            authorization_response.AddHeader("WWW-Authenticate: " + auth.GetHeader()); // 'Basic' or 'Digest'
            authorization_response.ReturnCode = 401;

        // Update the RTSP Keepalive Timeout
        // We could check that the message is GET_PARAMETER or OPTIONS for a keepalive but instead we will update the timer on any message
        lock (rtsp_list)
            foreach (RTSPConnection connection in rtsp_list)
                if (connection.listener.RemoteAdress.Equals(listener.RemoteAdress))
                    // found the connection
                    connection.time_since_last_rtsp_keepalive = DateTime.UtcNow;

        // Handle OPTIONS message
        if (message is Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequestOptions)
            // Create the reponse to OPTIONS
            Rtsp.Messages.RtspResponse options_response = (e.Message as Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequestOptions).CreateResponse();
            // parse and get deviceId from url

            if (!_nvrPlayerList.ContainsKey(deviceId))
                URLCommand nvrCmd          = new URLCommand(_nvrIp, uint.Parse(_nvrPort), authInfo.Username, authInfo.Password);
                string     deviceConfigXml = null;
                //DeviceConfig deviceConfig = null;
                //nvrCmd.GetDeviceConfig(ref deviceConfigXml, deviceId);

                //XmlDocument xdoc = new XmlDocument();
                    //XmlNodeReader reader = new XmlNodeReader(xdoc.DocumentElement);
                    //XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(DeviceConfig));
                    //deviceConfig = (DeviceConfig)ser.Deserialize(reader);
                    //var resolutionList = deviceConfig.Device.VideoQuality.Quality.Resolution1.Split('x');
                    //var widthStr = resolutionList[0].Replace("N", "");
                    //var heightStr = resolutionList[1];
                    //TODO get framerate instead of hardcode
                catch (Exception ex)
                //TODO open wmfplayer by session (device + stream or device + stream + IP&Port + playback time)
                WmfPlayer wmfPlayer = new WmfPlayer(new IntPtr(Int32.Parse(deviceId)));
                wmfPlayer.m_SelectID = deviceId;
                if (_nvrPlayerList.TryAdd(deviceId, wmfPlayer))
                    wmfPlayer.ReceivedYUVFrame += video_source_ReceivedYUVFrame;
                    await wmfPlayer.OpenVideoAsync(_nvrIp, uint.Parse(_nvrPort), authInfo.Username, authInfo.Password, startTime, 1, deviceId, int.Parse(streamId));
        else if (message is Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequestDescribe) // Handle DESCRIBE message
            String requested_url = (message as Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequestDescribe).RtspUri.ToString();
            Console.WriteLine("Request for " + requested_url);

            // TODO. Check the requsted_url is valid. In this example we accept any RTSP URL
            // Make the Base64 SPS and PPS
            raw_sps = h264_encoder.GetRawSPS(); // no 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01 or 32 bit size header
            raw_pps = h264_encoder.GetRawPPS(); // no 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01 or 32 bit size header
            String sps_str = Convert.ToBase64String(raw_sps);
            String pps_str = Convert.ToBase64String(raw_pps);

            StringBuilder sdp = new StringBuilder();

            // Generate the SDP
            // The sprop-parameter-sets provide the SPS and PPS for H264 video
            // The packetization-mode defines the H264 over RTP payloads used but is Optional
            sdp.Append($"o={authInfo.Username} 0 0 IN IP4\n");
            sdp.Append("s=ACTi NVR\n");
            sdp.Append("m=video 0 RTP/AVP 96\n");
            sdp.Append("c=IN IP4\n");
            sdp.Append("a=rtpmap:96 H264/90000\n");
            sdp.Append("a=fmtp:96 packetization-mode=1;profile-level-id=4D6028; sprop-parameter-sets=" + sps_str + "," + pps_str + ";\n");

            byte[] sdp_bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(sdp.ToString());

            // Create the reponse to DESCRIBE
            // This must include the Session Description Protocol (SDP)
            Rtsp.Messages.RtspResponse describe_response = (e.Message as Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequestDescribe).CreateResponse();

            describe_response.AddHeader("Content-Base: " + requested_url);
            describe_response.AddHeader("Content-Type: application/sdp");
            describe_response.Data = sdp_bytes;
        else if (message is Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequestSetup)// Handle SETUP message
            var setupMessage = message as Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequestSetup;

            // Check the RTSP transport
            // If it is UDP or Multicast, create the sockets
            // If it is RTP over RTSP we send data via the RTSP Listener

            // FIXME client may send more than one possible transport.
            // very rare
            Rtsp.Messages.RtspTransport transport = setupMessage.GetTransports()[0];

            // Construct the Transport: reply from the Server to the client
            Rtsp.Messages.RtspTransport transport_reply = new Rtsp.Messages.RtspTransport();
            transport_reply.SSrc = global_ssrc.ToString("X8"); // Convert to Hex, padded to 8 characters

            if (transport.LowerTransport == Rtsp.Messages.RtspTransport.LowerTransportType.TCP)
                // RTP over RTSP mode}
                transport_reply.LowerTransport = Rtsp.Messages.RtspTransport.LowerTransportType.TCP;
                transport_reply.Interleaved    = new Rtsp.Messages.PortCouple(transport.Interleaved.First, transport.Interleaved.Second);

