Exemplo n.º 1
        public static void Initialize()
            ServerConsole.Info("\t# loading fame lists...");
            // TODO: some sort of dynamic class lists would be nice to have..
            string jobsBlacksmith = string.Concat((int)EClass.Blacksmith, ',', (int)EClass.BabyBlacksmith, ',', (int)EClass.Whitesmith);
            string jobsAlchemist  = string.Concat((int)EClass.Alchemist, ',', (int)EClass.BabyAlchemist, ',', (int)EClass.Creator);
            string jobsTaekwon    = string.Concat((int)EClass.Taekwon);
            int    size           = 10;

            // Load from database
            Blacksmith = ReadFameList(jobsBlacksmith, size);
            Alchemist  = ReadFameList(jobsAlchemist, size);
            Taekwon    = ReadFameList(jobsTaekwon, size);

            ServerConsole.WriteLine(EConsoleColor.Status, " Done (" + Blacksmith.Count + " blacksmith, " + Alchemist.Count + " Alchemist, " + Taekwon.Count + " Taekwon)");
Exemplo n.º 2
        private static FameList ReadFameList(string jobs, int size)
            FameList list = new FameList(size);

            string    query = "SELECT `charID`,`fame` FROM `char` WHERE `fame` > 0 AND `class` IN ({0}) ORDER BY `fame` DESC LIMIT 0,{1}";
            DataTable table = Core.Database.Query(query, jobs, size);

            if (table.HasResults() == false)

            foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                uint id   = row.Field <uint>("char_id");
                int  fame = row.Field <int>("fame");

                // Push it to the list
                list.Add(new FameListEntry(id, fame));
