//Recursive method for obtaining the winner of a tournament.
 //if you call this method with a tournament Node, you can obtain the winner of that Node in specific.
 public Player winnerTournament(TournamentNode actualNode)
     if (actualNode.isSon())
         return actualNode._player;
         return winnerTournamentAux(actualNode._leftNode, actualNode._rightNode)._player;
  //Auxiliar method of winnerTournament used for the recursion of the method in both Nodes of the tree
 private TournamentNode winnerTournamentAux(TournamentNode tournamentNodeleft, TournamentNode tournamentNoderight)
     //end statement, when the Nodes are Sons
      if (tournamentNodeleft.isSon())
          return winnerMatch(tournamentNodeleft, tournamentNoderight);
          //Obtains the winner of the games in the left and right Nodes and obtains the champion
          TournamentNode leftwinner = winnerTournamentAux(tournamentNodeleft._leftNode, tournamentNodeleft._rightNode);
          TournamentNode rightwinner = winnerTournamentAux(tournamentNoderight._leftNode, tournamentNoderight._rightNode);
          return winnerTournamentAux(leftwinner, rightwinner);