Exemplo n.º 1
        public static byte[] BuildHeader(RomInfo ri, byte[] startCode)
            var header = new int[0x50];

            if(startCode.Length > 4)
                throw new ArgumentException("The startCode can be at most 4 bytes long!");

            header[0x43] = ri.IsColor ? 0x80 : 0;
            header[0x44] = ri.LicenseeCode >> 8;
            header[0x45] = ri.LicenseeCode & 0xFF;
            header[0x46] = ri.IsSuperGb ? 3 : 0;

            header[0x47] = ri.CartridgeInfo.GetCode();
            header[0x48] = ri.RomSize.GetCode();
            header[0x49] = ri.RamSize.GetCode();

            header[0x4A] = ri.Japanese ? 0 : 1;
            header[0x4B] = ri.OldLincenseeCode;
            header[0x4C] = ri.MaskRomVersionNumber;

            header[0x4D] = ri.ComplementCheck;
            header[0x4E] = ri.Checksum >> 8;
            header[0x4F] = ri.Checksum & 0xFF;

            var byteHeader = header.Select(i => (byte)i).ToArray();

            Array.Copy(startCode, byteHeader, startCode.Length.Max(4));
            Array.Copy(ri.NintendoGraphic, 0, byteHeader, 0x04, 48);
            Array.Copy(ri.RomName.PadRight(14, '\0').Select(c => (byte)(int)c).ToArray(), 0, byteHeader, 0x34, 14);

            return byteHeader;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public GameBoy(byte[] rom)
     var romInfo = new RomInfo(rom);
     Rom = romInfo.Rom;
     Mmu = new MemoryManagementUnit(romInfo, Timer);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static byte[] BuildHeader(RomInfo ri, byte[] startCode)
            var header = new int[0x50];

            if (startCode.Length > 4)
                throw new ArgumentException("The startCode can be at most 4 bytes long!");

            header[0x43] = ri.IsColor ? 0x80 : 0;
            header[0x44] = ri.LicenseeCode >> 8;
            header[0x45] = ri.LicenseeCode & 0xFF;
            header[0x46] = ri.IsSuperGb ? 3 : 0;

            header[0x47] = ri.CartridgeInfo.GetCode();
            header[0x48] = ri.RomSize.GetCode();
            header[0x49] = ri.RamSize.GetCode();

            header[0x4A] = ri.Japanese ? 0 : 1;
            header[0x4B] = ri.OldLincenseeCode;
            header[0x4C] = ri.MaskRomVersionNumber;

            header[0x4D] = ri.ComplementCheck;
            header[0x4E] = ri.Checksum >> 8;
            header[0x4F] = ri.Checksum & 0xFF;

            var byteHeader = header.Select(i => (byte)i).ToArray();

            Array.Copy(startCode, byteHeader, startCode.Length.Max(4));
            Array.Copy(ri.NintendoGraphic, 0, byteHeader, 0x04, 48);
            Array.Copy(ri.RomName.PadRight(14, '\0').Select(c => (byte)(int)c).ToArray(), 0, byteHeader, 0x34, 14);

Exemplo n.º 4
        public static byte[] BuildRom(RomInfo ri, byte[] jumptable, byte[] inttable, byte[] header, byte[] code)
            var rom = new byte[ri.RomSize.Size];

            Array.Copy(jumptable,   0, rom, 0x00,  jumptable.Length.Max(0x40));
            Array.Copy(inttable,    0, rom, 0x40,  inttable.Length.Max(0x28));
            Array.Copy(header,      0, rom, 0x100, header.Length.Max(0x4F));
            Array.Copy(code,        0, rom, 0x150, code.Length.Max(rom.Length - 0x150));

            return rom;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static byte[] BuildRom(RomInfo ri, byte[] jumptable, byte[] inttable, byte[] header, byte[] code)
            var rom = new byte[ri.RomSize.Size];

            Array.Copy(jumptable, 0, rom, 0x00, jumptable.Length.Max(0x40));
            Array.Copy(inttable, 0, rom, 0x40, inttable.Length.Max(0x28));
            Array.Copy(header, 0, rom, 0x100, header.Length.Max(0x4F));
            Array.Copy(code, 0, rom, 0x150, code.Length.Max(rom.Length - 0x150));

Exemplo n.º 6
        public MemoryBankController(RomInfo romInfo)
            ri = romInfo;

            Eram = new byte[romInfo.RamSize.Size];
            Wram = new byte[0x1FFF];
            Zram = new byte[128];

            Rombank = 0;
            RamBank = 0;
            ExternalRamOn = false;
            Mode = MemoryMode.M16_8;
Exemplo n.º 7
 public Mbc2(RomInfo romInfo)
     : base(romInfo)
     Eram = new byte[512 * 4];
            public static RomInfo GetRomInfo(string[] metadataSection)
                const string rbool = @"\s*=\s*(true|false)";
                const string rbyte = @"\s*=\s*([\dA-F]{1,2})";
                const string rushort = @"\s*=\s*([\dA-F]{1,4})"; // No, I'm quite tall

                var dataRegexs = new[]
                                     @"name\s*=\s*([ -~]+)", @"cartType" + rbyte,
                                     @"color" + rbool, @"licenseeCode" + rushort,
                                     @"superGb" + rbool, @"romSize" + rbyte,
                                     @"ramSize" + rbyte, @"japanese" + rbool,
                                     @"oldLicenseeCode" + rbyte
                                 }.ToDictionary(s => s.Split('\\')[0], s => new Regex(s));

                var data = dataRegexs.ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => "");

                foreach (string s in metadataSection)
                    foreach (var kvp in dataRegexs)
                        if (data[kvp.Key] == "" && kvp.Value.IsMatch(s))
                            data[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value.Match(s).Groups[1].Value;

                var ri = new RomInfo();

                foreach (var kvp in data.Where(kvp => kvp.Value != ""))
                    switch (kvp.Key)
                        case "name":
                            ri.RomName = kvp.Value;

                        case "cartType":
                            ri.CartridgeInfo = new CartridgeInfo(Convert.ToByte(kvp.Value, 16));

                        case "color":
                            ri.IsColor = Convert.ToBoolean(kvp.Value);

                        case "licenseeCode":
                            ri.LicenseeCode = Convert.ToUInt16(kvp.Value, 16);

                        case "superGb":
                            ri.IsSuperGb = Convert.ToBoolean(kvp.Value);

                        case "romSize":
                            ri.RomSize = new RomSize(Convert.ToByte(kvp.Value, 16));

                        case "ramSize":
                            ri.RamSize = new RamSize(Convert.ToByte(kvp.Value, 16));

                        case "japanese":
                            ri.Japanese = Convert.ToBoolean(kvp.Value);

                        case "oldLicenseeCode":
                            ri.OldLincenseeCode = Convert.ToByte(kvp.Value);

                return ri;
Exemplo n.º 9
 public Mbc5(RomInfo romInfo)
     : base(romInfo)
Exemplo n.º 10
 public MbcRumble(RomInfo romInfo)
     : base(romInfo)
Exemplo n.º 11
        public static MemoryBankController Factory(RomInfo ri)
                case MbcType.Mbc1:
                    return new Mbc1(ri);
                case MbcType.Mbc2:
                    return new Mbc2(ri);
                case MbcType.Mbc3:
                    return new Mbc3(ri);
                case MbcType.Mbc5:
                    return new Mbc5(ri);
                case MbcType.Rumble:
                    return new MbcRumble(ri);

            throw new NotSupportedException("MbcType: " + ri.CartridgeInfo.MbcType + " is not yet supported.");