Exemplo n.º 1
        public GAStrategy(FMap fMap, string id, GAOpts opt) : base(fMap, id)
            rng = new Random(Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode());

            popSize        = opt.popSize;   // population size
            mutRate        = opt.mutRate;   // mutation rate
            fitnessMulti   = opt.fitMulti;  //fitness multiplier
            ValueDiversity = opt.diversity; //whether we value candidate diversity or not
            Elite          = opt.elite;     //Mix in the genes of the best path found when creating next generations
            deepCount      = 1;
            deepeningInc   = opt.deepeningInc;

            parents = new Individual[Math.Max((int)(popSize * 0.1), 2)]; //parents as a fifth of the population
            dnaPool = new List <MasterGene>();                           //action counter for crossovers
            BestDNA = new List <MoveDir>();

            //initialise generation
            generation = new Individual[popSize];
            for (int i = 0; i < popSize; i++)
                generation[i] = new Individual(fMap.Start);

            started = false;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static SearchStrategy Create(string filename, string method, string popSize, string mutRate, string fitMulti, string diversity, string elite, string deepeningInc)
            method = method.ToUpper();

            GAOpts opts = new GAOpts(popSize, mutRate, fitMulti, diversity, elite, deepeningInc);

            switch (method)
            case "DFS":
                return(new DFSStrategy(MapFactory.CreateFMap(filename), "DFS"));

            case "GBFS":
                return(new GBFSStrategy(MapFactory.CreateFMap(filename), "GBFS"));

            case "AS":
                return(new ASStrategy(MapFactory.CreateFMap(filename), MapFactory.CreateFMap(filename), "A*"));

            case "ASFS":
                return(new ASFSStrategy(MapFactory.CreateFMap(filename), MapFactory.CreateFMap(filename), "A* Fast Stack"));

            case "CUS1":
            case "GA":
                return(new GAStrategy(MapFactory.CreateFMap(filename), "Genetic Algorithm", opts));

            case "CUS2":
            case "JPS":
                return(new JPSStrategy(MapFactory.CreateFMap(filename), MapFactory.CreateFMap(filename), "JPS"));

            case "BFS":
                return(new BFSStrategy(MapFactory.CreateFMap(filename), "BFS"));