            Rtsp.UDPSocket udp_pair = null;
            if (transport.LowerTransport == Rtsp.Messages.RtspTransport.LowerTransportType.UDP &&
                transport.IsMulticast == false)
                Boolean udp_supported = true;
                if (udp_supported)
                    // RTP over UDP mode
                    // Create a pair of UDP sockets - One is for the Video, one is for the RTCP
                    udp_pair = new Rtsp.UDPSocket(50000, 51000); // give a range of 500 pairs (1000 addresses) to try incase some address are in use
                    udp_pair.DataReceived += (object local_sender, RtspChunkEventArgs local_e) => {
                        // RTCP data received
                        Console.WriteLine("RTCP data received " + local_sender.ToString() + " " + local_e.ToString());
                    udp_pair.Start(); // start listening for data on the UDP ports

                    // Pass the Port of the two sockets back in the reply
                    transport_reply.LowerTransport = Rtsp.Messages.RtspTransport.LowerTransportType.UDP;
                    transport_reply.IsMulticast    = false;
                    transport_reply.ClientPort     = new Rtsp.Messages.PortCouple(udp_pair.data_port, udp_pair.control_port);
                    transport_reply = null;

            if (transport.LowerTransport == Rtsp.Messages.RtspTransport.LowerTransportType.UDP &&
                transport.IsMulticast == true)
                // RTP over Multicast UDP mode}
                // Create a pair of UDP sockets in Multicast Mode
                // Pass the Ports of the two sockets back in the reply
                transport_reply.LowerTransport = Rtsp.Messages.RtspTransport.LowerTransportType.UDP;
                transport_reply.IsMulticast    = true;
                transport_reply.Port           = new Rtsp.Messages.PortCouple(7000, 7001); // FIX

                // for now until implemented
                transport_reply = null;

            if (transport_reply != null)
                // Update the session with transport information
                String copy_of_session_id = "";
                lock (rtsp_list)
                    foreach (RTSPConnection connection in rtsp_list)
                        if (connection.listener.RemoteAdress.Equals(listener.RemoteAdress))
                            // ToDo - Check the Track ID to determine if this is a SETUP for the Video Stream
                            // or a SETUP for an Audio Stream.
                            // In the SDP the H264 video track is TrackID 0

                            // found the connection
                            // Add the transports to the connection
                            connection.video_client_transport = transport;
                            connection.video_transport_reply  = transport_reply;

                            // If we are sending in UDP mode, add the UDP Socket pair and the Client Hostname
                            connection.video_udp_pair = udp_pair;

                            connection.video_session_id = session_handle.ToString();

                            // Copy the Session ID
                            copy_of_session_id = connection.video_session_id;

                Rtsp.Messages.RtspResponse setup_response = setupMessage.CreateResponse();
                setup_response.Headers[Rtsp.Messages.RtspHeaderNames.Transport] = transport_reply.ToString();
                setup_response.Session = copy_of_session_id;
                Rtsp.Messages.RtspResponse setup_response = setupMessage.CreateResponse();
                // unsuported transport
                setup_response.ReturnCode = 461;
        else if (message is Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequestPlay)// Handle PLAY message (Sent with a Session ID)
            lock (rtsp_list)
                // Search for the Session in the Sessions List. Change the state to "PLAY"
                bool session_found = false;
                foreach (RTSPConnection connection in rtsp_list)
                    if (message.Session == connection.video_session_id) /* OR AUDIO_SESSION_ID */
                        // found the session
                        session_found   = true;
                        connection.play = true;                                                                                                   // ACTUALLY YOU COULD PAUSE JUST THE VIDEO (or JUST THE AUDIO)

                        string range    = "npt=0-";                                                                                               // Playing the 'video' from 0 seconds until the end
                        string rtp_info = "url=" + ((Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequestPlay)message).RtspUri + ";seq=" + connection.video_sequence_number; // TODO Add rtptime  +";rtptime="+session.rtp_initial_timestamp;

                        // Send the reply
                        Rtsp.Messages.RtspResponse play_response = (e.Message as Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequestPlay).CreateResponse();
                        play_response.AddHeader("Range: " + range);
                        play_response.AddHeader("RTP-Info: " + rtp_info);


                if (session_found == false)
                    // Session ID was not found in the list of Sessions. Send a 454 error
                    Rtsp.Messages.RtspResponse play_failed_response = (e.Message as Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequestPlay).CreateResponse();
                    play_failed_response.ReturnCode = 454; // Session Not Found
        else if (message is Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequestPause) // Handle PAUSE message (Sent with a Session ID)
            lock (rtsp_list)
                // Search for the Session in the Sessions List. Change the state of "PLAY"
                foreach (RTSPConnection connection in rtsp_list)
                    if (message.Session == connection.video_session_id /* OR AUDIO SESSION ID */)
                        // found the session
                        connection.play = false; // COULD HAVE PLAY/PAUSE FOR VIDEO AND AUDIO

            // ToDo - only send back the OK response if the Session in the RTSP message was found
            Rtsp.Messages.RtspResponse pause_response = (e.Message as Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequestPause).CreateResponse();

        // Handle GET_PARAMETER message, often used as a Keep Alive
        if (message is Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequestGetParameter)
            // Create the reponse to GET_PARAMETER
            Rtsp.Messages.RtspResponse getparameter_response = (e.Message as Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequestGetParameter).CreateResponse();

        // Handle TEARDOWN (sent with a Session ID)
        if (message is Rtsp.Messages.RtspRequestTeardown)
            lock (rtsp_list)
                // Search for the Session in the Sessions List.
                foreach (RTSPConnection connection in rtsp_list.ToArray()) // Convert to ToArray so we can delete from the rtp_list
                    if (message.Session == connection.video_session_id)    // SHOULD HAVE AN AUDIO TEARDOWN AS WELL
                        // If this is UDP, close the transport
                        // For TCP there is no transport to close (as RTP packets were interleaved into the RTSP connection)
                        if (connection.video_udp_pair != null)
                            connection.video_udp_pair = null;


                        // Close the RTSP socket