public KillerNonPlayableCharacter(NonPlayableCharacter nonPlayableCharacter) : base(nonPlayableCharacter)
            Responses = nonPlayableCharacter.Responses;
            Item knife = new Item("Knife");


            Responses.Add(ConversationType.INVENTORY, new RandomList <string>
                "I am currently carrying the following: " + Inventory,
                "In my bag I have: " + Inventory,
                Inventory + " is all I have.",
                "I have :" + Inventory + ". And money ain't a problem."

            // Removes an item to make sure all characters have the same number of items
        public KillerNonPlayableCharacter(Character character, Inventory inventory, Dictionary <ConversationType, RandomList <String> > responses, String title, int id) : base(character, inventory, responses, title, id)
            // Removes an item to make sure all characters have the same number of items

            // Add Killing Weapon

            Inventory.Add(new Item("Knife"));

            // Add Inventory Responses


            String list = Inventory.ToString();

            Responses.Add(ConversationType.INVENTORY, new RandomList <string>
                "I am currently carrying the following " + list,
                "All I have is the following " + list,
                list + " are all the items I posses right now.",
                "I have " + list + ", and money ain't a problem."
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Method that uses the chosen item by the player.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="count">Maximum number possible to input.</param>
        public void UseItems(int count)
            // Varible to hold player input
            string choice = "";

            // Variable index
            int i = 0;

            // Do cyce while input is invalid
                // Ask and save player input
                Console.Write("\n> ");
                choice = Console.ReadLine();

                // If input is a number convert string input to int
                if (choice != "")
                    i = Convert.ToInt32(choice);
            } while (i < 0 || i > count - 1 || choice == "");

            // If input is 0
            if (i == 0)
                // Go back to grid screen without losing a turn
            // If input is not 0
                // Define game object in inventory
                // Initially, i = player input
                IGameObject go = Inventory[i - 1];

                // If game object is Food
                if (go is Food)
                    // Remove food from inventory
                    Inventory.RemoveAt(i - 1);

                    // Remove food item from player weight
                    Weight -= (go as Item).Weight;

                    // If player health is more than 100
                    if ((Health + (go as Food).HPIncrease) > 100)
                        // Health stays 100
                        Health = 100;
                    // If player health is less than 100
                        // Increase health by the respective HPIncrease of food
                        Health += (go as Food).HPIncrease;
                // If game object is a weapon
                else if (go is Weapon)
                    // Remove weapon from inventory
                    Inventory.RemoveAt(i - 1);

                    // If there is no equipped weapon
                    if (Equipped == null)
                        // Equipp chosen weapon
                        Equipped = (go as Weapon);
                    // If there is a equipped weapon
                        // Add previous weapon to inventory
                        Inventory.Add(Equipped as Weapon);

                        // Equipp chosen weapon
                        Equipped = (go as Weapon);
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Method that picks up the chosen item by the player.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="grid">Game Grid.</param>
        /// <param name="count">Maximum number possible to input.</param>
        public void PickUpItems(GridManager grid, int count)
            // Variable to hold if player picked something up or not
            bool picked = false;

            // Varible to hold player input
            string choice = "";

            // Variable index
            int i = 0;

            // Do cyce while input is invalid
                // Ask and save player input
                Console.Write("\n> ");
                choice = Console.ReadLine();

                // If input is a number convert string input to int
                if (choice != "")
                    i = Convert.ToInt32(choice);
            } while (i < 0 || i > count - 1 || choice == "");

            // If input is 0
            if (i == 0)
                // Go back to grid screen without losing a turn
            // If input is not 0
                // Do cycle while player does not pick up an item
                    // Define game object in player position
                    // Initially, i = player input
                    IGameObject go = grid.GameGrid[PlayerPos.X, PlayerPos.Y][i];

                    // If game object is an Item
                    if (go is Item)
                        // If item does not fit in bag
                        if ((Weight + (go as Item).Weight) > MaxWeight)
                            // Send error message.
                            Console.WriteLine("You can't carry anymore.");
                        // If item fits in bag
                            // Add item to Inventory
                            Inventory.Add(go as Item);

                            // Add item weight to player weight
                            Weight += (go as Item).Weight;

                            // Remove item from grid
                            grid.GameGrid[PlayerPos.X, PlayerPos.Y].RemoveAt(i);
                            grid.GameGrid[PlayerPos.X, PlayerPos.Y].Add(null);

                            // Player picked something
                            picked = true;
                    // If game object is Map
                    else if (go is Map)
                        // Remove map from grid
                        grid.GameGrid[PlayerPos.X, PlayerPos.Y].Remove(grid.Map);
                        grid.GameGrid[PlayerPos.X, PlayerPos.Y].Add(null);

                        // Make the whole level explored
                        foreach (GameTile gt in grid.GameGrid)
                            gt.Explored = true;

                        // Player picked something
                        picked = true;
                    // If game object is not an Item or Map
                        // Increment index
                } while (!picked);
 public void EquipItem(Item item)